yellowpinguuin · 1 month
Eres simplemente todo.
¿Cómo pagarle a alguien que te regaló la posibilidad de pagar? Ojalá disponer de una cajita dónde quepa el universo o para guardar el pareció que te tengo. Quiero que sepas que solo triunfo para ver tu cara feliz y escuchar como sale mi nombre de tus labios con orgullo. Eres mi mayor motivación, eres el porqué me levanto día tras día a comerme el mundo, te mereces el cielo y ni siquiera el suelo es mío, pero prometo compartir todo, hasta lo un aún no tengo, si el universo me diera 3 deseos el primero sería que fueras eterna, el segundo que encuentres en cada uno de tus días un motivo por el cual sonreír, y el tercer deseo sería que se cumplieran los 2 primeros, te amo infinitamente, si el infinito tuviera un final yo te amaría la n poco más que eso, te amo, te amaré hasta el final y siempre estaré para ti, en tus días buenos y en los no tan buenos, quiero que sepas que estoy q un mensaje, una llamada de distancia, y recordarte que estás en mis pensamientos y oraciones, vives en mi corazón en el lugar más grande que desde que era tan solo una niña reservé para ti, Dios te bendiga, felicidades en tu día, hoy mañana y siempre mamá.
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yellowpinguuin · 2 months
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i've been rewatching ed edd n eddy and its got me thinking about what their unseen parents are like
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yellowpinguuin · 3 months
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yellowpinguuin · 4 months
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yellowpinguuin · 5 months
Before 2023
Next year I want to focus on levelling up and growing. So before the the end of the year I want to decide on my goals and areas of focus for next year.
The next two weeks are for:
Creating vision boards - I want to make an overall vision board that I can use as my home screen to remind myself everyday of what I’m striving to accomplish, as well as vision boards for every aspect of my life: health, career, relationships, home, leisure and look
Writing down my goals - same as with vision boards, I want to create overall goals for the year, as well as goals in every aspect of my life, probably around 2-3 each to not be overwhelmed
Deciding my boundaries - I’m tired of people pleasing and putting myself last, so that’s what I want to change in the next year. I’ll decide and write down my boundaries and things I will not do anymore and stick to it
Starting a journal - I’ll buy a notebook and make it into my journal. At the end of it I’ll write down my goals, boundaries, and put my vision boards so that I can always go back to them and then check my progress at the end of the year. I’ll write a quick entry everyday to process the events and finish all of them with 1-3 things I’m grateful for each day
Let’s end this year with thoughtful, achievable goals for 2023 so that we can stick to them and level up our life.
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yellowpinguuin · 6 months
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yellowpinguuin · 6 months
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yellowpinguuin · 1 year
Hoje em dia anda tão difícil encontrar alguém que deseje ter algo sério. Que queira investir em uma relação. Não tenho mais paciência para conhecer, conversar, sair, investir tempo e energia para depois perceber que você é “só mais uma” na lista de contato dos homens.
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
“Sometimes, the best way to be happy is to learn to let go of things you tried hard to hold on to that are no longer good for you”
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
““Be the change that you wish to see in the world.””
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
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𝑪𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒚𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑽𝒊 ♡ Icons
– 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒆𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖
feel free to use! ♡
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
Caitlyn was totally lusting over Vi :)
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
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The final act.
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
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Topside and bottom. Oil and water. That’s all there is.
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
Vi: You are hot, cupcake.
Vi: So what’ll it be, man or woman?
Caitlyn: You.
Vi: What?
Caitlyn: What?
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yellowpinguuin · 2 years
Caitlyn’s dad appreciation post
The parenting challenge:
Your daughter dissapears for two days. She turns up breaking into her own room, wounded, and smelling of sewage, brothel and gunpowder, with a complete stranger. Your wife is threatening them with a hunting rifle.
His reaction:
1- Hug. Tight. No questions asked.
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2- Give the stranger a good once-over. Like, 5 seconds long. His eyes probably said to Vi thank you ♡ oh… wow, okay… wow… all at once.
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3- *Glower* at his wife, upper lip pursed in utter disgust, when she called the person “a stray”.
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4- Remove suspicious bits of metal from his daughter’s leg while she rants and curses. Still no questions asked. No eyebrows raised. Only delicately pulling really sharp bits of metal fireflies (okay?) from her leg, while she moves quite a bit.
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5- Deploy most powerful weapon his arsenal, The Puppy Eyes, to obtain permission for his daughter to rest (yes, “rest” with that girl waiting in her bedroom). Of course, The Puppy Eyes work. It gets her an audience with the council AND a moment of intimacy.
[As a side note, Cait is absolutely going to deploy those same Puppy Eyes on Vi, all the time. Vi is so fucked.]
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Her dad is definitely where Caitlyn gets *that* attitude from. You know, the “I don’t fear difference and I’m going to treat you like a person and care for you now” attitude? Yeah, it’s from him.
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His name is Tobias. He gets the trophy for best dad. 🏆
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