- Project End -
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What went well - This project I managed to get my game to a decent level for the type of game I was attempting to tackle. I managed to develop the base fundamentals of a cockpit shooter. I managed to design a cockpit and implement a good base movement system / mechanics to the ship. I also managed to implement a working weapons / projectile system that will work on any potential hostile targets added later on down the line. The general theme / setting of my game also went well with me learning how to create a good sky sphere, star with directional light and locally rotating asteroid scene actors.
What didn’t go as planned -  Something that didn’t go as planned this project was the occurrence of small bugs when it comes to certain movement. Certain types of fast movement causes unwanted stern shaking to the ship mesh for reasons I’m still unaware of. I would additionally like to have maybe got further with my project, perhaps implementing the start of a health system in tangent with completing my station system, however slightly poor time management and a problem with my hard drive not saving properly caused delays in progress.
What would I do differently in the future - Something I would do differently next time is use my time more efficiently and not get stuck on 1 mechanic / problem with 1 mechanic and to take breaks from focusing on 1 thing for too long. Moving forward, I would like to fix the problem I have with ship mesh shake when reaching higher speeds, I plan on returning to this game in a future project where applicable to patch it up and further develop it. I would also like to add AI enemy ships for the player to engage in combat with in the future so that a more full purpose game can start to form.
I can use what I have learnt / invested time researching this project in future projects and allow me to design / create certain game mechanics more effectively and efficiently moving forwards.
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- This is a video showcasing general gameplay of my game up until this point / final product so far.
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Development Station
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This is code within the station blueprint that detects whether the player ship is within the ‘repair zone’ of the station and then goes onto print ‘repairing...’, this will later be used for actually giving the ship pawn some form of health / repairs when a health system is implemented in the future should I return to the project.
This code is also responsible for casting to the asteroid actor and destroying any asteroid actors that spawn within the stations vicinity to avoid spawn overlaps between the station and asteroids that spawn in around the player.
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Development - Station
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This is the station actor I have created after re-scaling, applying custom materials, collision boxes and additional components such as the gun turrets I created at the top of the station and the bridge lights at the top back of the station and orange beams around the center interior of the station.
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Development - Station
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These are materials created for the station mesh to give it it’s visual design.
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Development - Station
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This is a free space station mesh I imported into my game to use as the base mesh for my station actor.
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- This is a video showcasing the weapons / HUD targeting system in-game.
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Development - Weapons/Projectile system
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This is how the targeting HUD / aiming reticle looks in game inside the cockpit.
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Development - Weapons/Projectile system
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This HUD component has been added to my player ship as a child component and appropriately lined up with the center line of the ship / the source of the targeting location line trace point. With this set up, shots now go exactly where the aiming reticle is pointing.
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Development - Weapons/Projectile system
- Targeting HUD
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In order to allow to player to aim, I have created an aiming reticule HUD as a reference for where you are shooting. I have done this using re-scaled base unreal cube components with a custom material applied:
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This is a custom material I made using emissive color and opacity.
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Development - Weapons/Projectile system
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This is the material used for projectile to create a bright orange / yellow tracer effect. It uses a RGB color node, set to a high value, plugged into emissive color.
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Development - Weapons/Projectile system
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This is the projectile it’s self. The initial and max speed values are set very high to provide a very fast projectile speed to fit the scaling of the world / my game. The projectile scale is also set very high longways to ensure it’s visible and the player can see the tracer effect of the projectile when being shot.
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Development - Weapons/Projectile system
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This is code executed on tick that draws a line trace straight ahead at the dead center of the player ship, the end / hit location of this line trace is then where the ‘targeting location’ variable is set. This targeting location variable is then used in the code shown in the previous post. This code essentially just ensures the projectiles are being slightly angled / shot towards what the player is aiming at / dead center.
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Development - Weapons/Projectile system
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This is code within the player ship blueprint that up on ‘fire’ input action, opens a gate that then causes the proceeding code to be executed on tick. It first goes into a delay node that sets how long of a delay there should be after each execution of code, essentially being the fire rate value of the weapon system / code. It then spawns a projectile at each of the respective scene locations on the player ship. The spawn rotation is set to the value of the ‘targeting location’ variable.
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Development - Weapons/Projectile system
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To start with, I have added 2 scenes to act as respective spawn locations for projectiles / bullets. 1 to the left of the cockpit / ship, 1 to right of the cockpit / ship, the weapons will be twin fire.
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Development - Creating the player ship / cockpit
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As an update to the player ship / cockpit I have added 2 local spot light components. The first spot light is inside the back of the cockpit and provides a more distinct green tint around the cockpit in lower light, mainly around the top rim of the cockpit, this is for better lighting. The second spot light is outside the cockpit and located at the front of the ship that provides a much more luminous white light to provide frontal visibility in lower light areas. It essentially acts as headlights for the ship.
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