yaybebe-blog · 10 years
..I didn't know you had a kid..
uh bebe hi
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yaybebe-blog · 10 years
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yaybebe-blog · 10 years
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
*formats pc*
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
...I ah, I don't expect to be in town for the holidays. 
Every year, I go spend Christmas or Thanksgiving or something with my family. It isn't bad! Um, well. Thanksgiving last year was kind of bad. And last year's Christmas was spent with my boyfriend at the time, and that was nice too. 
This is the first year I've had really all to myself; I think I want to take advantage of that. 
Ehehe, this holiday season, I'll give a gift to myself! (Oh, but that's not to say I don't have anything prepared for my friends. Um, I'll have to distribute those presents before I leave.) I think I want to travel. Er, I've been to Unova before, but that was on business. It wasn't an extensive trip anyways. And other times that I'd leave Hearthome, it would always be to visit someone.
I want to be selfish. 
That's uh, not too bad every now and then, right?
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
I don't know what I want to do with my life, but I have a vague idea.
I know for sure, I don't want to work on the PC forever. 
I love what I do, and I...suppose I love what I've been doing with my life these past several years, but I don't think it's my dream. Not entirely. I borrowed from Bill...a little out of admiration, out of love...
Building a PC network wasn't a dream born in my own heart. I wish I had a stronger conviction, like Flint and his battling or Hikari and her contests. 
For now, I suppose I should put my efforts into myself; that's what I've been doing for these past few months. I've been working more with my Eevee, um, I took up knitting, and I've been helping out at the Hearthome church... I take some personal laptops in for occasional repair, y'know, to have some living money. 
What's really important is, well, I've taken a break from working on the storage system! I don't see the need to overstress on work, so I've only been doing maintenance work. I can't let the region down just because I want to take a break! 
There are hundreds of trainers that rely on my work...
Nn...okay. Enough fo that. I don't want to feel guilty for looking after myself. Haha..
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
OOC: Please unfollow this blog, it is no longer a part of the masterlist!
last chance
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
OOC: Please unfollow this blog, it is no longer a part of the masterlist!
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
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s-luc4s started following you
Oh, uh, hi Lucas! Long time, no see. I hope you're doing alright, keeping up with your research and all. Your Pokemon are doing fine in the box as well too!
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
I feel as if a burden's been lifted off my back. It stings a little, but for the most part, being...
I needed to belong to myself again. I admit...um, I was lonely without his presence, but there was a distance that had managed to wedge its way between us, ah, a metaphorical distance, you see, not the literal miles that happened to separate us, and so.. Oh! Oh, and so, I suppose I was lone..ly..around him as well. 
I wish I could say "I'm coping well, I'm moving on, i'm moving forward, I'm adjusting to solitary life," b-but I'd be lying if I was to tell you that I've been subconsciously doing so on my own. An existence of romantic solitude is one I'm very familiar with, I think.
W-Well, that's it. Back to work!
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
[She took a longer look at the empty movie case. To be honest, the titular character reminded her of a gangly, awkward version of a teenage Flint. It must've been the hair, because even so he looked more like someone she would've been around in high school. Bebe didn't know what to expect..]
You know, I never really thought about age like that, Flint. Ah...but I do understand how a year can just fly by and it feels like you miss it. [She mumbled to herself a bit without even realizing it.]
...Oh! Gosh, we're watching a movie and we don't have drinks or popcorn. Do you want anything?
Well, at least you’re kind of your own boss… right? I think it’s easier that way. Man, I can’t wait ‘til I’m my own boss — when I’m Champion some day, I mean. 
No, it’s just… 23?! Already? It’s crazy to me! Time’s passing by so fast, and pretty soon once I turn 23, I’m gonna turn 24 shortly… then eventually I’ll be 30. Ugh, I just wanna be young forever, you know? It’s weird, but I do.
[ He absentmindedly opened a bag of chips and stuffed several in his mouth, setting the bag between him and Bebe. ] Oh, yay, you chose Napoleon Dynamite! You’re in for a treat!
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
Busy, yeah. [She leaned back into the couch, puffing up her cheeks. Honestly speaking, she'd be doing a whole lotta nothing up til now, but she wouldn't actually admit to that.]
Time goes by pretty quickly once you fall into a certain routine, don't you think? Wake up, work, eat, sleep...schedules are a little...Well, at least mine is. [Quickly she caught herself rambling and changed the topic.]
Aw, 23 is a fine number--are you anticipating something on your birthday, or...hm. You're just a couple years older than me.
Oh… [ He looks dejected for a few moments. ] I’ll remember that next time for sure! I really love The Little Mermaid!
Yeah, it’s always a blast hanging out with you! We’ve been pretty busy this year — hey, holy crap! You know the year’s more than half over? Jeez, time’s passing by pretty fast… Soon I’ll be 23. [ He groaned and sank his face into his hands, sitting beside Bebe. ]
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
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elitefourflint replied to your post: [ Flint knocks on her door, a bunch of stupid comedy movies in one hand, and 3 bags of chips in the other. ] Your favorite person ever is here!
Yeah, it’s not much, but I figured it could do… If we get really bored and hungry, we could make an adventure and go out to some random 24/7 place in Hearthome. Oh, and I hope you like comedy!
Comedy movies, huh? Uh, I guess so! To be honest...haha, I really like Disney movies but! This'll be fun, whatever the movie is.
[She takes the DVDs in hand, browsing at the titles. Nope, nothing she's seen before. With a shrug she goes to the couch and plops down.]
I...I'm really excited that you dropped by! Er, excited, happy, glad...whatever. It's nice.
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
[ Flint knocks on her door, a bunch of stupid comedy movies in one hand, and 3 bags of chips in the other. ] Your favorite person ever is here!
[With hair combed and pants on, Bebe answers the door, delighted to see her "favorite person". She holds it open and ushers Flint inside.]
Ah! Now this is a party I can enjoy. Come on in!
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
Yeah! I'm trying to do something more...ah, what's the word...I want to do something that the users might like. Maybe some aesthetic or interface changes... [Grins] I just need an idea, and I think I can do it.
Ah, I breed them! I haven't done it so much lately, since it's a hobby really more than anything. I don't think I've been too motiv--wait, you'll really come by? Ah, that's great, oh, I need to...get...dressed okay! Just ring the doorbell when you get here, alright?
Yeah, that’s what I meant! You can probably make some more things in time that will represent our amazing region even more. I mean, so many people I know use it. Everyone thinks I’m strange for not using it. It’s really useful!
Whoa, where do you get all those Eevee anyway? I feel like you’re never going to run out of them… Hahaha, you’re going to grow up to be an old lady with hundreds of Eevee!
Hey, if you ever want me to visit you, I’ll do it! Heck, I’ll even come now if you want. I’m pretty… uh… lonely too. 
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yaybebe-blog · 12 years
Oh no, that was Bill, a friend of mine. He kinda taught me most of what I know, but I did pick up some things of my own. In Sinnoh...I suppose I'm the creator of the storage system...unique to this region. Hm.
Ah, well if it's anything I don't use the box myself! There's Eevee running around the house and the backyard...ahah, but it keeps things interesting.
If anything, having Pokemon around keeps me from feeling too lonely. Er...they keep me company, hah. I mean, even if I don't have visitors often, I still have my Pokemon to keep me company. They can't do that if they're stored away.
Hey, our conversations never bore me! You’ve been at home alone for a while too, so you have complete permission to talk my ears off. [ He winked. ]
Ah, I doubt it! You were the original creator, right? I’m sure you can create some more things. You’re really talented, you know! You don’t give yourself enough credit for the accomplishments you achieve. 
Oh… h-haha, no, not really. But it’s nothing personal! I don’t have very many Pokemon to be honest. I have like, less than 15 I think. So I try to keep them out and about as much as I can. I actually am hoping to get some more Pokemon in the future though, and I’m sure I’ll get to use it… at some point. Haha. 
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