yanderedata-blog · 11 years
Fate is an elegant, cold hearted whore. She loves salting our wounds, She enjoys nothing more. We...
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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Jaa, I'm off to make a Nagisa blog; guys...! I'll post the url when I'm done.
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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I've got his url too: penguinstroke. The drabble is under readmore.
Psyche noticed that his friend wasn't doing too well. He was looking paler, and more sickly. No longer did he even have the energy or wish to pick up his guitar, or to play video games with him. Len was going away for a long while, in Izaya's words to Psyche.
Izaya waited outside the room for Psyche, not really close enough to Len to be in there. Family and what little friends he had were surrounding his bedside. The sounds of loneliness and pain rung in the informant's ears. ' I don't want to end up like this, with or without cancer... ' Sighing, Izaya excused himself, asking the nurse to tell Psyche he went down to the cafeteria.
Psyche stood, letting Len's mother have the chair. SeeU gently clutched her son's hand, rapidly speaking Buddhist prayers in Korean under her breath. Len desperately tried to reassure her that he was fine; yet the dead, sunken look in his oceanic eyes revealed the truth.
Death was imminent.
It was a cruel thing, come to claim such a talented and beautiful young life. Rinto left the room. His little twin couldn't see him cry, no. Len always cried when Rinto cried; and then Rin and Lenka would cry. It couldn't happen. Sitting against the wall, Rinto silently let the tears fall into his knees.
Psyche lay his head next to Len's shoulder, like they did when watching the clouds. Len was brighter then, much healthier. He didn't care that his white pants were getting dirty from the floor. "Iza-nii told Psyche you're going away for a very long time, Len-kun..." Len blinked and bit the inside of his cheek.
"Y-Yea... Sorry, Psyche..."
"It's ok! Psyche will wait forever if Psyche has to! Psyche just wants to see Len-kun smile again..."
The heart monitor was slowing, his breathing becoming a bit labored. Out of the corner of his eye, Len could see Death coming for his final embrace.
"I'll see you again, ok? And everyone else. Mama, Papa, Rinto-nii, Rin, Lenka, Miku-chan... I'll be back eventually." The promise was broken from the start, before it left his lips. Blue eyes closing from the pain and sadness, a lone tear slid down. A small smile managed to break out on his lips as Death embraced his body. The heart monitor flatlined, his breathing ending.
Death had taken him to his new frontier.
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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Maa, sou!! Aaa, Nagisa muse stop over taking my muses rn.
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
Reblog if you are having issues with your activity button
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot" in their ask box
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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Mou, it's ok dearie! Maa, what do you think of this?: acousticpains
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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I usually go by obscure meanings. Like yanderedata: what's he yandere about? ( euh, that should be tsundere tho but im too lazy to change it... then again hes both tsun and yan. ) what's the data for? Intrigue mixed with obscurity. I can't think of much for Len tho...
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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Maa, I just need some url help! Then I can get working on making his blog... I hope others will like him...!
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
    @ kurooouji
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/giggles.\ I'm glad you like him!
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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I'm making a Len blog soon. If you read his info you'll know why he's my special baby. Not to mention the fact that he's Len. Here's the info for curious followers. Under readmore, tags hold triggers.:
Name: 鏡音レン
Romaji: Kagamine Len
Age: 15
D.O.B.: December 27, 1998
Gender: Male
Height: 160.02 cm
Weight: 39.46 kg
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Race: Japanese, Korean, English
Mother: Kagamine SeeU, nèe Jhe
Father: Kagamine Leon
Brother: Kagamine Rinto, older twin
Diagnoses: Invasive bladder cancer, Tourettes syndrome
/click of the tape recorder, a curious voice appears after the time code.
L: Why are we using one of those...?
I: So we can review it later. You're not in trouble, we're just curious on your story and past is all.
L: O-Ok...
I: Len-kun, where were you born?
L: The Tokyo General Hospital. My brother Rinto was born there too.
I: He's your older twin, right? Tell us about him.
L: /excited happiness is in his voice.\ Rinto-nii is a really good brother! He sticks up for me and he cares for me when our parents are away. Though I wish he would still getting in trouble so much for me...
I: He does sound like a good brother. Now, tell us about your parents.
L: Mama and Papa try their best to work with me, and I appreciate their efforts. They work hard at everything they do. I hope to be a good parent like that someday...
I: That's a good hope, Len-kun... Tell us about your life? Please?
L: It's hard. On the outside, I look happy and healthy but... My body is broken. The cells that were benign are now harming me and I've got to get many treatments. Ignorant kids avoid me like the plague, and others just give me pity eyes. My Tourettes doesn't help. I can't sing the songs I write for anyone but Rinto because of it. The time I tried, I... /cuts off.
I: What happened, Len-kun...?
L: I got laughed off stage because my Tourettes... /a sniffle. a box of tissues is slid to the boy and he wipes his nose.
I: That's cruel... I'm sorry, Len-kun.
L: It's ok... But, I can't bring myself to do it again. Cousin Rin broke off good friendships for my benefit. Cousin Lenka was broken up with because of me. Rinto-nii refuses to date because of me. Our parents don't go on dates in order to deal with me. I'm a burden to my family. But I try... So hard... And I'm always pushed back.
I: ... I think... That's all we need. I'm sorry if any of this hurts, Len-kun... /click of the tape recorder.
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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"Haah, you're one interesting thing, RAVEN. This is my domain. Technology had turned against humans. I am their Lucifer, as the humans love calling me." VIRUS held up the still bloody blade, smirking.
"You're going to come quietly. And answer my questions. And then I'll answer yours. Or, I can slice and dice you where you stand."
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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ANNOUNCEMENT ( that I am truly sorry for! ):
Due to painful memories; despite my willingness to RP with anyone in any fandom, I shall not RP with or follow any HOMESTUCKs.
I truly regret this and feel bad bc a follower of mine is a HOMESTUCK RPer. Again, I'm sorry. But the memories are painful...
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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He didn't bother getting decent. "Lost? That's strange... BLAKE." The memory from the identification bot served well. So Blake was a boy, who feared females. And this was why he loved his data system... If his malfunctioning HEART could LOVE.
"You're in my office." As if it weren't obvious.
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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Swatting away the hand, he turned, jumping into a street barrier. "Maa, Raven, you didn't notice? Identification bots take down data in anyone within 250 square miles of my office. But you were interesting. Nothing at all except a name and picture."
Hopping down, he pressed a switchblade to the other's jaw, cutting very slightly. Licking a bit of the blood, he whispered. "If anything, I should question you... Ne?" Pushing it a bit deeper, he pulled his bladeaway and licked the blood off.
"You're in my domain, after all."
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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A medical bot was checking the scar on VIRUS' stomach. The click of the locked door sounded; a young... girl?... entering his office. He was in a surprisingly pleasant mood; considering he was usually ticked off.
"And what do you want?" Human or no, he wasn't in the mood to fight today; strangely.
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yanderedata-blog · 11 years
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"Prey, huh?" What a surprise! Maybe the other was technology of some sort. "You'd be an interesting piece to my Army. If you were technology, that is. Maa, guess that's a waste." He was trying to bait him to even asking what army, at least.
After all, he looked too young to run an army. Hands in his pockets, he lightly fingered his switchblade: old fashioned sadism.
"Maa maa, too late to find out. Buh-bye... NIKANA RAVEN." Anyone who entered 250 square miles of VIRUS' territory was scanned without their knowledge. It was for VIRUS to get more humans.
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