yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Hiatus Note
This post will officially mark the start of the blog hiatus.
Due to personal reasons and the fact that we have our own lives and blogs to manage, we are therefore left with very little time to come on here. All of us are physically and mentally incapable of updating and answering asks here. We had plans for this blog, but right now, we can't carry them out.
This blog is not going to be abandoned - we will come back when we have things under control and we will start afresh. We will answer the asks we can and delete the rest.
Our goal during this hiatus is to organize this blog and work out all the kinks. We will use this time productively and are open to any ideas for it. If you would like us to adapt any new procedures that would make this blog more enjoyable to you, please message one of the admins or leave an ask in our inbox.
Although we realize this note came a bit abruptly, we hope you acknowledge and support this decision. If you want to see our other works or contact us, you can do so on our personals:
@jooniescupcakes - min/🎮
@chinkbihh - luna/🔮
@goldngguk - kay/💫
@cosmic-btsprincess - rubi/🐰
Thank you.
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Okay, look Taehyung. You had better stop being so damn hot all the time. I’m not kidding. You know how many times I look at you and want to freaking tackle you? Stop being sexy and let me have peace!
“I didn’t realize my attractiveness bothered you that much. what do you suggest I do about it?”
-  🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Jinnie, why won’t you just kiss me already?!
“Now, don’t you think that’s a bit rude, baby? I can’t tell if you’re eager or just disrespectful. Which one, huh?”
-  🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Namjoon, you are one fine man.
“Thank you, dear - you’re quite the beauty yourself”
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-  🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Hello! Are you guys still rping?
Yesss but currently the admins are a little busy and there are some technical issues but when we can clear up we'll answer the rps. You can send them in, but remember to put and emoji and specify its a rp. If it's a complicated plot you can also send us a little info om what it's about first
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
no problem! i was just making sure you got it! -🧸
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
I wonder if my ask sent.. if not I can do something else. Sorry if I’m troubling you. -🖤
uhhh since your first ask for the rp starter, we haven't received anything. Would you mind sending it in again?
- 🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
hey did u get my jungkook ask? -🧸
yeye, we're just a little busy but whenever any of the admins are free, we'll answer your ask. It's resting safely in our inbox!
- 🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Yoongi baby I love you so much. And if I’m ever being too clingy, I’m sorry. Are you mad at me for being clingy? I’ll stop if you want.
"Baby, I love you too. Clingy? Not at all. After all, it only makes sense that you want to be in my company all the time, no? Did I do something that made you think I don't like it?"
- 🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Taehyung, why do you want me? You could have any girl in the world, you’re that attractive. I don’t deserve you.
"Are you doubting my choices? I knew that you would be the best match for me. No other girl is you, darling. Now, what's with the sudden doubts, hmm?"
- 🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
how do i start an rp?
Hey babe. Basically you can just send in a quote or set up a scene for one of the admins to continue. Most prefer the quote so it can be like “kookie, you said you wouldn’t stalk me anymore!” And then one of the admins will answer as Jungkook. If this isn’t a one time thing and you wish to begin a chain of role plays, please add an emoji at the end so we can distinguish you or add a nickname you’d like to go by. Hope this helps.
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
🎮 I can't be like this anymore, you've taken everything away from me! My family, my friends, even my passion! You said you loved my art pieces but now you won't let me near even a piece of charcoal! I thought we could help each other but I was horribly wrong. Taehyung, if you love me, kill me. End my suffering here and now otherwise I'll do it on my own. I'll die one way or another. Show how much you love me by respecting my wish. I've lost the will to live, Taehyung, put me out of my misery...
“Kill? You want to die? I do love your art pieces, but I love your attention on me more. I’m not going to kill you, honey. Go ahead, try to hurt yourself - I’ll bring you back to life every single time and make you regret it.”
- 🎮 (uhh I’m a bit confused why you used this emoji there? especially since it’s the emoji i use) 
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Yos, you can ♡ ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ Here's a starter- After settling in the four of you (Y/n,Jk,His parents) all got along well, and started joking around. Everything was going alright until His mom brought up about old baby fetus jungkook. You glanced at him and noticed he's already heated about the topic. Jungkook's mom: "You should watch those old birthday videos of him when he was a baby" To add more fuel to the fire, you said without thinking,"Yeah, he's still is one- 🤡
( I did get your starter but I've been so busy I couldn't answer any roleplays, sorry love.)
"What?" Jungkook's head snapped to you, "I'm not a baby!"
You daringly continue to tease him, missing the way his eyes darken as he forms a plan for revenge.
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- 🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
“The king is coming make way!” Says one of the concubines. Taemin has to guard them so they don’t get away. Hoseok smiles at his right hand man and ask if Taemin can switch places with him for a moment. “Yes my king?”
“Is everything fine? I hope all the ladies are listening to you. My advisor told me a new concubine had been chosen - show me her.” Hoseok said.
-   🎮 (please use an emoji so we can identify youuu)
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Namjoon, please, why can't we have kids? Don't you want a symbol of our love? The company will need an heir eventually, right? I don't want to run away anymore, all I want is a family, a family with you. I'll- I'll do anything! Please just one child, and I promise, I will never love them more than I love you. You're the only one for me Joonie... just one baby. Please..
“A child? Why are you asking for a child so suddenly? There are other ways we can show our love. Did anyone tell you anything?”
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🎮 (You mentioned it’s a rp? Please use an emoji from now on)
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
♡ Hi It's me again! It can be the entire plot line and yes, you can leave it for another admin to do it, thank you! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
If you don’t mind me doing it, I can do it for ya too! How about you send in a starter with an emoji and we see how it goes?
-  🎮
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yanderebts-brothel · 5 years
Hi! I've never done this before, Sorry if i get something wrong :/ Can you do a Yandere Jungkook Rp where Jk and his s/o are at a restaurant with his parents and he starts repeatedly teasing s/o under the table and she's like struggling trying to answer his parent's questions so she's texting him trying to get him to stop even though she's enjoying it but he keeps doing it? ♡
Is that just the starting of the rp or the entire plot line? We can do it, but I must admit I’m not too good with smutty rp’s. Would you like me to leave yours so another admin can do it?
-  🎮
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