Hey there! I’m Angelo and I’ll be your writer for this blog! Just a note: this is a yandere blog so if your not vibin with that, You won’t vibe with this blog so I suggest ignoring me! 
I write Yandere themed blog for horror movies. Though most write for both horror movie villains as well as the characters in them because I don’t see much content about them and I wanna do that prospect justice ;) Though for any character that isn’t classed as the villain or “ final girl “, Please leave the movie with it. I’m bad with names that aren’t ingrained over multiple movies. This blog is also reader focused, Mainly because I find those overall the easiest to write.
Things I write: 
Match ups ( just give me enough details aka: personality, interests, stuff like that )
Platonic / Familial Yandere imagines!
Pretty much anything that’s not NSFW
For the movies / Franchises I write for, They’ll be under the cut. If one that is on my list but you’d enjoy me writing for, Let me know.
Franchises I write for:
The Texas chainsaw massacre Franchise ( both the new and older movies )
The Friday 13th Franchise
The Halloween Franchise
The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise
The evil dead Franchise ( Including the show Ash vs the Evil dead )
It ( 1990 and  2017 / 2019 )
The Hellraiser Franchise
The Jeepers Creepers Franchise
Carrie ( 1976 )
The Thing ( 1982 )
The Scream Franchise ( I’m including the show because I enjoyed it, But I’ll be using different hashtags to differ them )
The Boy ( Not including the Boy 2 cause then, Nothing makes sense. )
House of Wax ( 2005 )
The Collector Franchise
The Shining
The Babadook
The Candyman
The Black Christmas Franchise
Martin ( 1977 )
The lost boys
These are the only movies that come to mind at the moment, I will probably add things as I continue to watch more and stuff :)  Let me know because it’s always appreciated! 
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