I’ve always been the one who loves others more. Im there to listen and say the words they need to hear. I’ll never leave even if they think i did. 
Love is what i give and never regret. I do it all with my heart. 
Then it was you. You opened the door and held it for me. You gave me a shoulder when i needed it. You made me happy without even realizing it. It was love in full effect. 
Eventually we made it through every path, we hurt, we smiled, and loved. I thought it was over but it was all in the picture in front of our eyes. Like magnets we can part away but we will always connect. 
I’m happy the universe made it this way. We are stuck, and that makes us everlasting. 
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I Fucked Up...
I still remember that day. It was the most beautiful day of the year. There was a ray of sunshine touching your skin. You as always looked handsome and simple. Your soft lips touching one another as you were telling me what i meant to you. In the back of my head i already knew. My heart racing trying to win a marathon it  had already known it would win. And so it did. With one simple sentence. “I love you” You described in detail... our love intertwined and became one. All this time that’s all I wanted to hear because that’s exactly what I wanted, I felt the same way. But something is insanely wrong with me and I pushed you away. Because good things come to an end and I thought might as well fucking end it. So it’d be me and not you. It hurts less coming from me. I know I fucked up and I’m really sorry for that. I just never know how to react to the love I deserve. I always ask the world for things but once I receive them I destroy it all then I proceed to hide it. Now it is no where to be found because I forget where I hide things. I do hope one day I find it and apologize for hurting you. My insecurities always get the best of me. 
- Maria Sotarriba
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Love Under The Stars
I am daydreaming about the hopes and dreams you once shared with me that chilly night by the fire place. Your cheeks flushing red, as you opened up to me. You thought your way of life was dumb. But, that’s what I love about you. Your majestic enthusiasm about the things that lighten up your world. Hands locked with mine you told me of all the things you loved and desired to accomplish. My mind losing track only to focus on your thoughts ... but more specifically your lips and your eyes the way they gazed into mine. Your soul almost touching mine ... I fell in love. I think you did too but ... we denied it that same night. Now it is has become our greatest regret. They say timing was the problem as I too believe it was. I still want you to know that throughout all of this pain, I still and always will love you. I’ll be waiting for you here dancing alone in the dark. Because I know deep down it was my soulmate I met that same night. With glowing stars above looking down at the love we once shared & denied.
                                                 - Yamilet Sotarriba
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