Hey cats, it's been a while since I've posted (which! I apologize for). I've been busy with other things.
This is really just a coming back post.
Alright, cool cats, I gotta leave again but not as long this time.
- Mod Queen
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To the chubby cats out there that wear dresses/skirts/no pants...
How in the world do you prevent painful thigh rubbing? I always have to wear shorts underneath my dresses/skirts and it gets annoying. Should I try baby powder or lotion? Or are there other ways?
I'd personally like to know other ways than just wearing shorts.
- Mod Queen
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Currently, there is only one kitty swinging this swing...me.
A quick summary of me: You can call me Queen even though I'm not old nor pretentious. You may use any pronouns for me and I am panromantic pansexual (and polyamorous). BUT BEWARE! I am a minor. My zodiac is Aquarius, I don't have a favorite color nor do I actually go by any name (so Queen or any nicknames you have in the bag for me will do). The Queens of Tomorrow is also known as The Firehawks (if you get the reference you are a cool cat).
This Blog Will Include:
- Atompunk
- Decopunk
- Retro-Futurism
- Post-Apocalyptic (Yes...we may reference Fallout from time to time...it's in our nature)
- Other Related Aesthetics & What Not
- Noir (Not Cat Noir...I don't know jack shit about Miraculous)
- BLM Related Posts
- Rockabilly Related Posts
- Personal Freedom
- Burlesque (Who Doesn't Love Burlesque)
- Feminism (which isn't only for women, radical feminists will get the boot if they step even a centimeter near my blog and they will regret it)
Everyone is a Queen/Firehawk.
- Mod Queen
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