xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
Send me 📣 to hear what the MUN thinks of the character. Send your muse’s thoughts about mine on anon Send 💭 + a topic and my muse will tell you what they think about it. Send me “Headcanon Please?” and I’ll reply with a random headcanon for my muse!
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xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
“Seriously?” He said as he watched the lady turn into a monster. It couldn’t have been just a giant space rock with nothing on it. But no it was a spaceship with a monster lady on it. He took a deep breath as it leaped on him. Clearly it wanted a fight. He braced himself impacted once he felt it on him he used his strength to catch it and then mashed it into the ground. “Stand down.”  He ordered it. 
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Stardust was on her back before she had registered what was happening, Roaring in confusion. She paused for a moment as the creature spoke, the message clear by the grip on her. She writhed for a moment before flexing herself thick enough to wriggle free from his grip, pushing herself through the mud until she was free, “WORM!” She bellowed, quickly adjusting the stolen translator collar to his dialect.
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xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
Cameron had picked up a transmission from the local police department. It said something had crashed outside the city. He knew he had to be the first to check it out. He didn’t want any officers getting hurt by something. As he flew over to the crash site, Cameron realized it looked it. It seemed like a ship, a spaceship. He lowered himself down scanning the site for survivors when someone spoke to him. “I don’t mean you any harm.” He said with his hand out. 
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She didn’t recognize the primitive creatures language, it sounded sick and garbled, Her eyes narrowed, she could slay this creature and continue on her hunt, but that might attract more humans. She growled low in her throat, shifting into her large basilisk form, horns curled and sharp, stained red, fangs bared, maybe she could terrify the primitive being into surrender, draw the metallic woman to her. She prepared to attack, smiling to herself at how easy this was going to be, unless he was an enhanced human, he was helpless, with a roar she leapt. 
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xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
The first thing Stardust felt when walking down the walkway out of her ship was how strange the Earth’s atmosphere felt. Like electricity crackling though the place. Something was brewing, something that could turn things one way or another, a tipping point in fate. She scoffed, the second thing she could smell was the reek of humanity. Rodents. Parasites feeding off of a planet they didn’t care enough to sustain. Why the Metallic Woman would ever choose to be here was a complete mystery to the Alien. She had crashed in some woods just outside of the Bio Signature she had been tracing since breaking out. Somewhere in the swell of human filth, her quarry was hidden. She started walking away from her ruined ship, not wanting to shift into her Snake-like form until absolutely necessary. She heard movement near her and she snapped in the direction, bearing her claws, “WHO GOeS THERE!?” She hissed, ready for a fight. 
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xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
Stardust looked at the man behind the counter with disgust, “What city have I landed in Human? And what smells so strongly?” She had found her way into the maze of humanity and filth only to get distracted by the smell coming from the shop, and the need for information. Not only on this primitive hovel the humans called a City, but also on the Metallic Woman.  
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A Solace in the Storm||Open Starter
Tallis stood behind the counter of the tea shop opening up the different barrels and ensuring he had a full stock for the day. Behind him he felt the comforting blur of every emotion around him. It was something he had accepted would always in the back of his mind. Every person had a very specific impression and way of feeling things. Like a particular taste like the perfect cup of tea and no two felt the same. He heard the bell to his door open and a new flash of emotions fill his senses. He placed on a smile and turned. “Hello Welcome to the Roseleaf Tea and Coffee shop my name is Tallis, what can I get you?” He asked the new comer.
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xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
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xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
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xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
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xxlady--stardustxx · 5 years
STARDUST is a 156 year old PANSEXUAL, GENDER FLUID, (SHE/HER) that hails from ARTIX PRISON XI. They are known as the vigilante LADY STARDUST they are 7' 5" TALL, INHUMANLY STRONG, ABLE TO SHAPE SHIFT INTO A BASILISK Some people say they look a lot like ALASKA TUNDERF*CK 5000. They are RESOURCEFUL but can be SELF SERVING. They are an inspired VIGILANTE! They are looking to maybe join the SHADOW SOCIETY (MAX, 19, MST, SHE/THEY)
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Stardust wasn’t exactly one for ‘following rules’ or ‘obeying the law’ back on her home planet. She never felt at home with her people, being smaller and weaker than most of her species. She found herself struggling to survive amongst her own people. Starving, hungry, unwanted, she stole and killed for enough money to get off world and take to the stars. 
She found she was rather good at the whole Mercenary thing when she was stronger than most everyone around her on other worlds and began to have quite the reputation. A reputation that began to extend beyond the universe’s underground. She became a threat to the Federation, and when she stepped a bit to out of line with her targets, she was taken down. A woman made of the one metal that The Great Lady Stardust was weakened by, a perfect weapon.  Stardust found herself in prison and with a hunger for vengeance. She carefully planned her escape for years, and when she had the perfect moment, she jumped rock. She spent months looking for any information on who The Metal Woman was and where she came from. She learned her name was Lady Mercury. She learned about how she was rumored to be created and she learned where she called home, a small, locked off, hunk of worthless rock named Earth. 
She began to plan again, rearing for a rematch with her foe, and this time, it would end with her claws buried in the woman’s chest. She wondered if Metallic Women could bleed. 
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