xxfabulae · 5 years
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To a point I am following some people with the new blog I have all my UtaPri muses on. So if you see a melcdiam pop up that’s me.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
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Sorry I haven’t been in a while, been busy moving all my UtaPri muses to their blog. I have just almost everything done on it, but a few profiles, lol~ But yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing lately which is why I haven’t exactly been on here or @seraphxx. I have all of them moved now, I’m just trying to finish up doing a tag dump before doing anything else. If anyone want me to follow them while I’m still working on that, please feel to like this post and I’ll follow.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
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Good morning everyone or whatever timezone some of ye be in. Anyways, I’ll eventually be moving UtaPri Multimuse and @seraphxx to a whole new blog in a month or so (maybe longer depending on workload). It honestly been something I’ve been thinking about combining both blogs together to form one multimuse for UtaPri. Now, I’m finally going to do it after like a year or so of thinking on it.
I’ll still be replying to threads here and over there, but once the move is complete I’ll be continuing threads on the new blog.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
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i’m sorry
(based on the scenes from Kamen Rider Fourze)
(Please don’t repost my art withour permission. Thank you)
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xxfabulae · 5 years
Could this guy be any more flamingly gay? Don't even doubt it. Yes, that's Munakata flittering around the kitchen in his apartment, humming to himself whilst wearing an overly floral apron. Moment Eiji stepped through the door he'd be met with white roses and a peck to the cheek before being ushered to sit down at the table. "Mhmhm~ Did you think I'd forget? Absolutely not! Now now! Down you sit! It's my turn to wait on you all night~"
@monogatarinotoshokan + Munakata &&. White Day 2k19 (dress to impress)
      It took Eiji a moment to completely register what was going on. Though, it took him even longer to remember what today was. The site of Munakata in an apron, a floral apron at that, was definitely an amusing sight that he had to choke back a laugh. The white roses and the kiss on the cheek was definitely a welcome surprise. It definitely made him remember what to day was.
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   ❝No, I ended up forgetting myself~❞ Eiji replied with a small chuckle after he was ushered to the table to sit. ❝Are you sure you want to wait on me all night~?❞ someone was far too amused with today.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
"happy belated birthday Van-senpai!" Drops off a chocolate cornet because she doesn't know what else to give.
@hagumi-hug &&. Van’s Bday 2k18 (never too late for presents~ Dec 12th)
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      ❝Now aren’t you a sweetie~?❞ Van chuckled. Even if she didn’t know what else to give it was definitely the thought that count! A delicious thought at thought. ❝Thanks for the present~❞
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xxfabulae · 5 years
(for Van) "So, I hear it's your birthday~ Shall we do something to celebrate?~"
@sparklingemeraldidol &&. Van’s Bday 2k18 (December 12th)
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      ❝What little birdie told ya that~?❞ Van said with amusement. It had honestly slipped his mind that it was his birthday, blame work. ❝Well... I actually got nothin’. Been awhile since I’ve done anything for it.❞ the brunet honestly really didn’t do much for his own birthday unless his family had something to say about it.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
tenma :
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“I said she—-” He suddenly turned around and gasped. 
The others had all ran off the moment they had saw her so now Tenma was left alone to die by himself. 
“T-Tomo…Didn’t see you there….Killing machine? AH! We were just all talking about the movie we were gonna watch later tonight. We watch movies every friday night….Want to join us?” 
      Tomochika withheld a chuckle after seeing all other Mankai males run off the moment they saw her. Were they that terrified of her or perhaps terrified of the punishment she was going to bring down on the ginger in front of her? Maybe it was a little bit of both, but who knew. Moving on.
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    ❝I said she what now?❞ Tomochika asked with folded arms and a quirked brow after Tenma had turned around and gaped at her. The idol was inwardly amused by Tenma’s cover up. ❝A movie huh~? Can you tell me the title of this movie so I can take a look myself? I’m pretty busy tonight with work.❞ she knew Tenma meant her.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
@amuseforamillion​ &&. Syo Kurusu
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      Cecil blinked, not at all understanding the explanation he was being given. No matter how he attempted to try and wrap his head around it just didn’t make much sense to him. ❝Syo...❞ the brunet said hoping saying the blond’s name would get his attention. ❝Without being bias, what exactly does make Hyuuga-san great?❞ Cecil could tell how heavily Syo admired and adored his previous sensai, but...
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xxfabulae · 5 years
natsuki :
“Maybe?” And of course he could tell she had been outside. He could tell from both the feel of the flowers set upon his head and the fresh scent of springtime that had followed her in. Still, for the moment Natsuki would let her play her game as he shifted to set his magazine down on the table and get to his feet.
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Once he was stood and had walked around the couch to Haruka’s side, hand gingerly reached out to pluck the single petal stuck to her hair and bring it to his lips. An indirect kiss if you may. “It’s not good to lie Haru-chan~” Not that he was at all mad.
      Haruka knew she was bad at lying, but was at least happy that Natsuki decided to play along with it for now. A smile grew on her lips as she nodded her head. ❝Maybe~❞ she lightly teased, even though it was quite obvious that she had been outside. Where else would she have gotten the flowers to make the crown from?
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   Eyes blinked when Natsuki removed a sakura petal from her hair. Look like the flower sold her out, drat. Did he have to kiss the petal too? That was unfair. ❝It wasn’t quite a lie.❞ she said, didn’t exactly give a yes or no to Natsuki’s question. ❝Would you like to come outside with me?❞ it would be a shame if he couldn’t enjoy spring with her.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
A meme for Multi-Muse blogs
Send me 🗣+ the names of 2 muses on the blog, and there will be a random conversation written involving them.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
ren :
                 great. just the person he wanted to avoid. maybe he was exaggerating over what happened before. it wouldn’t be the first time he acts that way with someone he knows, things don’t get uncomfortable but with ryuuya it waas different. maybe it was the fact that ren can’t let go the idea that he was once his teacher. cliché, yes. especially when he left school EIGHT years ago. but still it was weird, probably because ryuuya was someone ren REALLY respected. and that’s not usual in the ginger.
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                 despite of his thoughts, he knew he had to act COLLECTED. it was ridiculus to act this way. he couldn’t even understand why he felt so embarrassed and nervous. it shouldn’t be that way. so he quickly changed his expression, his particular wink showing. “sure. when are you free?” even though he looked calm, he was probably screaming in frustration inside. 
      物語 ┆        ❛How long does he plan on putting this up?❜ Ryuuya thought while withholding a sigh. He was aware of how his past students respected him and still did some of them being more enthusiastic than others. It wasn’t that hard for him to understand crossing the line of someone you respected and sleeping with them when they were your prior instructor.
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   ❝Still there Jinguji?❞ Ryuuya asked, he found it a bit unusual for Ren to be this, how would he say it... Actually, there wasn’t a word he could even think of right now to describe the ginger in this moment. ❝So you can speak.❞ he said after the ginger had finally spoke after what seemed like eternity, but let’s digress. ❝I’ll be free in an hour.❞ he still had papers to grade unfortunately.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
tsukiko :
Tsukiko was soundly asleep when she was slowly awoken the moment her beloved had moved her head to rest on her lap. She smiled gently and giggled quietly when she heard and felt Haruka’s lips on her forehead. 
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“Mmmmn~ I’m sorry I fell asleep. Welcome home~” She said as she grabbed on to her arm and hugged it. “Also….I love you too! I’m glad you are home safely.”
      Haruka could only shake her head. ❝Don’t be sorry. It hard to predict when I’ll be home.❞ a soft chuckle fell from the composer’s lips as she ran a hand through Tsukiko’s hair. She may have laughed a little when her arm was suddenly hugged. ❝Thank you for the warm welcome.❞
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   There was a momentary pause when she thought of something. ❝Have you eaten yet?❞
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xxfabulae · 5 years
ari-chan :
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“Yes yes. Now you make it seem like something happened recently.” She might consider him grandpa, uncle, or who knows what in a teasing way, that didn’t mean she didn’t worry.
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      ❝Well, you could say something like that...❞ it was one part family problem and one part health issues with his old man.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
ari-chan :
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“Business deals?” Blink. You and her both. Only she’s managing to avoid such family issues with college.
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      ❝You heard me.❞ to be young and in college again, how he wish he could have that life again.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
tsukiko :
She had been waiting for Haruka to return home. She wanted to surprise her by showing up by surprise and being the one to welcome her home but sadly she had ended up falling asleep while waiting. 
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Poor Tsukiko didn’t know it had been an important day for her.
      ❝I’m home~❞ Haruka called out as she removed her shoes at the front entrance to slip on the house slippers. Eyes glanced around to see no one around and head tilted to the side. ❛Am I the first to come home?❜ she wondered as she was typically the last one to arrive home from work.
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   Quietly the composer walked through the house looking for Tsukiko. Head casually poked into the living room to see Tsukiko sleeping on the couch. ❛Did she fall asleep while waiting for me?❜ Haruka thought a small smile forming on her lips. She tipped toe over to the couch and sat down, carefully placing her love’s head on her lap gently stroking her hair. ❝I love you.❞ she whispered as she placed a kiss on her forehead.
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xxfabulae · 5 years
shinomiya :
Since he finally had a short few hours free from either practice or working Natsuki had managed to settle down with a recent issue of some cooking magazine or other. Only to have something soft and light land on his head from behind.
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“Eh?” A hand released one side of the magazine to cautiously touch the object on his head. “Flowers?” That must of meant.. Head turned to confirm his suspicions. “Haru-chan~ Were you outside with the spring flowers?”
      Haruka could only giggle upon Natsuki realizing what he had on his head. Hands covered her mouth to prevent a laugh from falling out now. Eyes sparkled with laughter despite that as Natsuki turned around to look at her. Hands then fell from her mouth and neatly folded themselves in front of her.
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   ❝Maybe~❞ Haruka said failing to hide her amusement. Of course she was outside with the flowers. The evidence being a lone sakura petal nestled in her hair.
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