xuanjoofics · 5 years
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I’d be lying if I didn’t repost that
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xuanjoofics · 6 years
aaaahhh these are beautiful please do check it out!!💕
tagging! @shadowburner76 @appleclover
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Hey guys along with preorders happening we’re also going to hold a giveaway where one lucky person will get a free copy!!!
To enter;
1. Must be following Sidequest
2. Reblog this post
3. Tag 2-3 friends
Head over to our twitter and instagram for more info and chances to win!
@uahigh-newsletter​  @zinereblogs  @zine-scene @zineheaven @anime-zines
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xuanjoofics · 7 years
TianShan giveway~。.:*☆
Okay so as I’ve said I’ll be holding a TianShan giveaway since I couldn’t contribute for TianShan week and I felt incredibly guilty about it. I’ll be choosing ONE winner after a week, so this ends at March 4! I’ll be writing the names and picking the winner from my tin box~ 1 winner gets to have TianShan acrylic charms + stickers ♡ ♡ ♡
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☆ 1 like and 1 reblog = 1 entry 
☆ Reblog with the tag “Let him finish his sandwich!” 
☆ 1 winner gets to have 1 He Tian acrylic charm, 1 Guan Shan acrylic charm, 1 set of TianShan stickers, and a postcard!
☆ Please be ready to disclose personal info such as full name and address
☆ TIANSHAN SHIPPERS ONLY PLEASE, I’d feel bad if you just joined for the sake of free merch <///////3 
☆ ☆ ☆
Give me 3 days after the giveaway to announce the winner! Til then, spread the TianShan love!  ♡ ♡ ♡
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
we’re old enough for a throwback (chapter two)
title: we’re old enough for a throwback (chapter two)
rating: pg
pairings: xuanjoo, mentioned minyoon (winner)
length: 1k words
summary: sungjoo doesn’t mean to let his crush spiral out of control so easily. he doesn’t mean to start telling a Very Big Lie either. but both still happen and so life sucks.
teensy little update because i’ve abandoned this and all of you for so long >.< link to the first chapter here.
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
uwu beautiful~♡ u /just knew/ it was elaina's work by the writing style kkk humm reading this makes ur heart somewhat calm♡
reminisce; pg | 790w | bittersweet, character study, canon!a prompt: beginning yixuan is art like this
at times, sungjoo wakes at night cold and afraid, disoriented in the bleakness of the darkness and gasping tears. but it’s become such a common occurrence nowadays that with a few deep shaky breaths, he escapes the cage, though not unscathed and still carrying a tight chest and clammy skin.
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
(((must be tami's bcs we are such jinyoon's trash too lol))) (((it seems longer in our twit covo tho. u /could/ write it longer. pls do. lol))) YES FOR XUANJOO COFFEESHOP AU
a man in love rated g word count 1234 words prompt beginning
sungjoo falls in love, and he knows it.
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
this is so cute I'd really love to see sungjoo's face when he met yixuan kkk~♡ befriending wenhan is the best decision sungjoo ever made ok b y e
여름의 사람 (a man of summer) rated g word count 1303 words prompt summer
in which sungjoo doesn’t think it’s a good idea to let his son join a summer camp, and wenhan is such a hopeless friend.
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
Drabble #1
who is THAT?”
“hm? who”
sungjoo grabbed seungyeon’s head and turned it so he faced the angel that was laughing at whatever yibo had said.
“oh, him”
“yeah, him” sungjoo said “who is he?”
“if you’d let my beautiful face go, i’d tell you”
sungjoo let his hands dropped but didn’t take his eyes off the radiant boy.
“he’s the new chinese trainee from that one company…” seungyeon said stealing the chips from sungjoo’s stilled hand “they gave him to us on lend or trade or something. yibo’s been showing him around all morning since, you know, he speaks chinese”
“i speak chinese” sungjoo said. he could show him around when yibo was busy. show him the sights. show him the corner ice cream shop. show him to the broom closet of the third floor. make him fall in love. and then they could go and get married in a foreign country where they wouldn’t get side eyed while they walked their two kids and their dog in the park.
“knowing you’re takeout order doesn’t count, sungjoo” seungyeon said between mouthfuls of chips.
sungjoo shrugged. details. he’d live in china as a kid, he’s sure could muster up a couple of other words to impress the love of his life with.
“i’m going to go talk to him” sungjoo got up determined.
seungyeon followed behind him if sungjoo was going to embarrass himself. he’d better be there to record it for future black mailing opportunities.
yibo spotted them walking towards them“oh, hey, sungjoo, seungyeon”
“sup” seungyeon said making yibo move over.
“who’s your little friend, yibo?” sungjoo asked and regretted it immediately. way to sound like a creepy old man, sungjoo. good job. good job.
“this is zhou yixaun, he’s from yuehua in china” yibo explain. “yixuan this is kim sungjooo”
“ni hao” sungjoo stuttered out as soon as yixuan set his eyes on him. he was even more beautiful up close. all rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes.
“he likes to think he speaks chinese” yibo snarked.
yixuan greeted him back, rosy blush on his cheeks “nice to meet you, sungjoo. i speak a little korean, too”
“yeah so don’t strain yourself, sungjoo” yibo muttered causing seungyeon to almost choke on the drink he’d stolen from an unsuspecting kid.
pfft. whatever. “i was just trying to be friendly.” sungjoo stated sitting a little too close to yixuan. “i was thinking maybe yixuan and i could go for some ice cream while you and seungyeon were in dance class?”
yibo squinted at him hard. he knew what sungjoo was up to. but he wasn’t about to hand yixuan over on a silver plate to him.
“actually yixuan has class with me all day today” yibo answered.
yixuan nodded “they were nice enough to give me a schedule similar to yibo’s. maybe some other time?”
“yes, of course” sungjoo nodded “whenever you’re free just send me a message. here let me get your number”
“and on that note. we’ll be late for our singing lesson if we don’t leave now.” yibo interrupted pulling yixuan up with him “we can’t have you slacking on you’re first day”
seungyeon shrugged at him “later” before following behind the two chinese men.
it’d been three weeks since yixuan had been training but yibo never let him out of his sight! whenever sungjoo tried to asked him out or even hang out with him outside of lessons yibo either whisked him away or yixuan already had other plans. his angel was quite a popular guy.
yesterday after a three hour vocal lesson he decided to dust off his chinese skills and write yixuan a letter that he would put in his locker. a little cheesy (a little creepy) and old fashion but it could be seen as cute and romantic so why not?
he looked at the letter one more time before shoving it between the cracks of the metal locker. he hoped everything was written correctly. he might have cheated and used google translate for one or two phrases but it was better than ask yibo for help and possibly get mocked for life or sabotaged.  
it took three days for yixuan to approach him. sungjoo was in the lounge wrestling with some type of math equation that he hadn’t taken the time to learn how to solve in between sleeping in class and trainee lessons when yixuan tapped on his shoulder.
“hi” yixuan said with a little wave of his hands.
sungjoo straightened up immediately when he saw him “hi, how are you? here sit down” pulling out a chair for him.
“you send me a letter?” he asked ringing his hands together kind of awkwardly.
sungjoo nodded “did you like it?”
yixuan hummed “uh, yeah. it was nice of you to tell me my mom is very pretty and that you’d take me out and teach how to sort recyclables and all but i didn’t understand the part about you holding my pet pig hostage in exchange for toe nail clippings?”
sungjoo went red “huh?”
yixuan took out the crumpled note “yeah, right here and here” he pointed out “this is pig and this is toe nails.”
“no, no-“ sungjoo shook his head “that’s not what i wanted to say at all”
“i didn’t know if this was a prank or not. everyone was being so nice to me but i showed it to yibo and said there was only one person stupid enough to google translate chinese” yixuan explained “since that” he pointed to were sungjoo had signed his name in what he assumed was chinese “means nothing”
“no, no, no that’s not what i meant at all. i just wanted to ask you out but yibo kept keeping you way from me and you were so busy with training and everyone else so i never got a chance to ask you out and maybe have ice cream and get married and maybe adopt two kids and a dog and-“
yixuan placed a hand on top of sungjoo’s cutting him off “maybe not marriage yet, but i’d love to get ice cream with you now if you want?”
“yes! of course, i want” he said jumping up from his seat and dragging yixuan out of the room, math homework forgotten.
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
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think the xuanjoo tag been a bit too quiet recently? well, it’s just the calm before the storm because now presenting!!
Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ XUANJOO FIC FEST 2k15╰(✧∇✧╰)
Wait, what’s going on?
the lovely tami (junq-han​) and myself (elaina: unsungjoo) have been drowning in xuanjoo feels lately and felt the need to liven up the tag while bringing lovely uniqorns together!
so we decided to do a 10 day drabble challenge together plus one finale fic to wrap up! all revolving around uniq’s dad line ft. their three kids~
Woah okay! When’s this happening?
we will be posting an official schedule and finalized list of prompts once we work out the kijinks. but we’re looking at september 1st to kick off the new school year! there will be posts before then with updates. and speaking of updates…
Awesome! So what can I do until then?
follow this blog to keep up with everything, from news and announcements to the drabbles themselves, and anything else in between (highly recommended) and/or
track “xjficfest” to only get info on the ficfest itself (also highly recommended)
reblog this post to spread the news! ヾ(。◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ
follow tami and/or myself (optional, we’d like to talk and get to know you guys (*´▽`*)you can introduce yourself and talk about fest and non-ficfest things!!)
we intend to keep this between the two of us for now, since we’ve discussed on how to proceed with this
BUT if there is an interest in joining/contributing, we welcome any other artists/writers/editors to come stop by and message us, and maybe we can draw something up!!
hope you guys are excited ‘cause we sure are!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
[the above picture credits goes the wonderful uniqlyxuanjoo who was kind enough to let us use it (´∀`)♡]
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
[XuanJoo] Shot of Whiskey
Author : larkspxrs
Lenght : drabble
Genre : romance
Rating : PG
Summary : Australian accents and glasses of alcohol.
Notes : just found this.. in love with the bartender~♡ bet he’s actually as embarrassing as some bartender that give their customer weird-but-cool named drinks /cough red head slut screaming orgasm blowjob cough/ /sorry/ /ignore me pls/
The author wrote another cute fics too, it’s not xuanjoo tho so I can’t rec it here~ check them out and give support kudos/comment if u like them~ ♡♡♡♡♡
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
Do you follow the xuanjoo tag? It's been so empty lately ;-;
oh no i don’t follow tags! but really? shall we do something to liven it up again? hahahah
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
ehehe this one is cute :3 awkward first meeting? but yea, cute~♡
a/n: yixuan is an angel. it's final. fight me.
For author, thanks for writing ur 1st uniq fic! And it's xuanjoo~!♡ aww thank u TTvTT♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Hope this won't be the last; more xuanjoo fics to come~ ^^♡
Sungjoo always finds a way to make a memorable first impression with everyone he meets.
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
OK so this would have like 5chaps later/? and it's like SungjooxUNIQ and the xuanjoo is not there yet so--
beautifully written~ and each superpowers fits them! not complete; hopefully soon~♡♡♡♡♡
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
*in the kitchen wearing nothing but underwear tho* *cough* I'M INNOCENT /what
xuanjoo; bake the cake
yixuan/sungjoo; domestic? au; 615w it’s two in the morning. sungjoo is starving and yixuan can’t let his husband be in the kitchen all alone.
prompt: it’s 2am but you’re craving cake and we’re both up anyway so let’s bake in our underwear au (from kenaiskoda)
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
believe in Sungjoo to /always/ find a way to doing /things/ with his hubby even in the most crucial situation lol *ok sj ok ♡* CANT BELIVE U DARE TO NOT CONTINUE THE SMUT THO *glares at junq-han* lol jk I LOVE U ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
xuanjoo; little secret
yixuan/sungjoo; (kinda) detective!au; 662w they are doing a secret mission, it doesn’t mean they can’t have their own secret.
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
Do you have any JooXuan fics? Fanfics about Sungjoo is seme, Yixuan are uke?
hi baby! sorry for late reply I've been so busy lately and cant update blog *sobss ㅠㅠ ah most xuanjoo fics are Seme!Sungjoo and Uke!Yixuan tho~ when it's not I would stated it in the notes♡ so XuanJoo/JooXuan is not necessary the order of the roles, just more commonly used hehe hope this helps! ^__^♡just check my blog for the fics ok everything is beautifully written by our talented UNICORN Authors ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡(p.s. be sure to show them some love by reblog or/and heart it! ♡)
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xuanjoofics · 9 years
popular person falls in love with inbetweener who lives and breathes literature?? younbo/xuanjoo???
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rating: g
pairing: xuanjoo
length: 500 words
summary: what’s on the tin except kind of…smushed and meshed together? i’m so sorry haha
the notes start appearing halfway through the year. there’s no lead-up or forewarning though really, there hardly ever is. just a blue stickynote, tucked squarely between the pages of yixuan’s copy of romance of the three kingdoms.“hi, you’re cute” it reads in squiggly handwriting and nothing more.yixuan can only stare at it for a moment, blinking out of his trance when a gust of wind blows it out of his grip and onto the floor of the corridors.the muttered curse under his breath is drowned out by the shrillness of the bell that rings overhead and he can only stare morosely as people begin to spill into the halls.there goes the first and last secret admirer that i’ll ever have, he thinks hopelessly, averting his gaze so that he doesn’t have to see it crumpled and torn beyond recognition. he stares at the back of his locker, closing his eyes and resting his head against the cool metal shelf. “thanks fate…”“actually it’s sungjoo,”“wha - ”his eyes fly open to see a familiar blue square in front of him, following the arm attached to it to a beaming grin.“kim sungjoo,” the guy clarifies in an awkwardly cheerful manner, scratching the back of his neck, “that’s my name. not fate.”“oh,” yixuan says lamely, carefully plucking the note off sungjoo’s fingers and placing it onto the back wall of his locker, “thanks.” he already knows who sungjoo is of course. the fact that he’s a year younger than yixuan himself doesn’t stop the admiring gossip that spreads about his looks or personality.“from someone special?” sungjoo follows his arm with interested bright eyes and yixuan can’t help but wonder why. attention just doesn’t come easy to him. he’s too easily lost in the waves of people that sweep through, forever drifting close to the walls with a book in his hand. there are hi’s and bye’s but never ones that last more than five minutes. not to say he’s unliked - he’s not the first choice for anything but not the last either. a little better than average grades, wide circle of friends, average looks.he’s happy to stay under the radar.except this. this happened. he stares at the postit note one last time before scooping his books into his arms and closing his locker with a metallic clang.“i don’t know,” he replies as he shifts the weight of his books in his hands and nods his thanks to sungjoo. 
the other shrugs and winks, “well, good luck then,” before giving him a final wry twist of the lips before he disappears in the other direction.
“i don’t know.” he mumbles, quieter to himself in the empty hallway as he feels a tinge of excitement run through him, not commonly associated with the maths class he’s almost certainly late for, “…but maybe i’ll find out.”
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