xndrjng · 9 years
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hobi dancing ♡; for amoonlessheart  v (talking about hobi’s dance in ahl): on the show, he only showed his poppin’ dance and not his own (style of) dance. (…) people probably didn’t know that his skills were this great / trans
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xndrjng · 9 years
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xndrjng · 9 years
Eyes: Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | Grey | Other Hair: Blonde | Brown | Black | Red | Ginger | Grey/White | Multi-color | Other Body Type: Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Muscular Skin: Pale | Light | Fair | Freckled | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored  Gender: Male | Female | Trans* | Cis | No Gender | Other Sexuality: Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other Species: Human | Undead/Vampire | Shapeshifter | Demon | Angel | Witch/Wizard/Sorcerer | Incubus/Succubus | Other Education: High School | College | University | Higher Education  Living Situation: Lives alone | Lives with parents/guardian | Lives with significant other | Lives with a friend | Drifter | Homeless Parents/Guardian: Mom | Dad | Adoptive | Foster | Grandparents | Family friend Relationship: Single | Crushing | Dating | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s complicated I’ve been: In Love | Hurt | Sick | Abused I have a(n): Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder | Mental Disorder | Anxiety Disorder | Eating Disorder | Substance-related Disorder Things I’ve done before: Drank alcohol | Smoked | Done drugs | Stolen | Self harmed | Starved myself | Had sex | Had a threesome | Gotten into a fist fight | Gone to the hospital | Gone to jail | Used a fake ID | Gone to a rave | Killed someone Positive Traits: Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming | Confident | Creative | Determined | Fearless | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless Negative Traits: Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Insecure | Irresponsible | Possessive | Sarcastic | Self-conscious | Selfish | Unstable
BOLD all that applies to your muse!
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xndrjng · 9 years
"Worse? This really is serious then," he breathed, shaking his head in disbelief for a moment. To provide some consolation, Xander rests one of his hands on his friend's thigh, rubbing small, gentle circles on the area. To his dismay, his attempts at helping Chaerin absolutely backfired; it seemed that with every concerned look or inquiry, she seemed to draw further and further into herself and seemed to be somehow pained more. 
He would have been slightly discouraged if not for her sudden burying of her face in his neck. Sighing lightly and speaking quietly as if somehow if he were to do as much as talk too loudly, it would hurt her, "I know, I know. We'll figure out what's wrong with you, okay?" Adding with a smile and tiny jest, as was customary for him, he continued, "We'll make the bastard who did this to you pay, too. Don't w--" 
An entire galaxy seemed to flash before his eyes as a result of the pain that followed, forcing him to cut off his last sentence. Not entirely processing what was happening at first, he quipped, "Well if the problem was that you needed laid or something you could've just aske--" 
It continued, feelings of health seeming to be sucked out of him and dizziness setting in... and it was at that very moment that Xander realized what was happening. In a fit of lightheadedness, he pulled away from the girl with whatever energy he had left in him, retracting the hand that he had used to comfort her and slapping it over the two small, open wounds now on his neck. Throwing his head back and wincing in pain, he spoke, his words seemingly laced with pain. "Oh my G-- What the fuck is going on?! Is this some sci-fi shit?" Upon moving his hand away from the wound and taking a glance at it, he noticed traces of blood that were left around the indentations and looked in absolute consternation at the woman next to him.
{illness: xander x chaerin}
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xndrjng · 9 years
She knew he wasn’t going to be driven off by her half-hearted explanations and so Chaerin stepped aside to allow the younger male inside, her shoulders slumped as she watched him enter her apartment. “I’m just a little sick…I think someone put something in my drink at the bar the other night…I’ll probably be fine by tomorrow.” She murmured, plopping down onto the couch and motioning for him to take a seat wherever before she pulled a blanket around her small frame.
He carefully watched the female, concernedly heeding every gesture, no matter how minute, from her unusually weak voice to the slumping of her shoulders. Much to his happiness, she did not cast him away this time. With a half-smile and a chuckle, Xander remarked, "You're not ignoring me this time? Damn. This is new." 
His smile quickly faded into a frown upon hearing her conjecture. With his part-time bartending job, he was, sadly, no stranger to seeing the aftermath of a spiked drink. Consequently, the experience allowed him to see through this explanation. That's not to say that he knew what was wrong -- he's a dancer, not a doctor -- but her behavior know was most likely not the result of foul drink play. 
Taking a seat next to his weakened friend, he breathed, "Are you sure? Are you feeling any better than you were a few days ago? I mean, I hate to be the pessimist in the room but you look.. not shitty, because it's impossible for you to look shitty.. you look sick. Like you're not going to be better by tomorrow, and that's what worries me. If this was caused by someone spiking your drink, that was some damn strong stuff and I'm curious to know how they got their hands on it." His legs were crossed and his hands folded in his lap as he mentally sorted through possibilities as to what could be wrong with her, coming up short every time, to his frustration.
{illness: xander x chaerin}
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xndrjng · 9 years
Small starter meme.
Fluff//Romance "I’m doing this for you." "You know you’re my one and only." "I’m in love with you." "I’ve always loved you." "You’re the most important thing in the world to me." "Forever and always." "You’re my sunshine." "I appreciate you." "You’re so cute." "You’re the most beautiful girl/boy I’ve ever seen."
Secrets//Lies "I’m jealous of you." "I’m in love with you, idiot." "I never loved you." "I don’t really like _____." "You’re my hero." "I’m in love with ____. Don’t tell them." "I’ve never lied to you." "I was using you."
Angst "You don’t give a damn about me." "Stop lying." "Stop pretending." "Get the hell away from me." "I thought you loved me." "I trusted you." "You promised me!" "I needed you." "I can never trust you again."
Pain//Blood "You hit me." "You shot me." "You stabbed me." "I’m bleeding." "Everything hurts." "I feel woozy." "You’ve lost so much blood." "You’re covered in blood." "There’s so much blood."
Flirty "You’re hot when you’re mad." "Wanna come back to my place?" "You tease." "You’re lovely." "You look divine." "How about a drink at my place?"
Written For you
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xndrjng · 9 years
What was one supposed to do if they knew his or her friend was upset or sick or who even knows what, but this friend absolutely rejected any help whatsoever? This very question was beginning to frustrate Xander; Chaerin had been ignoring text messages, phone calls, or any half-assed attempts at communication like the borderline-extinct Facebook poke. 
It was because of this that he found himself in his car, driving over to his (sick?) friend's apartment. After adjusting the collar on his jacket and clearing his throat once or twice, he gave the door several knocks before stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black jeans. 
His gesture was greeted by his bare-faced, bedheaded companion: this, in itself, was enough to reinforce his concerns regarding her well-being. However, it seemed that the more he cared, the more he was shunned, and as a testament to this hypothesis, she crowed, "You can't be here." 
"What do you mean, 'can't be here'? I'm not allowed to check up on you after you ignore me for days on end? Hell, for all I knew, you were dead." His dark eyes were focused intently on the female standing -- er, well, poking her head out of the door -- before him, laced with both concern and determination to receive an answer.
{illness: xander x chaerin}
This was truly starting to become torture. Her throat was dry and her head aching from the constant onslaught of sights and sounds and scents that were throwing her into a sensory overload. Whatever that asshole at the bar a couple nights ago had slipped into her drink had really done a number on her. She really wasn’t in any state to see anyone, but yet Xander had insisted on coming to see her. And so here they were, with her peeking her head outside of her apartment door, blonde hair disheveled and her face completely naked of its usual makeup masterpiece. “Xander..” She rasped out, her brow furrowed in distress as she realized something about him was making the aches within her worse. “You can’t be here.”
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xndrjng · 9 years
Loser who eats shorts. That's you. -totally not Lexi
I need to start keeping track of when this happens. Like, “Oh boy, 12:42 in the morning? Seems about time to get a moderately affectionate insult from Lexi.”
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xndrjng · 9 years
Okay, I get that this is a nickname, but is it an insult or something affectionate?
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xndrjng · 9 years
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XANDER JUNG ﹣ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇʀ﹐ ʙᴀʀᴛᴇɴᴅᴇʀ﹐ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴘᴀᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ sᴛᴜᴅᴇɴᴛ. "So listen, name's Xander. I'm new in town, if you couldn't tell by the  name. Yeah, yeah, I know. You've heard it a million times. But what if I told you that tomorrow's my birthday? And if you befriend me in, say, the next week, I'll treat you to some drinks on the house? Or a lap dance. Or.. cookies? I don't know, whatever it is that your heart desires. Can you tell I'm desperate? I swear I'm at least kinda cool."
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xndrjng · 9 years
Send anons, I'll answer whatever I get
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xndrjng · 9 years
Xander's brow furrowed in a bit of confusion, but, regardless, he offered a chuckle at the girl's explanation of her occupation. "A secret? Well aren't you mysterious." He adjusted a few locks of his dark brown hair that had fallen into face, slightly out of place. "Twenty-one. My dad lives nearby, and, long story short, my parents are separated. I've spent the whole life with my mom, so when my dad offered to finally give a shit about me, I jumped at the opportunity." A nearly inaudible sigh left his lips before he continued, "Sorry about that. You probably don't need a biography of the dude you're trapped in an elevator with."
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She decided to mess with the boy. “I’m secretly a fairy named Tinkerbell frozen in time looking for peter pan cause I killed Wendy Darling.” She laughed knowing he wouldn’t believe the truth. “Just kidding, my job is a secret, I’m kinda famous, not in a typical way, no one knows my face. That’s all I can say.” She spoke them smiled softly at him. “How old are you? Why come to Seoul?” She said pushing the attention back to him.
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xndrjng · 9 years
Hate yours
Be rude to yours 
Become your character’s enemy
Be willing to attack/fight yours in a plot
Develop a bromance or platonic relationship 
Have or receive UNreciprocated feelings with yours
Team up with your character against others
Otherwise engage in non-romantic interactions
Reblog if you give permission for other characters to:
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xndrjng · 9 years
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"I want to develop my personal skills. It’s just like playing games - you must keep practicing, keep leveling up, always feeling the pressure." (x)
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xndrjng · 9 years
"What do I do?" He repeated her inquiry, repositioning himself so his legs were crossed. "I'm a dancer and I serve drinks at this bar downtown. I recently moved here from New York." To clarify, he added, "Studying abroad." Careful not to talk too much about himself (which he is prone to do), Xander redirects the question. "How about you? Anything super interesting I should know?"
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"A blessing to some maybe." She said softly. She looked different and it seemed she wasn’t aging, maybe it was true, maybe she was the fairy from her memories, maybe she wasn’t aging, but was Peter? Looking over at the male. "So…um, what do you do?" She asked trying to make conversation and keep the questions on him so he didn’t learn more about her then she wanted him to know.
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xndrjng · 9 years
"Hey, think of it this way. You'll always have that youthful appearance. In other words, when you're 50, you'll look, like, 30. It's kind of a blessing." Xander nods, trying yet again to make the other feel at least slightly less uncomfortable in his presence. When she thanks him, he waves a hand in dismissal, smiling. "Don't thank me. It's no trouble. I know it's not the same as all the lights being back on, but it's at least something."
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"It’s not you, being short you don’t have much you can do, I have the strength of a elementary student and the size of one too even though I’m 18, I’m very cautious." She explained playing with her sleeves. "It would be my luck to get stuck in a dark place." She said pouting, when he turned the light on she looked at him. "T-thank you mister."
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xndrjng · 9 years
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———-“Come on, 
come at me.”
Alexis Kim. 22. Dancer. Entertainer. Killer.
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