xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Changkyun could only look at Hyejeong in bewilderment. For one the first times here it sounded as if she sounded generally interested in his power. It was quite a rare thing to come across when others with more extraordinary powers existed in the institute. ‘’Don’t ask me how it works..’’ he joked, smiling ear to ear. ‘’I don’t have a clue myself and I’d rather just go about my business without looking into it more. The only thing I can tell you is that I need to touch things for technology to be able to talk to me. Some aren’t so nice though.’’ 
Bringing up his former team mates was something he knew he shouldn’t of done. All it did was bring back distant memories that he would like to try and forget about. He seriously missed them and no one in here seemed to have love for technology like they did. He was glad that they were able to get away and not be tied to the hacking in anyway but he would rather be with them now. Moaning about it now wouldn’t help at all though, he was here and he would have to live with what he did.
‘’Believe me, I didn’t mean to get caught or anything like that. Kind of a mistake of hindsight in my opinion. But I’m glad that everyone was able to get away with nothing happening to them..’’ he spoke, clearly gushing whilst talking about the people he helped get away. Throughout their discussion, it occurred to Changkyun that he didn’t mention what he actually did to Hyejeong, that would probably be a good start if anything. ‘’By the way, I’m a hacker. That’s what I’m talking about here.’’ Even with her inexperience with technology, he was sure she knew what hacker’s were about.
She was a thief? That was unexpected at the least. He should've assumed when she started talking about cameras though, that should of been clue enough. Judging would of been a horrible thing to do at this point, since their crimes were quite similar in theory. She stole things, Changkyun stole... information? Or something to that degree. He couldn’t help but laugh at her comment. It was such a small thing but maybe she would be able to shoplift again, if she was able to get out of here. If they were all able to get out of here.
At her question he perked up a little, not really expecting her to pick up on anything. ‘’Oh... I just keep on thinking about cameras now. I know how to hack a lot of things but I never really tried to do that. It’s interested me now, should I say.’’ he spoke, trying to contain his excitement inside. Whenever it came to hacking he always had to control himself, he got very easily excited over the whole process. It was better when you had people to do it with though, people to talk to and that. 
‘’I saw a couple of cameras here, I wonder if I could get into them....’’
℘ this has gotta be magic.
“you can talk to technology? wow.”all hyejeong could do was stare at changkyun in sheer amazement as he spoke of his ability. it was like— well, like nothing she had ever imagined. she blinked, glancing down at her laptop and phone with new respect in her eyes. there was so much she wanted to ask him  —how exactly he communicated with technology (binary, maybe? or emotion?), if each piece of tech had a different ‘language’— but she doubted she would understand half of it even if she tried anyway.
she smiled a little wistfully at his statement— of course he liked to help people. that had been made quite obvious by the way he had immediately sat down beside her without even asking twice. she, on the other hand— well, she wasn’t cruel, but she wouldn’t necessarily go out of her way to help others either. it made her feel a little bad, like she was taking advantage of his niceness, although of course she had time to repay him now that they were both in the institution.
returning her attention to his words, her lips pursed at the distinct tension in changkyun’s posture, and it took her a few moments longer than usual to understand his story. “you…you took the fall for your friends?” her brows were almost sky-high, jaw gaping slightly in disbelief. “that’s…wow. that’s taking altruism to a whole new level.” she was still too surprised for the sarcasm to translate properly, but she shook her head nevertheless. the only person she would even consider doing that for was her father, not a pack of friends who could probably be replaced with some effort.
her gaze flickered slightly in discomfort when the attention eventually turned to her side of the tale, and her shrug in response was more than a little defensive. “well, yeah, you know what the say about hindsight being 20/20 and all that,” she huffed, looking bothered by the memory alone. “i never had to because we always moved on in a few days, and i always stole from small stores. there was never time to find me or even catch me. i mean, obviously they did this time— they were fast, faster than i thought they’d be. i’ll be sure to take your advice and wear a mask the next time i shoplift, i guess.”
she laughed, only half-joking, before glancing back at him intuitively. “so what’s on your mind? you look like you’re thinking hard.”
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
There were many places in the institute one could go to avoid looking suspicious. Changkyun was not aware of whether or not there were cameras around, he didn’t pay much attention to them. That might be an indicator that they didn’t exist in the first place. Usually it would be something he would check immediately but the absence of his laptop made that difficult to check. His phone could do the same thing but it was quite unreliable at the same time. It had quite the temper as well.
‘’How about we meet at the recreational centre?’’ he questioned, raising his eyebrow in the slightest way possible. ‘’That way we can walk towards the gates and not look quilty like we’re going to do something we’re not supposed to?’’ It was a simple plan really, he just hoped the other didn’t plan on smuggling as much as possible back in. He wasn’t quite sure how they would be able to get in if one of them was carrying the most. Hiding the items might be a problem as well, though that was on the other person, not him.
‘’I don’t know if you’re the type to worry or anything but don’t. The less fuss you make of it, the more flawless we can pull this operation off.’’ The way in which Changkyun talked, it was as if he was organising a military operation. He wanted it to go smoothly so no one would suspect a thing. ‘’Okay, I think that’s really all we need to discuss, so see you in an hour?’’
Get Me Out or Break Me Out
Although Moonbyul was not expecting it to be so easy, it was surprising how the other seemed to already have a plan formulated. Guess everyone had their own set of things that they were good at and it seemed this was his. Choosing not to pry since he was not prying into her business she chuckles standing up with a smile.
Putting her hair up in a bun she tilts her head to the side, “So where would you have us meet then if not the gates?” Thankful to have time to change her clothes she continues to smile at the other. The taste of freedom was so close that she was ready to get this show on the road.
So besides her initial thought of just getting alcohol and coming back, she would have to time to make a list. Probably bring a duffle bag or something to make sure everything came back with her. It would be just like old times just with a different person by her side. Damn how she missed her mutant family.
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Changkyun always liked to pride himself on being able to tackle any situation. Whether it was a tough one or it took a long amount of time, he liked to stick with it and push through. This time was a whole other situation though. It was more pain than he had ever felt in his life. The thought of dying was not a good one especially since his last moments would be because of him being a serial moron. In reality it probably wouldn’t be that serious. Worst case scenario was that it would leave a scar and then he would have a conversation starter, though that wasn’t really something he should be thinking about. More so how to stop himself from hurting more than he was. 
In a positive note, Hwasa seemed to be gained speed on the gravity of the situation. She seemed to understand that Changkyun was mostly full of crap when he said he could handle it, which he thought he would be able to. ‘’I can... I can handle it... It hurts though.’’ he breathed out in long bursts, the pain becoming slightly more worse each second. Before he knew it he was being pulled up and took somewhere. The rush of wing he felt on his arms as they ran was something short of heavenly, if only he could spend the rest of his time running around, but sadly no.
They ended up in a unknown room, probably her own, though it was uncertain at this point. He listened to her with attentive ears and couldn’t help but hear the panic in her own voice. Shaking his head he gave a heavy sigh, ‘’No, it-it’s not your fault.. It’s my own.. I was stupid, I didn’t think it through.’’ He noted how useful it would be to have some sort of healing factor but sadly that wasn’t the case. What he had instead was he could talk to technology, something very useful in this situation. ‘’I talk to tech-technology... It won’t help in this case, sadly.’’ he added, letting out a dry laugh. Eventually the pain would have to go away, right?
Fly Swatter|| Changkyun
Raising her eyebrows, it was more than amusing to see Changkyun tough out his obvious pain, she probably should have been feeling guilty or vaguely bad about having the other go through such a thing but he had asked for it. “You really are. I should give you a gold star for being a fucking trooper. Youre a tough cookie ain’t ya?”
It was only when the other dropped on the floor like a sack of potatoes was it that Hwasa realized what she had actually just done. She fucking poisoned some random dude she just met. At a place where she was suppose to be ‘rehabilitated’! Mentally screaming at herself she faintly nudged the other with her foot, noticing the red marks already starting to bloom on the others skin, shit. “Changkyun! Get up, no falling! I said no freaking out! Come on you said you could handle it. It was a weak poison, come on. You okay? You lookin’ a little pale and borderline about to freak out and mind you I do not fair well with meltdowns. This isn’t funny if you’re pulling my damn leg here”. 
Watching the man in front of her start to talk to himself, Hwasa had red flags and alarms going of in her head. Not good. Really not fucking good. Bringing her hand up to her mouth she tried to keep herself from freaking out, looking around anxiously before letting out a frustrated sigh, “Shit! You said You could handle, you fucking lied?! Come on get up. Or did I overdo it?! Ah fuck!”
Hoisting the other up she noted the water starting to collect in the others eyes, nope. That was enough to have her dragging him by the arm, she had to do something and quick. Making her way to the dorms she made a break for her dorm room, “Come on! I have some medicated ointment for shit like this. Well slap some of that shit on you and you’ll be as good as new. Right?! Please tell me you have some sort of healing factor mutation, yes? No? How fucked am i for doing this to you?”
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
A somewhat small voice caught his attention. It wasn’t really what he needed right now but he would see what the commotion was about. Changkyun checked his phone again, five minutes left, time seemed to be going by faster than he would of hoped. ‘’I can’t... you see...’’ he trailed of, looking at the women in front of him. Though he wanted to, he couldn’t help but want to offer his help to her with what she needed. Perhaps it was a curse, or maybe he was just being melodramatic.
He just simply nodded, walking towards the other. She seemed to be having some problems with her phone and that was something he knew he could help with. Taking a small glance at her screen when he could he was uncertain about what she actually wanted him to do. That was until he saw a very pristine flower, quite possibly one of the most beautiful he had ever seen before. He had no idea that flowers like this grew in the institution. You learn new things everyday.
‘’Oh!’’ he exclaimed, looking backwards and forwards towards the flower and the stranger in front of him. ‘’Is your camera app playing up or something? Or do you want me to take a picture of you with the flower?’’ he questioned, trying to piece the pusszle together in his mind. Whatever the issue was, he knew that he was better to stay and try to help her with what she needed.
Into the city
The garden is possibly her most favorite place, in the entire institute. More so than the jetted bath, or the window she usually stands next to. There is a strange connection between the suns rays, and herself. Basking in them leaves her feeling energized; recharged, even. In fact, one may go as far as to say she feels slightly happy, out in the garden. Happiness; an odd commodity to feel, amongst the mutants forced into the institute.
Lithe digits brush across a velvety rose petal, as her honeyed voice hums an old tune. A song that used to play quite often, during her era. Lost in a world of her own – at least, that is until she attempts at taking a picture of the flower in question. Just how did the ‘camera app’ work, again? It seems as the years roll on, technology becomes unnecessarily complicated. At least, to one who is not born in the ‘age of technology’, but rather stuck living through it.
That was until one of the other inhabitants of the dorms strolls by her. What was his power again? With so many of them here, it becomes harder and harder to recall what each of their names, and “gifts” were.
“Um.. hey..!” Her voice is meek at first, but gradually gets a bit louder. Waving a hand at Changkyun, she motions him towards her.
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“Will you.. help me with this.. thing.. this phone?”
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
It was a difficult situation to be in when the person you’re trying to help clearly lacks some sort of self-esteem. Though it wasn’t evident from looking at him, listening to Joshua talk said more than enough. Though it was sad to see, it wasn’t something that could be ‘fixed’ in a short manner of time. Acceptance and love for yourself took a long time, Changkyun knew this all too well. The young male shook his head, ‘’I don’t agree with what you’re saying. You just don’t want to do it, that’s what I think.’’ In reality perhaps Joshua was just unable to actually do what he suggested, but Changkyun wasn’t going to let it go that easily. If he was going to help, then he was going to help as much as he good.
Clearing his throat he turned towards the other, looking directly into his eyes. ‘’Do you ever play video games? Doesn’t matter if you don’t but there’s things to be learnt from them, conceptually. In a video game there is always the protagonist, the main character. You are that protagonist in your life, everyone else like myself is a NPC, short for non-playable character.  The main character is the most important thing in the whole game, the same for yourself. You yourself should be the most important person in your life. You can disagree with me on that but you should look after yourself before anyone else.’’
That fact was something Changkyun was a firm believer in. It might of been kind of selfish but to him, himself was the most valuable person in his own life. No one could look after him like he could himself. Whilst everyone he had made friends with was invaluable and he wouldn’t trade it for the world, he knew his priorities. 
When thinking about it, something struck him. He didn’t know the whole situation with Joshua, his upbringing and that, it wasn’t his to know. Something however stuck out like a sore thumb. ‘’Josh.. Can I call you Josh? It’s not a problem if I can’t. You don’t need to answer this question but I have a feeling it might tell a lot about you... Have you ever been hugged?’’
Electricity for the soul
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[ ϟ  – ]  How else could he see himself? Why else would his parents give him up after birth and naming him? There were probably other reasons, maybe accidental pregnancy was one of them, or maybe because they just simply wanted a girl instead only. Growing up he had no real parents to support and take care of him like how kids that weren’t orphans had. He envied them greatly, he wanted a mother to teach him how to cook, no father to teach him how to ride a bike, he had no one, blood-related wise. After the people at the orphanage told him that he was an orphan at a reasonable age, he felt depressed and confused. It took him a bit of years to think of it as a challenge to be independent, although his envy was still strong against the people who had both parents that supported them.
Joshua found himself on the train of thoughts and got off of the train and back to reality. He stared into space for several minutes during the silence that had fallen over both of them. His depressing thoughts wanted to make him grab all the junk food from the cafe, bring it to his room, listen to sad music and just sit on his dormitory bed. The boy was still living in the past, he thought he was able to let the sadness go, but he couldn’t help but keep thinking why he was given up. First it’s shock, anger, depression and then acceptance. He was in the depression stage still, but he hoped that Changkyun would help pull him out of it already. Joshua wanted to be happy.
He carefully listened to Changkyun, now looking at him because it’s good to look at someone while they’re talking. He nodded in response to the other. He was glad that he had some sympathy from the other, plus the help so far. “N-No…I don’t think I could do the same thing.” Joshua shook his head slowly as he was realizing that that was exactly what he was doing. Everyone was progressing while he was just there being depressed, and that certainly wasn’t getting him anywhere, he needed to clean up his act.
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Final greetings
With the orientation event finally drawing to a close, now was the time for a final run around. He had met mostly everyone that there was at this moment and he was glad to know everyone. Everyone was vastly more interesting than the last, not to downgrade anyone in particular, but the mass difference between everyone’s powers was astounding. It would make for great conversation and Changkyun would like nothing more than to dive into their head, see what they can actually do.
Roaming around the halls was becoming quite easier now that he had been here for quite some time. It was almost as if it was second nature to him, at least it almost was. Probably another few days and he would have the institute mapped off and know every ins and outs that it had to offer. If he had his laptop, it would be much easier. He could probably get the plans for the place from somewhere and learn the layout that way, though that was an impossible feat right now.
Walking into the recreational area, he noticed a few new faces. Now would be the best to welcome himself, since he would probably be spending the next few years here. That was something that he didn’t like the thought of. A few days was nothing but years? Maybe he would go crazy eventually.
Walking over to someone he bowed slightly, ‘’I’m so sorry to interrupt whatever you’re doing but I wanted to introduce myself.’’ he started, a small smile about his features. ‘’My name is Changkyun.’’
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
“w-what’’, her reply came more as a whimper than a statement, not that she was in the right state to even reply with a coherent sentence. her mind was filled with things she didn’t want to remember and her lips still trembled in shock, both at the male’s touch that still stings to her skin and the white walls she’d seen surrounding her instead of the landscape she had been viewing not less than three seconds ago. she would be in a much more of a wreck if it weren’t for him.
he was about to launch the bomb.
the first thing she knew was that she was all fine and good walking around the garden, and as soon as she closed her eyes, there she was, in the middle of the civil war with bullets phasing through her as it hit the soldier right behind her and she had to see his eyes opened wide before he fell to the ground with a thud. no one minded though. no one would when their own life is on the line. following a thud, she found herself in front of a grave, next to a women in tears, and a young boy — less than two, if she remembered correctly — smiling beside her. she knew the mother thought he was too young to know.
she didn’t even manage to read the soldiers name when she was transported back to a what seemed to be a headquarters with a fuming young man and a bunch of tough looking soldier. she didn’t register the situation quite fast, all she knew was the sound of a gun launching and the man screaming “запустить бомбу” before she saw the white walls of the infirmary and the brown eyes of the male staring right at her.
she shook her head when he asked her if she was fine. “no, i’m not, but i’ll get used to it.” she muttered. she knew just as well that she’d never get used to it though. no one ever gets used to seeing visions of the past completed with the bomb launching, and torturing devices. she’s lucky if she land on the age where marilyn monroe exists and she could watch her movies for free, but perhaps humans made one too many mistakes and it would be easier for her to relive world war two as opposed to receiving a free ticket for marilyn monroe’s show.
“i just think it’s sickening that humans continued to do the same mistake repeatedly and they don’t need to live through it yet i had to just because i was born with some stupid and disgusting power.” the statement escaped her lips almost like a whisper but judging by his expression she knew that he heard it just fine. 
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‘’You’re wrong,’’ he states simply, staring at Chaeyeon. Whereas what she said was true, she couldn’t be more wrong. Humans made mistakes because they didn’t understand they severity and importance of the issue. Humans still make those same mistakes again today, though it’s hard when you look at it from the standpoint of the girl in front of himself. She was able to live through it again and again, no one else could do that.
‘’Humans make the same mistakes today still. If you look outside you will see just see one facet of wrong that they did back then. Can we really call it a mistake though?’’ he asked, posing the question to her.
Whilst it was true that mistakes were made, perhaps it was humans own impotence and greed that led it’s way to two world wars and many more ‘smaller’ ones. World War 1 was a different beast entirely, that clearly being unforgivable mistakes that might of been possibly avoided if the right conditions were met. Though maybe not. The downfall of the human species had always been it’s thirst for power. Thirst to thrive in unforeseen odds.
‘’But don’t ever say that you have some disgusting power. Don’t give in to what people want you to think. We are humans too, just like the rest of them. Just because a few of us may be able to shoot fire out of our eyes doesn’t change that.’’
It was important to note that not everyone was like that. If people knew exactly what mutants were about and see that they were normal people like everyone else, there would not be a problem. It’s the fear factor. People are scared of what they don’t understand. It’s human nature to be like that. To escape fear, tackling it head on is the way to go, not tiptoe around it and hope to avoid it like the plague.
‘’Chaeyeon, listen to me…’’ he started, holding the girl’s head and turning towards him. ‘’There’s nothing wrong with what you have, okay? Nothing wrong with what you are. Don’t think like that.’’ he finished, removing his hands away from her face. ‘’Some technology I’ve talked to has strictly said that humans are the weakest link. For whatever reason they think we’re not built for this world, which may be true. But who cares? We’re here now, we evolved on this planet. Everyone deserves a chance to learn what life is truly about.’’
‘’I think that’s what it means to carry the xgene, to teach. To tell others that differences are okay, which is something that everyone still struggles with today. So please… you’re not disgusting and neither is your ability, they never will be.’’
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
For what it was worth, Changkyun wasn’t having anything of what the other was sprouting. Even if Chaeyeon didn’t think of her ability as special, it didn’t negate the fact that it was probably a very interesting ability. Though having the ability to control time was something he could assume was quite stressful at the same time. That was something that they could consider similar between the two of them, though the young male’s ability differed greatly as well.
‘’Well I don’t agree with you, but you’re the one with the ability. It would be rude of me to suggest that I know more about your own ability than myself. So I apologise if I came across as that at anytime.’’ Changkyun admitted to the other, his slight frown wavering into a small smile. All this talk of their abilities was making it a little difficult to concentrate on the music box, but like he had told himself earlier, it would get done eventually.
He cracked a grin at the mention of pulling pranks with his ability. It was something he had never thought about doing in all reality, but something he didn’t really want to do either. ‘’I can see why someone would think like that, unfortunately I’m not the type of person to pull pranks on someone. Even a close friend really, I don’t see the appeal.’’ Though he never understood the appeal, the laughs and smiles when other people pulled a prank off did not go unnoticed. A smile out of the expense of a possible frown out of someone else? Not happening.
She stopped time for some time? And how did Chaeyeon not see her power as useful? Changkyun was strictly flabbergasted but he knew better than to interject his unneeded opinion into something it wasn’t his place to have a say in. He still thought it was quite cool though. ‘’That’s really interesting.’’ he eventually commented, leaving his commentary on the story to that. His mind was filled with many thoughts however, some he probably wouldn’t share to the other.
‘’Okay, I think I’ve almost got it here.’’ he spoke as he rested his eyes on the music box. After knowing exactly what he needed to do, it wasn’t too hard. Just goes to show that if you have a set of instructions and you follow them, you can probably do anything. It’s a shame though that Chaeyeon couldn’t use her power on the music box. If she could that would mean that she had a way of maintaining it, it obviously meant a lot to her, that much he could tell. ‘’So tell me, mind sharing the story of the music box? I’m quite interested in it now.’’
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“No, it’s like, average.” She continued, shrugging a bit as she smiled at him. It did came with many plot holes including the time travel with one thousand and a hundred faults which was probably the main reason she never used it, but the other perks was all good along with some faults here and there. “It sure didn’t came equipped with super strength, super speed, or many other cooler things like that though.” She added, following it with a giggle. It was a little bit faulty but it sure did help her spend her time feeling a little bit less bored.
She paid attention closely to the man working with her music box and nodded as he explained a little bit about his powers. She get why he didn’t want to be here too. Although perhaps their reasonings were different, she understood why he didn’t want to be here. The pressure is on as soon as she stepped her foot in this school and she isn’t exactly having any of that. She was always one to break under pressure.
“The way you found out about is cool, actually.” She smiled when he explained what happened when he was four. “Making lights blink like that could be easily used in pranks, like, in class when you’re watching a horror movie and blink them off and stuff— oh wait! No! I didn’t mean it, I swear!” She stuttered her reply. She hoped he wasn’t offended or anything, her powers couldn’t even be used to prank anyone and as good as she is, it’d be fun to prank people at least once.
“Oh? Mine?” She shrugged before placing a hand on her chin trying to think of the best way to place everything together in general. There were lots of way to explain how she found out about her powers, and ways that would made it seem more grandiose than it actually is, but her gift wasn’t language, and she had to explain it in the lamest way possible.
“I was, actually trying to pause my command controlled TV and I sort of yelled ‘pause’ and the TV stopped so I thought it was all fine and good until I walked outside and nobody moved. I tried slapping people on the streets but none of them woke up so in my distressed state I went back home and yelled at the TV to playback and I saw from the window that the people started moving, and then yeah.” She shrugged. “The rest came after.”
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Hoseok should’ve known from the start that this was a horrible idea. The two of them wandering around through woods around the institute looking for something to do that would give them a break from what Hoseok would easily describe as a prison with a rec center. 
He wasn’t entirely sure how he managed to convince the other male to join him, especially he didn’t seem like the kind of person to go for some nature hike. But yet there they were walking around through the damp shrub, because yes it would rain before Hoseok managed to get a whiff of the institute’s scent. So they were left with nothing else to do but either A) sit around and wait until someone noticed they were gone, or B) wander around and hope for the best. 
Hoseok wasn’t the sitting around time he had Changkyun trailing after him, suddenly stopping he feels Changkyun bump into his back. “We’re fucking lost.” He can practically feel the irritation seeping off of Changkyun when he replies “I thought you knew what you were doing?!”
Although the last thing Hoseok wants to do is admit he’s wrong he shrugs “ I was confused by the topography and the geography and choreography…anyway, that shit don’t matter anymore, the point is we’re fucking lost, and unless you wanna spend the night out here with me. We gotta think of something fast.”
They were lost, fantastic. Changkyun didn’t know why he agreed to even do something like this, it seemed doomed from the moment they begun. Now whenever he turned and looked in a different direction all he could see was trees. It was quite unsettling to him, being away from technology was something he wasn’t used to. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling in the slightest.
At least he was with someone else, that was a plus if there was one to the situation. His companion seemed useful and quite reliable so he was shocked to even get into this scenario in the first place. Taking out his phone he checked for signal, nothing. His phone didn’t even want to speak with him, must of been payback for something he did previously. ‘’My phone’s not working, so we’re on our own.’’
Changkyun scratched his head, the other was obviously losing his own mind out here in the words. ‘’The choreography? We’re not dancing here! We’re lost in the middle of nowhere with no way of getting back and it’s all you fault.’’ In retrospect, it wasn’t all the other’s fault. The young male shared some of the blame for not piping up when he thought they might of been lost. So really, they were both to blame.
‘’If we can find a telephone poll or something like that we’re safe, I can get us back with that...’’ Though looking around, the chances of finding one was next to nothing. ‘’Maybe if we just walk around in this direction we can find something, though it seems like we’ve been walking around in circles for some time.
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Changkyun nodded at her question, ‘’Kind of like that. I don’t really like using this word but I can control technology. I can talk to it, ask it to do things for me. You’d be surprised with how nice some technology is.’’ All of the technology he had with him was of the same sort. Although sometimes for whatever reason they disagreed with him, the young male probably wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Hyejeong’s comment threw him a little because technically she was correct. This place was full of technology yet Changkyun had never thought of that fact. It didn’t really make a difference since if anything happened he would probably be the first they would come to. It was one of the downsides to everyone knowing that you could talk to technology and such. And her comment was right on the money, people did come to him for help but he didn’t really consider it to be troublesome or anything like that.
Helping people was something that had to come naturally to Changkyun, since he was able to do things that no one else could do. Also since technology is a big part of the world, you could consider him powerful, but he didn’t feel so himself. ‘’I like helping people. Especially with technology. If people can learn to view technology the way I view it, I think people would take better care of it and maybe we can even improve further by scientific advancements.’’
The young male’s smile turned sour a little when mentioning him getting caught. It wasn’t his intention to get caught in the first place but he was sure as hell glad that he was the only one that ended up being caught and sent here, he knew his friends would not have that type of luxury. ‘’I got caught because of my own idiocy, though I wouldn’t change it for the world. A lot of my friends were able to get off scot-free with what we were doing, so I’m very satisfied.’’
It was interesting to find out why the other was here. Security cameras, hey? He had never really dived into one to see whether or not it was hackable but that could be an interesting feat the next time he tried it. ‘’You got caught by a camera? Could you not wear something over your face to hide yourself?’’ The question seemed quite invasive, but he was now curious. Also finding out more information about it could possibly lead to new idea. Hacking into security cameras was now on the top of his list for his next target, whenever that was.
℘ this has gotta be magic.
seeing his pleased smile, hyejeong couldn’t help but preen at the simple expression of praise. she hadn’t grown up with what a lot of other kids had, which was something that hadn’t bothered her until the institution, but at least she was finally on the way to catching up.
it took a moment for his words to register, before she directed another curious glance his way. “your ability?” she repeated, gaze flickering as she thought for a moment. “so it’s…related to electronics?” her mouth pulled into a thoughtful frown; she couldn’t quite imagine how that was possible. in fact, it was curious to think of nature evolving to control something so blatantly man-made, but then she supposed that was the nature of evolution — to adapt to its changing environment, regardless of aspect.
a trace of amusement flashed across her face at the term ‘tech-head’ (what a funny word) before gratitude overtook it, and she gave him another smile, still slightly abashed. “thanks, although i kind of hope i won’t need help with too much stuff,” she responded dryly. “it must be bothersome to have people coming to you for help all day. this must all be so simple for you, child’s play. i mean, we’re surrounded by tech all the time now— you’re practically all-powerful.”
the thought leapt unbidden to her mind that changkyun would’ve been an absolutely invaluable asset if she’d met him before all this— her arrest and the institution— for of course, it was security cameras that had been her downfall. not that she had been much of a team-player back then either, but she liked to think that she would’ve prioritised their safety over personal comfort.
“i can’t believe you got caught and sent here.” the question popped out of her mouth almost thoughtlessly, and mortification immediately seized her at its invasive nature. “sorry, i didn’t mean to pry or— i mean, you can probably foil cameras, erase virtual traces and all that. it’s like magic. i’m here because they got my damn face on tape. just a thought, you know.” she shrugged lamely, looking down and fiddling with her phone distractedly.
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Looking at Hwasa was probably not the best idea Changkyun had. She looked as if she wanted to lie down and start rolling around in laughter. The sight was not comforting in the slightest. Even amongst the intense pain that he was feeling, the other either didn’t seem to care that much or was laughing in the fact of Changkyun’s own stupidity.
‘’I do-don’t know...... about you... bu-bu-but I’m doing quite well!’’ he exclaimed, as wll as he could anyway. He stared down at his own arms, noticing that they were beginning to turn a shade red, probably due to the extreme conditions they were being put under. It took everything he had in himself to not let go, he put himself in this mess so holding out until he couldn’t no longer would be the way to go. The reason why he decided to do this in the first place was slowly beginning to be erased from his memory. Perhaps his phone would remember but that was a long shot knowing what that was like.
The moment Hwasa let go of his hands he fell to the floor, relaxing his fists and began to stare at the palm of his hands. It was true, he did start to see an outline of her hands on his and the intense pain was only getting worse. Don’t scream? Now Changkyun wasn’t the type of person to do that but he would feel more sane doing so in a situation like this.
Changkyun couldn’t help but feel as if her words were nothing more than a taunt to make him feel worse than he already was. ‘’Shi-no, calm down Changkyun. No need to swear, it’s fine.’’ The fact that he was now taking to himself was clue enough that the situation was not fine in the slightest. ‘’It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine..... It’s... not fine.’’ The intense pain was making him tear up slightly, something that hadn’t happened in a long time.
Fly Swatter|| Changkyun
Shaking the other’s hand it took everything in Hwasas power not to let go and laugh her ass off, despite a few tremors of laughter in her shoulders. Changkyuns face just screamed he was questioning every life choice that had lead to that exact moment and yet she couldnt’ let go, not for a few more seconds. She was gonna deliver her end of the bargain afterall, Hwasa was a woman of her word!
“Oh yea. I can see that. You’re just peachy aren’t ya? As fresh as a daisy. Like I said its a pleasure meeting you and your masochistic tendencies, because whether you admit it or not you have some because your the first ever person to willingly ask me to poison them, unfortunately not the first to live afterwards”. Letting go she keeps an eye on the others hand. the party was just gonna get started. The beauty of diluted toxins, they always packed the kick a few seconds later, like a spicy pepper that punches you as it goes down instad of the moment you bite into it.
Shooting Changkyun a toothy grin she couldn’t help but raise an inquisitive eyebrow, a few seconds going by. she vaguely wondered if he was going to scream or freak out, most people had that reaction but so far she was pleasantly surprised by the refreshing change in attitude thanks to the other.
“How ya feelin’? Hmm? If you look at your arm close enough you might see the outline of my hands start to appear. But don’t scream, flail, or any of that shit its gonna make it worse. You freak out and its gonna spread or make your body even worse than it actually is. Like getting shot in the foot, its not fatal but the scare would make cowboys drop dead”.
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
It was almost as if his life was on repeat, another person who wanted to get out. Though from the sounds of it, the other had some actual reasons for leaving the institute. At least that was a positive point. Now he didn’t know what these supplies were but everyone needed something different. It was probably also a good chance for himself to get some things, again things that could not be acquired here. 
‘’I see. You do know the consequences if we get caught, right?’’ he asked, an eyebrow momentarily raising slightly. Now he himself wasn’t too clear on what those would be but he was sure they were nothing good. Also if they got caught in the city, that would be another huge problem . Not only for the people in the institute itself but if people actually found out about people him himself and then that might cause widespread panic and Changkyun did not want that to happen. 
Checking his phone, it wasn’t really the right time for them to go anywhere. Too many people around this time of the day. ‘’Okay, we can’t go right now. But meet me in like an hour outside, not near the gates though. We don’t want it to look that suspicious. Also don’t mention it to anyone, and I mean anyone. If I get thrown in the ring, you are too. I’ll see you then.’’ 
Get Me Out or Break Me Out
Surprised when a voice comes from behind her, Moonbyuls  eyes tend to wide at the possibility that this was the answer to all of her problems. Okay not all of her problems, but getting some booze into this hell hole was at the top of her list and if he could bust her out then she was going to call him her savior. Noting that he was not exactly surprised to find her outside his door meant that others had come to him. If you have had others come to you then why are you still here?
Deciding she was not one to ask questions she takes a step inside as he gestures for him to come in. Once the door is closed behind her, she takes a seat on the floor cross-legged. Clearing her throat she greeted him, “Names Moonbyul. I’m a year four at this prison and as rumor has it you might just be my ticket to getting something I need.”
Tossing her hair back she takes a deep breath, “Okay look I am dying here and I need a break. Is there any way that you could break me out? I want to be able to come back in because frankly I don’t have any other place to go, but I need to get some supplies that cannot be acquired here.”
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Maybe it was because of the atmosphere around the institute, but Changkyun felt more relaxed around another person. So far he had tried to isolate himself to his room and it wasn't really the fact that he was unsociable, just that he thought it was the best thing for himself. Usually the best thing for yourself is not what you truly think. It might be perhaps the reason why he felt the need to help you other individual. Though he couldn’t help but feel that the situation in front of him was so familiar to his own the in the past. He was sure that they differed greatly on a number of scales, but somethings may of been the same.
‘I see myself as a mistake’... Changkyun couldn’t help but feel a slight tinge of hopelessness himself run across his own body. If that really was what the other was feeling, then he was in for some work. The feeling of being a mistake was something he could relate to though. Ever since his father found out about him being a mutant. A mistake was something he had felt ever since then, or it would of been until Changkyun confronted it. The useful thing that he noted to himself was that was only what another person viewed you as, not yourself. Another person’s opinion does not validate what your whole existence is about.
‘’I feel as if that’s the main problem. It’s almost as if you’re projecting. You’re taking in what you believe other people to think of you and putting it on yourself.’’ he clarified, hoping to make the situation a little more stable than what it actually was. ‘’Now I don’t know what you went through in your life, and if it’s something horrible, I am so, so sorry that you had to go through that. However, sitting around whilst other people get by is not the way to go. If it was someone that called you a mistake, they’re probably not sitting somewhere and thinking about what they’ve, they probably don’t care unfortunately . Do you think you could do the same thing?’’
Now from what Changkyun has learnt over the years, accepting yourself is something which takes time. A certain individual needs to take themselves for everything they are. Sometimes people are mistakes, it happens, though those people deal with that fact. They live life with no regrets and it doesn’t phase them one bit. Joshua on the other hand, seemed to be living in the past. Like he was grabbing onto something which made him feel like this. Living at the institute was a new beginning a new adventure. the past was simply the past.
Electricity for the soul
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[ ϟ  – ]  Joshua didn’t know this guy at all, he was a stranger. The way this guy was acting had him thinking if the other’s ability was the ability to read minds. Although there was a huge chance he was wrong, there were so many different powers out there. He looked at the guy for a moment and gave a small grin to show that he wasn’t a bad guy while his sanity was present. He was never really the best when it came to first impressions, this had to be the one of the awful ones so far. First impression: Guy that doesn’t know how to keep his shit together when angered. While in the orphanage kids tried to talk to him at first when they were able to, but of course he came off as that apparently weird kid who only reads and isolates himself from everyone else.
The label the kids in the orphanage gave him was partially true, he didn’t isolate himself exactly, he was just too afraid and shy to speak to other kids. He envied the kids that were so outgoing and had so many friends to lean on and be support by, he still envies those kind of people till this day. 
Seeing the other extend his hand in front of him while an introduction was given, Joshua stood up and bowed politely before shaking the other’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Changkyun. I’m Joshua.” He was glad this guy approached him first, a way to help him make a male friend. Not sure of where said boy was going to take him, but he just agreed anyways, not like he had anything else important to do. “U-Uh…alright.” He let the other lead him over to the nearest bench.
“Y-Yeah. That would be nice.” He returned the smile with his own timid one. That question seemed so simple, but it actuality it sure wasn’t. “How do I see myself?” Joshua repeated the question aloud to himself as he tried to quickly gather the words that he needed to respond with. “Well…I don’t really think or care about myself too much, but I see myself as a mistake, h-honestly.”
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Changkyun couldn’t quite pinpoint why exactly he was wanting to help the other male, maybe it was a sense of familiarity? Seeing the other lash out like that against the dummies reminded him of himself, though Changkyun wasn’t the type to get that angry about really anything. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the other had been through some things, possibly horrible things. that was something that the young male probably couldn’t relate to. He himself had a pretty nice life about what the debacle that was his father, so maybe his effort to help spawned from that? Or was it perhaps something that went deeper than that.
Now helping another human being isn’t easy but then again it isn’t hard necessarily, it completely depends on context. In this situation the other male seemed deeply distressed, angry, a part of it seemed as if he was angry at himself. That would need to be addressed first. Hating yourself isn’t something that is pleasant, in fact it is perhaps the most horrifying thing one person could do. The good thing was that the other seemed like he wanted help, something that he would hopefully receive from Changkyun. Another good thing about helping someone is that it can come from anyone, no matter the differences.
‘’First things first, I’m Changkyun,’’ he spoke with a smile, the first smile of their encounter so far. He held a hand out, something which he never normally did. He was strictly the type to bow to others but this seemed... different. New scenarios for new people he guessed. He looked around the area, there weren’t many people around so here would probably be the best place to do whatever it was that he was going to do. ‘’Come with me.’’
Grabbing a hold of the others hand he pulled him over to one side, sitting on a nearby bench. He looked around again, some people were beginning to emerge but it shouldn’t be a problem. ‘’Now I know you know nothing about me, but let's change that, shall we?’’ he questioned, giving another smile to the other male. ‘’I’m very good at observing people and I want to ask, how do you see yourself?’’ The question was very simple, though the answer to that question was harder than most people would realise.
Electricity for the soul
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[ ϟ  – ]  Joshua was breathing heavily, still not knowing he had a person watching him from afar. He didn’t dare bother to look anywhere else besides where the practice dummies were, he kept himself completely concentrated on his targets, not what was around him. He stood there looking at what his performance did to one of the dummies, he literally beheaded one with his own foot. A blank expression was plastered onto the boy’s face as he took a couple minutes to catch his breath. He walked over to where his valuables were and grabbed his water bottle, he took a big gulp from it before dabbing his face with his small face towel. He heard a voice speak up, one that wasn’t near him but farther away. 
He immediately looked up to see a male slowly and slightly walk in his direction. Self-hatred? Joshua knew exactly knew what the other was talking about. How did the other hear his hateful statement that he gave himself while practicing. He called himself a mistake because his parents gave him to the orphanage right after naming him, but in actuality he didn’t do anything to them to be called a ‘mistake’ it was their choice to give him up, unfortunately. His eyebrows were furrowed the first the male began speaking to him, but they raised just a couple seconds later. Was this guy reading his mind or something? Because he was right.
The main source of his anger was towards his biological parents, he was angry because he didn’t know why he was given up, and ever so quickly. “How did you know that–? And another question: Were you watching me this all time?” The answer was evident already in the fact that the other brought up the matter of past memories. It took Joshua a little to register that the other was completely right. He stayed silent for long moment almost not wanting to admit that the other was correct in his situation. It took him a bit to calm down as well and the sane Joshua was back, fortunately. 
“Help? Yes….please.”
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xgchangkyun-blog · 8 years
Changkyun, you’re an idiot! I had no idea what you were going to do but now I see you’re nothing but a moron. If you die, I say good riddance. Well, that was enough of his phone for now, he thought, planting it into his pocket. Maybe just this time would be for his own curiosity and not for the efforts of science. Hwasa. Hwa..sa. He would remember that name, after all creating poison out of nothing was quite possible the most absurd thing he could think of. Though coming from someone who could talk to his own phone, this wasn’t much of a stretch.
Like the other had mentioned, this would be for introductory reasons. However Changkyun couldn’t help but feel a little excited, perhaps too excited, at the prospect of being poisoned like this. But how many people would be able to say that they got poisoned by a women named Hwasa? The number would probably be a very negligent.
When their hands touched however, it was almost as if he was beginned to question his entire existence. Changkyun’s eyes grew wide and he could feel a bead of sweat about to drip from his forehead. If he would be remembered for anything, it would be for being an idiot. ‘’Its.. no... problem.’’ he spoke through gritted teeth. ‘’I’ve never-never felt any... better.’’ If this was a weak poison, he would hate to see what a strong one would look like. Now that would be something he wouldn’t want to test out.
Fly Swatter|| Changkyun
Stopping her little preparation, there’s no denying the disappointment. Oh woe was she, being asked to dilute the poisons and toxins she had developed and worked with love and devotion. Fuck it. Its not like anyone else was gonna willingly ask to be poisoned. Wait refocus Hwasa, you’re getting an introduction.
Changkyun. Hwasa was going to have to remember the name, or at least the face of the first person ever to want her mutation used on them. Giving a curt little nod the deal had been implicitly made, at least on Hwasa’s side, “Ah. Pleasure Changkyun. I’m Hwasa. Im sure whatever this is we have going is gonna be delightful. But! Moving along from that, yes. I can give you some sort of weakened variation of snake venom but I have to confess it makes me feel rather blue but If you insist I shall oblige. Just this once mind you. For introduction sake”.
Sticking to her word, Hwasa prepares a nice mix of various ‘friendly’ snake toxins, a few small wisps of yellow and green leaving her hand. Beggars couldn’t be choosers and Changkyun was basically the best form of entertainment she had at the moment, given her little fly victim was nowhere to be seen on the ground anymore. “Alright! Here’s to your acquaintance and to an appreciation of all that is potentially fatal! I hope you enjoy the cocktail of various neurotoxins and cytotoxins I’m offering you”, that was all it took before Hwasa was practically yanking changkyung’s hand into both of hers for a firm handshake, wisps crawling up the other’s forearms. 
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