xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Zayn didn’t put up a a fight when Liam wrapped an arm around him. He leaned more into the embrace, feeling his chest tighten slightly. Must be the beer. he thought to himself, shutting his eyes for a long moment. When he opened them again he could finally see just how close he and his bandmate were. Being this close to each other wasn’t an odd thing for either of them. Hell, they’ve laid on top of each other more times than either one could count. But it was something about this time that made everything…different. The two were just staring at each other and Zayn nearly jumped when his name was called. “..Yeah?” he mumbled, so softly he wans’t even sure if Liam could hear him at all. The teen sighed and shrugged his shoulders very lightly. “I don’t know, Liam. I don’t.” he asnwered, wishing he could’ve given a better answer than that.  Zayn wished he could know what the hell was going on. It would just past wouldn’t it? But the only though really on Zayn’s mind was how close they were. He could could just lean in and…
Without anymore thought Zayn leaned in quickly, not giving himself time to even consider the consequences of what he was doing, and pressed their lips together. There was  no denying what Zayn felt. Sparks. He wasn’t even worried about the fact that he was kissing his straight band mate. There was a chance that he coul just blame it one the fact that he’d beed drinking all night but..for some reason he knew that’s not what it was. Slowly Zayn cupped the back of his best mate’s neck, pushing him deeper into the kiss and attempting to get a reaction of out him. Things that were never supposed to even cross the male’s minds were running through it so quickly he thought he might get a headache. Like the fact that Liam’s lips were incredibly soft and the saltiness of the popcorn tasted even better when it touched the other male’s lips first. After what seemed like eternity Zayn finally pulled away, staring into Liam’s eyes just before…well, /that/ happened. He’d been so caught in whatver spell he was under that he didn’t even pick up or not if Liam responded to the kiss. But why would he? The guy just got out of a realtionship with his girlfriend of almost two years. The last thing Liam needed was his band mate kissing him. “…Um.” he started in a very soft whisper. “I’m..Well.” God dammit. Why was he stumbling over his words? “Sorry.” Quickly he got up from the bed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “I think I’ve had a little too much to drink.” he said,  glamcing towards the door. “I should go.”
I don’t know, Liam. I don’t. All Liam could manage to do was nod, his eyes glued to Zayns. They were close, closer then they had ever been, and Liams senses were going crazy. He could feel the others breath against his lips, and it took every ounce of self restraint the teen had not to lean forward and press their lips together. However, before he had time to even process what was happening, Zayns lips were against his. It was unlike anything he had ever felt, it felt--right. His mind was going a mile a minute, yet all Liam seemed to be able to focus on was just how perfectly their lips seemed to fit together. His eyes drifted shut, his head tilting to the side as he deepened the kiss. He could feel the heat between them, the passion, the desire; it was terrifying. He moved his lips slowly against Zayns, his hand moving up to cup the others face as they kissed. He took a deep breath as Zayn pulled back, immediately missing the feel of the others lips against his own. "Zayn," he whispered, barely loud enough for even him to hear. His eyes fluttered open, his breathing heavy as he stared at the boy lying beside him. …Um. Liam cleared his throat, exhaling slowly through his mouth as he kept his eyes on his best friend. His best friend, who he now saw in an entirely different light. I’m..Well. "Wh-what?" Liam stammered nervously, not sure what had just happened. All he knew was that he had liked it, and he wanted nothing more then to do it again. 
He was never felt that kind of spark from a kiss before, not even with Danielle. It was different, and he liked it, he liked it a lot. Sorry. Liam quickly pushed himself up once Zayn got up, shaking his head as he reached for the other. "Don't be, please," he mumbled, his voice desperate. I think I’ve had a little too much to drink. Liams face fell at Zayns words, sinking back onto the bed as they seemed to hit him like a freight train. Right, it was the alcohol. He looked down to hide the hurt expression that had taken over his features, for he was completely sober. Zayn was drunk, that's the only reason he had kissed him. I should go. "Oh," Liam whispered, looking up to see Zayn looking at the door. He swallowed, ignoring the pain in his chest as he pushed himself up off the bed. "Zayn, I'm not going to let you drive," he said, approaching the other and placing a comforting hand on his arm. "You can take the guest room, yeah?" He then placed his other hand on Zayns other arm, turning him so that they were looking into each others eyes. He wanted to lean in, to kiss him again, but in Zayns eyes the kiss had been a mistake. "You're drunk, Z. We'll just... pretend it never happened." He hoped that he was doing an okay job, for he knew that his best friend could tell when he was lying.
Sparks || Ziam
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
“This is stupid. I don’t even like this kind of popcorn.” he mumbled to himself, grabbing the steaming hot bag and nearly burning his hand.  “And now I’m talking to myself like some freak at a mental asylum…Great. Just great.” Zayn poured the piping hot popcorn into a bowl, still mumbling odd things to himself when he heard his name being called. “Shit!” he shouted, having jumped in surprise and spilling half of the popcorn onto the floor. Smooth, Zayn. Smooth. He bent down to start scooping up the snack but it was still hot and burnt his hand again. “It’s fine..Wait, what? No, you didn’t do anything.” he insisted, standing up and putting his hands into the sink to run some cold water over them. “You always put your head in my lap and you know I like watching Disney movies with you.” Zayn turned around since his back was to Liam. “I’m just still a little tipsy from the beer.” That made sense didn’t it? “I’ll clean this up and pop another bag and we can keep watching Peter Pan. Sound like a plan?” He wouldn’t do anything else until Liam finally agreed to go back into the room. He let his hand rest on the other male’s lower back as he urged him away from the kitchen. He felt..sneaky, but it had to be done. He couldn’t focus with Liam hovering over him. After a moment he went to the fridge and pulled out another beer. Alcohol seemed like the only solution right now.
After finishing two beers Zayn bent over again and scooped up the now cold popcorn with his hands and dumped it into the trash can. This night was taking a turn for the..worst? Zayn had no clue what was happening to him, or to Liam for that matter. They’d been alone together more times than either of them could count. It was just that this time seemed different. It was just the beer talking. Wasn’t it? Zayn sighed and found himself grabbing another beer, cracking it open and downing  half of it in one go. He placed another bag of popcorn in the microwave and by the time it was done there were 2 more empty beer cans in the trash. It was funny, really. Zayn didn’t even like beer that much, it was too bitter for his taste. He’d make a exception for this situation though. A few minutes later Zayn was walking back to his band mate’s room with a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a 6-pack of beer in the other. “Sorry that took so long.” he said, resting the beverages on the night stand. “Remind me to buy you a ton of herbal tea for drinking all of your beer.” The teen sat back next to Liam, already feeling the affects of drinking so much so fast. “Here.” Zayn mumbled, handing Liam the bowl of popcorn. He stayed quiet a moment before he spoke. “I can still leave, if you want me too.”
Shit! "Sorry, mate," Liam said, laughing quietly to himself as he watched the other bend down to pick up the popcorn that he had spilled. He hadn't meant to scare him, he just wanted to make sure that everything was alright. It’s fine..Wait, what? No, you didn’t do anything. Liam bit his lip, taking a small step forward. He resisted the urge to wrap his arms around the other, wanting to place his hands over Zayns to help the burn. You always put your head in my lap and you know I like watching Disney movies with you. "I know," Liam mumbled as Zayn turned around to face him, offering his best friend a small smile. "You just seem upset." I’m just still a little tipsy from the beer. Liam tilted his head to the side a bit, for once again, he knew that Zayn was lying to his face. He had sobered up, almost completely and Liam knew it. However, he bit his lip to keep from questioning him, not wanting to upset him even more. I’ll clean this up and pop another bag and we can keep watching Peter Pan. Sound like a plan? Liam studied him for a couple of moments, knowing that he wasn't going to win this one even if he tried. "Fine," he mumbled, sighing as he turned on his heel and made his way back up the stairs and to his room.
What the hell was going on? He ran a hand through his messy hair, it was getting so long. "Damn it," he whispered as he fell face first onto the bed, a long groan escaping his lips. He had never felt this way before, and he had no idea what to make of it. He and Zayn had done this time and time again, but something about tonight was different. He closed his eyes as he turned so that he was laying on his back, his legs hanging over the edge of the bed. He was feeling things that he had never felt towards the other, but he wasn't quite sure what exactly it was that he was feeling. He cared for Zayn, of course--they were best friends. Then why did that particular thought make his stomach hurt? His eyes fluttered open as he heard Zayn make his way up the stairs, sitting up and clearing his throat as he glanced towards the door. He frowned as he spotted the beer in the others hand, shaking his head slightly as he once again bit his tongue. Sorry that took so long. Remind me to buy you a ton of herbal tea for drinking all of your beer. "Yeah," Liam mumbled, glancing over at the other as he sat beside him. Here. "Thanks." Liam reached over and took a couple pieces of popcorn, popping them into his mouth.
I can still leave, if you want me too. "C'mere," he said, wrapping an arm around the others shoulder and pulling him close. He just wanted to be close to him, no matter what it looked like. Urges were bubbling up inside of him, and he tightened his grip on his best friends shoulder. "You're not going anywhere, Z," he whispered, turning to look at the other. His breath hitched in his throat, for their faces were merely inches apart. "Don't be daft." He swallowed, his breathing heavy as he stared into the others eyes. Neither of them spoke, for there really wasn't anything to say; their eyes said it all. They were both obviously confused by what was happening, and they both weren't sure how to go about it. "Zayn?" Liam finally asked, inhaling through his nose as he kept his gaze on the other. "What's happening?" He couldn't help it, the question just seemed to spill from his lips. He didn't dare move, his eyed glued to Zayns.
Sparks || Ziam
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
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Liam talking to fans yesterday, 07/28 +
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Zayn chuckled as Liam went over to the rack of movies. “Really? I thought there’d be more.” he taunted, crossing his legs at the ankles.  “The day I see you watch a movie that’s not Disney is the day I won’t style my hair. And no, that’s not a challenge. Zayn craned his head a little to try and see what movie Liam was picking up but only caught a glimpse of the color of the DVD. He sat up and leaned his back against the headboard, stretching his arms out go get more comfortable. When Liam told him to make room, Zayn gave him a questioning look but did move over to the edge of the bed. Maybe Liam didn’t like the fact that they were so close? Now Zayn was paranoid. He’d gone too far. Then again…why did he care if Liam didn’t want to touch him? Luckily, all of those negative thoughts washed away when Liam laid on his lap. “Ah, Peter Pan. I should’ve known.” he thought out loud, laughing slightly. His eyes went wide a bit at the sudden stroking and wondering what brought it on. He was a little disappointed when Liam dropped his hand but of course he wouldn’t have said that. 
As the movie progressed Zayn’s hands found it’s way into Liam’s hair. It was just nestled there for few minutes until he started brushing his fingers very gently through the brown locks.  The teen found that he was noticing how soft the hair was and that it’d grown a good amount since the last time they met. Instead of on the screen, Zayn’s eyes were on the male laying on his thighs. It was..strange. Of all the times Zayn had just looked at Liam, now it seemed different. But he couldn’t seem to figure out why that was. Maybe he was tired. Or probably just the amount of beers he downed when the others were here. That was quite sometime ago though, he’d sobered up from then. Even the headache had died down. So what was it? Deep in thought, Zayn didn’t realize that he was still staring at his band mate. Quickly he turned his gaze back to the TV, but he’d caught Liam’s eye for a brief second and cursed himself mentally. “Something was on your cheek.” he lied, brushing Liam’s cheek gently thought he knew that was an obvious lie. Dammit. “I don’t know about you but I’m craving popcorn.” he added quickly, nudging Liam up and standing up quickly. /That was weird/ he thought as he made his way to the kitchen, opening up the cupboards to search for the bags of popcorn. “Calm the hell down, Zayn.” he muttered to himself, placing one of the bags in the microwave. Zayn wasn’t even sure if he could stomach popcorn right now, on account of it being in knots. 
Ah, Peter Pan. I should’ve known. "You really should of, I think you might be losing your touch, Malik," Liam remarked, sighing quietly. He nuzzled his head into his thigh again, not being able to focus on the movie. What was going on? Peter was teaching them all how to fly, and informing them that they had to 'think happy thoughts'. He allowed his mind to wander a bit, what would be his happy thought? Immediately he thought of the boy whose legs were supporting him, a lump forming in his throat. Maybe something had been in that pizza? No, for Zayn truly did make him happy. He was the one person that he could completely be himself around, the one person that wouldn't judge him no matter what. He loved all of his band mates dearly, but him and Zayn seemed to connect on a deeper level. He bit his lip as he felt the others hand in his hair, not being able to resist leaning into the touch. It felt nice, and different from all of the times that Danielle had played with it before. He groaned quietly in appreciation, his cheeks heating up slightly as he realized what he had done. He tilted his head back to look at the other, his eyes widening as he saw that Zayn was looking at him.
There was an unreadable expression on his face, one that Liam had never seen before. He turned away as Zayn did, his mind going about a million miles a minute. Something was on your cheek. "O-oh, thanks," Liam stammered, knowing that the other was lying. He resisted the urge to question him, knowing that it wasn't the best idea. He wasn't really sure what was happening, but something was, the mood in the room had changed. I don’t know about you but I’m craving popcorn. Liam frowned as he was pushed away, running a hand through his hair as he watched Zayn disappear out of the room. Had he done something wrong? Maybe he shouldn't of rested his head on his legs, maybe the other wasn't comfortable with it. "Idiot," he mumbled to himself, falling back on the bed and sighing. He needed to apologize, for whatever it was that he had done. He took a deep breath then pushed himself to his feet, heading downstairs after his best friend. Liam poked his head into the kitchen, seeing Zayn standing at the microwave.
Calm the hell down, Zayn. "Zayn?" Liam whispered, stepping shyly into the kitchen. He kept his back pressed to the wall, looking down at the tile as he fidgeted awkwardly with his hands. "I'm sorry for whatever I did." He had obviously done something to upset him, for he needed to 'calm the hell down'. "I shouldn't of, um, put my head on your legs... or if you want to watch another movie, we can." He swallowed and looked up, offering the other a small smile. "I'm sorry," he said again. Zayn was the one person he couldn't stand being upset with him, and he was going to make sure that that didn't happen.
Sparks || Ziam
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Zayn rolled his eyes at his band mate’s reaction to the mention of clubs. “You better be prepared to go to one soon.” he half-threatened with a playful tone. “I’ll be dragging you to one soon to help you pick up some tens.” The boys would often refer to girls they found attractive as ‘tens’. They may have been pop stars but believe it or not all 5 members of One Direction were still teenage guys and they took pride in acting on it. Though maybe Zayn was the one who acted on it a bit more often than others. One would think Zayn would’ve been the member of the band to go to the club the least, considering he had a girlfriend. Though he found himself going out to drink more and more just to relieve some of the relationship stress. Even worse he found himself not wanting to rate girls anymore, it’d sort of lost it’s spark to the male. Of course he hadn’t told anyone that. Zayn was sure it was just some sort of phase and “Maybe I’ll get you to down some beers to loosen you up a bit.” he joked.
The teen laughed as his chin was rubbed, not really thinking much of it. “You said you like my stubble.” he complained, batting Liam’s hand away. Zayn didn’t really want the thought of Perrie to linger so he attempted to distract himself by just focusing on Liam only. It helped, sort of. He wished he could’ve told Liam to not bring up that girl anymore but it would bring up too many questions and suspicions. He didn’t risk it and just let Liam pull on his hand without a word. Though he couldn’t help but notice that it felt different when Liam held his hand than when Perrie did. Much different. Zayn brushed it off, figuring it was just becuse they’ve been good friends for years. “And who’s the reason for that?” he asked tauntingly. He didn’t mind the fact that they’ve slept in same bed together before. It only happened because they often watched movies in the same bed and fell asleep. Or when Liam, and sometimes Zayn who wouldn’t admit it, was feeling a little lonely. But most of the time it just because they wanted to. 
“Is that your way of telling me that I’m not muscular?” Zayn accused, arching a brow as he started to unbutton his own shirt. “For your information, I’m very muscular.” He flexed, patting his stomach that had a small but very noticeable outline of abs. ” You jump up to get naked so quickly. I swear, you’re almost as bad as Harry.” he added with a small laugh, watching as Liam left to go change. The teen couldn’t help it when his mind wandered as he stripped down to his boxers. It was almost as if the other male had two personalities. The shy one and..the one when he winked with his shirt off.  Sometimes Zayn would try to bring out the latter but it didn’t work out very well. Liam was just a character, and that was that. Still in thought, Zayn had forgotten he half-naked when Liam came dashing from bathroom. Quickly he pulled on the shirt and pajama shorts before crawling into the bed next his band mate.  “What Disney movie will we be watching tonight?” Zayn asked, lowering himself onto the pillow. The bed was big enough for both of them to be in it without touching and both of them knew it. Still, there arms were touching. And Zayn would’ve probably wrapped an arm around the male’s shoulder if he wasn’t laying down. “I’ll take a guess and say it’s one of the Toy Stories.” 
Liam swallowed as he stared up at Zayn, noticing that the other was standing there in nothing but his boxers. He bit his lip, his eyes wandering to the others various tattoos. He had seen Zayn shirtless many times before, but for whatever reason, he couldn't seem to tear his gaze away. He loved all of his best friends tattoos, for each held a special meaning to the other. He cleared his throat as he realized that he had been staring, turning his attention to the television as Zayn dressed. He as certainly fit, Liam would have to be blind to not notice, even though he didn't like boys in that way. He groaned quietly to himself at the thought, not entirely sure why. What Disney movie will we be watching tonight? Liam looked up and offered Zayn a small smile, his eyes sparkling at the mention of a Disney movie. He glanced down as their arms touched, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. He had a king size bed, so there was more than enough room for both of them to lay there without getting in each others way; yet they were still touching.
"Hmm, that's a very tough decision," Liam mused, leaning over to nudge the other gently. He allowed his touch to linger for a moment or two before he pulled back, ignoring the fact that his heart now seemed to be pounding in his chest. Maybe he was tired? I’ll take a guess and say it’s one of the Toy Stories. Liam chuckled, pushing himself up from the bed. "How'd you know?" He asked, heading over to the DVD rack and sitting cross legged in front of it. He hummed quietly to himself, running a hand through his now short hair as he eyed his collection. "This is the Disney rack," he pointed out, glancing over his shoulder at the other. "Every movie here is Disney, and they're in alphabetical order. Maybe... maybe we can mix it up a little tonight." He chuckled, turning back to view the DVDs. 
"You know what," he said after a minute or two of silent debating, "Let's go with this one." He pulled one of the DVDs out of the rack and headed over to the television, popping open the DVD player. He made sure to hide it from Zayn as he slid it in, grabbing the remote before he hopped back onto the bed. "Make room," he said, moving so that he was laying sideways on the bed. He rested his head on Zayns upper thigh, nuzzling his head to make himself comfortable before he looked over at the movie. He chuckled as the title screen appeared, turning his head to look up at Zayn. He had selected Peter Pan, which was one of his all time favorites. "Second star to the right and straight on 'till morning," he mumbled, reaching up to stroke the others stubble before he turned his attention towards the movie. He sighed quietly to himself as the movie started, breathing deeply as he tried to ignore just how nervous he suddenly felt. Why? He had no reason to be nervous, this was Zayn for crying out loud. What the hell was wrong with him?
Sparks || Ziam
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
“Oi, Watch the beverage.” Zayn warned, laughing softly when the liquid nearly comes out of the mug. He’s only half-done with his tea since he wants to make it last. The heat feels nice and the hint of honey is washing the beer’s bitter after-taste from the teen’s mouth. “It might be one am but you know very well that we’ve had a bunch of sleepless nights because you wanted ‘just one more’ Disney movie.” He made sure to do an over-exaggerated high voice  to mock Liam’s, laughing afterwards. He took a long sip of the warm liquid, savoring it’s taste as Liam gives off a list of suggestions. “Most of the clubs I go too are open until 4:30 in the morning but I don’t think the club is your scene.” Zayn said, mostly trying thinking out loud as he tries to think of something to do.
After a few minutes of thought , Zayn couldn’t think of anything proper to do. “We could go in your room and watch movies until we fall asleep.”  he suggested,  scratching at his stubble again for a moment. “I need to shave.” he mumbled, taking a large gulp of the tea that was beginning to lose it’s warmth. Zayn grabbed both empty mugs and started to walk towards the kitchen. “How does the movie sound?” he called from the kitchen, walking back after a few minutes.  “Unless you don’t want me in your bed or something.” he teased, dropping his jacket onto the couch. 
Most of the clubs I go too are open until 4:30 in the morning but I don’t think the club is your scene. Liam shook his head, sticking out his tongue at the mention of clubs. "Yuck," he teased, nudging the other to show that he was only giving him a hard time. It was true, for Liam wasn't exactly a club type of guy. He was the type of person who would much rather stay home and curl up with a good book. It was funny how he and Zayn were almost complete opposites, yet they got along so well. Opposites attract, right? We could go in your room and watch movies until we fall asleep. "I like that idea!" Liam piped up, for that was one of his favorite things to do. He leaned back a bit, already thinking of different movies that they could watch; all of which were Disney of course. 
I need to shave. Liam reached over and ran his thumb along his best friends stubble, chuckling quietly as he pulled his hand back. "I'll say, poor Perrie." He couldn't help it, for he loved teasing the other, it was among his favorite things to do. He leaned back and smiled as Zayn took the mugs, leaning forward and straightening up the table a bit. How does the movie sound? "Brilliant!" Liam called, closing the pizza boxes and stacking them on the edge of the table. Unless you don’t want me in your bed or something. Liam rolled his eyes, grabbing Zayns hand and leading him up the stairs to his room. "It wouldn't be the first time we've shared a bed, mate," he pointed out, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside as he headed towards the closet.
"Here," he added, grabbing a pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt, tossing them towards Zayn. "These should fit you, though they might be a bit big... since, you know, I'm so muscular." He turned back to look over at the other, winking before he grabbed a pair of sweats and headed into the bathroom. He quickly changed into them, placing his clothes from the night into the hamper. Liam preferred to sleep shirtless, and he knew that Zayn wouldn't mind. He then got a short running start before diving onto the bed, making himself comfortable as he grinned up at the other. "Coming?"
Sparks || Ziam
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Zayn looked up his band mate cleared his throat. Had he been caught in his lie? Certainly not. It’s not like he had one of those tells when he lied, or so he thought. Niall’s own was that he’d stumble over his words a lot, Harry’s eyes would dart around and Louis..well it’s just easy to tell when he’s not in a very good mood. As for Liam..it was odd. Zayn could just tell, like a 6th sense or something. He supposed it was because between all 4 of his band mates, Zayn had spent the most time with Liam. It wasn’t like they were biased or anything like that. The two of them just clicked in the same way Harry clicked with both Louis and Niall. All of them were good friends though and didn’t seclude themselves from one another. The teen looked up at Liam’s last words, about to comment but it was too late. The topic was already changed. What was that about? Didn’t he have the best? Perrie wasn’t the perfect girlfriend..but at least she made Zayn happy. When they weren’t at each other’s throats, that is.
Trying not to linger on the though of his girlfriend Zayn listened intently to the other male speak about his now ex-girlfriend. There was no sign that Liam was lying so Zayn didn’t worry too much about it. He’d be there if the other male needed someone to vent too though. “I’m glad you’re not moping about that Harry did when he and Caroline broke up.” Zayn joked, running his fingers through his already messed up hair. “Though it is good that you’re not lingering on it. I know you’ll be finding someone else pretty soon.” he added in a very serious tone. Recently, Zayn had been noticing that Liam seemed unhappy with Danielle. Now he seemed more..free. “It’s nice to see you happy and wanting to watch Disney movies with me all day again.”
Slowly Zayn leaned back onto the couch when Liam went into the kitchen to tend to the tea. His headache was coming slowly but surely. “I hate beer.” he mumbled, just as Liam popped back out of the kitchen with two steaming mugs in his hands. “I hope so. Otherwise I’m downing 32 ounces of coffee soon.” Zayn commented, taking the mug and relishing it’s warmth. “Thanks, Liam.” the teen said softly, sipping the liquid just as Liam warned him about the temperature. He flinched slightly, feeling his tongue go a little bit numb from the sudden heat. “Nice timing.” He waited a bit for it to cool before taking a long sip. It was good. Why can’t he make tea like this? “No soda for me tonight.” Zayn said, knowing Liam would know what it meant. He wasn’t surprised when he felt some weight on his shoulder, moving a little closer to Liam so he didn’t have to lean too far. “It’s good,  thanks again.” Taking another sip Zayn forgot completely about his headache. The warmth had somehow soothed it and it even calmed his aching throat. “What’re we going to do tonight?” the dark haired boy asked, looking at Liam from the corner of his eyes. “You gave me tea which woke me up. So now you have to deal with me.”
Liam took another sip of his tea, groaning quietly in satisfaction as the warm liquid made it's way down his throat. He savored the taste for a moment before he tilted his head up, waiting for Zayns reaction. No soda for me tonight. "I told you!" Liam piped up, a smile taking over his features. "I knew that you'd like it, my Mum taught me how to make it like that. It's brilliant, yeah?" He wasn't exactly a wizard in the kitchen, but the few things that he did know how to make, he made quite well. It’s good, thanks again. "You are oh so very welcome, my friend," Liam told him, taking a rather large drink of his own tea. He nuzzled his head into the others arm, taking a deep breath as he allowed his body to relax a bit. What’re we going to do tonight? Liam raised an eyebrow and pulled back, now sitting straight up on the couch.
"Mate, it's already one am," he pointed out, an amused expression on his face. You gave me tea which woke me up. So now you have to deal with me. Liam chuckled, reaching over to shove Zayns shoulder, shaking his head as he finished off his tea and set the empty mug down on the coffee table. "I don't know, mate," he said, shrugging as he leaned back, sinking into the couch. "What do you feel like doing? I mean, we can go out, but I don't know what would be open this late." He brought a hand to his head, running it through his disheveled hair as he thought. "It'd probably be best if we stayed in, but I don't know what you'd want to do." He reached over and took the mug from his best friend, taking a small sip of his tea. "So, you decide. I'm up for anything, honestly." 
Sparks || Ziam
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
“Yeah, well. You of all people should know that I’m  a slow learner. I still drink soda even though you’ve lectured me too many times to count about it being bad for my body.” Zayn retorted, smiling a little even though he had a small bruise on his thigh. Whenever he and Louis scuffled he’d wind up with some kind of pain somewhere on his body. Not that he minded though. It was a good way to unwind. “I would’ve pinned him down too, you know.” the teen defended himself, trying to make it known that he can beat Louis if he really wanted too. “He paid Niall with candy bars to distract me so he could pin me.” That may or may not have been true, but it happened once before so Zayn believes it happens every time now. Feeling a little light-headed Zayn put some of his weight on Liam, reaching forward with his free hand to grab a slice of pizza. The food-sickness had gone away and now he was starving. Surprisingly Niall hadn’t eaten two complete boxes like he normally does and a few sliced were left over. It was just enough for he and Liam.
Zayn shuffled away a little at the sudden touching of his hair, biting off the tip of the pizza and chewing. “I swear you do that just to annoy me.” he said, mostly to himself as the other male got up to make the tea. Truth be told Zayn didn’t mind it much when Liam messed up his hair-do. The teen always spent too much time on it and Liam was just showing him that it looked better without all that preparation. Zayn still couldn’t help but spend close to 1 full hour on it though He envied some of his band mates who could just wake up with bed hair and still look nice, and Liam was one of those even if he didn’t think it. At the sudden question about Perrie, Zayn froze up. Luckily Liam wasn’t looking his way so he had time to compose himself before his band mate looked back. “Better than great.” Zayn answered, knowing that wasn’t the complete truth. It felt awful to lie to Liam but he didn’t want to worry the male. With the recent break up with Danielle, Zayn figured the teen had enough on his plate already. “She’s been busy with family stuff but we’re good.” He touched his ear ring for a moment, fiddling with it before dropping his hand. The truth was that Zayn had barely spoke to his girlfriend these past few weeks. And whenever he did they would argue non-stop, and that’s saying something since Zayn hated arguing with others. “You alright still? I know the break up hit you a little hard.” he asked, hoping to change the topic.
Better than great. Liam smiled a bit at Zayns answer, chewing on his lower lip as he studied his best friend. The pair had connected since day one, and Liam thought that it was silly that the other thought he could lie to him and he wouldn't catch it. However, he decided not to press the matter. Whatever it was, Zayn would tell him when the time was right. She’s been busy with family stuff but we’re good. Liam sighed, watching as the other fidgeted with his earring, something he always did when he lied. "That's good," he said, offering him a small smile. "I'm glad to hear it, mate." Truth be told, he wasn't glad to hear it. Perrie was nowhere near  good enough for his best friend, and he was convinced she was using him for the fame. He pushed that thought aside and cleared his throat, straightening his posture as he kept his eyes on Zayn.
 "Because you deserve the best, Zayn," he said, a serious tone in his voice. He cared deeply for the other, and would do absolutely anything for him. You alright still? I know the break up hit you a little hard. Liams face fell at the mention of his breakup, a long sigh escaping his lips. "I'm... okay," he said, shrugging as he pushed himself off of the wall, now just standing in the open doorway. "It's a bit weird not having her around all of the time, but... strangely enough, I'm okay." If you would of asked him half a year ago, he would of told you that one day he was going to marry Danielle. He truly had thought she was the one for him, but things had changed, Liam had changed. He had been seeing things differently as of late, Danielle included. "To be completely honest, it was one of the best decisions I ever made."
He jumped as the tea pot went off, indicated that the water was now boiling. He held up a finger, as if to tell Zayn to hold on before he disappeared into the kitchen. He pulled two mugs from the dishwasher and set them on the counter, very carefully lifting the tea kettle and pouring the water into the mugs. He then picked up the tea bags and set one in each of them, before grabbing the honey and squirting just a bit into them. Liam made his tea a little differently then others, but in his opinion, it made it better. "You're going to love this, I'm sure," Liam said as he reappeared into the living room, slowly making his way over to Zayn. "Here." He handed one of the mugs to Zayn, plopping down onto the couch next to him.
"You might want to blow on it a bit first, it's hot," he warned, lifting the cup to his lips and blowing on the hot liquid.  He sighed and leaned into Zayn, resting his head on the others shoulder as he waited for it to cool a little more. It wasn't strange for them to be touchy feely around one another, in fact, the entire band was like that. Many of the fans were convinced that they were secretly dating one another, which they joked about constantly. He was straight, they all were. He ignored the strange pang he felt in his stomach as the thought crossed his mind, taking a small sip of his tea.
Sparks || Ziam
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Not to his surprise, Zayn could hear his band mates before he could see them. Liam had the idea of putting together a movie night on one of the band’s lazy days so they could hang out without the pressure of being a pop-star. Of course, all of them eagerly agreed to it. Though he wouldn’t admit it, not without some serious interrogation anyway, Zayn did miss hanging out with everyone together. He’d hang out with 1 or maybe 2 of his band mates at a time but it was never the same as when all of them were together. The place would be a mess afterwards but it was worth it in the long run. With a small smile on his face Zayn walked into Liam’s flat, not surprised that it was unlocked. Louis and Harry were too busy scuffling on the floor to notice Zayn so Liam was the first one to greet him. “Tonight should be interesting.” he mumbled, cracking open a beer.
Later That Night
Zayn was a little grumpy that he couldn’t go home like the others. It wasn’t like he was stumbling drunk or anything, but driving a car seemed like a a difficult task at the moment. But of course the alcohol clogging up Zayn’s system was telling him that he could drive home safely so it took quite a bit of convincing from Liam to get him to sit still. Though, if he had to pick out of his 4 band-mates to stay with it would’ve been Liam. Louis would’ve kept him up all night, Niall would keep cooking food and just the smell of it right now made Zayn sick and Harry…well, he liked to sleep in the nude.
The teen grunted as Louis hopped on him for hug, holding him tightly before letting go. “See you later, Lou.” Zayn said, surprisingly his words didn’t slur. Maybe he’d sober up sooner rather than later.  After two other grunt-inducing hugs from his other two band mates Zayn leaned his head back on the couch, trying not to move too much so a the usual after-drinking headache wouldn’t happen. He was even dozing off a little until he felt a weight change on the couch. “As good as a Brit who’s had 7 beers can be.” the dark haired male answered, not bothering to open his eyes yet. He hiccuped suddenly, making him jump. “Make that 8.” he corrected. Zayn leaned forward and rubbed his stubble, groaning a bit since he knows the headache was unavoidable.  “It was fun.” Zayn agreed, scratching his chin again. “You still have that stutter?” he asked suddenly, turning to Liam and chuckling. “It was no problem. I missed hanging out with everyone anyway. I don’t really miss the bruises Lou gave me from wrestling though.” The teen stretched on the couch, flinging his arm around Liam’s shoulders without thinking much of it. All 5 of the boys we’re the ‘touchy’ kind. Which was probably why their fans though they were dating. It was a funny thought really. “Fine. I’ll taste your tea but if I don’t like it you have to make me coffee and let me drink more soda. Deal?”
You still have that stutter? Liam looked down, chuckling quietly to himself. He had always been slightly shy, and he couldn't help but stutter from time to time. It had been a lot better lately, he was coming out of his shell; but he still tended to stutter when he got nervous. He shook his head at the thought, it wasn't like there was any reason to be nervous, it was just Zayn. It was no problem. I missed hanging out with everyone anyway. I don’t really miss the bruises Lou gave me from wrestling though. Liam nodded, a smile playing at the corner of his lips as he recalled the nights events. It was always a bit chaotic when the five of them got together, especially if Paul wasn't around to 'babysit'. "You should know better by now," Liam said, leaning into his best friends touch as he felt his arms around him. "Louis plays dirty." 
He wrapped an arm around Zayn, reaching up to ruffle his hair, something that he knew the other hated. Fine. I’ll taste your tea but if I don’t like it you have to make me coffee and let me drink more soda. Deal? "Deal," Liam said, pulling away from Zayn and heading into the kitchen. He frowned as he surveyed the room, he was going to have to trip his cleaning lady quite nicely this week. They had completely destroyed his place, but he had expected it. He licked his lips as he grabbed the tea pot, walking over to the water and and filling the pot before returning it to the stove. He turned on the fire, grabbing the tea bags from the cupboard to the right. Everyone knew that Liam was a bit of a health freak, he always had been. 
"So, how are you and Perrie?" He called, heading backing into the living room as he waited for the water to boil. The guys had been very supportive of his split with Danielle, and he appreciated that they didn't hound him with questions. However, to his knowledge, Zayn and Perrie were still going quite strong. He wasn't all that fond of the blonde, but he'd deal with it if she made Zayn happy. "I haven't seen her in a while." He offered him a small smile, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door frame and watched the other boy. He glanced over his shoulder at the teapot, making sure that it wasn't overflowing before he returned his attention to Zayn.
Sparks || Ziam
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Sparks || Ziam
"Pizza, check. Beer, check. Chips, check. Herbal tea, check." Liam folded his arms across his chest as he looked over all of the items he had picked up for tonight, making sure that he hadn't missed anything. The boys were currently on a break from tour, and recording, which was something that didn't happen very often. They had arranged to have a movie night, and Liam couldn't be more exited. It had been a rough couple of weeks, for he had broken up with his girlfriend of over a year, Danielle. It had been hard, but it was what wad best. The couple had been drifting apart for a while now, so Liam had decided to end things sooner rather than later. He still cared for her, but to be honest, he had fallen out of love.
He hummed quietly to himself as he tidied up his place as best he could, making sure that it was presentable. It was only the guys, but he still cared what they thought. His cleaning lady had come just a few days ago, yet he somehow manged to make a mess. 
Fast Forward to later that night.
"Thanks again for coming, mate," Liam said as he wrapped Harry in a hug, chuckling as Niall and Louis threw themselves into it as well. "I'll see you all soon, yeah? Drive safe!" He shut the door behind them, stretching a bit as he turned to face Zayn. Unlike the others, Zayn lived a bit further out, and had had a bit to drink, so Liam wasn't letting him drive home. It wasn't that he was drunk, but Liam was "Daddy Directon" after all, he looked after his boys. Zayn was his closest friend out of the band, so he always took extra special care of him.
"You alright, mate?" Liam asked, laughing as he plopped down on to the couch beside the other. He leaned forward and grabbed a piece of pizza from the box, taking a bite as he turned to look at the other boy. "I have to say, that was a pretty fun night. I... uh, thanks again for coming over. It means a lot." He nodded and took another bite, reaching over to pat his friend on the shoulder. "Now, what do you say I make you some of that tea? It'll help with the alcohol as well, since, you know I don't drink."
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Maybe I will tonight.
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We saw each other a week ago, Liam. But we’ll all be there around 7 but I might run a little late.
Maybe? No, there are no maybes allowed. C'mon... just give it a try. For me?
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How can you say no to this face? It'll be good for you, mate. True, but it feels like a year. Alright, well, I'll be waiting.
I really didn't feel like waking up today.
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Eck. You know I don’t like herbal teas.
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He said he’s coming and I’m pretty sure Harry and Lou want to annoy you for a few hours so they’re coming too. 
Well, if you'd let me brew some for you my special way, you'd think differently.
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Really!? Now I'm even more stoked, it'll be like a reunion. 
I really didn't feel like waking up today.
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Soda helps my headaches. Well..coffee does but I’m all out.
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Agreed. I’m calling him soon to see if he’s still coming tonight. 
You know what else helps? Herbal tea, it does wonders.
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Brilliant! I've been looking forward to it all week, he better not bail.
I really didn't feel like waking up today.
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
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Hey, at least I don’t drink it as much as Niall. His blood is probably fizzy with how much he drinks.
Zayn, it isn't even noon yet. C'mon, mate.
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Yeah... that's true, the boys blood is made of nothing but caffine and Nando's.
I really didn't feel like waking up today.
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xbringthepayne-blog ¡ 12 years
Remind me not to drink soda so early in the morning.
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Oh dear. Are you a bit hyped up, mate?
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I keep telling you soda is bad for you, why don't you listen?
I really didn't feel like waking up today.
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