xaosein-blog · 11 years
Actually they do it to Islam all the fucking time and nobody gives two shits.
This may be a bit belated, but apparently I live under a rock. I am enraged nonetheless. 
I am absolutely disgusted that a national ‘News’ program could put such narrow minded and misinformed people on the air. Was any fact checking done before this aired? 
The pure arrogance of this cast is revolting. Fox News should be absolutely ashamed. 
An apology was later issued:
All three hosts joked, jeered, and mocked, yet only one apologizes? For a 3-5 minute segment dedicated to belittling an entire religion, we receive only a 22 second apology, and a forced one at that? If someone had went on the air and publicly bashed Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, or any other ‘Major’ religion, there would be a national outcry. 
Fox News, I am deeply disappointed. 
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
As far as I am aware, nothing within either religion states that worshiping other gods/spirits/Otherbeings and performing rites to them is forbidden - therefore I would posit that it is probably at the very least technically possible to be both.
However, without having access to oathbound material regarding Wicca, I would not be able to say for sure if the rites and morals and so on of the two religions are incompatible. If I recall correctly, they do have different goals, but not necessarily incompatible ones.
(Just throwing this in as a side-note, the main reason I personally kind of double-take "Christian Pagans" is both because Christianity has a longstanding de facto tradition of monotheism and because the word 'pagan' precludes one from worship of that particular god, by the definition I take of it. But I understand that others define words and interpret sacred texts and such differently than I do, so people being asses about it also confuses me.)
Can one be both Asatru and Wiccan?
This reminds me of the old can you be a Christian and a Pagan debate often found on pagan websites. Personally, I don’t care what people believe or do as long as they are respectful of me and what I believe and are in no danger of harming anyone else or themselves.  I may raise a questioning eyebrow, but I’m not about to tell them that they’re wrong.
What do you think?  Can one be both or are they mutually exclusive?
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
Question time!
Just wondering, does anybody else find it easier to work magic while intoxicated with alcohol?
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
This is how magic works sometimes: You send your will out there to be realized, and then you ignore it You keep your head down and go about your business and watch the days pass away Then one day you come home from work and you're in a hotel and you've put in your two weeks notice and you realize that you're in the middle of your will manifesting all around you It can sneak up on you like that, drastic life changes happening right under your nose as you just push on. And sometimes it's shocking when you sit down and realize "Holy shit, my life wasn't like this two/three/five/twelve/sixteen months ago. Look what I can DO. Holy shit." It's a good feeling (this time), but it's a shock all the same.
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
But seriously Roller coaster magic Discuss~
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
i kinda really like T Thorn Coyle
I don't have a lot of exposure to her beyond her podcast that she did but it's really... eh, powerful might be a good word? or moving, maybe?
and she just seems like a pretty decent person, like i'd feel moderately comfortable having a conversation with her at any given point.
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
What have you found out about city worship so far? This is the first time I've even come across this concept. It seems interesting. :)
Not all that much, actually, heh. It seems to be a very "Build Your Own" kind of practice - and being as I'm not currently living in any city, let alone my City, it's quite difficult to figure out what I should be doing, ya know?
I plan to explore it a lot more when I move in a few weeks (to Houston, which is not my City but still a good one as far as I have yet been able to tell) and I'll post notes of what I find.
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
rocks are witchy too!
i like jars and bottles just fine but my real witchy collector mode kicks into gear for rocks
like just your side-of-the-road, baseball-field-parking-lot kind.
my mom makes fun of me for it because that's how people go but really i love all my rocks
i've been picking up rocks since basically before i can remember, and i've been using them for magic since at least 6th grade (when i painted one and used it for weather manipulation to get out of softball games - and that thing WORKED too!)
i just
really like rocks you guys
anyone feel me?
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
make my pizza,
make it great
make my pizza
and don't be late
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
I'm gonna make a post, tag it VERY PUBLICLY, and then get mad when people take it literally at face value and don't know any of the detailed backstory that actually contradicts some of the information in it. There's no way this could go wrong!
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
The fact that you noted Twilight as the last straw rather than their cultural appropriation really shows where you stand on the latter, tbh.
I just unfollowed a Pagan page on facebook because one of the admins likes Twilight and lined up at midnight to buy the DVD of Breaking Dawn: Part 2 and all of the comments on that post were from people who also like Twilight (and also all lined up at midnight to buy the latest DVD).
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
BS. In order to be a "proper witch" all you need to do is practice witchcraft.
I would note that having some kind of journal or record system is definitely useful for any sort of magician; but useful and required are two very different things. Do as ye like.
Do I HAVE to get a BOS in order to be a “proper” witch, or is that bs?
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
And in addition to that final point, one can believe in Jesus but not worship him.
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
To make it more unintelligible and foster a greater chance of forgetting its intent, is what I'm under the impression of?
It's optional, of course, like any so-called "hard and fast rules" of sigil-making (indeed so is forgetting the intent!). I've personally most often done sigils with entirely nonEnglish alphabets to which a lot of common "rules" do not apply and they've all worked fine. (The Gallifreyan variants I've seen are marvelous for sigil work.)
I just googled a bit and couldn’t find anything. I hope someone can help me.
What is the purpose of removing vowels from sigils? I understand removing repeated letters, but why vowels?
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
So there's a curse blog and that's nifty
Can we do a blessings blog, too?
with like a disclaimer on why it's shitty to bless people without consent and stuff, of course
...I just like blessings... decent ones anyway.
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
honestly the word “fluffy” wrt pagan/witchcraft topics (“fluffy bunny” etc) is so widely and variably defined as to be completely useless in my eyes
ppl who want to self-id as fluffy define it as “being about the love and light stuff” (and a lot of people who use it as an insult do as well, which is where they got it from)
other ppl use it to mean newbies
other ppl use it to mean not-newbies who are still not knowledgeable (which kinda skeeves me because their definitions of knowledgeable vary by person as well & range from “not being appropriative and racist” [valid] to “not practicing & talking about their shit in exactly these ways with exactly these words” or “not reading these particular authors on these subjects” [both not valid])
other ppl use it to mean folks who are willfully ignorant wrt pagan & witchcraft & etc. concepts, ideas, stuff (this is the one i’m most familiar with bc it was used by the M&R forum on Gaia and that’s kind of where i first encountered any kind of pagan community [sad to say lol])
other ppl use it to mean “ppl who are bigoted & racist” which idk feels to me like a mutation of the way it was originally used to encompass ~sj concepts~ and i have a really hard time wrapping my head around the idea that ‘fluffy’ is the correct word for talking about oppression in any context ever (why can’t you just call them bigots/racist/sexist/cissexist/heterosexist/etc? or make up a new word for the context that doesn’t have a history of ambiguity and leaves a more apt sense of how shitty the stuff in question is?)
idk i don’t feel like it’s a useful part of my vocabulary and i feel like i’m always fucking guessing or pulling shit out of my ass when other people use it without defining it.
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xaosein-blog · 11 years
Other questions of note: how exactly does one go about worship of a City they do not currently live in?
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