x-yesung · 11 years
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x-yesung · 11 years
(/grins) People stay away because they're scared or because I want them too stay away because they bug the shit out of me. Plus not to many people are fans of getting things thrown at them. (/leans back in his seat) I never said anything about being shitfaced after a bottle, I can handle more than a bottle. Might be a different story for you if you say you'll be shitfaced after one bottle. (/rubs his chin thinking of a way to explain "messy activities") Well the way I see it "messy activities" could be aggravated assault, man slaughter, murder and maybe anything in between or something like that. (/furrows his brow at Amber's questions) You ask a lot of questions you know that? (/takes a drink of his glass) Oh, you're one of them racers? I'm not really into that sort of stuff but I'm sure it would be fun to cause some accidents at a street face. (/chuckles and points at Amber's empty shot glass) Well if your as good a racer as you are a drinker then you might be a kick ass racer.
Noodle Copycat
(/laughs brightly) Is that so? Should I be running? I mean if people stay away from ya its for a reason right? (/chuckles softly and shakes her head, once again moving to sit with her back pressed up against the wall, this time cradling the bowl in her hands) Well if I’m enjoying food I don’t wanna be shitfaced. I could drown in a bowl if i do that! (/takes another bite of noodles, this time slurping them until she has her mouth full) Messy? (/smiles sheepishly) what kind of activities get messy?…(/grins) yeah well I doesn’t have to be illegal to be fun, but i guess you’re right. It does make it that much more exciting. (/raises an eyebrow curiously) getting rid of the scum on the street? What kind of person is that? More importantly what kind of an activity is that? (/brings her legs up so that they’re sitting on the other half of the booth) Well i dun know if its the same kind of fun you’re into, but I race. Ya know the street racing? (/puts the bowl down on the table and pours some soju into the shot glass before reaching over and grabbing a napkin and the bottle of cola before lightly dipping the tissue into the shot glass and pouring the cola. then proceeds to carefully remove the tissue so that the two layers are separated) and kinda kick ass if i do say so myself. (/grins at him before taking the shot)
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x-yesung · 11 years
(/shakes head and scoffs with a smirk still on her face) [text] At least I have something where my heart should be. What do you have again? Hot air? [text]: You still didn't answer, or are you doing all three? [text]: You weren't complaining when you were stuffing your face with the chocolates I made, the last time you decided to grace me with your presence
(/grins) [text]: At least I don’t go around saying I have a heart when all I have is “hot air” [text]: Lately I haven’t been killing anyone, real shame actually some people just beg for it. (/remembers eating some chocolate Minyoung had given him) [Text]: You expect me to leave booze filled chocolate after you set it in front of me, fuck no.
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x-yesung · 11 years
(/smirks) [text]: You know I love you deep inside this cold heart of mine, no need to be so icy for the both of us ;) [text]: So are you eating, drinking, both, or killing people?
(/half laughs at the message read)[Text]: Please, icy heart? More like a block of ice where your heart is suppose to be. [Text]: If you already know what I do then why bother asking me? [text]: And let me guess all you've been doing is making chocolate?
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x-yesung · 11 years
[text]: hey jerk face. [text] what are you doing?
(/stares at the name on the screen before wrinkling his face in disgust and responding to the messages) 
[Text]: What do you want demon Popsicle? [Text]: What am I always doing?
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x-yesung · 11 years
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x-yesung · 11 years
Dear Ye-ye,
I never told you this before, but I have secretly been calling you that for years. You are probably cursing me right now, but that's okay. These are the final words you will hear from me. The only thing I will probably regret about this is that I did not tell you in person, but I could not go to you for the possibility that you will stop me...I'm leaving Yesung and by the time you read this well I won't be here anymore.
You were right I did have to grow up and no I am not running away. I am just going to take these steps to raise my child. I actually went to the doctor yesterday and it seems I am having a boy. The minute I saw him I just knew I couldn't stay here anymore. I have another life to take care of now, so I am growing up and taking charge.
Don't look for me and do your best to forget me. I won't ever forget you and I will make sure my baby knows about his amazing Uncle Yesung. He might look for you someday, hopefully you can find it in your heart to just say hello to him.
Yesung...you have become like a brother to me. The last conversation we had was what pushed me to take this step. Please find someone new to cook for you, eating so much noodles isn't healthy. I love you Yesung.
Take care,
(/lets the letter he just read flutter to the floor) You've got to be fucking kidding me! You regret not telling me in person because you new I'd be pissed!(/sits on the edge of his bed and stares at the letter wanting it to burst into flames) The one time..the one time I give you advice and you leave! (/runs a hand through his messy hair) So the bun in the oven turned out to be a boy, figures someone like you would decide to leave after seeing the damn thing on a screen. (/laughs darkly at being called an uncle) Oh I'll say hi to the kid alright and ask him where his mom went to hide, best believe I'm not gonna forget this or you for that matter. (/lays down on his bed and looks at the ceiling) Me like a brother huh? Some brother I was. Find someone else to cook for me and stop eating noodles? Please, if I didn't care what I ate while you were here why they the hell would I care now that you packed your bags and disappeared. (/chucks a dagger at the ceiling) That's the last time I go and give someone some fucking advice.
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x-yesung · 11 years
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x-yesung · 11 years
(/snarls and steps back) Fine fine! (/puts a hand over his face in anger) I don't want to hear the phrase "the bump" and my name in the same sentence or I can't promise shit. (/gives Somi a dirty look after being glared at) Keep up that bitching and I might just walk out of here and get him. (/runs a hand through his hair) I get it already damn it! Well the piece of pie finally got served and out of all the people it could have been it was Tao. I hope he enjoyed it because there's a surprise in the center of it all. (/lets a half laugh escape from his mouth) Tch... it doesn't take much to piss you off from what I can tell...(/points at Somi's stomach)...and its takes even less effort now. (/returns to his seat from before) Again with the,"I don't know what I'm gonna do" shit. What did I just tell you?! (/looks at Somi and sits up at the sight of her grabbing tissues) So? what if he's angry? Are you going to keep crying or do something about it instead of sitting there like some housewife, please that's pathetic. (/grows angry at the mention of being alone) Quit your damn crying, you're not alone, you have that kid inside of you don't you? As if being alone had ever been a problem big enough to kill someone, its what comes with being alone that kills! (/puts hands into the air) Hate to burst your bubble but, crying isn't going to get things taken care of, so put your big girl pants back on. What's your master plan? That's if you've even been able to think of anything besides not knowing what to do.
Food for Thought
Don’t you dare come near me Yesung (/points at him and steps back) You have no right to do or say anything bad to me or the bump, do you got that? (/glares back at him) Drag him over, but it won’t change anything of what I just said. (/pushes him back away from her) I am pregnant with Tao’s baby! (/throws hands up in frustration) Shit, I don’t know why but you always push my buttons until I frickin spill my guts out. (/points at her bump) There is a baby in there and since the last time I had sex was two months ago with our friend then yes. Tao is the father. (/shrugs) And I don’t know what I am going to do. (/eyes water) He is going to hate me most likely. (/points at Yesung) And you are going to blame me for this. (/shakes head and grabs a napkin from the side desk dabbing her eyes) I have no one Yesung and now you know. (/takes in a shaky breath) I am pregnant with Tao’s baby. (/bites lip and turns around)
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x-yesung · 11 years
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x-yesung · 11 years
(/grins) Meh, people try not to associate with me or anything like that, but that didn't stop you, been a while since that's happened. (/receives his food and another drink) A few drops? What's the fun in that? (/takes a drink of his glass and grins) Take the whole bottle and let the games begin. (/looks at Amber eat and then begins to eat as well) "Activities" could mean anything depending on the person you're asking. (/ pushes his empty bowl away and chuckles darkly) I like "activities" that are a bit..."messy". See, now you're getting the idea most of the fun around here is against the law but that's what makes it fun if you ask me. (/laughs at Amber after she cringes and finishes his second drink) There is stuff to do but like I said its either illegal or you have to look for it. Bet if you started looking for trouble you'll find something to do. I do it all the time, it's always fun getting rid of some scum on the street. (/gets comfortable in his chair) What kind of "activities" bring you around here? You don't look like you'd be into the same kind of fun as I am.
Noodle Copycat
(/laughs lightly and raises an amused eyebrow) What? Has no one else ordered the same thing ya have? (/grins) Well how can ya be expected to enjoy a meal to its fullest without having a couple drops of liquor in ya? (/takes the shot and sets the glass down on the table next to her bowl and takes her first bite of the noodles, her eyes widening at the taste)  Shit these are good. (/eagerly brings more noodles up to her mouth, momentarily ignoring the other’s questions. The food is far too good to leave unattended for too long.Takes another bite before finally answering him with a grin) What kind of “activities” would ya be taking about? S’far as i know there is a ton of stuff to do here. But then thats probably cause I don’t live here. But….(/her grin widens) now that ya mention it, it probably is against the law. (/calls out to the waiter to bring her a soda. and starts to dig in once more. swallows her noodles without really chewing them and cringes as they go down painfully) Oww~ (/blinks) All day? (/laughs in amusement the previous pain she felt totally forgotten) I guess there really isn’t much to do here then . 
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x-yesung · 11 years
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x-yesung · 11 years
(/rolls his eyes at the things being made) Ughhh, there you go with the nagging. I asked you to do those things but I never made you do them did I? You went out of your own damn way, I could have done those things on my own if I really had to. (/eyes widen at the possibility of knowing the father and he tenses up) What the fuck is that suppose to mean anyway, what do you mean I might know him? I know for a damn fact it can't be me so who the hell else could it be? (/grows annoyed at the woman's behavior) Call it whatever you want the kid would be taken care of either way. (/winces at the sudden scream filling his ears) Again with the fussing and bitching! Quit yelling. (/catches the pillow thrown at him and tears it in half) The bump? Is that what you call it? (/tries to catch the second pillow but fails as he hears what Somi yells) What the fuck did you just say?! (/kicks the lap Somi dropped before she could throw it at him) Did I really just fucking hear right or are you really wanting me to rip that thing outside of you?! (/walks over to Somi and darkly looms over her) You have less than ten fucking seconds to explain the shit that just stabbed at my ears or I will drag Tao's sorry ass over here and tell him what you just hollered at me.
Food for Thought
(/tightens the hold on her knees as she tries her best not to scream at the insufferable man in front of her) Right now Yesung is the time you should be. How many times have I taken care of you when you have gotten drunk? How many times have I cooked for you because you asked me too? Don’t you think I deserve a little bit of sympathy right now. (/rolls her eyes) It is not that easy Yesung. He will be beyong upset with me. You know him as well as I…(/bites lip knowing she has said too much as her eyes widen at what he is in implying) Are you telling me I should get (/whispers) an abortion? (/screams while standing up getting ready to throw anything close to her at him) Why do you have to be so damn insensitive?! (/throws a pillow) This is not the bumps fault! (/throws plush toy) Go get your damn junk food! (/throws another pillow) At least I know Tao won’t react like this even though he is the father! (/drops the lamp she was about to throw covering her mouth, the only sound that could be heard was the crash as the light-bulb broke)
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x-yesung · 11 years
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x-yesung · 11 years
(/snickers slightly to himself) Fantastic, yet another person who doesn't know who I am. Oh well beats eating alone. (/continues to enjoy the food in front of him) Forget it at least your not just sitting there I'm actually getting a conversation for once. (/Raises an eyebrow at the drink being put in front of Amber) Yea really nice meeting you too, even better seeing as your a fan of drinking too. (/chuckles at the other while he raises his own glass) Damn right, that's what keeps me coming back to this place that's for sure. (/leans back after finishing) So? Aside from this place what brings you to Heukyang? Not much you can do around here unless you're into certain "activities" which might just be against the law,well at least in my opinion that's all there is to do around here. (/motions to one of the waiters for more food and another drink) So planning on staying long, I can spend all day here...(/smirks)..tend to get kicked out actually.
Noodle Copycat
(/laughs brightly) Well this is a food place not much else i can be here for no? But thanks? and you’re welcome? (/raises an eyebrow at him) cower from ya? Now why would anyone do that? (/opens her mouth to reply when one of the waiters places a bottle of soju on her table, smiles as a thanks to the waiter before returning her attention to the stranger who just introduced himself) Yesung huh? well nice to meet ya. (/leans forward to rest against the seat between them, a Cheshire grin on her face ) If you’re really curious then i’ll show ya.(/turns back around once again to face her own food an takes a deep breath to enjoy the scent of the food.) Smells awesome! (/playful rolls her eyes at his comment before reaching over for some chopsticks from the cup on the table) yeah yeah yeah, don’t worry i’m getting to it…(/pauses a bit about to dig in but shakes her head and sets her chopsticks down and pours herself a shot of soju and takes it) Ahh~ nothing better than soju and noodles…(/pours herself another and raises it to Yesung with a grin) to strangers with awesome taste in food.
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x-yesung · 11 years
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x-yesung · 11 years
(/catches the pillow thrown at him) Insensitive? When the hell have I...(/gestures to himself)... been sensitive? As for telling the father, its not like you can hide being pregnant for long, just tell him. (/braces himself for what's to come) Stand up in front of him and tell him "I have a bun in the oven". (/leans on a nearby wall) I don't see the point in you fussing and freaking out over the whole issue, it can go one of two ways you know. (/summons a small dagger) You can either have the kid or "take care of it" (/fiddles with dagger) Though I don't think you'd be one to take the second option now would you? (/face turns sour) No I can't relate either, I cant exactly be in the same situation seeing how I'm a guy. (/looks at the depressed lump on the couch) As for my food, I guess I can just go out for fast food this one time, seeing how your not gonna cook for me. (/un-summons dagger) so what are you gonna do while your carrying a bun inside of you for nine months? I doubt you can stay on that couch the whole time?
Food for Thought
(/seethes quietly) Yes Yesung, like a bun in the oven. (/growls) You think I have time to look all pretty and nice, when I have more important things to take care of?! (/throws a pillow at him) Why are you so damn insensitive?! (/runs a hand through her hair in frustration) I don’t even know how to tell the father and now I have you to come and tell me you are hungry! (/turns around and sits down in the sofa curling up into herself) I don’t have time for this Yesung. I have not been able to sleep thinking about this and today of all days I decide to find out if I am.. (/licks her dry lips) pregnant. (/bites lip and looks at Yesung) Can you please for one second, find it in yourself to understand what I am going through? 
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