x-remus · 4 years
James: I'm waiting in your room
James: I think your mattress is comfier than mine
Remus: yours has also had to survive a few trips down the tower stairs
Remus: i'm sure it's trying it's best
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x-remus · 4 years
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x-remus · 4 years
James: Absolutely
James: surprise me
Remus: I think I can manage that
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x-remus · 4 years
Peter: I have caramel digestives
Peter: Let me hold tight to, like, six of them
Peter: And you can summon the rest. Wait for it...
Peter: Okay, holding. Ready go.
Remus: damn yes thank you
Remus: wait i'll have to charm the door open
Remus: this is hard to do lying down
[1 minute later]
Remus: why aren't there more songs about biscuits
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x-remus · 4 years
Dorcas: very bold choice
Remus: well I don't know about that
Remus: a bold choice would be james liking marmite
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x-remus · 4 years
Peter: Up high or up awake?
Peter: Nevermind I guess, yes to both. What's up?
Peter: Myself aside. Ba dum tsss.
Remus: brilliant
Remus: do you have any snacks?
Remus: I can't move
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x-remus · 4 years
Remus: do you want anything from honeydukes?
Remus: two for one on sweets
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x-remus · 4 years
[Play Video] 20 secs of Timeless by Badfinger behind a shot of an empty window and record player.
Remus: I think this one might be my favorite
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x-remus · 4 years
29 September, 1979, 10.59p
Remus: hey
Remus: are you still up?
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x-remus · 4 years
Jen knew nothing of Sirius firsthand, but she thought she knew enough of the Blacks to draw a conclusion on him. She thought nobody with that name should have been anywhere near Zoe to start off with, and now he was breaking souls without blinking about it. Now, that drove Jennifer absolutely mad. Men deserved to pay. He owed a debt.
“I don’t think that was very kind of him,” She spoke now, with a clenched jaw as rain continued to shower over the pair. “Why must people get away with such travesties?”
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Remus frowned, allowing his eyes to shift over hers for another short moment. Her tense expression wasn’t lost on the werewolf and he found it hard to look away, not noticing the rain anymore. He wanted to talk to Sirius about this later but wondered how that conversation might begin. Once again, he was stuck on the outside looking in.
“People hurt each other when they get close.” He finally answered, little fondness in the admission as he finally broke his gaze. “They shouldn’t, but they always do.” In his mind this wasn’t an excuse– just a fact that he had accepted a long time ago.
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x-remus · 4 years
September was drawing to a close. The leaves were turning yellow and orange, raindrops fell thick and fast making anyone who stepped outside however briefly for Herbology lessons track a long trail of mud into the castle, and schoolwork was piling up faster than ever, but Severus was not perturbed. Schoolwork was what he did best. There wasn’t anything like getting a potion correct on the first try while tinkering with the ingredients for better results. Hogwarts—the serious academics, the lectures, the castle, the grounds, his prefect suite—was where he felt most at home in the world. Even the dark dungeons. In fact, although they were cool and damp, there was a sort of stillness, a silence, that wasn’t quite present anywhere else in the castle. Severus was just crushing his bicorn horn into a fine grain powder when his concentration was suddenly broken by a voice calling out. 
Severus turned to see Remus Lupin standing awkwardly by the entrance of the workroom. He had always felt there was something a little off about Lupin, though he could never quite put his finger on what it was. Either way, Lily seemed to like him, but then again she seemed to like everyone. “Lily? No, I haven’t seen her today.” 
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“I think I’m early.” Remus admitted as he took a step further into the room, feeling very much an outsider amidst the strange smells and steaming potions. Never having taken a proper potions lesson before, he wouldn’t be able to name half of them if he tried. “Do you mind if I wait here?” Lily had been working on a themed potion for the film night they wanted to put on for their house the following month and he was looking forward to sampling it. 
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x-remus · 4 years
Just a perfect day You made me forget myself I thought I was Someone else, someone good
Perfect Day - Lou Reed
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x-remus · 4 years
Dated: 25 September, 1979 Location: Potions Classroom; Hogwarts @princesev​
Remus was humming a quiet tune under his breath as he walked down the stone corridor. He had never liked the way the dungeons smelt– the cool, damp air tight and suffocating when compared with the open archways and cool breeze that whipped around the taller towers. And yet today, there was a warm smile playing on his lips as he approached one of the Potions classrooms, a name escaping as he turned into the empty workroom. “Lily,” He started brightly. “I’ve brought–“ The words trailed off and he slowed to a stop, bringing a hand to the back of his hair with an awkward, self-aware laugh.  “Oh, hey Severus. Have you seen Lily?”
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x-remus · 4 years
Lily shook her head, dismissing the suggestion with confidence. “McGonagall is too clever to have thought that would be particularly effective. You were merit based. She took one look at you and just knew–”
She came to an abrupt stop, halted by the gentle press of Remus’ hand. Lily brought her foot down from where it had paused in mid-air, ready to mount the steps up to the tower and rolled her eyes. “Very funny.” No doubt James and Sirius were about to pop out and scare them. But…no. She could hear it now too. There was the quiet thud of another muffled footstep, followed by a distant keening noise. 
Lily inhaled sharply. Her hand shot out and grabbed Remus’. She gave it a tight squeeze, reassuring herself as much as him that they were there together. 
A quick glanced over her shoulder confirmed that the corridor behind them was just as empty as it had been when they arrived at the staircase. She had half expected someone to be there, ready to take charge of the situation. But it was just them. This was their responsibility now, there was no parent to check under the bed or professor to reassure them it would be alright. Rounds suddenly took on a new meaning, no longer a route task for catching mischief but a necessary routine instituted to protect the castle from real danger. 
Lily squinted into the veil of darkness that lay just a few steps ahead, trying to picture who might be lurking there. She was startled by the images her mind conjured up: Caroline and Jake, their lifeless bodies strewn across the stairs in a failed escape and their monstrous murdered standing above them with wand in hand. Where had they been found, she wondered morbidly, a shiver running down her spine. On the staircase? At the top of the tower, able to catch one final glimpse of the world around them before they left it? Had it been Prefects who discovered the…the corpses? Two unwitting students, just like the her and Remus now, prepared for an uneventful evening of rounds and instead stumbling upon something much darker? 
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“Remus,” she whispered urgently. “We have to–” she swallowed nervously, “–we have to go look.” Lily slipped her wand from her back pocket and gripped it tightly. It was just as reassuring as the warmth of Remus’ palm. “One person will need to light the way and the other should be ready for…for whatever’s up there.” 
Remus swallowed thickly, his back straight now. Ordinarily soft brown hues were a bright, alert amber as he turned to consider his friend standing by his side, the shadows under his eyes and hollows of his cheeks noticeably more pronounced. He searched her expression, knowing that he would do anything in his power to erase the traces of fear and uncertainty that he discovered there. When she took his hand in her own he offered a gentle squeeze in reply as if it were the most natural thing in the world. In the moment, it was.
“Okay.” Lifting his wand, the werewolf wordlessly released Lily’s hand and cast a silent lumos charm before continuing to climb slowly on his own now, eyes scanning ahead. Above him on the top of the tower a shadow shifted, just barely visible between wooden slats. 
Wand raised, Remus made the mistake of taking one step too many. With a final creak, an icy stream of water descended directly on the werewolf from a charmed bucket hanging above. He froze where he stood, unsure what had happened for a moment before a familiar cackling voice broke the silence with a bright laugh. “Looney, loopy Lupin!”
Pushing damp curls to the side of his face with a gasp, the werewolf’s shoulders finally relaxed as he exhaled a string of colorful expletives. "Shit, Peeves.”
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x-remus · 4 years
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x-remus · 4 years
“He broke my friend’s heart,” Jennifer said in a single breath. A slight wind caught her off guard, causing a chill to meander down her spine much like that tattoo she had inked there. “Zoe. The beautiful one who loves the stars.” She didn’t know the complications of a break up. But she knew the layers of heartbreak. Zoe wasn’t somebody who deserved to feel it. Sirius held too much power in the situation for Jen’s liking.
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Remus’ mouth parted at the confession, eyes softening with a strange expression. His stomach twisted as he considered the words, wondering why he hadn’t known this before. “I didn’t know.” He admitted honestly, the answer not what the other witch deserved but all that the werewolf had to offer in the moment. He wouldn’t pretend to be entitled to anything of Sirius’: not his secrets, not his thoughts, not his life. It would be hypocritical to have that expectation and offer nothing back in return– he knew this. And yet, that fact wouldn’t tame the dull ache that followed with the realization. 
“He never said anything.” The werewolf answered honestly, not allowing himself to meet Jen’s gaze anymore as he focused ahead on a line of trees in the distance, raindrops painting lines down his face. “Or I didn’t ask.” His fingernail grazed against the side of his thumb and he nodded with a quieter smile. “I really like Zoe. I thought she was good for him.”
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x-remus · 4 years
Lily nodded in easy agreement. “We’ve got a plan and we’ve got each other. Nothing to do but get to it.”
They made their way through the portrait hole and began their patrol, which was really more of a stroll. The corridor, as expected, was virtually empty. There was a couple enthusiastically necking in an alcove a few meters down from the Fat Lady, but as far as Lily knew that wasn’t in violation of any school rules. It was just wet sounding and mildly nauseating. 
“What did The Three Stooges say when they found out you made Prefect?” Lily asked, not unkindly. She could readily say she liked Peter. Sirius was a different story, but Remus was sensible enough that she didn’t feel the need to insert her opinion unless he asked for it. James was. Well. Complicated. “They congratulated you, I hope, without bribes or promises for a pass on detention. ”
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"More or less.” Remus answered with a small smile, eyes trailing over the other witch’s expression. At the very least, none of them had seem to share any of the doubt and confusion that the werewolf had carried with him through the last few weeks. Or if they had, it had been carefully disguised. Walking by Lily’s side he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had taken the role away from someone more deserving: more approachable, more responsible, more human. 
“I think McGonagall was hoping that this would be an easier way to keep them all in check.” The werewolf admitted with a short laugh, lifting his head. “Might have been an overestimation on her part.” 
Making their way up a stairwell now, the werewolf felt his chest tighten suddenly at the belated realization of where they were headed. The Astronomy Tower. He wondered if Lily felt it, too, and found himself falling into step closer by her side automatically, trying and failing to push Jake and Caroline from his thoughts. Ahead of the pair, a creaking noise and a faint footstep escaped over the sound of the Scottish wind and the werewolf held his breath. “Wait.” He started, a scarred hand automatically reaching out to rest on her arm– the unfamiliarity of the action lost on the werewolf in the moment. “Did you hear something?”
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