wudbell · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide To Choosing Curtains for Your Home
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Curtains serve more than one purpose in your rooms. Not only they are practical, but they also serve as an aesthetic element. Curtains add another layer to your interior decor, and therefore, choosing curtains for doors, windows, and bay windows becomes an important decision. There are many factors to consider while choosing curtains for your home such as fabric, length, colours, and how they are hung. To make your decision easy, here is the ultimate guide to choosing curtains for your home.
7 Important Tips For Choosing Curtains
1. Fabric
Choosing the right fabric for your curtain is the first and most important step of the process. From sheer lace and cotton to velvet, there are multiple options available for you. Something that is made of cotton will demand less maintenance from you, while if it is made of velvet, it can be a little more demanding. You should pick your fabric based on:
How much sunlight do you want passing through the curtain
The decor of your room
Yes, the decor of your room will also help you decide on your material. Traditional, large rooms will have heavy fabrics, whereas something more informal and casual will go the best with sheer fabrics, linens, etc.
2. Style
If the other soft furnishings such as the sofa in your room is of a solid colour, patterns may be the way to go. And that is true vice-versa also. If your soft furniture is solid coloured, the cushions, rug, etc. should be printed, and therefore, your curtains would also match that aesthetic language if they are printed. Similarly, if the soft furniture has a print/pattern, you should go with solid colours with your curtains.
3. Colour
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One of the most important aspects of choosing curtains for your home is choosing their colour. There are two ways to look at this factor. If you are looking forward to choosing a curtain for your windows, you may want to look at the colour of your wall and which colour would complement it.
On the other hand, the second way is to look at the other furniture in the room, and how your curtain’s colour will complement that colour. If you want the curtains to be the focus of your room, you can pick the colours that are in contrast with the wall and furniture.
4. Lined/Unlined
Moving on from the aesthetics, let’s talk about the functionality aspect of a curtain for your home. How much sunlight do you want? Do you want your curtains to be completely opaque, or is there some light required? If your curtain will be placed on a window with direct sunlight, you may want to go for curtains with protective lining. Double layered curtains will make your curtain more opaque, and durable.
One sheer and one opaque layer of curtains can also be used, as it will help you choose the amount of light and privacy you want in your room. Lined curtains are heavier than unlined curtains, an important factor to consider.
5. Measurements
Curtains that touch the floor are in trend nowadays, extra-long curtains that create the puddle look are also preferred by many. You can go for a size that is longer by a few inches for the puddle look. However, longer curtains are not a good idea if you have kids or pets in your house. Opt for a couple of inches above the floor if that is the case.
For windows, the curtains should end at the sill, but you can go longer if that is your preference. The width of your curtain will depend on the frame or moulding of your windows and doors, especially if you have something like a modern bay window. You may want to have a few inches extra with the width for that gathered look when the curtains are drawn back.
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wudbell · 2 years
12 Amazing Master Bedroom Decoration Ideas
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At the end of a long day, everyone deserves a bedroom where they can feel cozy and fall into a comfortable sleep. There are many ways one can customise their bedroom according to their taste, and this personalisation will only take your master bedroom to one level higher. Today, we take a look at the best interior design ideas for the master bedroom. If you are also tired of the plain old walls and run-of-the-mill beds, this one is for you.
1. Go Green
This is a great way to include the elements of nature in your bedroom. Get green accessories and some floral covers for your cushions. You can also add some wall planters, or put some plants outside the window of your master bedroom.
2. Back in Time
One of the best interior design ideas for the master bedroom is to make it look vintage. Get a canopy bed, and have a wall with old paintings framed in Victorian-esque frames. Every time you step into your bedroom, it will be like stepping back into time!
3. Feel the Warmth
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This is a great way to make your bedroom comfortable and sleep-friendly, especially if you live in a cold place. The use of a warm colour palette brings character to your bedroom. Moreover, you can make way for some sunlight, creating a warm environment for your afternoon naps!
4. Minimalist Approach
One of the best ways to make your master bedroom feel modern is the minimalist approach. Keep it clean, simple, and subtle. Use more white for the illusion of more space. Remember, less is more. You can create drama in your interior design even with minimal things. Ask any master bedroom designer!
5. Change Your Fabrics
If the interior design of your master bedroom is getting old, one of the best ways to break the monotony is to change the fabrics of your soft furniture. Play with the colours on your bedsheets, and bring in the patterns, or solids, wherever required. See how they fare with your wall colours. Mix and match is the name of the game.
6. Change Your Walls
Another great interior design idea for the master bedroom is to change your walls. Getting them painted every time you want a change can be expensive, so the way around that would be surface finishes like veneers or laminates, or you can go for wallpapers that give a different look to your master bedroom.
7. Lack of Light
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We have talked about bringing in the sunlight for a warm and spacious effect in your master bedroom, but the lack of light can create some drama in your bedroom, too. Imagine dark-coloured interiors with strategically placed light sources. This will give your bedroom a whole new mood.
8. How About Some Leather?
If you are tired of soft fabrics, this one is for you. There are multiple ways to incorporate leather into your interior design ideas for the master bedroom, however, we recommend the bed frame and the headboards are the best places to have some leather. It will add a touch of luxury to your bedroom.
9. Time to Look Down
While thinking about interior design ideas for the master bedroom, the walls, bed, and curtains get the most attention. But what about the floors? Match your floors with the design elements of your bed and the colours of your walls. There are many designer flooring options available in the market to match your taste.
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wudbell · 2 years
Surface Finish: Difference between Laminate, Veneer, and Acrylic
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One has to consider a number of things when planning for a dream home. One such important dilemma everyone goes through is the right surface finish to choose for their interiors. The interior finish is not always about aesthetics. It also adds personality to your furniture, and you can give your home interior design a personal touch with it.
Three of the most popular materials for surface finish are laminates, veneers, and acrylics. If you are confused about which one is right for you based on your needs and where you want to place them, you have come to the right place. Today, we will be discussing the differences between laminates, veneers, and acrylics to give you an idea about the right material for you.
Difference between Laminates, Veneers, and Acrylics
Laminates: What is it, Pros, and Cons
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Laminates are made of flat paper and plastic resins. These materials are glued together and then layered. The topmost layer will have some colour or pattern, sealed by a plastic coating on the surface. This is the reason why laminates are glossy. For unconventional home interior design for a modern contemporary look.
Advantages of Laminate
They are not natural like veneers and are machine-made. Therefore, they can be produced in bulk, which makes them cost-effective and easily available.
Not only patterns and colours but they can also be made to look like wood, marble, etc. Customisation is endless with laminates.
Since the layers of the laminates are bonded together under pressure, it is highly durable. It stands well against heat and moisture. It is scratch and stain-resistant also, making it ideal for kitchens or bathrooms.
Disadvantages of Laminate
Since it is made with plastic resin, it is susceptible to emitting harmful gases at times.
Since it is made from plastic resin, it is not as environmentally friendly as veneers. Laminates are not a sustainable choice and they end up in landfills.
Laminates have sharp edges and therefore they are prone to wear and tear around those edges. Moreover, they cannot be repaired once damaged.
Veneers: What is it, Pros, and Cons
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Veneers are aesthetically pleasing and luxurious. They are cut very finely from a log of wood. After that, they are pressed on the plywood base. Since it is a fine slice of real wood, no two veneers would look the same!
For a classy vintage look, or for someone who wants that wooden finish and looks for their furniture, this is the best option to go for. And, it’s natural!
Advantages of Veneer
Veneers are environment-friendly as a single piece of wood can produce multiple veneer sheets. It is a good replacement for solid wood applications.
They are highly durable and last very long when maintained well.
Since they are made from wood, it gives your interiors a luxurious feel with a great aesthetic appeal.
Disadvantages of Veneer
Veneers are durable, but they are prone to lose their shine. The stains and scratches can be easily seen on veneers if not polished regularly.
Yes, they require regular polishing from time to time to maintain their sheen and colour.
Moreover, they can bubble up if they are exposed to moisture or heat. Therefore, you have to be careful about using it in the bathrooms and kitchens. For moisture, a melamine coating can be done on veneers.
Acrylics: What is it, Pros, and Cons
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If you want your interiors to exhibit a ‘fun yet luxurious’ personality, acrylics are for you. They are glossy and reflective, and they come in a number of colours and patterns.
Advantages of Acrylics
They are the most reflective material of these three, and the sheen of acrylic helps in giving your space a very modern look.
Acrylic retains its shine and colour for a long period. They are also UV and moisture-resistant.
It is the easiest to clean since it is moisture-resistant. You can clean the acrylic finish with soapy water.
Disadvantages of Acrylic
Acrylic is costly. Since it is easy to maintain and aesthetically luxurious, acrylics come at a premium price.
Acrylic is easy to maintain, but due to its glossy finish, you will have to frequently clean it as it attracts a lot of scratches and fingerprints.
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wudbell · 2 years
15 Sliding Wardrobe Design Ideas for Your New Home
Modern problems of storage require modern solutions, right? Hinged and swinging doors quickly become things of the past as sliding wardrobe design replace our modern houses.
However, when we offer you design solutions from our customised wardrobe solutions by Wudbell, some confusion is inevitable with so many options available. Here is the list of 15 sliding wardrobe ideas for your new home, and our suggestions to let you know which one is right for you based on your preferences and requirements.
Unique & Modern Sliding Wardrobe Design Ideas for Your Home
1. Modern: All White Sliding Wardrobe
The most common yet aesthetically pleasing wardrobe designs of 2022 will have white sliding doors. They are suitable for every room regardless of the wall colour and even the factors like the occupants’ age. In short, one can never go wrong with White sliding wardrobes. You can have white or other colours for the internal elements. If you are looking for a loft over your wardrobe, then it works well with these modern sliding wardrobes, too.
2. Adding Colours: Pastels on Sliding Wardrobes
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White is modern, and colours add characters to your room. You can use your wardrobe to make a statement with colours. And when it’s about colours, the options are endless. Right now, pastel colours that emit peaceful and serene vibes are popular. As wardrobes occupy a large part of your room, the colour you choose for them sets the mood for the room.
3. Bring the Bling: Glossy Finish on Sliding Wardrobes
Be it white or coloured, if you want your room to be more illuminated, you can do so with glossy laminates. They are an economical way to add bling to your sliding wardrobe design and are available in a variety of colours.
4. Add a Layer: Textured Sliding Wardrobe
If you want your wardrobe to feel unique to you, textured laminates are the way to go. Textures add one more layer of personalization to your sliding wardrobe. The combination of colour and texture you choose makes your wardrobe look like no other, and it adds luxury to your wardrobe design.
5. Keep it Classy: Matte Finish on Sliding Wardrobes
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If the bling of the glossy laminate and the drama of textures are not your thing, matte-finished sliding wardrobe designs can be the perfect solution for you. They add a touch of luxury to your wardrobe.
6. Use Reflections: Mirrored Wardrobes
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Another great material to use on your sliding wardrobe is a mirror. Not only will they add another feature to your wardrobe, but will also make your room feel more spacious and illuminated. With Wudbell, you can get customised mirror doors, too.
7. Traditionally Trendy: Wood (Light & Dark)
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One sliding wardrobe design that is highly practical and will never go out of style, is the wooden doors. While light wood sliding wardrobe doors go well with any colour, with light and pastel-coloured walls, you may want to go for darker wood.
8. Your Call: Wood With Customisation
Another added layer of customisation offered by Wudbell comes in the form of wood with other elements of your choice. Some of the most popular designs for sliding wardrobes would be wood with a normal or frosted mirror finish on the wardrobe. This brings the traditional utility of wood and modern elements of customisation together.
Read More: https://www.wudbell.com/15-sliding-wardrobe-design-ideas-for-your-new-home/
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