wssebastian · 2 years
. . . sebastian felt much like her brothers, which was why she refrained from having almost any filters when she chose to talk to him. not that it would have made any difference if someone else had posited her with the same dilemma anyway. if they really asked, she’d say it right to their face, or else she’d simply keep mum, as she always did, fingers tapping her chin and a nonplussed look to her face. 
“damn, now i’ve got a what’s it called again? a dilemma?”  she mused aloud, side eyeing sebastian with every ounce of effort she had. “ that’s what it is, right? answer me about that thing about why people will get freaked out seeing my face on your butt. at most they’d think you have some insane obsession with me, or a pervy one.”  she raised her brows, aiming a kick at his shin for an extra effect.
“ fleshy !? oh my gosh , that stung. ” giving her the most dramatic look of horror he can , he clutches his chest , seemingly the most offended at one of her most mild remarks. although , for sebastian , being disproportionally offended at a joke that involved how he looked didn’t seem to be too off-brand. but still , he secretly treasures these moments , the youngest child feeling that this must be the same rush of emotions anyone who grew up with a sibling or two would have experienced.
“ mm , you didn’t know ? i’m an equal opportunist - why choose between men or women when you can have both ? ” being that he’d come to terms with his sexuality a long time ago , and the fact that growing he’d been encouraged to embrace himself , the male speaks with no sense of shame or hesitation. sebastian’s notices his own overly casual nature humorously complimented sia’s more intense , nearly frantic one - a fact that gets him chuckling even louder as he hears her next words.
 “ sia , my god , is that what you think ? you’re definitely not doing it right , then. ” throwing his head back , he actually cackles as he stands to his feat, turning so that his back faces her. “ look , i don’t have to be taking it from behind for them to want a glimpse of this. guy or girl , they’ll still want to look at it ! just because you can’t admit i have a great ass doesn’t mean others can’t. ” teasing her like a younger sibling, he pokes the tip of her nose on cue before sending her an intentionally cocky grin. despite their poking fun at each other , he found it amusing to have a comfortable conversation like this with the opposite sex, without the discomfort or awkwardness that came with attraction to the other person.
“ - which is exactly why it’d be scary to have your face , front and center , every time i want to show it off. would you be comforted if you’re just trying to have a good time , but every time you look down you see someone else on your partner’s ass ? ” he can’t even take the thought seriously , and it takes a few giggles between his words to get his thoughts out. “ by the way , sia , how do you even know about those ‘ vibrating , cucumber things ? ’ pfft , seems like you did a lot of research for someone who’s seemingly against them. even i didn’t know that those things existed. ” sebastian is , of course , bluffing - there’s few things he hasn’t been exposed to in his few but very wild years of adulthood. but he hopes his confusion works to fluster sia , even if just a little. 
“ in what world would i be obsessed with - ” before he can get his words out, her kick sends him falling back to the ground, a groan of pain mixing in with his slightly pained laughter. “ okay , okay ! i surrender , queen sia ! ” turning on the formal tone - something he rarely did -  he attempts to get inter good graces again for his own sake. “ if you make me fall again i swear i’ll break a bone. ” looking to the crowd one more time. he points a finger accusingly at her , pretending to be more hurt than he really was. “ and plus , if you get kicked out of your company for attacking a fellow celebrity, that’s on you. ”
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wssebastian · 2 years
if you could switch bodies with any celebrity, who would it be?
— ♥ @wstina & @eiraws asked : if you could switch bodies with any celebrity, who would it be?
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" mm , mila kunis for sure. she's been my celebrity crush for like , what , a lifetime now ? my freaking drums are named after her. i feel like it'd be so trippy if i could see what it felt like to be my own celebrity crush. and not because - okay , well maybe a little because of that , but not really ! okay , here's the thing. i feel like mila kunis has my level of confidence , but just in an insanely attractive woman's body. so i'd want to just be her , go to a pool party or some random shit , and see how many people hit on me. also definitely would like to try peeing. yeah , for sure. "
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wssebastian · 2 years
— ♥ @taejoonws asked : what are your top 5 favorite artists ?
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" mm , that's hard to answer , because i have so many different types of artists i like. if i have to choose , though , i'd say . . . tyler the creator , omar apollo , dpi live , meta , haha , and - ladybug , of course ! "
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wssebastian · 2 years
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These questions can be answered from your perspective as a mun or from the perspective of the character! As the main goal for the prompt is for headcanons and character development, you’re free to answer however many you’d like. The questions include options for artists as well as staff, as to make sure everyone can have something to answer! When you reblog, users will send in numbers corresponding to those question!
Each answered question will be worth 1 TOKEN EACH, which you’ll be able to claim a total of 5 times, totaling out to 5 TOKENS TOTAL! When you’re done, please submit the links to these 5 asks to the points blog. Make sure to tag all answers as WS:HCMEME. For these to count for activity, the word count for each answer must exceed 100 words. Like an open event, this meme will not have a time limit and can be used by future applicants.
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wssebastian · 2 years
𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐀𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓, sebastian is burnt out. he has little room to complain, however - sure, he just got finished with a hectic schedule during meta’s comeback, but even he can admit the idol groups he claims to dislike rarely are granted the break he has been this month. however, he’s never had a chance to really recover - the holidays, new music, and constant traveling finally hitting him a month late. nights usually spent out and ready for fun have been exchanged with lazy days in, clinging to his second cup of coffee and snoozing for just five more minutes. something has got to change.
so, would there be anything more therapeutic than a little gaming session ? everything about video games brings him peace, reminding him of the nights spent giggling and making hushed jokes on his headset microphone with the meta members before they knew just how far they’d get. but now, he has even more friends to indulge with, and he’s incredibly grateful taejoon is one of his favorite companions. they got along well, and it only took a simple text in the middle of the night before one would find themselves on the other’s doorstep. this time, it was sebastian who’d landed on taejoon’s front porch, tattooed fingers knocking three times onto the wooden door. 
it still hadn’t even opened, and yet the sound of a twisting door knob is already enough for sebastian to sport a grin, the scenario familiar to him. without saying much, his intent is obvious - the snacks between his arms, comfy attire, and even the glasses he rarely wore in public, but perfect when a long night of contacts seemed anything but ideal. “ you down for a game night , or are you scared i’ll crush you in anything we play ? ” only seconds into the conversation, and he’s already trash talking. typical sebastian behavior.
— ♥ · @taejoonws
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wssebastian · 2 years
𝐒𝐈𝐀 ::
. . . she was so pleased with herself that she forgot that she had been completely relying upon him for her balance, and within a split second, her skates slid from underneath her, sending sia tipping backwards and crashing onto the ground with a loud thump. almost immediately, she curled into herself, coughing and groaning.
“shit.” she moaned on the ground, wriggling like a mass of well covered fluff in her winter jacket. “god i think i knocked the wind out of myself.”
“ you’re always screaming like a siren , silly. ” his unimpressed tone doesn’t match his teasing expression, tongue sticking out briefly to bring his childish nature to even greater heights. to others, the two probably look like a pair of overgrown children, as the two struggle to get even halfway around the rink in one piece. while aggressive, he sees their intertwined hands as a slight win, seeing that despite her bravado, sia still has some sense of reliance on sebastian.
but what completely throws him off is the sudden rush of swearing and threats that come out of sia’s mouth, an almost humorous juxtaposition of sebastian’s childish perception of her and her actual fiery personality. for once, he’s left without a comeback, mouth opened wide in absolute disbelief and awe. she was really thinking carefully about this, huh ? but with the slight fear that’s present in sebastian’s eyes, just as quickly an expression of amusement creeps up into his features. before he can help it, a loud cackle escapes his mouth, the loud and unfiltered kind that only friends such as sia could initiate.
“ wait, wait, wait - that’s kinda genius, ” he struggles to reply, voice shaky as he tries to speak between laughs. “ i doubt anyone will ever sleep with me the second they see your cartoonish face staring them in the eye. definitely scarier than no ragrets. ” he giggles - giggles - at his childish humor being unexpectedly appeased through sia’s rage. in fact, he’s laughing so hard that his eyes are closed, and it’s only when they hear the loud thud beside him that the male’s eyelids curiously pry open.
“ sia ! ” genuine concern replaces his laughter as he bends down on the ice, but before he can completely get his balance his skates give out and he lands into an abrupt seated position on the ice. it hurts like hell, and while there’s the urge to wince, when his eyes meet sia’s all he can do is beam. his black gloves reach over to pat her shoulder, completely entertained with how fucking stupid they must look right now. “ are you okay ? you ... wiped out. i just fell to make you feel better, obviously. ” slinging his arm over hers, he looks out into the crowd of less embarrassed skaters, before looking back at sia. while he hasn’t rid his tendency to tease her, he’s careful not to be rough as he isn’t sure if she’s hurt for real. “ you know what ? maybe you were right - skating is a little overrated. definitely wasn’t ready to bust my ass this early in the morning. although i definitely expected you too. ”
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wssebastian · 2 years
omg where have i been ... i’ve been a ghost ... but u know what it’s ok diojdiojdoi !! ok it’s really not but - as an update !! i started my spring semester two weeks back and it is VERY difficult this semester, fun times !! i didn’t take a hiatus because i knew it’d get better p soon and while i still am definitely struggling, i’m happy to say i am re-adjusted enough to start putting my energy back into sebastian !! also incredibly sad dowoon who’s basically the seb of day6 is in the military now :’( but ANYWHO i have a lot to catch up on, some posts are queued up already buuuut if you had liked my intro post and haven’t got a message from me yet, are waiting on a message from me, oooor we’ve never talked but u would like to plot pls like this !! these few weeks have made me run extremely behind but i’m ready to give seb and u guys the love u deserve <33
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wssebastian · 2 years
𝐒𝐈𝐀 ::
. . . “ you’re fucking kidding me. i swear if you make me fall even once, i will–i will..” she slams her mouth shut as they move a little forward on the ice, her knees bending almost immediately as soon as she felt herself sliding backwards. “ let’s get out of the rink. please. god . for god’s sake it was 3am when i invited you out for-for this rink thing! i was half asleep! god knows what else i agreed to!” her voice only got louder and louder as her beanie hat jiggled it’s puffy sidetails. “ please tell me i didn’t promise to get a tattoo with you or something. or like i let you dictate my next tattoo or something. i’ll die before i ever let that happen.” 
he can’t help the actual cackle that escapes from his mouth the second he spots sia’s flaring arms trying to regain her balance. despite his mild complaining, he’s already started to find enjoyment in the outing, amused by the constant teasing that came alongside being sia’s friend. when she’s steadied herself, he meets her with a cocky grin, lifting the arm that’s holding her up with a chuckle. “ maybe i am, but if it wasn’t for me saving you you would’ve face planted into the ice. you can thank my heroic reflexes. ” while sebastian’s typical nature was to charm others casually, with sia it came off as more of a clumsily teasing banter. but it allowed him to relax, focused less on his impression and more on simply having a good time.
“ no, no, no - this is just becoming fun. we can’t leave so soon ! sia, we haven’t made it around the rink even one time. ” in fact, looking out into the large space they had, sebastian realizes the two have only managed to take a few tiny strides and have barely made it past the entrance. “ come on, come on. let’s hold hands. ” in his single attempt of empathy, he skates past her until he’s facing her direction, offering two upright hands for her to hold onto. “ if one of us falls down, then the other one does too, hm ? ” the phrase itself could have been comforting, but paired with his devious eyes and upturned lips it was bound to come out far more mischievous than originally intended.
“ ah, about that - ” sebastian’s about to open his mouth to clarify that no, in fact there was no agreement for him to choose her next tattoo. in fact, according to his recollection it was the other way around, and losing a bet meant sia had dibs on his next tattoo. however, his pride and desire to finally outsmart jia gets the best of him, so he decides to attempt to alter the truth. “ about that - exactly ! mm, you don’t remember ? you lost the bet, so it’s up to me. ” he flashes a wide smile - albeit a slightly nervous one - hoping it’ll convince her. “ aren’t you excited ? i’m really thinking a caricature of me on your stomach will suit you perfectly. ”
𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 consider himself a menace of society - except when it came to messing with sia. it was fun, teasing and poking fun at her even though he knew she’d retaliate one way or another. she almost felt like a sibling of sorts , something he’d never experienced first-hand , but assumed involved the blend of annoyance and enjoyment as their dynamic did. but despite being occasionally irritated by her antics that seemed capable of pushing all of his buttons, his own enjoyment of her company outweighed any negative thoughts. but there were times such as today , when the opportunity to tease was too tempting to ignore. 
“ it’s cold as fuck, ” his thoughts slipped out aloud as his skates dig themselves into the ice, and his hands dig into his pockets for some warmth. even though it’s been years, sebastian thinks he’ll never grow fully accustomed to the idea of a snow-filled winter unlike the much warmer one back at home. mischievously, he eyes sia struggling beside him, playfully nudging her with the padded sleeve of his jacket. “ maybe we should’ve taken you for some skating lessons before you decided to invite me out to skate. ” okay, so sebastian’s not an expert skater by any means - the few lessons he’d randomly taken as a child are just enough to let him get by without toppling over. but with even the slightest inclination that he is superior, he doesn’t hesitate to hold it over sia’s head.
so he can’t help it when his fingertips reach forward, curling onto the familiar girl’s shoulders before hitting them with a soft push. behind her, he breaks out into a fit of laughs, appeasing his natural desire to incite a little chaos. he’s not terrible, though - as soon as he’s sure he’s given her a little scare, he holds onto her to ensure she doesn’t actually fall onto the ground. “ ah , i remember why i came now. so i could see that. ”
— ♥ · @wssia​
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wssebastian · 2 years
𝐒𝐄𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 consider himself a menace of society - except when it came to messing with sia. it was fun, teasing and poking fun at her even though he knew she’d retaliate one way or another. she almost felt like a sibling of sorts , something he’d never experienced first-hand , but assumed involved the blend of annoyance and enjoyment as their dynamic did. but despite being occasionally irritated by her antics that seemed capable of pushing all of his buttons, his own enjoyment of her company outweighed any negative thoughts. but there were times such as today , when the opportunity to tease was too tempting to ignore. 
“ it’s cold as fuck, ” his thoughts slipped out aloud as his skates dig themselves into the ice, and his hands dig into his pockets for some warmth. even though it’s been years, sebastian thinks he’ll never grow fully accustomed to the idea of a snow-filled winter unlike the much warmer one back at home. mischievously, he eyes sia struggling beside him, playfully nudging her with the padded sleeve of his jacket. “ maybe we should’ve taken you for some skating lessons before you decided to invite me out to skate. ” okay, so sebastian’s not an expert skater by any means - the few lessons he’d randomly taken as a child are just enough to let him get by without toppling over. but with even the slightest inclination that he is superior, he doesn’t hesitate to hold it over sia’s head.
so he can’t help it when his fingertips reach forward, curling onto the familiar girl’s shoulders before hitting them with a soft push. behind her, he breaks out into a fit of laughs, appeasing his natural desire to incite a little chaos. he’s not terrible, though - as soon as he’s sure he’s given her a little scare, he holds onto her to ensure she doesn’t actually fall onto the ground. “ ah , i remember why i came now. so i could see that. ”
— ♥ · @wssia​
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wssebastian · 2 years
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well , well , well . . . would you look at what the cat dragged in ! ╰(◡‿◡✿╰)  umm quick story i was here a v short time before with the always lovely oh haeil c: i loved him sm but i’m sure no one even remembers him atp HAHA anywho life got wayyy too crazy but i’m in a much better place now !! so i’d like to reintroduce myself - i’m jada and it’s very nice to meet you all !! i’m coming to you with a muuuch different muse, sebastian kang , meta’s walking , drumming . . . trainwreck ! despite him being a p messy muse , i put a lot of time into him so i hope u enjoy !! i have some lovely friends here and i’m so excited to be back, so pls like this if you’d like to plot !! otherwiiiise here’s my profile , plots page, bio , and below you can find trivia !! pheeew lot of words so sorry but let’s get to it !!
background !!
just a general note i did a lot of freewriting for him before creating him officially, so some of that will be copied from the free write <33 i’m saying this bc if you see something written overly casual / conversational ,,, you’ll know why besties lol
born in auckland, new zealand, into an older family who had no kids. both his parents were engineers who didn’t feel they had time for kids, couldn’t get pregnant so kinda gave up ? until v late into their careers when they v shockingly got pregnant, mom was a whole 45 when sebastian was born and dad was a whole 50 !!!
he was seen as a legitimate miracle baby, his parents thought he was a precious child who couldn’t be harmed by society ! which i get but like .... ok they took it too far lol. it wasn’t even that bad until one day sebastian thought it’d be a great idea to chase a fucking balloon into the bird exhibit at the zoo, got lost on his way there, and boy his parents FLIPPED
his mom especially paaanicked, he was lost for hours bc he hid & they thought they’d loss their precious son forever. she literally took him and never has really been the same since, vowed since that day she would homeschool and well … she did !
so sebastian was raised homeschooled & pretty isolated which is … eh. like if a kid would talk to baby him they’d lowkey be like “wtf are u talking about??” bc he was constantly between talking like a kid tv show character and a boomer because tbh those were his only influences growing up
sidenote to all my homeschooled gang pls i know all our parents were not like this LMAO i am aware as i was homeschooled for a while however the kangs are a ... special case
sebastian’s dad only has partial hearing in his left ear , so he grew up bilingual in english & new zealand sign language as it’s how he primarily communicates when at home w his father. his first exposure to music was actually through him tho, as his dad and mom both loved funk rock of the 70′s & 80′s. his dad would always say that he loved despite being hard of hearing, he loved he could still feel  the instruments in his chest and that really stuck w sebastian from then on !!
his parents felt kinda bad for not having him in school tho so they did let him try out all different types of lessons, so growing up picked up hobbies such as gardening, baking, origami, etc. but the main ones that stuck were writing and drum lessons ! fun fact his parents only let him play drums once thinking it wouldn’t stick but kinda hated it did, from then on he begged and begged for a chance to play and they kinda just looked at him LMAO. yeahhh it took him a whole year but he finally got his first drum set and was hooked !! named his drum set mila after his celebrity crush mila kunis omg ....
anywho time skip he felt really detatched from korean culture, spoke baaaare minimum korean only to like, wish his grandma happy chuseok. so at around 16 he started gaining an interest in his culture ?? and around the same time he got into online video games bc well ... it made him feel like he had friends ? u know how this story goes, meta meets and decides to meet in person !!
but well before flying out to korea him & his parents had a huuuge fight. they were against the idea of him going out on his own, but he was an adult now so he was v stubborn !! they had a huge falling out and it caused a v uncomfy rift for a vlong time they’re just recently getting over 
also funny story - the whole time sebastian was playing video games w meta online he felt pressured to be some mysterious foreigner even tho literally no one asked ?? but the second they met in person he was socially awkward 2000x and it was pretty obvious he was fronting ?? long story short meta saw through his shit p easily and it took a loooong glow up process for him to actually be charismatic , like he is now !
ok phew. onto the fun stuff !! now sebastian has quite literally did a complete 180 compared to his younger self.  he often jokes that he was a born charmer who was raised by the wrong family. bc the second he was out of his parent’s grasp he flourished socially. 
nowadays his korean i would say is upper advanced. from the time he started meeting meta online to around 2018 he went SUPER hard trying to learn, and obv he learns by speaking it everyday. but after that he kind of took a more casual learning approach? he can convey most everything he wants to say but if it’s something that’s a little deeper sometimes it takes him a second to rearrange the sentence in his head and it really frustrates him. if u tell him a korean metaphor or like bigger word not used in common convo he might just kinda . . . blink at u HAHA
looooves meta. no,  i mean he looooooves meta. he feels so incredibly lucky to be in a band as he NEVER would’ve thought it was possible, they were honestly his first real friends so being able to make a career out of making good music w them ?? he’s honestly still in amazement today.
idk what was in that hongdae air but those first years in meta made him have a whole vibe switch ?? he let his hair grow out, took a lot of inspiration from hongdae street styles, and had a looot of practice talking to pretty people in clubs. he also got his first tattoos ! he felt like he had to play catch up on all those years he was just cooped up at home, so quite literally went c r a z y w the partying after a while.
i’m ngl he probably has a very real fear he got some random girl pregnant in seoul and she’s just waiting on meta to get bigger before dropping the news LMAOAOAO
the funny thing is basically since he arrived he’s been branded the “sexy foreigner” or something LMAO, and it’s p laughable to the rest of his members when they know how he used to be. like he’s charming now yes but there’s no denying he was iiincredibly awk to start off with. visibly cringes if they mention any old blackmail
ok but here’s where he gets a little messier. over the past few years fame has really been getting to his head ? meta isn’t even as big as some groups but truthfully sebastian already thinks he’s the shit and will say it out loud too ?? too many pretty people told him he was pretty too, now he’s honestly cocky and is starting to develop the mindset he “deserves” his lifestyle bc of his fame ?? yo meta PLSSSS actively humble tf out of this man !! he really needs it bc it’s just getting progressively worse
also alongside this, bc he’s in a band and not a traditional idol group he’s kinda developed this superiority complex ?? feels meta is “real music” or whatever so he can sometimes come off as a bit pretentious to traditional idols, esp the younger ones ?? though the more time he spends in wishbone the less he feels this is true, he’s slowly gaining respect after learning how brutal training is
ok but that brings me to ladybug. maaaan he loves ladybug. in fact when it comes to girls he is v much so the likes powerful woman who look like they can step on him vibe ?? lowkey a milf stan too ?? LMAO pls forgive me i’m just the messenger ok. all i’m trying to say is sebastian talks a lot of shit but somehow knows every line of ddd .... hmmm ??
ok i didn’t know where else to put this but people call him both sebastian and ian ?? you’ll prob mainly see me use sebastian for writing purposes, but irl the usage is 50 / 50 ? his parents & long-term friends mainly call him sebastian, tho his newer friends or the ones who just like ian call him ian ?? do what u want he has no preference !
u know i’m really grateful for jaewon being his fc because they literally take photos the EXACT same way ?? like his stans probably are on twt begging for just one normal photo bc everything he posts looks like this, this, this, or this LMAO ?? what can he say he likes a good blurry aesthetic !!
( smoking, drug & drinking tw ) he’s a drinker & smoker, as well as stamped off a v wide range of substances ? he wouldn’t say he has an addiction to anything but nicotine though. he started off with regular cigarettes but has ben transitioning to vaping recently. wishes he could at least smoke less but at this time doesn’t have much hope to do so
bc he didn't grow up in korea age heirarchy doesn’t really make sense to him ? he feels respect has to be earned, which can sometime create some drama ?? he’s not too afraid to challenge older ideas if he disagrees, but on that same token if they’ve done something impressive he has no problem giving respect to younger people ?
his concept isn’t too far off from his real persona ?? except in the public his flirty side is less nsfw player, more attainable charmer ?? despite not having a lot of action on stages, when interacting w fans he has a lot of fun teasing them within reason and has that whole “i’m your idol boyfriend” thing going on ?? frequently “marries” fans and likes to make them shy ! probably has had to be told to tone it down LMAO
on that note he also loves variety bc he loves to let people see a side of him they couldn’t through music, has no problem speaking up for quieter members if they don’t wanna talk ?? the kind of member to put the group tea on BLAST tho LMAO, think the whole seventeen insomnia-zero episode ???? like sir SHUT UP UR GONNA GET US FIRED
because he craves affection he’s constantly flirting and in situationships / hookup culture, but bc he’s a free spirit rn he doesn’t wanna be tied down ?? so u get ... a v flirty man who will give u everythig u need physically but will RUN at the sign of commitment
loooves the drums omg he’s on a whole different level on stage. uhh he can’t stop breaking drum sticks tho LMAO ! anyways his personal drum set is still named mila, except the one in korea is called mila 2.0 ? y’all i know he’s embarrassing let’s not ... anyways despite usually being in the back he has a lot of fun w his facial expressions, occasional solos, and just rocking w the songs bc he honestly loves their discography ?? is this me projecting the inner day6 stan in me listening to wanna go back as we speak ?? .....
music-wise, still v into funk rock ! but nowadays he prefers actually listening to hip hop & experimental pop ? but he’s still v much a fan of rock in general, and it’s his favorite kind of music to actually perform
career-wise, he’s pretty satisfied rn ! he honestly preferred the early days bc it was all so new and he had more freedom. but he can’t help but acknowledge how good of a deal they got, maintaining creative freedom while gaining financial security ?? he really loves songwriting, so hopes to do that even more, as well as mcing in the future !!
i think that’s all !! this is so much i know but i doubt i’m finished i’ll probably still add more LOLL. if u got this far tho seriously you’re an angel i’m so impressed thank u for listening to my rambling and giving sebastian a fair chance <33
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wssebastian · 2 years
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wssebastian · 2 years
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147 notes · View notes
wssebastian · 2 years
You're so self centred
who else am i supposed to be centred on
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wssebastian · 2 years
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wssebastian · 2 years
“The relief of giving in to destruction.”
— Franz Kafka, from a diary entry featured in Diaries, 1910 -1923 (via violentwavesofemotion)
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wssebastian · 2 years
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MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN (2018) dir. Ol Parker
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wssebastian · 2 years
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