writingsbyzuzu · 9 hours
I am eating this up!!!
my finger slipped. have a snippet from the bartender!schlatt fic i’m working on, as a gift. 🩵
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A few people funnel through the door, taking a seat at the other end of the bar, waiting for service.
“You don’t have to stay and try to make me feel better, you know,” You tell Schlatt, not wanting to keep him from doing his job.
“Oh, I’m not trying to make you feel better, sweetheart.” Schlatt shakes his head, still smiling, “I’m jus’ bein’ honest.”
You shake your head back at him, letting out a short laugh, shyly looking down at your drink.
Schlatt leans forward across the bar, his face mere inches from yours. “But if you’d like me to try to make you feel better — better than that fuckin’ loser ever could — I get off in an hour.” He smirks, “And then I can get you off, yeah?”
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writingsbyzuzu · 11 hours
happy pride month to the all american bitch
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writingsbyzuzu · 14 hours
Me after explaining the multiverse of different people and characters where I have different ocs in my head to my sisters
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
the alchemy!
frat bro!Hasan Piker x ecology major!reader
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honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
After two years at university, you think you have stuff figured out. You have amazing grades, a great scholarship, a cool roommate and nice dorm, and despite being somewhat of a recluse, and despite never going to a single “college party”, you have an awesome core group of friends at your dorm. Life couldn’t be better.
Until your roommate starts dating some frat dude. Then she starts taking you with her to parties. And it just so happens said new frat boyfriend has a best friend. And that guy is an asshole named Hasan.
Is he really though? Surely, you can admit to yourself, he’s a little hot annoying. You’ll just have to see where it goes, you suppose.
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so excited to write this eeeeee!!!!
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
I just changed my app’s color palette in settings from my default dark mode to goth rave and all I can think is man, why didn’t I do this sooner?
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
ghostbuster!reader and ghost!Schlatt will one day have their place in the sun… I love them too much to not write them. when my cowboys are done ghost!Schlatt will arrive to sass his favorite ghostbuster ✨
I don’t have any requests and I need to write something in addition to my favorite outlaws
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
imagine the combination of bartender!Schlatt with best man!schlatt
like Amelia and James ask him to be the bartender since they’re kind of budgeting the rest of the wedding (destination locations are no joke!) and he threatens to spit in the drinks of guys who ask you to dance or flirt
(he Definitely doesn’t spend too much time purposely not making their drinks so he can flirt bother you, what do you mean???)
god i have so many things to work on and all i can think of is bartender!schlatt
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
just fell to my knees and cried in the middle of the Walmart parking lot
am i tumblr user ohbabydollie or am i ted nivison who made a tumblr to see how long it would take for a writer on tumblr to gain a loyal following
may the world never know
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
fun fact
in my original iteration of don’t get the blues the character that Charlie is now dies because the cabin is lit on fire by the story’s original villain (that has been erased from the concurrent narrative)
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
what she said 🗣️🗣️
creators for palestine raising $1.5 million is lowkey making me tear up and like this just proves that if creators would just speak up, they could inspire so many people to do their part as well
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
I’ve just been looking at your posts and as a person from the uk I am so confused. what is a major??
when I did my degree (music), everything was just based on that so I just have no idea how that works
it’s what you study/what your degree is in. so you majored in music if your degree is in music!!
like I’m getting a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Policy, therefore I majored in urban policy :))
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
OH I forgot the most rare category: film bro frat bro
most film bros I’ve encountered are usually the artsy pretentious type who also don’t like frat guys
but sometimes the Venn diagram really does overlap and you get film bro frat bro
stay away from these at all costs
May I ask......what major is Hasan?
okay so at my uni (this is probably true for like most unis)
college frat bros are usually three things
engineering/computer science
political science
I can see Hasan being political science because obviously he’s a political commentator, but like I can see him not picking that and being something else to be different than his Frat Buddies, because “frat boys aren’t a monolith” (something I could see him saying to reader)
this is also open to suggestions
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
if u want reader to suffer you should do physics major *cries*
you poor soul, I can only imagine how far in the trenches you are during finals week 😵‍💫
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
May I ask......what major is Hasan?
okay so at my uni (this is probably true for like most unis)
college frat bros are usually three things
engineering/computer science
political science
I can see Hasan being political science because obviously he’s a political commentator, but like I can see him not picking that and being something else to be different than his Frat Buddies, because “frat boys aren’t a monolith” (something I could see him saying to reader)
this is also open to suggestions
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
But urban planning is sooo cool. Defiantly something I considered for a backup plan. I don't know anything about the stuff I put in the last ask, I'm just an animation major. But I feel it would work pretty well!
animation is very cool!! that’s really hard work, I feel like. I get the feeling people probably are like “oh that’s so easy, all you do is draw all day” but I’ve seen my media arts friends suffer 😭🤚🏼 I know that stuff is not easy by any means
thank you for your suggestion :)
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writingsbyzuzu · 1 day
I'm trying to think of one in between for stem and urban planning, and maybe environmental activism? I dont know if thats a major somewhere.... or maybe something to do with conservation, but not necessarily activism (like parks and stuff!)
that’s so good omg
my best friend is an ecology major and he works a lot in conservation!! mostly just with birds because birds are his special interest
and I have done some work in my major regarding animal conservation
I did do at various points
•computer science (one semester, I immediately swapped out because the freshmen guys were…off putting.)
•biomedical engineering (one year, I flunked out of the math courses)
•premed/biology (one year ish?, where I realized this Wasn’t Working Out, had a mental breakdown and then switched to urban planning where I have been ever since, much to my immigrant parents’ deep disappointment.)
so I’m not like completely in the dark, and obviously the whole fic won’t be about academics, I just don’t want to have you readers read something and it completely takes you out of the fic because it’s wildly incorrect
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writingsbyzuzu · 2 days
I’m not in stem- I dropped out of stem classes to do urban planning two years ago and have been having a Good Time in college ever since, so
I’m trying to decide what major reader should be if anyone has suggestions
I’m thinking something like marine biology or mechanical engineering or like biochem
anyone have any thoughts??
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