wowiconic · 11 years
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wowiconic · 11 years
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wowiconic · 11 years
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wowiconic · 11 years
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Back for you. Berlin, may 11th/2013+
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wowiconic · 11 years
Her body was like a live wire, every touch signaling some sort of reaction within herself. His lips and tongue tangled with hers in simply the best way. Sasha tugged at the bottom of his v-neck, signaling she wanted him to take it off. Her thumbs rubbed at the skin exposed near his hips, his skin soft and warm. Zayn brought her comfort in everything he did. The difference with Zayn and James was that while James was protective, Zayn could make her feel safe without feeling threatened.
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wowiconic · 11 years
Sasha's body reacted instantly to his delicate touch. Zayn was holding her carefully like he was afraid that she might disappear in any moment. Sasha sighed in contentment as their mouths simultaneously parted, sharing each others sweet taste. "I love you.. I love you..." She panted against his lips as she adjusted herself so that Zayn was hovering over her.
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wowiconic · 11 years
Sasha bit the inside of her cheek, looking down at their knees playfully banging back and forth. He was waiting for her to say something, she knew it. "Yeah, I know you meant it." She looked back up into his face that was focused on her. The words were caught in the back of her throat, those few moments of silence rang in her ears while she was unable to speak. "I love you, Zayn. Too much for my own good." Sasha's eyes scanned over his lips, his expression, his body language, as she waited for him to react to her own difficult confession.
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wowiconic · 11 years
"You don't give yourself enough credit." Sasha moved closer to him so that their legs were touching, and she rested her arm on his back, twisting and playing with  his hair where it met his neck. "I don't care about all the things you've done, if they were right or not. I still would rather be in a fucked up relationship with you than a perfect one with anyone else. Don't you understand that?" Sasha tried to explain what had taken weeks for her to finally realize. Zayn didn't give her any special treatment. He didn't treat her like a little kid, and he didn't make her feel like she was stuck in the same old routine all the time. Zayn made her feel alive, and made her feel like Sasha.
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wowiconic · 11 years
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wowiconic · 11 years
"I didn't want you to get hurt." Sasha explained, knowing it was actually more than just that though. "Zayn, believe it or not, it's possible for someone to actually care about you." She looked into his brown eyes, making her attempt to reach out to him. She couldn't believe that he could think that she would completely forget about him after some time apart. If anything, their time apart kept Zayn on her mind more often than before.
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wowiconic · 11 years
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wowiconic · 11 years
Sasha gave up trying to argue with him on the subject, just glad that he was able to calm down so quickly. And at least for the time being things looked like they could go back to normal. Sasha followed Zayn up the steps of his apartment, the familiar cozy setting welcoming the two of them. "You should hang up some pictures or something. Make this feel like more of a home." Sasha suggested, sitting down on the couch next to him. "I'm not sure where we're supposed to go from here." She confessed to him.
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wowiconic · 11 years
"You can't go beating people up for no reason, Zayn. You already have.. a reputation. It only adds to it." Sasha tried to explain to him. She prayed that word wouldn't get around about tonight, because he could get in huge trouble. Sasha squeezed his hand to reassure him that it would be okay. "But I always got your back, remember?" Sasha let out a small laugh. Parts of her felt whole again with Zayn, and it was impossible to deny it.
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wowiconic · 11 years
Sasha walked with him in the quiet darkness of the night, hearing each footstep against concrete and the cars obliviously racing past them. "I should've never gotten involved with you. I didn't think it would hurt this bad." She spoke her thoughts out loud, knowing that he would be interested in hearing them. Her time with Zayn had been some of the most difficult in her life. But she had never wanted to be with anyone more. "But the only thing I regret is leaving." Sasha looked up at him with pleading eyes, starved from going so long without him.
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wowiconic · 11 years
Sasha nodded solemnly, stepping away from him and turning her attention to Matt, and the crowd. "Corey, call an ambulance. He's out cold." Sasha directed him, looking down at Matt. He disgusted her, no doubt, but they couldn't just leave him here. "Everyone needs to get out of here." She ordered to the crowd, making sure that they all left. When the police or the medics showed up, they would be no doubt asking questions. Matt probably wouldn't remember anything, but Sasha was still worried that Zayn would get ratted out, and although Zayn did deserve it, she didn't need him in trouble. "We need to leave too. Are you okay?" She faced Zayn again, her manner still calm as to not reveal the fact that she was freaking out inside.
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wowiconic · 11 years
"Zayn, why are you doing this?" Sasha asked him, grabbing his hands. They were cold. If he was holding her hands, he wasn't beating the hell out of Matt. Corey, and others among the crowd were looking at them like they were crazy, and Sasha knew why. No one else knew how to approach him. Zayn looked absolutely terrifying right now. She was careful so that he would not snap at her, knowing that he had a temper and now wasn't the time to piss him off some more. She also didn't know if he had been drinking, considering that they were at a pub. He was unpredictable. "Zayn. This isn't the way to handle it."
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wowiconic · 11 years
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actual picture of actual one direction fans 
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