wouldduskwood · 1 month
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 85
"We will get to that. It is the early hours of the morning. Maybe let your call wait until dawn." Alan replied curtly as he sat in front of me once more, his fingers steepled as he eyed me suspiciously.
I shrugged, trying to look as non committal as I could.
"Aye, aye cap'n," I muttered dryly, wishing beyond anything that I could see MC's reaction to my attempt at a passive aggressive attack. I had no doubt that, if she were in this situation, her remarks would be far more cutting than anything I could come up with. That was one of the things I loved the most about her. She would never settle for anyone's bullshit. Even my own. If it was morally wrong to her, she would call anyone out on it. Perhaps to her own detriment.
Alan looked less than amused with my attempt at humour. Rather, he sat back a bit and eyed me with a steely gaze.
"Humour will not be your friend here, son." Alan stated calmly, trying to insert some form of dominance.
I shrugged half heartedly and shook my head. "Well, I am aware of my predicament. If I can't have a little fun now, when can I?" I answered, surprised at how calm I sounded. I was severely sleep deprived and struggling to keep myself distanced enough from MC to keep my emotions in some form of check. I had no idea what the future held for either of us, but I would be damned if hers would be worse for having known me.
"Okay, how long will it take to find out anything about the people that are following...her." I paused, my voice catching in my throat. I had hoped Alan wouldn't noticed but he gave a smirk as he registered the emotion in my voice. "We are on bareboned crew at the moment, due to the hour. I imagine we will have some more information over the coming hours, should there be anything to find anyway. She really has you captivated, doesn't she? So much so that you fell into a pretty obvious trap. I didn't think hackers made such horrendous mistakes."
"Fuck off," I growled, my voice dark and menacing as I fought to restrain myself. I was well aware that anything I said could be used against me and showing hostility to an officer was never a good idea. I hoped that he would read something different in my reaction. Maybe embarrassment that I had fallen so hard I had gotten caught. I hoped he wouldn't register the real reason. The fact that I had promised her I wouldn't get caught and that now I would struggle even more to secure us a future. I would have always made the decision I did. I would always protect MC from whatever danger I could, set up or not.
"Now, now," Alan grinned. "Maybe you should get back onto your story while we wait then, hacker."
I shrugged. "I need sleep. You bring me some more information on MC's stalkers and I will provide you more information. But right now, I feel like I have spoken enough...without a lawyer." I smirked, upping my game. I hadn't specifically asked for a lawyer, but the mere mention of the word was usually enough to send a chill through an officer. It had the desired effect. "Okay, I will play your game for a while, hacker. You can have a cell overnight and then we will get your phone call. I expect a lot of information for the favours I am doing for you."
I nodded once and waited for him to lead me to a cell. The four walls that separated me from everything. My everything. As I lay on the cold bed, I felt the walls close in around me and hope drain away. After all, Caged birds don't sing.
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wouldduskwood · 1 month
Descendants of Despair Part 86
I gritted my teeth as Lilly spoke, my hands balled into tight fists. "Hold please," she murmured, as her eyes widened in shock. "It's Jake," she whispered as she changed the phone to speaker phone.
I realised my mistake the moment it occurred.
"Lilly," his voice hit me like a tonne of bricks. My resolve lay in tatters around my feet as I listened to his haunting words.
"Lilly...I have been arrested. They are opening an investigation into my hacker related offenses. I'm not sure how long I will be in here. I need you to do something for me..." His voice was quiet yet somehow forceful, leaving no room for arguments. I could feel tears springing to my eyes but I forced them back and swallowed sharply. I wouldn't allow myself to cry.
Lilly nodded in shock, then seemed to remember that he couldn't actually see her. "Yes...yes Jake...anything..." she was finally able to whisper.
"I need you to...to let MC know and...I need you and Dan to look out for her, more so now than before. They might still target her... if they think she knows too much." Jake paused for a moment, then resumed speaking, his voice tortured.
"I have to go...I'm sorry. Lilly, I'm sorry. Tell her, tell her I'm sorry I broke my promise." Then the line went dead. Taking a shallow breath through my nose, I gritted my teeth harder and forced myself to focus on getting out. I couldn't be here any longer. The room felt suffocating and had begun to close in around me.
"MC..." Lilly was speaking, her voice sounded as though it was coming from a distance. I doubled down on my attempt to focus, drawing blood as my nails clenched against my skin. "MC, I'm sorry." Her words wormed through to my consciousness and I realised I had an out. An escape from under their clutches. At least for a while.
"I have to go," I cringed, grabbing my backpack and throwing myself out of my seat and through the door before they could react.
I ran.
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wouldduskwood · 1 month
Descendants of Despair Part 85
Running was freeing. As each step found solid purchase on the ground below, I forced myself to focus. Focus entirely on the next step. That was all I needed to do. Just one step. As I did, I forced Jake out of my mind. He was an unneeded distraction. An emotional problem that would cause me to fuck up when I needed clarity. An end to problems instead of a beginning of more.
I covered the distance quickly and despite the situation, I found myself enjoying the challenge of a longer run over rough terrain. It had been a while since I had been in a situation where I was required to just run.
I arrived outside Dan's while it was still dark. Having no idea what the time was or how long had passed since I had told them I was going out to check on the equipment, I made my way inside as silently as I could. Instead of heading towards the room that Lilly and I shared, I lay on the couch.
Sleep didn't come. Instead, I fought with myself to stay where I was. The walls seemed to close in around me, becoming practically suffocating. Relief washed through me as morning broke and I heard Lilly's frantic voice calling to Dan that I was not in the room.
"I'm in here," I called, as friendly sounding as I could. I had a role to play, and I would play it to the best of my ability. Manipulate the situation then leave. I had no use for them. My life now had just 3 purposes and I would focus all of my attention into solving them. Whatever the cost may be.
Lilly entered the room and smiled warily. She was right to be afraid of me. I shrugged and smiled, shaking my head a little. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you when I arrived back." Lilly smiled, more genuinely this time, and replied: "So, do you think it will work?" I nodded enthusiastically, no longer as invested in Phil. That was a small cog in a bigger machine.
"That is good!" Lilly smiled as Dan entered, shaking his head. "What's good? Jeez Lilly, it is too early to be this enthusiastic!"
Lilly was about to answer when her phone rang. She picked it up and her eyes widened. I forced myself to watch her. I knew at that moment. I knew the call would be coming from Jake.
"It...it is the police station." Lilly's voice shook as she held her phone. "Answer it," I frowned. "If you ignore it, then they will come here if they need something." She nodded weakly.
"Hello, Lilly speaking..."
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wouldduskwood · 1 month
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 84
The squeal of a seat being pushed against the linoleum floor felt deafening, but I remained sitting with my head down. I wouldn't let this amateur break me. Once the door clanged shut, I raised my head and considered all that had happened since being captured.
So far, though I had been read my rights, something felt off about the entire situation. Where was the FBI? Someone higher up that would have quickly taken a case of this extent from a small town cop? I desperately wanted to use the phone call I should have been guaranteed to contact MC. Let her know I was okay. Maybe get some sort of message to her to leave town in case Alan went back on his word. But, I also knew that Alan would be extremely curious about this call.
I began focusing my breathing. Trying to employ some of the tricks MC used to remain as grounded as she could. Clearing my mind so I could see beyond the current situation and prioritise the most important things. Right now, the most important thing to me was to get MC a message that I was safe. Beyond that, I would worry about my own situation. I knew MC wouldn't be happy with my thought processes. She would want me focusing on myself. To get myself out. Back to her.
She wasn't wrong, but right now, at this moment, it didn't seem possible.
As Alan came back into the room, he leaned against the doorframe and announced, almost casually; "I have put out some alerts and we will see what they shake out. Now, where were we?"
"I would like to make a phone call," I spoke the words slowly, an idea beginning to form in my mind.
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wouldduskwood · 1 month
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 83
As I spoke, I kept my eyes lowered on the table in front of me. Watching my fingers trace patterns on the table. Sometimes, I paused in my narrative, swallowing hard. I was finding it challenging providing just enough detail to keep Alan interested. My mind kept wandering back to MC.
I had done the unthinkable. Broken a solemn promise to her. I had removed myself from the possible future we had been striving to reach. Intense pain coursed through my body, fighting with my survival instincts that told me I needed to play the role I was dealt.
Pausing in my narrative once more, I raised my eyes to Alan's suspicious gaze. "I need you to try and do something for me," I began slowly. Alan cocked an eyebrow but made no other concession.
"There are people after her. Bad people. They want something that she has. Evidence that could put them away. Can you help?" I asked, trying to keep the desperation out of my voice. Alan shrugged. "That isn't much to go on and so far the information that you have provided for your own case is very limited."
"I know. I know." I cringed, clutching at the table in front of me then releasing, trying desperately to keep the stress down. I wasn't sure how far they had gotten in their investigation and whether they had traced my last whereabouts to the loft that housed my equipment. I knew it would self-destruct the instant someone without a familiar phone presence came anywhere near it and the camera set to monitor movement. But, that did nothing to help MC. To get her out and to a life she deserves.
Alan leant back on his chair and stared at me, eyeing my every movement. "I can't promise anything, but I will make some inquiries. When I come back, I expect some more information and whether this links in any way to the missing girl, Ms Hannah Donfort."
I nodded weakly. Some time away from being questioned and having my every movement analysed, might just give me the perspective I needed to continue this. To find a way to protect MC and save Hannah. Whatever consequences would befall me, I would face them. It was time to end this. To end it once and for all.
Part 84
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wouldduskwood · 2 months
Descendants of Despair Part 84
Methodical. Always methodical. I scanned every room, despite knowing that Jake had not spent much time in the vicinity. I couldn't afford to make a mistake. Not now.
My steps thudded through the building, sending clouds of dust into the air. It couldn't be helped. To try and muddy any evidence further, I spent some time running in various directions, standing on the footprints that were left behind, scooting my feet so that they were smeared and hard to read. It was a small act and probably made very little difference but it gave me something to focus on.
Leaving the loft that had been so temporarily Jake's home, a sense of finality hung in the air. The door slammed shut behind me, seeming to confirm this feeling. The closing of that part of my life. I cast one last look at the building then forced myself into the driver's side of the car, cringing as a hint of Jake's familiar smell assaulted my nostrils. Leaning against the steering wheel, my head in my arms, I took some deep steadying breaths then forced myself onto the road. If I were caught here with Jake's gear, then I risked being held as an accessory to the crime.
As the wheels hit the open road, I found myself driving without really thinking of where I was going. My head spun with all that had happened since I had made that fateful decision to leave Jake's presence. What I had thought would be our salvation had really turned into our destruction. I wasn't angry with him for getting caught, even after he had promised so faithfully he would remain safe. I knew that whatever had occurred, it would have been for some noble reason. Especially after he had decided on his future.
Eventually, I looked up and found myself at the small cottage that had been our first real home together. Bordering the Duskwood forest, it wasn't far from where I needed to be, but it still offered some privacy. Jake's belongings would be safe enough here and there was a chance that, if he were to be released, he would be able to find them no matter what happened to myself.
I unloaded the car, placing his set up back into the room it had once been in. Making a hasty decision, I connected it as best as I could and began scanning the strings of code that booted on start up. As my eyes scanned through string after string, I sat back with a start, realising just how much trouble he had been in.
A string of unfamiliar code met my eyes. The code that would terminate everything if an unfamiliar user were to enter the space. Including my only connection to Jake. Our phones. The only thing that had prevented this from occurring when I had stepped, almost carelessly now I realised, into the building that had housed his equipment was there was an emergency release that picked up on my phone signal and had disabled the process. Jake really did think of everything.
As I leaned back on my heels, I considered my options. My best guess was that Alan and his crew, potentially working with other agencies, had managed to get to Jake somehow. I had no doubt in my mind that they had used his feelings for me to manipulate him into their bidding. There was no way that Jake would have allowed himself to be taken from my life if that wasn't the case. At that moment I wished he had been able to come to me instead. We could have ran away together. Fuck Hannah and fuck the whole Duskwood situation.
I made a split second decision and switched off Jake's computer. In an attempt to conceal his equipment, I moved it all into a cupboard in the same room and piled a couple of our threadbare blankets onto it. Grabbing Jake's bag, I chucked it in as well. Then, semi-satisfied with my attempts at concealment, I left the room and drove the car behind the house. Nobody would spot it there. There were no neighbouring buildings - at least none that had any inhabitants - and it was surrounded by dense forest.
With one last look at the home that had been ours so briefly, I took off running into the night, heading back towards Duskwood. Towards Dan's and an unknown future. With each step, I felt the cold and manipulative person I was sink back into every pore of my being.
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wouldduskwood · 2 months
Descendants of Despair Part 83
I felt myself collapse against the building I had scaled not long before. Hope drained from every pore of my body, dripping from my skin like rain into the gutters. I stared at my phone, at the blinking dot that showed Jake's location. Duskwood Prison. My suspicions had proven correct and now I was forced into a cold, numb state, barely registering my environment.
Surprisingly, there was no pain. Just a deep, darkness that threatened to swallow me whole. A small part of me was screaming furiously. Telling me I needed to move. To head somewhere safe. But I had no idea where safe was anymore. Safe was no longer a concept I was familiar with. My safe place lived and died with Jake. I found myself collapsing further, now sitting against the rough wall, my head falling backwards and the phone I had clung to so desperately sliding to my lap. Falling. Falling into the abyss.
Just as I felt I had reached rock bottom, a car turned onto the street and I blinked with a start. Running on pure survival instinct, I forced myself to moving. Jake was already in trouble, the extent of which could be massive. I could do something to help him get a lighter sentence. I knew I had to find the car and his set up. Before they did.
My feet pounded against the pavement as I followed the map that had lit my phone. Checking his location obsessively had paid off. I knew how to find his safe house. As I ran, I scanned the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone that may be following me. If the Police had left a tail on me, I would be leading them to the evidence they needed to throw away the key. With this in mind, I took a sharp turn in the opposite direction and found a building to scale onto. From this height, I could see everything. I made my way along the building, jumping as I needed to. By the time I had ran out of building, I had determined it was highly unlikely that I was being followed. I felt safe enough to clamber from my perch.
The car sat out the back of a building that looked deserted. There was some equipment, hidden rather haphazardly, in the boot. I made my way into the building and picked up everything that belonged to Jake. This would have been devastating, but somehow I had closed off my feelings. Logic. Collect any evidence of his stay and remove it. It was a process and required no emotion.
Emotion. Hope. All it ever brought was pain.
Part 84
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wouldduskwood · 2 months
Descendants of Despair Part 82
Flashing a quick grin at the closest car, I took off to the nearest building, hoping beyond hope that my skills were still polished enough that I would be able to scale whatever building I was faced with. Beyond that, I would face whatever consequence. If I was trapped, then so be it. It probably wasn't the smartest decision, but it was the only one I was comfortable with. When the Police had failed you your entire life, it became practically a defense mechanism to avoid them at all costs, regardless of the purpose of their visit.
I struck it lucky. The building before me was large but there was an easily accessible fire escape. I launched myself at it and pulled my way up to the roof, relying almost solely on muscle memory as I looked down to the street below. A couple of officers had left their vehicles and were looking towards me with irritated expressions. A maniac part of me wanted to laugh at their hapless faces, but I figured this would make things worse, and if they already had Jake there was a high chance they would take my behaviour out on him.
"Fucking consequences," I moaned to myself, suddenly realising the glaring problems with my plan. I sighed and cast a quick look around my surroundings, then slid down the fire escape I had just scaled. Whatever the cost, I refused to have Jake pay it. Just as I landed, static came over the radios of the officers that remained on the pavement, watching me hesitantly. I couldn't make out what was being said, but suddenly they turned tail and left. I watched after them, stunned. It had been a long time since I had ever felt this out of my depth and alone. As I watched the lights of the cruiser fade, I considered my options.
I had everything that had ever meant anything to me, the backpack that had contained my whole existence up to Jake. But, at this very moment, as I stood on an empty street, now devoid of other humans, I realised that I ultimately had nothing. Without Jake, I had nothing.
Part 83
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wouldduskwood · 2 months
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 82
"You're a smart guy, you work it out," Alan smirked, obviously still irked at my deliberate manipulation. "Or, I could always find a way to bring your little lass back in, if that would loosen your tongue."
"I think you know as well as I do that would be a big mistake on your behalf. I simply meant, where do you want me to start my story." I glared, my mind drifting back to her. Did she know? Was she safe and warm? How would all of this end for her? As if unbidden, thoughts began to creep into my mind. Her future, unencumbered by my presence, free to have a future. Maybe she would find someone else, marry and have a family.
My throat ached and I swallowed hard. She was free, but only to an extent. I still had not been able to free her from the troubles that she had before she met me. She would be no better off. Maybe worse. I had failed her. I shook my head a couple of times, then clenched my fists. No, calling off Alan's pitbulls would not be the last act I would do for her. I would find a way for them to investigate whatever was chasing her and, just like that, I had a hunch that I knew exactly how to do just that.
"What I am about to tell you is a long and complex and large scale situation. I know it sounds cliché, believe me, I do. But, this whole time, throughout it all, I have done nothing more than try and do the morally right thing. Legally right, maybe not. You will get to be the judge. But, along the way, as I tell you my story, I want you to find out some information for me. Information on another type of crime." I paused, breathing slowly.
Alan eyed me sceptically. "It is her, isn't it?" He asked with a knowing look. I wondered if he was trying to upset me, but he had no idea of the complexity and depth of my feeling for her. His mockery did nothing more than settle my resolve further. "Yes. What can I say," I shrugged, "Her situation mirrored mine in many ways, maybe not to the extent, but it did. She has something following her too, from doing the right thing. Maybe that is why we are so well suited." My voice had taken on an almost dream like quality. Partially sleep deprived and partially because I was forcing myself to focus only on her, not the situation I currently faced and the lifetime I still faced without her.
Alan, for his part, widened his eyes briefly but then sat back in his chair and watched me with steepled fingers. "So, you are the hero in your version of the story. I wonder if you still will be in my version." He mused, leaning back slightly further.
I lifted my head and met his eyes, properly for the first time since this situation began. "That," I announced, "is a very good question." I crossed my arms and closed my eyes as I let my mind drift back to that fateful day. The day I had been forced to disappear. A day that had for so long been a burden to my existence, until she came along. Now, in a weird sort of way, the day that was now one of the best things that had ever happened to me. It was a day that led me closer to her.
"It all began when I was working as a programmer and bug fixer for a large corporation. We were hired out to different companies, performing security updates, virus checks, that sort of thing. A lot of the time it was mundane, for someone of my skill level anyway," I gave a wry grin and shook my head slightly. "I had no idea then the type of situation I would find myself in when I was asked to perform a network check of a computer network that had experienced an attempted breach earlier that day." I considered my words carefully, trying to give enough information to keep him interested but not enough that I wouldn't be able to barter for better treatment for her.
"As I was doing the routine checkup, I stumbled upon something. Something I knew I shouldn't access...which is how this whole tale begins..."
Part 83
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wouldduskwood · 8 months
Descendants of Despair Part 81
"I'm going to test these pieces, make sure they're ready for if we need them," I announced with as much forced bravado as I could muster. Dan and Lilly nodded, looking a little more relaxed than they had done since I arrived. "Listen, don't feel you have to wait up. I...I need to be sure they're working to the best of my abilities so I don't risk...well yeah." I ended, rather lamely and with a swallow. It had the desired effect. Both Lilly and Dan said goodnight and left me to it. It was comforting to know that, when it mattered, I could still manipulate people and so what needed to be done. Maybe I hadn't gone as soft as I'd thought.
As soon as their doors closed, I grabbed my phone and backpack and slipped out into the night, not bothering with my other gear. It was too much of a risk. Once the chill of the night air hit me, I could feel myself centring. Resuming my identity from my time on the street. Cold. Methodical. I couldn't afford the panic that emotion would bring. Instead, I treated it as another inconvenience that I'd need to get on top of if I wanted to survive. Without even a backwards glance at Dan's, I took off running through the streets.
Just as I was beginning to reach a gentle rhythm, I spotted them. Unmarked, of course, but definitely police. The late hour. Two officers per car. The way they were spaced to not allow for traditional exit routes. The very obvious way they perked up when I had appeared , as though they were expecting me. If it had been only one cruiser, I may have missed them. I knew then what had happened. In the very pits of my soul I knew he'd been caught. The why didn't even matter. At that moment, I had a choice. Allow myself to get caught, or attempt a run and risk further punishment if they caught me down the track.
It was a split second decision. Emotion is a funny thing.
Part 82
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wouldduskwood · 8 months
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 81
The cold steel of the handcuffs sat roughly against my wrists as I was led down the stairs. I had known, of course, that I had been dealing with a pro. Someone that wasn't afraid to wait it out when things changed. Deep down, I had also suspected what would be waiting for me when I opened that door. Even now, as I was faced with a hefty prison time, I would have made exactly the same choices as I had done. If I hadn't, they would have gone after her to get to me. If we had been together, that wouldn't have been a problem. We could have fled together. But, being that far apart, I couldn't protect her. My one regret was that, perhaps, I should have sent her a message to get out, to cover all my basis and ensure she was well protected. However, deep down I knew Dan would step up when it counted...and she had never failed to impress me.
Alan was still talking incessantly as we reached the street, appearing unconcerned by my lack of interest. He was about to lower my head to help me into an unmarked cruiser when I stiffened, suddenly thinking of a way I could help protect MC, even now when I had very few options. "If you want me to cooperate fully, Mr. Bloomgate, then I would recommend calling your watchdogs away from her." I stated, my voice deliberately cold with a forced lack of emotion. "Oh my, and who is this her you are referring to?" Alan replied, suddenly playing dumb. "You're a smart guy, you work it out." I stated, then as if to prove my point, I clamped my mouth shut and turned my head away from him. This caused him to use more force than he would have originally had to to try and get me into his cruiser. Once the door slammed shut behind me, I lowered my head and bit my tongue. I knew the play well, having used it so many times on MC before. At first, Alan began talking incessantly once more. I glanced up briefly and saw his eyes flashing to the rear view mirror, looking for any sign of non verbal communication from myself. So, I remained entirely motionless and as deliberately unhelpful as I could.
Finally, as we pulled up to the station, Alan broke the increasingly uncomfortable silence with a sigh. "We have strategies to break you, hacker, but I am assuming that since you have found your heart, you will put up a fair fight at silence. Am I correct." I remained silent and in my fixed position, pretending that I had not even heard anything that he had said. "Okay, I get it. If I call off the men currently surrounding Mr. Daniel Anderson's abode, with a warrant I might add, then you are to cooperate fully." Still, I waited. Waited for what I needed to hear before I would even consider cooperating. Body fixed and rigid. Just as I had drawn blood from biting my cheek to remain silent, Alan reached for his radio and called off his men. Finally, I removed myself from my uncomfortable position and smiled wickedly. "Now, what is it that you want to hear?" I sneered, with forced bravado. I knew. I knew I would be very lucky to ever see the light of day outside of prison again.
Part 82
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wouldduskwood · 8 months
Descendants of Despair part 80
I hummed to myself as I worked on the wiring that would hopefully be enough to allow us to hear Dan's whereabouts. The humming wasn't one of joy. It was to keep me grounded on the task as I fought desperately with myself. I hadn't been in contact with Jake since my initial breakdown after arriving back at Dan's. It made me uncomfortable and, despite being in close quarters with two other people, I had never felt so alone. My only saving grace was my determination to leave Dan and Lilly. To put all of this behind me and head into a future with Jake. It was insanity to have separated. We had let emotion and the need to protect each other cloud our judgements and force us into rash decisions. I knew finding Hannah was urgent, but we were stronger together than apart. Apart, we spent all of our time trying to ensure the other was okay, to forge contact when we had promised not to, for our own sanity. I needed him.
I knew it deep within my soul. He was my future. Without him, I had no purpose. He had given me hope that we could have a marriage, a life together, whatever that may entail. In an odd way, it made me more determined to try and end things. Suddenly, it was more than an impossibility. Life meant something now, so there was urgency in my desire to free myself of all the issues I faced. I would be free. We would be free. We would be together.
Once I was happy with the wiring, I checked my phone absentmindedly for Jake's whereabouts and was shocked to find his phone was not where I would have thought he would be. In horror, I watched as the dot that was Jake moved, first at the pace of what I assumed was a fairly brisk walk, and then he appeared to get into a vehicle. Moments later, his phone went dead. My head thundered as blood pounded through my body, coursing through my veins. We had been on the verge of a life. A life together. There was no doubt in my mind that he had left me voluntarily. Not after he had seemed so serene. Even appearing unconcerned at the prospect of losing the equipment he had held so near and dear for so long.
I was startled back to reality when Dan coughed behind me. I shook my head and noticed my hands were clenched into tight fists, my phone had fallen onto my lap. I hadn't intended to get Dan or Lilly involved in my decision to resume life with Jake. I wanted them to think that it was over, so when I disappeared, they wouldn't immediately jump to Jake as a reason. I swallowed hard. 'Better make this the best lie you've ever come up with,' I told myself as I forced my fingers to release my phone. I paused for a second, focusing solely on my breathing then turned to face Dan with a steely determination and resolution that I wasn't sure where it came from. "Dan," I whispered, trying desperately to assuage his judgements. "I'm fairly certain this will work. But I can't guarantee it. I...look, we don't know what we are up against in there. I think maybe you need to sleep on this before you commit to it. It's...well it's risky. You have to be vigilant with what is going on around you. It's not a good life to lead." I murmured, my voice as quiet as I could make it while still relaying my message. 'Believe me' I willed, a small part of myself proud of my quick thinking. 'Believe me'. To my relief, Dan's suspicious look was replaced by soft concern. He glanced over at Lilly and they nodded at each other. "Whatever you need," he said with a touch of affection.
I smiled, a genuine smile but one of relief. Once they were in bed, I would leave. I hated waiting but I couldn't afford to make any mistakes. Not now. Not when I was sure Jake's life, or at least his freedom, so desperately depended on it. I wasn't sure what I could do if he had been captured. I'd find a way. Leaving Dan's was my first priority. Finding Jake's last location would be my next. Then, if all else failed, finding his set up would be my next option. I was suddenly very thankful for Jake's commitment to allowing me into the depths of his life.
Part 81
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wouldduskwood · 8 months
If you spot any errors (I think there will be a fair few in Jake's POV), can you please reply under this post with the story number and the error (eg if one of the links isn't there or working for the next part of the story or if there's some grammatical errors like he instead of I)
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wouldduskwood · 9 months
Give 💙 this 💙 to 💙 the 💙 twelve 💙 nicest 💙 people 💙 you 💙 know 💙 if 💙 you 💙 get 💙 five 💙 back 💙 you 💙 must 💙 be 💙 perfect 💙
Thank you :) consider this returned to you
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wouldduskwood · 9 months
Just heard good things about your writing! Came to check it out. :)
Hello from the DW Scobby Gang Discord
Hello. Sorry haven't been on much lately due to work and study commitments. I do still intend to finish this. Hope you enjoyed!
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wouldduskwood · 1 year
Jake's POV Descendants of Despair Part 80
As the door shuddered open, I stepped forward, trying desperately to look confident. Cocky. After all, nothing could be worse than something happening to her. I cringed momentarily as her image swayed in front of my minds eye. Cool, carefree beauty.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, moving forward into a pale yellow light as the door snicked closed behind me.
"Glad to see you made it, Hacker." A familiar voice took me back to reality. A voice that forced me to an abrupt halt. For a split second, I screamed at myself internally for being so stupid. For allowing myself to be played. I pushed these feelings down, snarling internally. Who knew what she would have had to face, had they come for her instead. I was certain she would have done exactly as I had, ran headfirst into danger to protect me. A small part of me was delighted at this thought. It was enough to keep me going.
I cast a quick look at my surroundings. The rooftop was concrete, but the ledge around it was high. Too high to easily jump from one building to the next. It'd require skills that I didn't have, or a hell of a head start. The door remained another option, I considered heading back, running down the stairs and into the night. But, she was too vulnerable. I may be able to try and get to her, call her, anything, but I was certain Alan would have covered that basis. There would be officers cornering her, waiting for the word. No, this was down to me. She wouldn't pay. "Alan, I really should have figured it would be you." I spoke clearly, resigned to my fate.
"I'd have never believed it if I didn't see it myself," Alan's voice was cheerful, practically mocking. "A Government wanted Hacker, getting himself caught because he developed feelings. How.... beautiful."
I clenched my fists, biting back the remarks I wanted to spew in his face and fighting to control myself from cold clocking him. "Oh, you have got it bad, haven't you?" Alan grinned, eyeing my clenched hands. "I can't really see why." He shrugged, pulling a photograph from his pocket. "I mean, I guess she's sort of pretty, in a wild an unkempt way. But really? She is enough to get you to jump through hoops?"
I forced myself away from the situation, throwing my thoughts to the last time we had been together. Her touch. The enticing smell of her skin and hair. The electricity that crackled between us. The fire that burned through my whole being, whenever she even just cast a lock in my direction.
"I see," Alan murmured. "Well, shall we go then? Hands in front of you, Hacker, don't make this any more difficult than it has to be." Resentment flooded through me, but I forced my hands together and towards Alan. Handcuffs closed tightly around my wrists, pressed hard against flesh. I refused to give him any satisfaction, so bit my tongue in response.
Alan's hands ran over my body, removing my phone and the lock picking set I had stashed there. A growl caught in my throat. I knew that they wouldn't ever be able to break the encryption around my phone. It would disable itself far sooner than they would ever find a way in. It was, however, my one tie to MC.
"Jacob Dunford, you have the right to remain silent..."
Part 81
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wouldduskwood · 2 years
Whisper of Exile Part 2
My heart thundered in my chest. The feeling of being watched crept in, seeping slowly through my veins until it had encompassed everything that I was. It was too late. There was no doubt in my mind that it was too late. People with dark clothing, minimal personal artefacts and a set up like this don't tend to like being disturbed. Yet, my reason for showing up here still remained. The phone that had buzzed so inconsequentially.
The logical part of my brain had began to kick in. The disarray in the room was not typical in the hacking industry. Your gear was kept close in case of the need for a quick get away. The apartment, if you could call it that, was also not the typical area for a hacker. Carrying your gear down this many stairs without being caught would be impossible. I was already in the deep end anyway, so I made my way closer to the computer set up, whistling under my breath as I did.
This gear didn't just rival mine. It beat mine hands down. The owner had pieced it together themselves, I was fairly certain of that. They sure as hell knew what they were doing, so why had they set up here? Why had they cornered themselves? Seemingly of its own accord, my hand moved towards the keyboard and pushed a button. The system instantly hummed into life, as an ominous warning appeared. "Activating system destruction". Streams of code ran over all of the screens. Fast. Faster than I could read, but I forced myself to focus. This system was the biggest clue and now I had set it off to destroy itself?
Something wasn't adding up here. It was feasible that the unknown hacker had set the system up to destroy itself, protecting any files. But, whatever had happened in here earlier, why hadn't the computer been tried? The most obvious intruder would be after information, after all. Scratching my head, I leaned closer to the code and forced my eyes to read as much of the strings as I could. And there it was...a flash of a familiar string registered before the words "Deleting files" came up. It was a dummy programme, set to run anytime someone disturbed. It would kill the system once it had run through, making it impossible to boot for an hour or so, looking...for all intents and purposes...like it had been completely destroyed. They were good.
I left the computer system, unwillingly but necessarily. It was as good as useless for now. The phone, however, was another mystery. Remaining plugged into the wall, in a relatively obvious place... undisturbed. I grabbed it and pulled it free, slipping it into the safety of my pocket. I had been here long enough.
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