worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
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We’re all important! Never forget that.
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
things to remember: being healthy doesn’t translate to always being happy, having sad low days are perfectly normal
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
I hope today brings sunshine to your heart!
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
💕Daily Positivity Post💕
💗You're important
💗You matter so much
💗The world is a better place with you in it
💗Yes, everything will be okay...even if it doesn't seem like it right now
💗You are loved
💗You are smart
💗You are wonderful
💗You have a beautiful soul
💗Everything will work out exactly as it needs to
💗And another reminder that everything will be okay. In case you didn't believe me the first time
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
heres a TOTALLY BLANK image!! there is DEFINITELY NO REASON for u to click it!!!!!!!!! NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
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facts, ladies & gentlemen
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
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there’s not a person in this world who hasn’t embarrassed themselves or hurt someone or made a mistake. learn and grow from these things, rectify them if you can, but don’t dwell on them. we are all human; we are all imperfect.
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
This is wonderful!
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PMA tattoo that I designed for myself.  Hope to get it done next month! ~ Like my art?  Check out my RedBubble or buy me a coffee! ~
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
I hope everyone is having a lovely day and if not then I hope it gets better for you.
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
Let’s spread that PMA!
This community has always been known for being positive at heart, and we firmly believe that it still is and always will be! Seán is a humble and genuine person who tries to make people feel at ease in all of his daily life and make a difference to the world at large and it figures that the people who are attracted to his community will be the same.
However, many of you will no doubt be aware that there has been some of antipathy from some corners recently, includimg people suggesting that some things we do aren’t genuine anymore. It’s been getting better of course, but let’s try and change some of the atmosphere lately, and keep that positivity going, with this blog!
Do you have a friend you want to send a positive ask to, a creator (artist, editor etc) that you’d like to support? Some general positivity to share with the community? Do so anonymously in the ask box or submit a post here! 💚
Have you seen or do you know if anyone in the community doing something positive, be it running a positive action or event in their local community or online, or just generally being kind and spreading kindness in this community and to others? Shout them out on your blog, submit about them to us or let us know what they are doing in an ask!
Are you doing any charity work outside of the streams, or know someone else who is? Do you know someone who is doing something wonderful in their community, just for the sake of being kind? Let us know and we’ll promote it, hype up and use it to inspire others to do the same or something similar!
We as mods will share our own positivity tips! Be it quotes, ideas for things to do in your community-big or small; or reminders of the small ways that you can brighten someone’s day!
Share your ideas for meet ups with each other or ways to work together to do good in your community and spread positivity in your genera life! Want to meet up with your real life friends and do some good around your town? Or are you meeting up with community friends at a convention or just in general and want to do something positive together in the name of PMA? We are here to encourage you to do that and share ideas around with each other!
Having a tough day? We’ll reblog as much as PMA as we can come across 💚
We hope you’ll like this blog, and get some enjoyment and fun out of it! Let’s spread some positivity into this planet of ours, not just in this community, but to the whole world!
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*Repost because it didn’t go in any tags before, apologies*
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
“Life is weird. But life is fantastic”
@therealjacksepticeye, 2017 (Video: Far From Noise)
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
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worldwidepma-blog · 5 years
Let’s help spread the PMA!
This community was always known for being positive at heart, and we firmly believe that it still is and always will be! Seán is a humble and genuine person who tries to make people feel at ease in all of his daily life and make a difference to the world at large and it figures that the people who are attracted to his community will be the same.
However, many of you will no doubt be aware that there has been quite a bit of antipathy from some corners of the community recently, including vent blogs intending to call people out by name and spread division, and people suggesting that some things we do aren’t genuine anymore. So let’s try and change some of the atmosphere lately, with this blog!
Do you have a friend you want to send a positive ask to, a creator (artist, editor etc) that you’d like to support? Some general positivity to share with the community? Do so anonymously in the ask box or submit a post here! 💚 (Shout out to the wonderful community blogs doing this already too!)
Have you seen or do you know if anyone in the community doing something positive, be it running a positive action or event in their local community or online, or just generally being kind and spreading kindness in this community and to others? Shout them out on your blog, submit about them to us or let us know what they are doing in an ask!
Are you doing any charity work outside of the streams, or know someone else who is? Do you know someone who is doing something wonderful in their community, just for the sake of being kind? Let us know and we’ll promote it, hype up and use it to inspire others to do the same or something similar!
We as mods will share our own positivity tips! Be it quotes, ideas for things to do in your community-big or small; or reminders of the small ways that you can brighten someone’s day!
Share your ideas for meet ups with each other or ways to work together to do good in your community and spread positivity in your genera life! Want to meet up with your real life friends and do some good around your town? Or are you meeting up with community friends at a convention or just in general and want to do something positive together in the name of PMA? We are here to encourage you to do that and share ideas around with each other!
Having a tough day? We’ll reblog as much PMA as we come across! 💚
We hope you’ll like this blog, and get some enjoyment and fun out of it! Let’s get back our mojo and spread some positivity into this planet of ours!
Worldwidepma mods 💚
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