wolfofthewisps · 25 days
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"...I'm imagining myself as tall now. Don't think I like it. But maybe if I met those others it'd be different. And yeah- if nothing else, this city makes you realize there's a whole lot more out there."
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"...'s kinda weird being surrounded by people mostly taller than me. Back home my friends and I are close enough in height- even most enemies, besides Eggman and the Zeti. My best friend here's...what, two feet taller? Used to it now, just...still kinda odd t' think about."
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wolfofthewisps · 25 days
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"...'s kinda weird being surrounded by people mostly taller than me. Back home my friends and I are close enough in height- even most enemies, besides Eggman and the Zeti. My best friend here's...what, two feet taller? Used to it now, just...still kinda odd t' think about."
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wolfofthewisps · 1 month
The way this Sonic behaved further reinforced what she thought of him- he was younger, more energetic than the hedgehog she knew. Just how much conflict had he seen compared to her world's Blue Blur? What would he think if he knew just how much the "other" him had been in the center of...?
In spite of her distant worries, the constant questions being thrown at her did draw a quiet little laugh out of Whisper. It was strange to see Sonic being so curious- not that the Sonic she knew never inquired, but it wasn't usually so many questions at once. While she still going through something of an uneasy time with him back home, she just couldn't hold that against this one.
"Whisper the Wolf," she introduces herself with a nod to begin answering his litany of questions. "We're...friends, yes. Met during trouble with Eggman; helped out with other emergencies since." What was the last question? Oh yeah. "And my favorite color's purple."
"Aw, shucks! There goes my first impression-- wait," Sonic blinks, realizing that this stranger, too, somehow already knew him. He looks up skyward for a moment, and shakes his fist jokingly at the stars. "I deserve three nickels now! You're, like, the third stranger I've run into who already knows who I am-- which is pretty wild." He laughs, looking back at Whisper with a grin.
Standing on all fours, he tries to shake off all the debris that stuck to his quills, without much luck. He doesn't seem particularly bothered by the stubborn twigs and leaves, though.
He does scoot a little bit closer to hear Whisper better. Looking up at her with wide, excited green eyes. "What's your name? How do ya know older me? Other me? You friends? What's your favorite color? Are you a... wolf? Wolf, right--?"
Chaos, this little guy sure does talk a lot.
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wolfofthewisps · 1 month
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Sixes are reliable, faithful and committed. They like to stick to relationships and ideas that make them feel safe against a potentially dangerous world. Sixes are kind and careful, amazing at preparing against potential problems. They are steady, methodical troubleshooters and devil’s advocates. While Sixes are good at making projects practical and feasible, they tend to get stuck in catastrophizing-mode and worrying about the future.
Are loyal, trustworthy and responsible
Are steady and persistent
Are more interested in supporting the group than being the star
Can be very courageous when they feel the need to defend their loved ones
Are amazing at planning and executing without forgetting any detail
Stay realistic and consider all options before rushing into anything
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
Well, him sharing the sentiment was…something. She still wasn’t sure they would ever be friends, but they’d fought on the same side before. Maybe he’d be an ally for next time bad things befell the city…
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Her face twisted into a distressed grimace when his question was put out there. It was something she hated thinking about, yet couldn’t help but keep track of. Her quiet tone trembled as her response came. Whether it was more sorrow or rage that shook her voice, even she wasn’t sure.
“…Nearly two years. In three months…they’ll have kept me here for two years.”
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Whisper may not have socialized much, but she was decent enough with reading cues from others. She could tell he was keeping closed off- pretty in line with what she'd seen of him before, and behavior she herself was no stranger to. Still, she at least thought it might be good to extend an olive branch to one of the few familiar faces around here, even if they weren't exactly friends.
"...Just wanted to greet you. Say it's good to have someone I know here. That sort of thing."
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
Seeing as Whisper is probably my most active muse, I'll post this here!
NAME / ALIAS: Neo AGE / AGE GROUP: 18+ PRONOUNS: They/them TIMEZONE: EST WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: North Carolina =v=; CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP: Whisper the Wolf (Sonic the Hedgehog), Jester Lavorre (Critical Role), Jinx (League of Legends/Arcane), Eda the Owl Lady (The Owl House), Neopolitan (RWBY), Mizuki Date & Aiba (AI: The Somnium Files), Ember McLain (Danny Phantom), Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Shiver (Splatoon 3) A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF: I sincerely wish to do 3D art and animation more than anything as a career. I have a long ways to do go before I'm ready to do it professionally, but I also kinda need to find a job I'm more comfortable at than the one I'm currently at first. -v-
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
"In case anyone's thinking about it..."
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
What is something about my portrayal[s] that sticks out?
Example being; my muses ticks they have, the way they talk, etcetera.
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
Spirale really was too huge for someone like Whisper to fully appreciate. Sure, she probably could've seen all the sights it had to offer in the far-too-long time she'd been here, but she much preferred having a small collection of familiar places she could rely on to go to and could visit depending on the mood she was in. Maybe another time, she would've felt more adventurous.
Maybe if Tangle were here...
It was thoughts like that which led her to spend her afternoon at Savior's Respite. She'd been lonely, stressed about what the future may hold...she hadn't gotten another one of her Wisps back in a while, and while a couple of her friends were here now, who's to say they wouldn't simply be whisked off with the next eclipse? She could ease these worries with the sights of the peaceful cliffside clearing- though they would inevitably return, she could relax for now, ground herself back in...
A scuffling sound from the forest caught her attention. She stood from her seated position in the flowers, looking with apprehension toward the source- a fluffy blue ball that had spun out from the trees, covered in stray twigs and leaves. She watched it carefully for a minute, only then beginning her soft-treading approach. Could it really be...him? Something was different, and she wasn't quite sure...
Slowly he began to uncurl before her, and her suspicions were indeed confirmed- both the identity of who had suddenly crashed in before her, and that something wasn't quite the same as how she remembered. It was even more pronounced in his case than others she'd run into- he appeared smaller, younger than the blue hero she knew well.
"Just a bit," she murmured her answer- not quite an honest one, but one to spare his feelings somewhat. Despite her current mixed feelings toward that hedgehog, something about seeing him like this...compelled her to ease up a bit. IF, indeed, it was him. "...It's you, isn't it, Sonic? Sonic the Hedgehog?"
The city of Spirale sure was... huge! Sonic's been all over Earth, in his boredom and restlessness, but he generally stayed away from the bigger cities. While it was now a moot point to hide his existence from the entirety of earth after everything, he still wasn't supposed to go around attracting too much attention to himself.
So, that meant mostly sticking to the town of Green Hills and surrounding Montana woodlands. And Green Hills was a very small town. He never really thought about it until now, stuck in a place that was just... well. This place was a lot!
But there seemed to be quieter places, at least. Like this beautiful view. What did people call this place? Savior's Respite? Huh. Anyways, so he's running around, (because when is he not?), taking in the nice, crisp forest air-- when he ends up tripping on a root, because of course he does.
With an alarmed squeak the young hedgehog curls up into a protective ball as he goes rolling, rolling, rolling, eventually coming to a skidding stop at the cliff-side clearing. A couple minutes pass with him curled up, all sorts of twigs and leaves stuck on his quills, before his sensitive ears catch onto... someone else being there?
Tentatively, he uncurls just enough from a prickly ball to peek around. Oh. Wow. Another Mobian? Seriously, what are the odds?
"Ohh... heh. Hi there! Uh... how much of that did you see?"
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
While she still felt bad about what happened with Silver and Duo, she'd managed to shake herself of some of the paranoia. Having Tangle around helped with that...which made it all the more unfortunate she wasn't here in the city. Losing her twice and still being stuck here...hadn't been good for her.
Even then, Silver was a very welcome presence for the lonely wolf. She felt a pang of guilt when he trailed off in his talk about Soleanna. He didn't need to cut himself off for her sake- she enjoyed listening to others, particularly those she felt closer with. Things had gotten rockier between them, but she was still his friend...surely he saw it that way, right?
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"Training's going well. He's up and about now...showing promise. Hope he can keep growing." It was true- though he'd only recently started training with them, Duo was able to keep up better than expected of a newbie. Still seemed less savvy than them, but his progress was steady...
Then memory of the most recent happenings struck her, and her expression darkened. She turned her head away, clearly trying to keep calm...but the flattening of her ears and the cold, open glare of her eyes betrayed her temper. "...Got some new recruits, too. Just before I arrived here. Looking to turn over a new leaf, on Sonic and Amy's recommendations." Were it not for her gloves, her claws surely would've been digging into her palms by now.
"...Surge and Kit."
"yeah," he echoes softly, stomach flipping in response to her hesitance.
"i never had the chance to tell you back home, but it's okay. i got to travel with blaze afterward, so it wasn't all bad. soleanna's really nice! you should try the crab if you ever decide to, um..." he's babbling, isn't he? force of habit. "...visit."
he really has moved on for the most part. they had a valid reason for kicking him out (he's convinced himself of that), so the last thing he wants is for whisper to feel bad. she wasn't in the best headspace back then, either.
she blamed herself for his actions, but it was silver who should've known when to quit.
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"...how's training been going with duo?" had he fully recovered? did he do anything suspicious since the incident? a lot of questions rolled into one.
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
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Whisper may not have socialized much, but she was decent enough with reading cues from others. She could tell he was keeping closed off- pretty in line with what she'd seen of him before, and behavior she herself was no stranger to. Still, she at least thought it might be good to extend an olive branch to one of the few familiar faces around here, even if they weren't exactly friends.
"...Just wanted to greet you. Say it's good to have someone I know here. That sort of thing."
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"Did you need something from me?" The hedgehog kept his arms crossed in a closed off gesture, it clearly wasn't working in keeping others from leaving him alone but maybe it would send a message.
But, probably not.
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wolfofthewisps · 2 months
Whisper had no issue dealing with the sudden chill overtaking the city herself, seeing as how they'd only recently broken out of a biting winter. How many winters had she been here now...? Her mind got briefly lost in melancholy recollection, but a bout of rainfall brought her back to the present. Her pace picked up to try and get to where she was going faster.
Her stride broke as a voice called out to her, her gaze drawn to someone sitting under a tree- a rather familiar someone, surprising her! Knuckles had to have gotten here only recently, right? Wait...did he think she was a fox? They hadn't really interacted a lot, so maybe it was possible...though she couldn't shake the feeling something was different about him.
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"Wolf, actually," she corrects him once she's close enough to be heard, having approached to join him in the shelter just as he'd offered. She looks down to the Variable Wispon- the alleged "umbrella" he'd pointed out. "Doesn't...really work like that. Don't have all the Wisps right now anyway." Even if Green was with her, she only got his help for his Hover ability, not as an actual umbrella to cover her from the rain. ...Could his ability work like that? Or would she still just float around...?
She shook off the stray train of thought, offering a tiny smile. "Good to see you here. When did you arrive?"
a chill had taken the city the day after his arrival, spring bending to a cold rain shower. knuckles hadn't much minded. back on his home planet, he'd lived as a part of the wildlife, so when it started pouring down on his walk through the forest, he simply sought the shade of a tree to shelter him from the worst of it.
   he's in the middle of shaking the rest off as he spots another person nearby, of similar stature. perhaps a mobian— there seem to be more of them than he initially thought. she's dressed in hoods that should serve to cover her up, but knuckles calls out anyways.
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   ' fox. ' he nods his chin at the thing she's carrying. he knows the name, mulls it over for a second. ' you have an umbrella. you should join me if you're not going to use it. '
@wolfofthewisps / sc
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wolfofthewisps · 3 months
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wolfofthewisps · 3 months
Well, this is not something Whisper had expected to grow as accustomed to as she had. First the time with Frye when they first met, then back home with Silver...now with the pain lingering in her muzzle, she has to stumble back and regain her bearings for a moment. Once she's able to refocus, she finds that history has repeated itself in a much more exact manner this time.
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Though she's clearly glad to see him, her demeanor does shift at those last words. To say things had not gone particularly well between them last time they'd seen each other back home would be a vast understatement. "...Yeah," she replies simply, even more withdrawn than usual. "...Glad to have you here too. 's been a while."
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thwack! riddled with anxiety or not, silver needs to get a grip. this head-bumping streak of his is getting ridiculous...
his hands instinctively fly to his aching nose, then -- once he realizes who he'd bumped into -- exclaims, "whisper!?" now that's a wild coincidence. aside from the deja vu of it all, a lot's happened between them since last time... uncomfortable stuff, mostly.
"hmph. the stars have a lot of nerve dragging us both around like this," it's a huff that soon brightens, albeit hesitantly, "but i'm glad we're here together... er, again. e-even if... you know." ahem, even if they haven't talked since the 'getting booted from the diamond cutters' thing.
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wolfofthewisps · 3 months
Perhaps Whisper wasn't conscious of how slow her attempted approach had been, only realizing she'd kind of just been keeping a distance when she was called out on it, her posture going rigid. A lightly trembling hand was stayed from pulling her mask down. She'd never get over this if she didn't give it a shot.
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"...Kind of used to keeping my distance...trying to get over that with people. Sorry." She wasn't perturbed by the coarse attitude, finally finding the movement to complete her approach, though still maintaining a respectable distance from Shadow.
He had felt eyes on him for awhile, while he wasn't going to say anything originally, but he changed his mind when he caught a glimpse of who was staring at him.
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"I don't think your approach is doing much for you." He might not have meant to call her out so harshly..
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wolfofthewisps · 4 months
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"...Anyone want some chocolates? I bought a couple boxes...just in case. Didn't need them, can't eat them. But I don't want to just throw them away."
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wolfofthewisps · 4 months
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"Mm." And so she was on her way. No need to be around this guy any more than she had to.
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"... Engaging in any sort of conversation with you is just as wasteful. Be on your way now."
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