withoutviolence Ā· 11 months
*hands you all the senzu beans* Fill this out for me, please? It helps my return!
J's Muses Interest Tracker!
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withoutviolence Ā· 1 year
@traveling-gherkin continued from HERE
He blinked, realizing he wasn't about to understand anything this creature said. Gohan started to run his hand through his hair somewhat nervously until words were being point out. He laughed nervously. "Oh! Hey, that's useful, huh? Gherkin, huh? Well...." He pauses, bending to offer a hand. "Welcome to earth. I mean... If you can understand me."
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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ā€œLook. Iā€™m giving you the chance to end this Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā WĀ IĀ TĀ HĀ OĀ UĀ TĀ Ā  VĀ IĀ OĀ LĀ EĀ NĀ CĀ E. Ā Ā Ā Ā I really donā€™t want to k i l l Ā  y o u. Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Even if you are evil, you can stillĀ  W A L KĀ  A W A Y. Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Iā€™m not interested in fighting you Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Just for the C H A L L E N G E ā€¦ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā My Dadā€™s the one who cares about that stuffā€¦ā€
((Promo images by cerberuscommissions))
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
@withoutviolenceā€‹ asked:
ā Ā my burdens , Ā i canā€™t erase . Ā  āž
Repo! The Genetic Opera starters
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It was a sentiment that Jiren knew well, even if he would typically admit that fact to no one but himself.Ā  He knew all too well the burden that Son Gohan carried on his shoulders.Ā  In a way, he supposed he couldā€¦Ā  Understand.Ā  Was this connection?
ā€œYou would not be the person you are now if the burden was not yours to bear,ā€ he offered solemnly, avoiding eye contact with the other warrior.Ā Ā ā€œTo be burdened is to have a purpose.Ā  The heavier the burden you are forced to carry, the more strength you may draw from it.ā€
He wasnā€™t sure if the words were meant to comfort Gohan or himself more, if truth be told.
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The weight that Gohan carried had always been so heavy. It wasnā€™t ever something he talked about much. Not since he was a child, at least. His childhood had ended long ago. Sometimes, if he was honest, he envied the way other kids got to grow up. Even Pan. But it was so vastly important to him to give Pan the childhood she deserved and perhaps the one she never got.Ā 
Somewhere, deep inside, he knew that it wasnā€™t really his fatherā€™s fault. How were any of them supposed to know what was coming for them? How were they supposed to know that when they left the house that morning, it would be the last time they would do so as the family they had started as.Ā 
The things Gohan saw... The things he went through. He was more than thankful for the training he received from Piccolo. Jiren was right, everything he went through had shaped him into the man he was today. But, sometimes, he still felt it all. He saw more death and destruction than a kid should ever see. He lost his own father... His mentor... His friends. So many people died around him and because of him.Ā 
But here he was. A grown adult with a family of his own. One that he would give anything to protect, including his own life. It had been a realization that connected him even more to his father than heā€™d felt growing up. He understood the things his father did for him... For his family and for his friends. He only hoped that he would be half the man his father was.Ā 
Staring off into the sunset, still thinking, Gohan nodded. It was nice, welcome even, that Jiren had simply listened. He hadnā€™t entirely expected him to, but it was in that response that he understood they shared a similar weight. They knew what it was to bear burdens and to lose everything.Ā 
Gohan kept his eyes averted, still observing the sunset. When he finally spoke, he was able to breathe, the weight loosening in him if only for the moment now.Ā ā€œYouā€™re right. And I found my purpose. I know why Iā€™m here.ā€ He paused, contemplating.Ā ā€œBesides... Life, everything, it doesnā€™t stop just because bad things happen. You have to keep going. Always.ā€
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
//Another little update for everyone - I am awaiting surgery, currently. I go Wednesday for my consult with the surgeon and I will know then how long I have to wait for this hell to be over. Fingers crossed and good vibes itā€™s REALLY soon. Like this week or next preferably.
At any rate, my activity will continue to be spotty to almost non-existent as this continues. Currently, I am almost constantly in pain, but have had to return to work. When I am home I am resting. When I get surgery it may be a minute until I can sit at my laptop comfortable enough to write replies etc.
Any well wishes and patience are much appreciated. <3 Thank you all!
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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//Hey all. I know itā€™s been a bit and things have been spotty etc. I wanted to kind of update on things here.
((Lots of health/ER/Hospital/Doctors mention under the cut))
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Keep reading
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
@indomitableprideā€‹ liked for a starter
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Most of the time Gohan could manage to understand the people around him. Heā€™d grown up so fast and the rest of the fighters had become just as much a part of his family as his parents or Goten. Theyā€™d all come to the ends of the world and back together. Heā€™d do anything for any of them.
The one member of their family that he couldnā€™t seem to get a grasp on was Vegeta. Gohan had always believed in the good in people, but he couldnā€™t help but question Vegetaā€™s attitude and actions sometimes. Yet, he was more intrigued by him that heā€™d ever let on.Ā 
In truth, Gohan was fascinated by Vegeta. Even if his father was Saiyan as well, Vegeta knew everything there was to know about their race. With the planet destroyed, Vegeta was all that was left of half of the blood that ran through his veins. He had so many questions, but had always been more than intimidated by Vegeta.Ā 
Now, however, he finds himself waiting for Bulma to fix something on his suit. Heā€™d intended to find Trunks to pass the time, but instead ran into Vegeta. He blinked, straightening himself in front of the proud Saiyan.
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ā€œOh... Hey, Vegeta. I thought youā€™d be training.ā€ He braces himself for whatever words are about to come from the Saiyan. Heā€™d learned a long time ago that Vegeta wasnā€™t exactly the easiest or most pleasant person to speak to, but he was determined to be able to one day.Ā 
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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@jiirensā€‹ sent:Ā  āœ‰ : For a friendly letter.
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Get a Letter From My Muse - Still Accepting
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Lord Beerus assured me that this would get to you. I know itā€™s strange to be getting a letter from a guy in a completely different universe, but I figured this was the best way to speak to you.
Even if you were fighting my father, I know a strong warrior when I see one. Your strength is incredible and admirable. It was really something to watch.
I also know youā€™re a Pride Trooper and, well, I can respect that too. I may like fighting, but not like my father. See, I dress up too and fight for justice. I keep evil-doers at bay and protect my family and citizens alike. The best part is, nobody even knows itā€™s me.
Maybe someday we can fight alongside each other for good.Ā 
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
Get a letter from my muse!
Ā  Send:
āœ‰ : For a friendly letter.
ā¤ : For a love letter.
āœ– : For a angsty letter.
ā˜  : For a threatening letter.
ā˜® : For a written apology.
ā™¤ : For a written confession.
ā˜¹ : For a letter my muse doesnā€™t have the courage to send.
ā‡ : For a letter my muse sends anonymously.
šŸŽ‰ : For a congratulatory letter.
āš° : For a final words letter.
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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//Eyyy I am down to write Gohan (Iā€™ve been re-watching the Saiyaman and Buu Saga lately so mad muse) soā€¦.Ā 
Hit the like for a starter! Leave me a reply to this post if you would like to plot!Ā 
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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//Eyyy I am down to write Gohan (Iā€™ve been re-watching the Saiyaman and Buu Saga lately so mad muse) so....Ā 
Hit the like for a starter! Leave me a reply to this post if you would like to plot!Ā 
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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ā€œLook. Iā€™m giving you the chance to end this Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā WĀ IĀ TĀ HĀ OĀ UĀ TĀ Ā  VĀ IĀ OĀ LĀ EĀ NĀ CĀ E. Ā Ā Ā Ā I really donā€™t want to k i l l Ā  y o u. Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Even if you are evil, you can stillĀ  W A L KĀ  A W A Y. Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Iā€™m not interested in fighting you Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Just for the C H A L L E N G E ā€¦ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā My Dadā€™s the one who cares about that stuffā€¦ā€
((Promo images by cerberuscommissions))
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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//Remember when I was likeĀ ā€œIā€™m gonna go semi-active or hiatus or something until I get all this work doneā€? Yeah about that...
Iā€™ll still be a bit semi-active as in I cannot guarantee when I will be on from day to day or how long etc, but... Iā€™m here! Writing is kind of my stress relief and I need a lot of that lately so.Ā 
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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I rest my case. Jiren is just thiccc, cranky, powerful Shrek.Ā 
The gleeful tones of Smash Mouth's All Star begin to play around Jiren as he's just sitting and trying to be alone and cranky. "Some.... BODY once told me...." All of a sudden their are people. Too many happy people around JIren. And for some reason... A donkey. They've invaded his swamp.
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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//Hey guys. Iā€™m popping in to update you all real quick.
Iā€™m out of town tonight through Sunday then back to work at 7am Monday. I work full time so throwing that out there. Iā€™ll have another similar trip sometime in the next month or so. On top of that? Depression is a bitch, my friends. I have a LOT of deep cleaning to do that I want to put more focus on so I can have everything where I want it when our furniture comes sometime in August.
So since I canā€™t promise when Iā€™ll be online and how long etc it may take longer to get replies and my presence on here may not be as frequent for a bit. Not going away just kind of wanted to set a status so you all know where Iā€™m at.
So, until further notice I will be Semi-ActiveĀ on this blog.
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
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There hasnā€™t been this much green in the world for a long, long time. Itā€™s peaceful, quiet, and pristine. Though this is not his world, and heā€™s a stranger in a strange land. He watches from a distance as the kids outside Capsule Corp run around, never having to hide in shadows or dig their parents out from under rubble, never trembling at the rumbles or movements of clouds in the sky. He looks down at a flower, itā€™s petals loosening from the wind and drifting in the air. He then hears something behind him. He turns to face a stranger, looking into their eyes. For a moment he doesnā€™t look past the exterior, and for a moment he almost says-Ā ā€˜Iā€™m sorry sir that bench is takenā€™ but thenā€¦ he looks past the glasses, past the eyes, into the soulā€¦ at the source of ki inside.
ā€œAhā€¦ā€ He says.
There, stands Son Gohan. A mirror of himself. The scarred warrior wearing his fatherā€™s gi stands across from a peaceful man wearing a teacherā€™s outfit. Though he shares experiences up until a point that diverges both of their lives together. One of the two has fought and earned their peace, and the other has fought and still fights for their peace. The Warrior stands across from the Teacher and feels weaker then him. Not out of shame, or embarrassment, but because he feels like a hollow version. He feels like he shouldnā€™t even be allowed to stand near this man, because heā€™s fought so hard for his peace.
The Warrior feels like a Bastardization of the Teacher. He feels like everything heā€™s fought to avoid in life, and yet here he isā€¦ wearing his fatherā€™s gi with a scar over his eye and still fighting against the evil of their world. Though he doesnā€™t need to tell the Teacher that. The Teacher has earned his peace and deserves no worry or stress. This is just a peaceful meeting between two people who were curious to see inverse versions of each other.Ā 
ā€œItā€™s nice to meet you. Trunks told me a lot about youā€¦ Goten said I should meet you.ā€
Year ago, back when he first met Future Trunks, Gohan had understood the difference between their timelines and what it meant. He was incredibly aware that whatever life he had lived up until this point was a completely different one than the future of himself in that timeline. He was aware of the implications of that. Heā€™d spent some time thinking about how he might feel to live in that timeline.
Sure, heā€™d seen his friends, his father and Piccolo die before him and felt that pain, but this timeline... Where none of them could ever come back again... That just felt so cold and finite to him. He imagined how he might feel, but figured that even he couldnā€™t even begin to fathom or comprehend exactly what it was like or how it felt.
Gohan hadnā€™t been surprised to see Future Trunks show back up. In fact, heā€™d been almost happy to see him, even if he know that his being here meant that something even worse had happened in his timeline. It was akin to seeing an old friend youā€™d fallen out of touch with for years. But what he hadnā€™t been expecting was to see his own self from the future. Now, he supposed, he knew what Trunks felt like.
Preparing to meet with his own self, he felt nervous. What if he was totally different and unrecognizable? What if he resented him? But he pushed those thoughts aside, knowing that he would rather treat him the way he treated everyone else. With respect and a genuine caring nature. Heā€™d even decided to pick up a treat to share, two ice cream cones.Ā 
Taking a deep breath, he recognized his future self immediately. A bit bulkier, more worse for wear, but... Still him. After all, theyā€™d shared some of the same memories and childhood. He approached, just about to say something, when the other turned and he was looking at himself for the first time. He could see the years of fighting, at war with the distorted, barren world that had become his in this timeline. Behind those eyes was a deeper hurt than even he could begin to grasp, but also power. He was in awe of how strong the other had had to become. He hadnā€™t had the luxury of continuing his studies, starting a family or getting to enjoy some semblance of a normal life.Ā 
Gohan nodded at the warrior in front of him.Ā ā€œYeah... Heā€™s great, isnā€™t he?ā€
It dawned on him that in this future timeline, he would have never even gotten to meet his little brother. That thought evoked a pain in him he wasnā€™t even aware was there, causing him to swallow a lump that had risen in his throat. Taking a moment, he sat next to the other, offering him the ice cream cone.Ā ā€œItā€™s weird, isnā€™t it? Meeting yourself? I thought... Well, I thought maybe a treat would be nice to break the tension.ā€
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withoutviolence Ā· 3 years
@jiirensā€‹ replied:Ā  ".....Humiliating." - continued from X
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Gohan glanced at the fighter who had seemingly appeared to judge his choice in underwear when he was in high school. Not only was this weird, but he had a sense of feeling just a bit ganged up on. Plus, he wasnā€™t quite sure how Jiren, a being from an entirely different universe, knew about the underwear he wore when he was a teenager... Gosh, gossip traveled pretty far, it seemed.
ā€œI wonā€™t even ask how you know about that, but...ā€ He tries not to blush, feeling a bit flustered. His hand comes up to allow fingers to run through his hair and scratch briefly at his head.Ā ā€œI was a teenager. Itā€™s not like I wear them anymore.ā€
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