winterheart-1 · 9 months
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Spiderverse Lucifer🕷️💙
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winterheart-1 · 9 months
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💵 Money Shot 💵
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winterheart-1 · 9 months
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Mammon | Satan | Leviathan | Asmodeus | Beelzebub | Belphegor
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winterheart-1 · 1 year
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Hola! Finally, this story is worthy enough to be published TwT
Actually, this is just a story made for fun, it's been a long time, May 2022 to be precise. It contains a few headcanons that don't really interfere with the core of the story, also seasoned with some fanart to liven up the atmosphere UwU
Please forgive me if there are inappropriate word choices. Because I'm not good at English and asked for help from the internet to translate it :'
And I hope you guys like it :3
When Lucifer is Stressed
Obey Me: Shall We Date belongs to NTT Solmare Corp.
Story & art by Hali Tomorrow
One day, at the residence of seven demon brothers, precisely in the corridor, someone could be seen casually whistling while walking through the hallway. Upon arriving at his destination, he stopped whistling and knocked on the door in front of him...
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Knock knock knock
Mammon: It's me Mammon~
And he opened the door without waiting for the room's owner to answer...
Mammon: Yoo, Lucifer--
Lucifer, the eldest and strongest demon among the seven demon brothers, was sitting at his quite spacious desk with piles of books and papers on it, massaging his forehead. From his furrowed brows, closed eyes, and downturned mouth, it seemed like he was under a lot of stress...
Mammon: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I know you don't like me, but do you really gotta COMPLAIN that hard?!
Lucifer: Mammon, I'm not joking...
Mammon: I ain't joking either, ya know?! I worked hard to lift my mood up and you brought it down so damn easily! Of course I'm serious about this!
Lucifer: ...I'm sorry
Mammon: Uh-oh, you don't often say sorry to me
Suddenly it was quiet. Lucifer stopped massaging his forehead and continued reading the papers on his desk one by one. Mammon, the second eldest brother who was famous for his love of money, didn't like the silence, but he didn't know what topic to discuss either...
Lucifer: What brings you here?
Mammon: --Ah, yeah! Of course, to help you out! (?)
Lucifer: ...?
Confused by his spontaneous response, Mammon could only continue his conversation...
Mammon: Ya! You know what? 'Cause my mood was so good earlier, I ain't gonna steal--cough--borrow your credit card today. Instead, I'll help you out with your problems!
Lucifer: ...
It seems like Lucifer doesn't believe Mammon's words, just like the perpetrator himself. Whatever he's thinking, he knows very well that his older brother doesn't like to have his feelings played with, yet he still offers something that could potentially turn against him...
Mammon: Oh come on! There must be something bugging ya right now! You can spill it to me! That'll help lighten your load a bit!
Lucifer: Hm... (leaning back in his chair)
Lucifer starts to go along with the flow he created. If continued, Mammon's life may be spared this time...
Mammon: What's got ya so stressed out like this? Hm, hm? ...Oh! Don't tell me you just realized that Lord Diavolo piled you up with too many tasks!
Oh no, he's bringing up the wrong person's name. This time Mammon's life got a red card...
Lucifer: ...That's not it
Mammon, who was already sweating a little, was surprised to hear that response...
Lucifer: ...It's not because of Lord Diavolo
Mammon: ...So?
Lucifer: ...It's about Satan...
Their fourth sibling, Satan, is famous for his hatred towards Lucifer. Of course, Mammon immediately understood what was happening...
Lucifer: He came here earlier
Mammon: Huh? What's his purpose in coming to see you?
Lucifer: Well...
It was 2:00 AM and I was still awake at my desk with a pile of tasks that needed to be checked. It was very quiet, I could even hear the sound of my pen scratching against the paper very clearly.
Knock knock knock
I heard someone knocking on the door of my room. I assumed it was Mammon, but suddenly I hesitated because he didn't immediately burst in after knocking like he usually does. That person remained silent outside. Could it be Barbatos, Lord Diavolo's loyal servant? Or was it Lord Diavolo himself who came directly to my room? But why stay silence? At least he would call out to me so I could recognize him...
Knock knock knock
He knocked again. It seems I have to open the door for him. I approached the door and opened it. I was surprised to see who visited me so early in the morning like this...
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He entered and sat on the couch near the entrance door, and I sat across from him. I was curious about his sudden visit. There must be a serious matter he wanted to talk about. But he remained silent in his place. Perhaps someone had to start the conversation...
Lucifer: What's wrong, Satan?
Satan: ...There's something I want to ask you
Lucifer: What is it?
Satan: Please tell me again... How was I born?
I didn't expect that question. We demons living in Devildom, even some angels and humans know that Satan hates this topic. He doesn't want to be associated with me who gave birth to him, certainly because he hates me. Even so, he sometimes appreciates me. So, to satisfy his curiosity, I started telling the story.
It started with me being angry at God's treatment towards me and my other siblings. I, an angel who fell from heaven and had become a demon at that time, couldn't forgive Him. Anger and resentment filled me, making me want to destroy something. Feelings of annoyance, envy, anger, disappointment, and desire for revenge gathered into one. I wanted to explode the entire universe. I gathered all the power I had, getting bigger and bigger, and boom
Everything was silent, making me sure everything was destroyed. When I opened my eyes, instead of seeing a black landscape, I saw a living creature with a human form, yellow-haired with emerald iris, horned and black-green tailed standing in front of me. He was proof of my anger that lived. Therefore, he was named Satan
He fell silent after listening to my story. Maybe he was trying to accept the fact that he was a part of me that he hated. I could understand him, so I let him struggle with his thoughts...
Satan: So... I am your child?
Lucifer: Yes, technically, I am your parent
He fell silent again. I wanted to tell him that this was not a good topic to discuss now, but he immediately spoke up...
Satan: Because you gave birth to me, that means you are my mom
Lucifer: I prefer if you replace that with father
Satan: ...Okay, Father
Lucifer: ...I take back my words. It feels weird when you call me that. Just call me like usual
Satan: Okay, Dad
Lucifer: ...
Satan: Dad?
Lucifer: ...Satan
Satan: ...Father
Lucifer: Satan!
Satan: Okay, okay, I'm sorry, MOM
Lucifer: SATAAANNNNNN!!!!!
Lucifer: I don't understand his thought process. At first, he acted like everything was very serious, and he could also make me feel his tension. But in the end, he used the situation to make me very angry. I don't know what he wants...
Lucifer rubbed his throbbing temples while groaning. And he glanced at his interlocutor...
Lucifer: ...What do you think, Mammon?
The one being asked put his hands on his hips and covered his mouth with one hand...
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Lucifer: ...Don't even try to laugh--
Mammon: --BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! You! Pfft! Satan--and he was--!! No wonder it was so noisy this morning! I thought something was up, but it turned out to be you two! Pfff--HAHAHAHA!! GREAT JOB! AWESOME! HAHAHAHAHA!
Mammon got a bump on his head for his behavior earlier...
Lucifer: Still want to laugh?
Mammon: ...Sorry, Onii-sama... T^T
Lucifer: So, what do you think? What's wrong with Satan?
Mammon: Yeah, in my opinion, you're the stupid one
It seems like Mammon forgot about the bump on his head, that's why he could say it so casually...
Lucifer: What did you say?
Mammon: You're STUPID. Don't you remember what Satan has been saying all along?
Lucifer: ...Hah?
Mammon: "I'll do anything to make Lucifer angry." Don't you understand what that means?
Lucifer tried to remember Satan's distinctive words and began to understand...
Lucifer: ...To make me angry... he's willing to do anything... even suicide--
Mammon: Hey hey hey, you're overthinkin' it! And like you just said, to make you angry, he's willin' to do anything. Anything! So, it can be concluded that...
Mammon intentionally paused, asking Lucifer to continue his words...
Mammon: It can be concluded that Satan is...
Lucifer: Satan is what?
Mammon: Ahh, you ain't no fun to talk to. It can be concluded that Satan really likes to see you gettin' angry!
Lucifer: Oh...
Finally, everything makes sense. From his actions, attitudes, and words, it's very clear that Satan wants to make Lucifer angry all the time...
Lucifer: But what's the point of making me angry? He's the one who will suffer later
Mammon: Come on, you don't get it! The feeling of pleasure after making someone you hate angry is totally different from the feeling of pleasure you get when Lord Diavolo invites you for tea!
Lucifer: Why do you keep bringing up Lord Diavolo's name--
Mammon: The point is, Satan's gonna be happy seein' you gettin' all riled up!
Lucifer really wanted to hit the person who was currently in front of him for just cutting off his words. But the pain in his head made that intention buried...
Lucifer: Do you have any suggestions to make him stop doing that?
Mammon: Hmm... Let me think about it first...
There was a moment of silence until Mammon spoke again...
Mammon: Aha! How 'bout tryin' to stop bein' angry?
Lucifer: Stop being angry?
Mammon: Yep! When he does somethin' that annoys you, hold back your anger. He'll stop botherin' you 'cause you ain't givin' him the reaction he wants. Try showin' a different expression. Like...
Lucifer: ...Crying?
Mammon: Crying??
Suddenly, Mammon imagined a scene of Lucifer crying after Satan teased him in his head. It looked briefly like a little child whining because he was bothered by another child....
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Mammon: Pfff--yeah, yeah! Just try it, pffft--!!
Now the bump on Mammon's head has reached two levels, but he still keeps a serious face even though he's actually holding back the pain...
Mammon: No, no. Don't cry, that'll be weird... Oh! How 'bout laughing?
Lucifer: I don't think laughing is the appropriate response
Mammon: No! Just try it! Next time when Satan annoys you, don't get angry. Pretend that what he did actually makes you happy. And if possible, laugh it off! The point is, don't get mad 'cause your anger is like his daily meal
Lucifer fell silent, thinking about the success rate of Mammon's plan from his perspective. Meanwhile, the proposer of the idea started laughing for no apparent reason...
Mammon: Ahahaha, no doubt about it. This Great Mammon's strategy is unbeatable, yeah!
Lucifer: It doesn't seem like it will work
Mammon: --Hah?! Why don't you believe in Great Mammon's plan?! Everything that comes outta this mouth is always 100% facts! So believe me, after this, Satan's gonna stop botherin' you! This'll definitely work!
Lucifer: ...
Seeing him remain silent again made Mammon think that Lucifer still didn't trust him...
Mammon: Or do you wanna bet? If this plan works, give me 10 million Grimms. But if it doesn't, I won't borrow your credit card for a week. How 'bout it? Deal?
Lucifer: You know that's not equal at all
Mammon: Okay, okay. I won't borrow your credit card for a month
Lucifer: Not enough
Mammon: Then how 'bout two months?
Lucifer: Still not enough
Mammon: Three months
Lucifer: ...
This time Lucifer remained silent, giving Mammon a lazy look...
Mammon: Alright, alright! One semester! This is my last offer! Satisfied!?
Actually, Lucifer was really doubtful that Mammon's plan would work. But Mammon had worked hard to come up with this plan for him, maybe. Because Lucifer wanted to appreciate his hard work, he agreed to it...
Mammon: Great! Let's try it!
Lucifer: Now?
Mammon pulled Lucifer out of his room, intending to find Satan who seemed to still be inside their residence. And true enough, Satan was playing his D.D.D. in the living room, the place where the seven demon brothers often gathered...
Mammon: There he is! Satan!!
The one called immediately lifted his face from his D.D.D. screen...
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Satan: Oh! Mammon and Lucifer! Perfect timing
Quickly, Satan got up from his seat and approached them...
Mammon: Whoa! What happened? Look at your eye bags! They're so dark! And your cheeks are bruised too, must be from Lucifer's loving slap, right? Hahaha!
Satan: Haha, never mind that. You should see my work instead
Mammon: Ohh, where is it?
Satan's D.D.D. screen showed a pink unicorn with Lucifer's face, jumping on a rainbow accompanied by a song...
Mammon: Bwahahaha!! This is sick! Hahahaha!! Lucifer, check this out!
Lucifer received the D.D.D. from Mammon and looked at what was displayed on the screen...
Mammon: Your editing skills are getting better and better! Hahaha! Nice, nice!
Satan: Thank you. That's my best work so far. I spent all my sleep time just for this
Mammon: Ohh, so that's why you've got bags under your eyes. I thought you couldn't sleep after getting beaten up by Lucifer this morning. Haha, keep it up~
Satan: Lucifer, what do you think?
Lucifer had been silent all this time, facing away from Mammon and Satan while staring at Satan's D.D.D. screen...
Satan: Lucifer?
Lucifer then lifted his head and turned to face them...
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Lucifer: Ahahaha, I like this. Your works always amaze me. I love it. You are truly talented, Satan. I'm proud of you
Following Mammon's advice, Lucifer tried to control his anger and show his pleasure even though it was just pretend. Although that was the case, Lucifer rarely showed such a response. Of course, anyone who saw it was surprised. And that was Satan's expression now. Mammon was also equally surprised, but he gave a thumbs up
Mammon glanced at Satan beside him, wanting to see his reaction that matched his prediction. He smiled in victory. However, that smile slowly faded as Satan's face turned red...
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Mammon: Hey, Satan! Why are you--!
As fast as a cat scratches, Satan snatched his D.D.D. from Lucifer's hand and ran towards his room. Lucifer and Mammon watched him leave while blinking a few times...
Lucifer: What's wrong with him? Ah, Mammon, I'm sorry for doubting you earlier. You were right. Seeing his reaction earlier made me feel better. In that case, I'll continue my task. Thank you very much
Lucifer also went to his room. Meanwhile, Mammon was left frozen in the living room...
Mammon: ...Looks like he hit his head on something this morning... Ah! That's right! I won the bet! Yeahh! Hey, Lucifer!! Where's my 10 million Grimms?!
Mammon chased after Lucifer and got a punch right in the face
Hola amigos! Thank you for reading my first Obey Me fanfic🤧🤧🤧
It's great to be able to share stories with everyone. This can also be an encouragement for us to be loyal to OM and create other interesting works UwU
Actually, I have another OM fanfic that I could share, but I don't think it's fit for publication yet. So please wait patiently, it's very likely that next year I'll be able to post it :'D
That's all from me and thank you so much!!💖💖💖
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Satan's failed edit:
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
PixvFanBoxで描いているANIMA MEMORIAです。
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商業誌と違って制限がないので、脳直で気の向くままに書いていたら、110ページと言うボリュームになってしまい、結局3つに分けたのですが;;; 先日遂に描き切りましたので 改めてこちらでもお知らせ致します。
そして改めてこう…凄く自分に近い作品になりそうというか…それが良いのか悪いのか、果たして面白いのかはちょっと今のところ分からないですが;;でも末長く大事に描いていきたいなと 改めて思っています。
あまり更新頻度は高めではなく、そこは申し訳ないのですが; ちょこちょこと作業進捗やメイキング、こちらでは話さないようなちょっとした事など載せています。 
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
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改めてお伝えしますが、今までREDで書かせて頂いていた『聖闘士星矢THE LOST CANVAS 冥王神話 番外編』が遂に単行本にまとめられて発売される事となりました!
秋田書店 書籍ページはこちら↓です!
番外編一話目二話目などは、まだ4ページの描き下ろしで、私自身も「こ、こんなの描いたっけ!?」となるほど ゆるい内容でしたが、段々とページも増え、先日のシジフォス&アスミタの『風の大地』などは前中後編まで膨れ上がったので、どんどんと厚みが増していっている感じですね…。
それと、以前も書きましたが、この番外編の単行本化は、様々な方が手紙やアンケートで希望を出して下さって実現出来たものです。 最終回からもう数年も経っているのにも関わらず、こうして忘れずに応援してくださる方々がいる作品を生み出せた事、本当に誇らしく感謝しています。
最近ちょっとバタバタとしていまして、ここの更新もかなり疎かになってしまっていたので; ページ数を間違えて多く描いてしまった描き下ろしなんかもありますので;;; そんなものなんかも少しずつアップして行けたらなぁと思います。
それでは まずは失礼致します!
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
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For @saint-seiya-reactions, with love
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
Jaja, tengo el mismo problema que Milo 😂💖
New Goldies hc: they make weather predictions based on how Milo’s hair is that day
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
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Milo: …
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Milo: Isaak?
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Isaak: Mojito! Kanon: I’m so proud of you. You’ve learnt from the best, Isaak.
Anónimo ha dicho: ¿Moooooooojitooooooooo? 
Milo: …
Milo: ¿Isaak?
Isaak: ¡Mojito! Kanon: Estoy tan orgulloso de tí. Has aprendido del mejor, Isaak.
**in reference to this post.
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
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Milo: Of course I do. Scarlet Needle can only be summoned on my index finger, so…
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Milo: I wish I could use her on my other fingers too, maybe if I concentrate hard enough…
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aledono ha dicho: Alguna vez sufres que se te rompan las uñas? (PD: te eché de menos)
Milo: Claro que sí. Solo puedo invocar la Aguja Escarlata en los índices, así que…
Milo: Me gustaría poder usarla en todos los dedos. Tal vez, si me concentro lo suficiente…
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
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Milo: La verdad es que sí que quise darle un buen puñetazo cuando me enteré…
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Milo: ¡Pero luego me contó sus motivos y lo comprendí! Afrodita: ¡Es que nadie pensaba en esos pobres niños! (En referencia al magnífico fic “Tuve que hacerlo” de la propia @daisysaborio. ¡Vayan a leerlo porque es maravilloso!).
daisysaborio said: Did you ever thought about getting revenge on Aphrodite for his participation in what happened on Andromeda Island?
Milo: The truth is that when I found out I did want to punch him so bad…
Milo: But then he told me his reasons and I understood it all! Aphrodite: Nobody thought about those poor children! (In reference to a fic about the real reasons behind the destruction of Andromeda Island. It’s an amazing fic, but it’s in spanish.).
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
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Radamanthys: It all started back at Heinsten Castle.
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Radamanthys: We had just started to fight and then…
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Radamanthys: He aimed for my head and my helmet fell off.
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Radamanthys: It hurt, that damn Scarlet Needle stings.
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Radamanthys: And… he looked at me with red cheeks and sparkly eyes. I didn’t know why at that time.
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Radamanthys: He then proceeded to touch my face, combing my eyebrow until it was very, very smooth. No one did that to me. Ever. It was strange and innocent but… at the same time. I don’t know. I liked it. He was not afraid of me nor my eyebrow.
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Radamanthys: Later on, I tried to get to know him. I brought him flowers. But  this one friend told me… Milo combing eyebrows? That’s not special.
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Radamanthys: You can say it’s his thing.
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Radamanthys: I tried forgetting him, but nothing works. That’s how I ended here.
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Rigel: Thank you for your words, Radamanthys. Does anyone else want to talk?
Radamanthys: Todo empezó en el Castillo Heinsten.
Radamanthys: Justo habíamos empezado a luchar cuando…
Radamanthys: Apuntó a mi cabeza y el casco cayó al suelo.
Radamanthys: Dolió, la maldita Scarlet Needle escuece.
Radamanthys: Y… me miró con las mejillas rojas y los ojos brillantes. En ese momento no sabía por qué me miraba así.
Radamanthys: Entonces procedió a tocarme toda la cara, peinándome las cejas hasta que las dejó muy, pero que muy lisas. Nadie me había hecho eso. Nunca. Fue raro e inocente, pero… a la vez… No sé. Me gustó. No me tenía miedo ni a mí ni a mi ceja.
Radamanthys: Más tarde, traté de conocerlo mejor. Le llevé flores. Pero un amigo suyo me dijo que… ¿Milo peinando cejas? Eso no era especial.
Radamanthys: Se puede decir que es un hobby suyo.
Radamanthys: He intentado olvidarle, pero nada funciona. Así es como acabé aquí.
Rigel: Gracias por tus palabras, Radamanthys. ¿Alguien más quiere hablar?
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winterheart-1 · 3 years
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We all have seen how pretty Milo is on the new show but… What you don’t know is all the hardships he had to overcome to look like that.
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How are your eyebrows feeling, darling?
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Milo: It huuuurts. At least I got to keep my hair. …
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Todos hemos visto lo bonito que está Milo en la nueva serie.. Lo que no sabéis es todo por lo que ha tenido que pasar el pobre Milo para tener ese aspecto.
¿Qué tal las cejas, cariño?
Milo: Dueleeeee. Por lo menos no me van a tocar el pelo. …
Milo: Sí, ¿no? POR FAVOR, DIME QUE SÍ.
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winterheart-1 · 4 years
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Mamo 🍃
Source: mayu_Mamo_0608 on Instagram
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winterheart-1 · 4 years
Marvus Xoloto Chibi
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New finished drawing!
I finished it the day before yesterday night. I must say that I am satisfied with the result, and I am happy that my client liked it. 💖
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winterheart-1 · 4 years
Well, these are the drawings I've been doing.
The fifth drawing, Albafica de Pisces, as I put in the description, is one of my favorite characters from the "Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas" saga. That drawing belongs to a mini comic (Shion x Albafica) that I was doing until a few months ago, but in the end I stopped pausing due to lack of time😅
Anyway, this is all I was doing little by little. I hope you liked it! 😊
PD: You can find me on Medibang and Pixiv as "Winter Heart", and on Deviantart I am as "AWinterHeart".
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0 notes
winterheart-1 · 4 years
Andy chibi
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Bueno, sé que no he publicado nada desde hace mucho. Así que hoy quiero compartirles esto. 
Es un dibujo que hice para una comisión donde Andy está en un parque tomando mate (una costumbre típica acá en Argentina) junto a unas facturas, disfrutando de un día de descanso.
Cabe aclarar que la idea fue exclusivamente de mi cliente. Y debo admitir que yo también quería ver a Andy tomando mate jaja
En fin. Más tarde les estaré compartiendo otros dibujos que hice hace un tiempo.
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