winnic-blog · 9 years
Confidence garners attention, not respect. I think it'd do you better to think of it like that.
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"N—No, not at all, but she j—just thinks people would take me more seriously if I, uh, seemed more confident, s—so…"
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winnic-blog · 9 years
Well, then, I'll make sure you won't give up this time. Consider me your anti-rude sigil.
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“Sure, I guess I can give it a try. Even though I usually give up after a week or so.”
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winnic-blog · 9 years
Well, that's dumb. Stutters are just stutters, 's not like it poses an actual threat to your being and self... I think. Does it?
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"U—Uh, my stutter! S—She thinks I should improve on my s—speech so it’ll go away…"
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winnic-blog · 9 years
Juliet imp - oh! You're Cleo. Hello Cleo. And, um, yeah, that happens sometimes, I have this thing where if I don't think it through my mouth makes words that are really not according to plan, and it really sucks.
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Oh don’t go making assumptions now, I follow through on all of my resolutions after all. This year I plan on waking up earlier, putting some more focus into my classes, and making sure Juliet improves. Was it not meant to be rude? You certainly sounded like you were trying to spite me.
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winnic-blog · 9 years
It is most definitely a good thing. Um, improving? Improving what? I mean, don't get me wrong, there's always room for improvement in everyone, but it seems like a weird resolution.
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"N—Not for this year, no. It might be a good thing that I d—don’t have one, then. Although, Cleo says I should put ‘improving’ as mine."
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winnic-blog · 9 years
You don't? Good. Never get one, they will ruin your life and lead you to a spiraling mess of messes. And you'll never get out of it.
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"Well, that seems q—quite easy. I don’t t—think I have one yet."
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winnic-blog · 9 years
That is not what I asked at all, but nice try! When you've actually gone through on a New Year's resolution, you can come back and try again. That also came out meaner than it sounded in my head, please don't beat me up.
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All I got from that is that you’re too incompetent to follow through on goals of yours, which really isn’t a charming quality to have.
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winnic-blog · 9 years
Why imagine that? Oh, and - no. I don't have much family, just me, my brother and my guardian, and we don't celebrate Christmas. It's basically just staying at home.
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Safer. Okay. Let’s say safer. and imagine we are not living in this town. So, christmas is a family thing for you huh?
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winnic-blog · 9 years
We can be twinsies.
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See, this is exactly what I mean, and I have finally found someone who actually agrees with me.
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winnic-blog · 9 years
The last time I had a resolution I ended up gaining ten pounds. In five days. So, yeah, nothing, right now. I think it's fine to be uptight, parties kinda scare me.
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Really? None at all? Meh, each to their own and all that jazz. Mine is to stop being so uptight and go to more parties.
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winnic-blog · 9 years
Oh. Well, then. But I'm sure you'll be doing better this year. Probably. Most likely.
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“My resolution is the same as last years, it’s to be less of a bitch. Needless to say I failed last year.”
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winnic-blog · 9 years
That's - exactly! It's rather pointless and a terrible way to start off the year. Especially since they just end in disappointment.
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Yeah I totally agree with you, and anyway why do people make them if no one ever sticks to them.
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winnic-blog · 9 years
Not better plans, maybe just - safer? I don't know if that's the right word choice. I'll just stay at home, watching fireworks from a safe distance. Assuming there will be fireworks.
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Let’s hope I don’t die in that way. So, this mean you have better plans? Tell me about it.
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winnic-blog · 9 years
So! My New Year's Resolution is to not make a resolution, because my hopes will get up and eventually be crushed by reality. What about everyone else?
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winnic-blog · 9 years
Day drinking? Is that how you plan on starting the new year? You know, that's very bad for your health. You could die of alcohol poisoning.
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What? I’m just day drinking. 
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winnic-blog · 9 years
hello hello hello !! i'm waylon. 16 && i'm v late to the party, ik ik. but yes !! it's been a while since i've been in an rp so this is p refreshing. also if you lovelies could pls ignore the posts below this one that'd be great, i'm a liiitle too lazy to delete them. 
but anyway this is  winnifred sinclair or winnie, as she likes to be called. she is 100% human and 100% based off of wirt from over the garden wall. sort of. kind of. let's get into that.
LABEL: the jejune. basically means dry and uninteresting, or naive. this is to symbolize how childish winnie is on the inside, even if she tries to act like she knows everything.
TRAIT: pragmatic. she's the one that always believes there's a reasonable explanaton for everything, so you can bet she'd be in complete denial about everything happening around her. she's a bit of a know-it-all and it stems from this.
TRAIT: circumspect. wary and unwilling to take risks, she's rather finicky and has no room for change. she doesn't want to die anytime soon, and she'd rather not do anything that risks her current, living situation.
my point here is that she's a wrack of nerves and a bit of a stick in the mud. fun, ik !! also somewhat of a control freak, she likes when things go her way.
that's basically it i guess !! you should like this or hmu to plot, i'm down for anything && everything. have a cute camila gif to convince u.
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winnic-blog · 10 years
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