windooon-blog · 7 years
Journal 3
This week we were talking about ideas we brought, target audiences, things we haven’t known, functionalities we should implement and negative/positive points about our project.
The ideas we came up was
1.  implementing the piano keyboard in this website and play with others anywhere
2. implementing the footsteps as if people dance following music
3. implementing the map and users can see where music come from( pop up to show location)
4. implementing the @media functionality in HTML and users can copy scores of the music easily.
5. show the piano keyboard and pop up the highlight of the each key following the music
6. show the portraits of the composers and users can click on them to tell each information about them
the audience we thought of was old people/ children. 
About old people, there are many elderly people who want to know how to play the musical instrument and also want to friends who can play with it. By using this website, they can learn how to play it as well as spread their community because only with this website, they can play anytime anywhere. In order to play easily for them, we have to make website cool and super easy.
About children, this is gonna be used for education( in class). It has two good points for them; one is they can practice piano with fun, second is they can also learn about their own music( from queensland).
As positive points, once we know how to implement piano keyboard or music into website, it”s gonna be easy to make this because as the rest part we just need to pictures and explanations. On the other hand, we are still struggling with how to implement them and also we need more research about similar websites or users preferences about music sites.
Lastly this picture below is the ideas about how this website works. 
The reflection about first week, in my case, I was not familiar with this project and API so that I can”t come up with anything. And also including now, my english is still poor so that it”s hard to involve in the discussion and just listen to others. Even if I came up some ideas, other people has said already or can’t disrupt. This is my major problem so far.
I think our group’s contact time is very productive because everyone prepare for ideas and keep discussion. All members have enough ideas about this.
We usually use for contacting google drive and facebook messenger. This is very useful because we can discuss without meeting and also we can see the other people’s work through google document.
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windooon-blog · 7 years
Journal 2 (2)
2  I think the method which we walk around the room and check out all the whiteboards and check the ideas we like with pens was very helpful for brainstorming. Because by doing this activity, we can see the popularity. I think what we are interested in is similar to that of users. Apparently we could see the tendency of preferences. In my case, I was confused because there were many things we can use for websites and I could not decide what I want to use. However, by doing this I could tell what I am interested in and for me it would be easy to come up new ideas. 
3. My knowledge about web is stopped since I could get through DECO1400. So I need to catch up how to use APIs and many new things. Now I totally have no ideas about everythings. But I’m sure firstly i need to do research about this topic. So I have to start to get research and new knowledge.
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windooon-blog · 7 years
1. Before coming up any ideas, I was assigned into my group and my group theme is music of Queensland. So that my idea is based on music. I found that there are many local music here but including me, many people don’t know these musics and composers. So I was inspired from the typical music room in school. Normally there are many pictures of famous composers.  I put composers’ pictures on walls and when users click on them, the profile of them will appear. And users click on the piano, they can choose composer and can listen to the music by them.
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windooon-blog · 7 years
Journal 1
My course aim is that I want to get the ability to think deeply and create new idea. I usually take action without thinking well and fail to do anything so that by doing this course and creating this website, I want to get used to think. And also I took Deco1100 and Deco1400 last semester.  And I have what I could not accomplish my aim in each courses. About Deco1100, my English was very poor and I could not communicate well and failed to involve into team members so that in this semester I want to do my best though my English is still poor enough. About Deco1400, I learned a lot about website and I could create my own website. I could feel confident about finishing that course. But still about JS I have a lot that I have to learn more so that as other aim, I want to learn coding more in this course. 
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