willisj2001 · 2 months
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Gape that wallet open boy, show Daddy how much you missed him
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willisj2001 · 4 months
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willisj2001 · 4 months
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Once you get used by me ur life is changed forever....
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willisj2001 · 4 months
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I don't even need to flex
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willisj2001 · 4 months
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Gape that wallet open boy, show Daddy how much you missed him
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willisj2001 · 4 months
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Worship me…👅👅
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willisj2001 · 4 months
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My Cousin's Dirty Feet - Part 2
I must have fallen asleep sometime after as I awoke with the sun in my eyes. Bud was no longer in his bed and I smelt the unmistakeable scent of bacon and eggs. I got up, rubbing my eyes awake and went downstairs. "Finally awake." I heard my uncle Jake say as I walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning." I replied, sitting down at the table where uncle Jake and Bud were already munching on their food. Uncle Jake had made me a plate and I began eating, it tasted pretty good. As I ate Bud leaned over to uncle Jake and whispered something in his ear. He laughed and looked over at me smiling. I was so nervous, wondering what Bud had told his dad, hoping to god it wasn't about last night.
"You had enough to eat Ben?" Uncle Jake asked me. "Yes thank you." I said politely.
"Good, why don't you boys go play outside, it's a beautiful day."
"How about we go play some soccer in the backyard cuz?" Bud asked me.
"Ah nah I don't really play sports."
"Then you can come outside and watch me." Bud said.
"Go out and get some sun Ben." Uncle Jake urged.
"Ah ok I guess." I got up and put my shoes on, walking out to the backyard where Bud was already kicking the ball around. I noticed he was barefoot, jogging around on the muddy grass. I sat in the sun and watched Bud kick the ball around for about an hour. It was a pretty warm morning and I was already sweating. Bud kicked the ball into the garage and walked over to me, his shirt looked pretty wet, with patches of sweat around the armpits and chest. "I'm beat already, let's go back in." He said, so we went back inside and up to Bud's room to watch TV. He let me sit on the bed with him this time, instead of the floor which made me feel somewhat relieved. His feet were stretched out hanging a little off the side of the bed. It was crazy to think that a few weeks ago, I wouldn't have even noticed his feet but right now I couldn't get my mind off them. My thoughts were interrupted by Uncle Jake who opened the door and came into Bud's room. "Hey boys. Ben, your parents called again. They've been tied up a bit so can't come till a bit later tonight."
"Oh ok. Do you know when?" I replied, a little anxious to leave.
"Not sure but you're welcome to stay over again if you want, I'm sure Bud won't mind sharing his room." He smirked a little.
"Not at all dad. Ben can sleep on my floor anytime he wants." Bud chuckled.
"Haha. Alright, I'll see you boys later for lunch." Uncle Jake said turning to leave but stopped halfway. "Oh and Bud, clean your feet before you come down, they're absolutely filthy." Uncle Jake added as he left the room, smiling. My heart started beating faster as Bud lifted his left foot to his knee to inspect his dirty sole.
"Oh geez it's only mid morning and look at how dirty these feet are already." Bud kept his dirty sole facing my direction. "Dad's right, they need to be cleaned. Don't you think?" He asked, looking at me.
"I...I don't know." I hesitated, trying to keep my eyes off his feet and on the TV.
"You don't know? You didn't even look." He said annoyingly. I didn't want to look and kept my gaze towards the TV, trying to ignore him. "Don't be rude to me in my own room, I asked you a question." Bud said as he grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face down until it was directly in front of his dirty sole. My heart was beating like crazy and I began to shake with nerves. "So what you reckon? You think they're dirty?" He asked again. I stared at the sole in front of my face, it was covered in dirt and debris from the backyard. Uncle Jake was right, it was filthy.
"Y...yes." I answered nervously.
"Damn, so you think so too. I need to clean them hey?" He asked.
I gulped. "Y...yeah.."
"I really can't be bothered though." He sighed. "How bout you help me out?" He smirked.
"P...please... N...no..." I said nervously, I didn't know what my fascination with his feet was but I thought it was moving way too fast.
"Yeah, I really think you should. How about you clean them the same way you were doing last night." Bud chuckled, flexing his foot in front of my face.
"I...I can't..." I refused, shaking my head.
"Yeah you can. Come on, start with the toes just like last night." Bud ordered. "I bet they taste even better today, haven't even showered."
"Please Bud." I pleaded, not wanting to do as he asked. I tried to pull away but he kept me there in his tight grip.
He looked at me with a stern expression. "Clean them...now" Was all he said. I looked away and at his thick dirty toes in front of me. I don't know why but there was something about the tone in this bully's voice, I followed his order and stuck out my tongue bringing his dirty toes into my mouth. "That's right cuz. Lick all that sweat and dirt from my toes." Bud smirked in satisfaction. He lay back, putting his hands behind his head, watching me clean his dirty feet. "Make sure you get between each one, I want them cleaned properly." Bud smiled. "Oh and don't forget my soles, they're covered in dirt." I continued licking his toes and soles for next 30 minutes, he didn't say a word as I followed his orders.
"Boys! Lunch!" We were interrupted from uncle Jake yelling from downstairs.
Bud had a quick look at both of his feet. "Hmmm guess that's enough for now." Bud said as he got up to head downstairs. I didn't move as I stated on the bed. "Come on, let's go. Lunch is ready." Bud urged me. My mouth tasted of dirt and sweat, I wasn't hungry at all. We both ventures downstairs and I quickly sat at the kitchen table.
"I cleaned my feet dad, see?" Bud said and lifted his soles onto the kitchen table showing them off. They were spotless.
"Oh...I didn't hear the water running." Uncle Jake looked confused but smirked at me.
"Ben was kind enough to show me a better way to clean them." Bud explained.
"Is that so? That's nice of you Ben. You'll have to show me this method of yours later. You know my feet get pretty dirty, especially in these boots." Uncle Jake explained and put one of his huge booted feet up on the table. I couldn't help but stare at how big it was. "They sweat like crazy in my work boots, makes them really stink." Uncle Jake smiled, looking at me making me blush and look down.
"He'd be more than happy to show you dad. Won't ya Ben?"
"Uhhh...I du..." I tried to refuse but was interrupted.
"Great, I can't wait." Uncle Jake chuckled. I sat in silence and ate lunch as uncle Jake and Bud chatted, basically ignoring me.
After lunch we went back to Bud's room and watched TV again. I was very weary of what might happen so I sat further away on the bed.
"You know you did such a good job cleaning my feet cuz." Bud said, looking at his feet.
"Uhh.. thanks..." I said not knowing what else to say.
"They must've tasted pretty bad though, I haven't showered since yesterday morning. Especially with all that dirt and sweat between my toes." He smirked. I didn't say anything, I just sat there and blushed. Bud started rubbing his own feet with his hands slowly, I couldn't help but look down and stare.
"God they're sore." He groaned as he continued to rub them. "Going barefoot doesn't just make my feet filthy, but it really takes a toll on them."
"Oh..." I let out a short response, thinking I had to say something as he stared at me.
"Yeah, rubbing them like this helps a little but it's just not the same as when someone else does it." He looked up at me. "You know what I mean cuz?"
"Rub them for me." Bud ordered.
"Huh what?"
"Rub my feet." Bud said again, turning and placing his feet in my lap.
"I...I don't know how." I said truthfully.
"Geez you're meant to be this genius kid, it's not rocket science, just put your hands on them and rub." Bud explained a little annoyed. I was nervous but I followed his order and slowly bright my hands down and rubbed his feet.
"Mmm yeah cuz, that feels good. Really get in there." He said in satisfaction. A few minutes into rubbing his feet I noticed Bud's bedroom door swing open and Uncle Jake walked in. I immediately stopped rubbing Bud's feet.
"Bud have you had a shower today?" Uncle Jake asked.
"Not yet Dad." Bud explained.
"Well go shower...ummm...Why are your feet in Ben's lap, Bud?" Uncle Jake asked, smiling a little as he saw my nervous face.
"Oh I was telling Ben how my feet were so sore from walking barefoot and he kindly suggested maybe massaging them a little would help." Bud lied to his dad, I didn't suggest anything.
"Wow what a nice cousin you are Ben, first you help clean Bud's feet, now you're rubbing them for him."
"Uhh yeah.." I said softly.
"How do your feet feel now Bud?" Uncle Jake asked.
"They feel great dad. Ben sure knows his way around a foot. It's like he belongs at them." Bud said with a small chuckle that made me blush as he lifted his foot and patted the side of my face. "Don't ya cuz?"
"Damn I'm jealous." Uncle Jake said. "It'd be so nice having someone rub my tired feet."
"Oh he'll help ya out dad, won't ya Ben?" Bud said looking over at me, I was a bit shocked.
"Really? You'll rub my big feet for me Ben?" Uncle Jake asked me, emphasising the word big.
"I..." I tried to refuse but was interrupted once again.
"He'd be happy to help ya dad." Bud interrupted and turned to me. "Infact how bout you go downstairs and rub dad's feet now while I go take a shower."
"That sounds like a plan Bud." Uncle Jake said to his son and then turned to walk out the door. "Come on Ben, these big feet won't rub themselves." He chuckled and made Bud laugh. Downstairs uncle Jake sat in his arm chair and put his feet on a small wooden stool. I just stood there awkwardly. "Come over down here Ben, my feet won't bite." Uncle Jake laughed. I knelt down on the floor in front of uncle Jake's feet and stared kind of nervously. "Don't be shy, rub my big feet." Uncle Jake lightly ordered. I brought my hands up and came in contact with my uncle's feet, they were rougher than Bud's obviously from the years of hard work. I had to press much harder to get a reaction from uncle Jake.
"Mmmm wow. Bud was right, that feels so good." Uncle Jake exclaimed. I was staring at uncle Jake's feet as I massaged them and noticed just how big they were. They were massive. Much bigger than Bud's who I thought had big feet for his age.
"I have much bigger feet then Bud's huh?" Uncle Jake asked, I looked up suddenly shocked that he was somehow reading my mind.
"Yeah." I nodded my head. "What size?" I asked intrigued.
"They're size 15." He said flexing his feet. "Big man feet right there." He lifted one up near my head. Bet I could cover your whole face with just one of them." He said smirking. I started to feel nervous but was relieved when I heard Bud coming down the stairs as he entered the room.
"How's it feel dad?" He asked.
"So good Bud, my feet need this regularly I think."
"Yeh tell me about it." Bud said sitting over on the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. I felt a little inferior being below the feet of my uncle and cousin as they chatted.
"This stool is pretty hard though, it's hurting my heels." Uncle Jake said to Bud.
"Oh that sucks dad." Bud said as he turned to me. "Hey Ben that stool is ruining all the hard work you've been doing massaging dad's feet."
"Oh... I'm not sure what you want me to do." I replied truthfully.
"Hmmm how bout you let dad put his feet up on your back?" Bud asked, smirking.
I looked at Bud, shocked. "What!?"
"Oh that sounds like a plan Bud." Uncle Jake said sounding excited.
"Yeah. Get on your hands and knees cuz."
"You can't be serious?" I asked.
"Do it." Bud said sternly, staring straight into my eyes. The bully in him definitely knew how to get people to listen to his every word. I knelt down on all fours, with my back straight. Uncle Jake immediately put his huge feet on my back letting out a sigh. They were so heavy I had to push my back up to support them. "Feel better dad?" Bud asked.
"Oh shit yeah! That feels so much better." Uncle Jake said, digging his heels into my back, making me groan a bit in pain. "Might need to get you around here more often Ben, you make a good footstool." Both guys started laughing.
"I'll have to try him out later." Bud said to his dad. "Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta split" Bud said getting up. "I'm going out to meet up with a chick from school. You guys have fun." I looked up at Bud, nervous that he was leaving me alone with uncle Jake.
"No worries Bud, Ben's parents will be here to pick him up soon anyway. I'll keep him company till then." He winked. Bud said goodbye and left the house. "You alright there Ben? My big feet aren't too heavy for you are they?" Uncle Jake asked me.
"A...a little." I whimpered in pain.
"Oh sorry Ben, here let me take one off your back then." Uncle Jake took his right foot off my back and lowered it to the ground, right in front of my face. "That better?" He asked me.
"Ye...yeah." I sighed a little in relief. Uncle Jake's right foot was right under my nose, letting off his masculine foot scent as I breathed in. I scrunched my nose a little as the tangy smell wafted up my nostrils.
"That foot isn't annoying you in your face is it?" Uncle Jake asked.
"Uhh well...yeah it kinda smells." I said turning my head to the side.
"Haha yeah I bet it does, my feet tend to have a strong scent to them when they're dirty." Uncle Jake wiggled his toes barely grazing my nose, letting more of his scent out. "I can put it back up with my other foot if you like."
I couldn't handle the pressure on my back with both heavy feet. "No please, it's ok uncle Jake."
"You know my foot wouldn't smell so bad if it was clean." Uncle Jake said.
I knew where this was headed and I wasn't looking forward to it. "Why don't you go take a shower uncle Jake?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes.
"Nah, not now, I'm too comfortable here with my new footstool." He smirked. "I was thinking more along the lines of showing me how you helped clean Bud's feet. Then they won't smell so bad, what do ya say?"
"Well..." I said embarrassed. "I don't really..."
"Come on Ben, show me." Uncle Jake pushed. "Show your uncle how you'd clean his big feet."
"I...I..." Hesitant to follow.
"My big...smelly...feet." Uncle Jake wiggled his toes deliberately across my nose. It made me feel so submissive and inferior, I gave in and bowed me head. I slowly stuck out my tongue and began licking the dirt and stink off my uncle's huge smelly foot. "Mmm yeah, that's the way! Lick my big stinky foot." Uncle Jake said in satisfaction. "How's it taste?" He asked.
"Uh...really salty." I cringed.
"Hahah, yeah I bet, haven't showered today. Make sure you get between those toes, that's where most of the sweat builds up." He ordered. I stuck my tongue in between his toes and licked out the dirt and sweat stuck in there. "There you go...get all of it out. Good boy." I didn't like being called boy but didn't say anything, I could have protested but for some reason I didn't. I just kept my head down licking that huge foot. It took about 30 minutes to finish cleaning my uncle's foot. Uncle Jake noticed and swapped his foot for the one on my back. "Come on, no slacking off. You got another foot to finish, you ain't going anywhere till the jobs done. You better hurry as well, your mum and dad will be here soon. You don't want them seeing you like this do you? Be a bit hard to explain to them why you're licking the dirt and stink off my big feet." Uncle Jake laughed. I licked faster. "Mmm that's it." Uncle Jake sighed, putting his hands behind his head. "This is the life boy, having my big feet cleaned by you makes me feel so superior, I can't even imagine how low you feel right now hahah." He laughed and made me feel so inferior.
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willisj2001 · 6 months
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1K notes · View notes
willisj2001 · 6 months
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82 notes · View notes
willisj2001 · 6 months
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Need this treatment
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willisj2001 · 6 months
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Lick his feet clean after his run
611 notes · View notes
willisj2001 · 6 months
Do you want that cock?
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willisj2001 · 6 months
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What you subs going to spoil your king with for this Christmas? Which sub wants to be lashed like the pathetic sub you are? Let's start the railing now loser!
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willisj2001 · 6 months
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406 notes · View notes
willisj2001 · 6 months
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89 notes · View notes
willisj2001 · 6 months
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258 notes · View notes
willisj2001 · 6 months
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