whump-in-a-million · 6 hours
I forgot how much fun it is to write about characters suffering from unimaginable pain
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whump-in-a-million · 12 hours
I want to see you feral. I want to see you flinch under my touch, I want to see fear mixed with adoration when you look up at me.
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I need a whumpee who’s straight up pathetic. a whumpee who hates themselves. give me a man with negative self esteem. a man with so much guilt, so much constant anxiety— someone who feels like they’ve messed everything up so horribly and they’re still currently messing everything up. give me a whumpee who has no time to correct for their past mistakes because life just keeps throwing more shit at them. give me sad, pathetic, irredeemable whumpees.
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whump-in-a-million · 2 days
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper despite their best efforts to hate them.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper in those moments of tenderness between all the pain.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper because they know all the things whumper do are for whumpee's own good.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper because whumper promises them that what whumper is protecting them from is worse.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper because how could someone so beautiful be evil?
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper because whumper tells them over and over again how much they love whumpee.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper because whumper calls them beautiful.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper because whumper can be so sweet to them when whumpee gives in and does what whumper wants.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper because the pain has to mean something.
Whumpee who falls in love with whumper without even knowing that it happened.
Whumpee who looks up one day into whumper's eyes and realizes just how far they've fallen in love with them.
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whump-in-a-million · 2 days
A Whumpee who, at the start of their captivity, challenged Whumper’s stare. Glaring openly, fists clenched around the bars of their cell, undeterred by the threat of Whumper’s approach.
That same Whumpee, weeks or months or years into their captivity, flinching when they hear Whumper’s footsteps in the corridor. Whimpering at the sound of a key fitting a lock. Curling up tighter in the farthest corner of their cell, unable to meet Whumper’s eyes.
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whump-in-a-million · 2 days
inspo by @whumpitlikeyoumeanit
[tw self-harm, self-deprecation, past trauma, implied past captivity, lashing out, anger as a trauma response, rocky recovery, argument between friends]
"This is so stupid," Whumpee muttered. "So fucking stupid. What the fuck is going on with this?"
"Whumpee, it's normal." Caretaker tried to take them by the hands to stop them from picking at their scars, but Whumpee flinched away before they could have. "Hey, it's okay. It's alright."
"It's not! It's so fucking itchy! Like– twice a year it'll get fucking itchy like it's brand new, for, for no reason! It's so annoying!" Whumpee kept scratching it until it hurt, feeling ridiculous that this small thing was making them lash out like that. "It's healed, it's fully healed! And not only is it ugly, it's itchy."
"You're going to make yourself bleed–"
"And? What's it to you? It's my body, isn't it? That's what you always say. Whumper never said that shit. They were upfront, they said 'your body is mine to perfect and mine to ruin.'" They made Whumper sound as stupid as possible just so they wouldn't have to deal with the tears. "But you're different, right? You're telling me my body is actually mine. I can perfect it and ruin it myself, right?"
"No, no! Don't give me that! I can do whatever the fuck I want! I can most definitely scratch a stupid itch!"
Caretaker sighed and sat back, watching with a frown as Whumpee continued to rub their skin raw. It was a matter of principle at this point, and Whumpee was prepared to push it to the limits.
"I can do whatever I want," they repeated, quieter. "My ankle was flaring up earlier too. If I had enough one day and decided to chop it off–"
"Don't say that," Caretaker cut in, increasingly more nervous.
"Oh, now I can't even say shit. I can't do anything, I can't say anything. So much for autonomy. So much for–"
"Whumpee, don't... you're being ridiculous."
"Sure," they spat. "I'm being ridiculous."
"I don't mean that in a– look, I just... I want you to take a deep breath, okay? And just calm down a little. Clearly, you're not having a good day–"
"Yeah, I'm completely unfit to make decisions for myself. Because it's a bad day, and I'm fucking stupid."
Caretaker slammed their hand down on the table in frustration, and Whumpee finally stopped messing with their scars. Their eyes snapped up to their friend, fearful and shocked. They shouldn't have been shocked. They'd wanted to instigate, and now here was the fruit of their labour.
"Stop putting words in my mouth," Caretaker said as calmly as possible. "Yeah?" Whumpee nodded a little, still stiff as a board. "I'm sorry for banging on the table."
A small part of Whumpee wanted to go further. They wanted to make another comparison between their friend and Whumper, they wanted to push it, they wanted to see just how angry Caretaker would get. A much bigger part of them wanted to slip onto their knees and grovel.
They ended up doing neither of those. They stayed seated, unable to do anything but make a nervous attempt at wiping away their tears and shaking their head to signal it wasn't a big deal.
"Fuck, Whumpee..." Caretaker stood up and circled around the table, and Whumpee tried to push them away on instinct. "Whumpee... Hey. I'm sorry." They knelt down and finally took Whumpee by the hands, wincing when their eyes landed on the patch of raw skin. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so upset with you. You're safe, I promise. I would never hurt you."
"I don't actually want to chop my leg off," they choked out. They had no idea why that was the first thing they wanted to address out of everything, but it felt like the most urgent matter at hand. Caretaker nodded.
"That's good news."
"I'm not fucking dumb."
"I know you're not. I know."
"You keep treating me like I– I can't even joke about it, or get angry, or– I... I don't know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't... it's... I shouldn't get angry with you. I shouldn't be saying these things."
Caretaker squeezed their hands a little. "I can't really... deny that sometimes it gets scary when you joke about it. Especially when it doesn't sound like a joke, or when you're... already upset and in a bad headspace."
"But I wouldn't do it!" they snapped, then immediately shrank back and murmured an apology.
"I can't read your mind. I just can't. And I know you're more than capable of hurting yourself." They sighed. "Listen... Bodily autonomy, and, and your right to– to hurt yourself if you want to... I... I don't know how to explain..."
"I'll never actually have autonomy."
"Please don't do this. Please don't ask this of me. To– to prove that I mean it by letting you hurt yourself. That's fucked up. Surely, you realise that's fucked up."
Whumpee didn't say a word. Of course they knew. But they felt like a dumb kid, trying to find out where the limits of their freedom were by constantly pushing back against their parents' rules.
"I want you to be safe. Ultimately, I can't stop you from... from doing anything, really. I can't stop you from hurting yourself, not if you really want to. But– but it's not about stripping you of your bodily autonomy. It's about... me, as your friend, wanting you to be safe and healthy. That's all. And it sucks so fucking much that you treat it like I'm– like I'm forcing horrible stuff on you, when I've never done that."
"I know," Whumpee whispered. "I'm sorry."
"It's not about apologies, okay? I know you're in a very tough spot. I know it's difficult. I just want to... I'm trying to explain my reasoning. I want you to understand where I'm coming from, since..."
"Since I'm so fucked in the head."
"Please, stop putting words in my mouth. Whumpee, I'd never think any of these things about you. Please, stop."
Whumpee wanted to curl up and die. They couldn't shut up about it. They couldn't stop putting words in everyone's mouths. All their brain did day after day was supply them with endless amounts of negativity their friends must've been thinking, even if logically, they knew it probably wasn't true. "I'm sorry," they repeated.
Caretaker let go of their hands and placed their own on Whumpee's knees instead. "I want nothing but for you to be happy and healthy. That's all I ever want. And this might sound rude as hell, but when you ask me to let you chop your leg off, it feels like you're a kid asking to eat two tonnes of candy and stay up for three nights in a row. I can't in good conscience agree to that. I know it's a bad idea."
Was that how people perceived them? Like a child, throwing a temper tantrum? They could feel themself checking out entirely, their mind refusing to grapple with all the things that had been said. I told you I didn't actually want to chop my leg off. "Okay."
"Okay?" Caretaker gave them a look of cautious and reluctant hope. "You understand where I'm coming from?"
"Are you just agreeing because you're overwhelmed?" Whumpee hesitated, and it was enough to make Caretaker's hope shatter. "Well..."
"No! No, that's not... You didn't even let me answer!"
"I guess I didn't. Sorry. I just... I know when you're about to lie about stuff like this." They sighed and stood up. "Whumpee, I love you more than anyone in this world, okay? I hate to make you feel overwhelmed. Or like you have to agree with me. Why don't I get some cotton pads to clean that wound, and then we'll take a break from this conversation?"
The argumentative brat in them wanted to say no just for the sake of it. But they felt so exhausted all of a sudden, they just couldn't. They ended up nodding their agreement wordlessly, and then they sat in silence the whole time Caretaker was tending to them, letting their mind drift.
This was all so stupid. As they looked down at their many scars, they wondered whether they could even chop off a limb on their own. Had they been joking when they said it? Or were they actually considering it?
It didn't matter. As angry as Whumpee had been about restrictions just a couple minutes ago, they were quickly realising they at least made these thoughts kind of meaningless. It didn't matter whether they had it in them, because Caretaker said they weren't allowed do to it anyway.
"All done," Caretaker said all too soon. "Do you want me to leave you alone for a bit? Or do you want me to sit with you?"
"Sit with me," Whumpee said without thinking. The request sparked that sliver of hope in their friend's eyes again as they nodded and walked back to their own chair.
"No talking?" Whumpee shook their head. "Alright. No talking."
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whump-in-a-million · 3 days
handcuffs are great because you can shove a guy down and then drag him away by the chain connecting his hands and he can't do anything about it
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whump-in-a-million · 3 days
Some of my favorite hobbies are counting my chickens before they hatch, putting all my eggs in one basket, crying over spilled milk, barking up the wrong tree, and above all, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
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whump-in-a-million · 3 days
i just wanted to say thank you to every fanfic writer out there.
thank you for writing what others haven't, what others can't, what others won't.
thank you for writing what can be judged and hated, but writing it all the same.
thank you for indulging in something that you love and allowing the rest of us to love it with you.
if you have one kudos or one thousand, one comment or one hundred, one bookmark or fifty, i love each and every one of you for writing them.
thank you.
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whump-in-a-million · 4 days
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whump-in-a-million · 4 days
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whump-in-a-million · 5 days
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Old piece that I made during a stream session :D
Pirates trophy ⚓️
4/15 #mermay2024 #mermay 🧜🏼‍♂️
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whump-in-a-million · 5 days
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Terrarium wings Brittle things My imaginary Sanctuary Part of my Glass Wings Series
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whump-in-a-million · 5 days
limping <3
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whump-in-a-million · 6 days
i love pathetic male characters with the biggest wettest eyes you've ever seen
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whump-in-a-million · 7 days
Would not have been my first choice but I heard what the people said in the poll, so here is Kai with nothing but jewels on. Really hope it doesn’t get nuked, thanks 😁
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Tag list: @suspicious-whumping-egg @forthetaintedsorrow-whump @flowersarefreetherapy @sunshiline-writes @enigmawriteswhump @luminouswhump
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whump-in-a-million · 7 days
The Merry Whump of May 12
“Let me hear you.”
Contains: physical violence (beating), blood, humiliation, power imbalance, prison, forced to apologize
Dirt. Blood. Mingling on his tongue. Sharp, cracking blows of the club. Duller, deeper pain from polished boots. Helpless limbs, trapped in chains.
“You have something to say to me.” The overseer watched, arms folded, satisfaction gleaming bright in his eyes.
The prisoner groaned, desperate to catch his breath.
“Nice and loud,” said the overseer. “Let me hear you. So everyone can hear.”
Hot blood dribbled out the side of his mouth. He struggled to his knees, staring at his shackled hands.
“Eyes on me when you apologize, mutt. Down the rest of the time.”
The prisoner rasped, “I’m sorry.”
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All my writing is original. Feel welcome to comment, interact, or reblog. Pls don't steal or repost.
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