where-the-wind-is · 5 months
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Why do we say that capitalism must be “dismantled”?
You’ll hear phrases like “Smash the state!” “Eat the rich!” and “Smash capitalism!”
And, yes, of course, but… :)
However relevant those sayings are, our work must be careful, highly organized and above all planned.
Because capitalism and all of its associated systems are not discrete, abstracted entities we can attack independently.
It is a structure, like a complicated machine with many thousands of working parts…
And right now it is connected to absolutely everything.
If we do this… [picks up huge hammer and smashes the machine]
Then a lot of vulnerable people will die.
The machine was built and improved and redesigned and patched over the course of generations. It is very good at its intended purpose, which is ultimately to generate profit.
Every human being alive today relies on the byproducts of the machine to survive, without exception.
The machine’s engineers want it to keep working like it does. In fact, they want to optimise it.
That will kill all remaining life on Earth.
So, we must destroy the machine, quickly and carefully
We must examine its deadly programs and mechanics and replace them with alternatives we built together.
The engineers don’t want us tampering with the machine.
However, we make it run…
So we can make it STOP. Together.
How will YOU help us to safely dismantle the machine?
p.s. My computer is on its last legs. If you would like me to draw you a little cartoon and help me get a new computer, learn more at this post.
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where-the-wind-is · 5 months
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The feature isn’t being removed for everyone at the same time. The contract Tumblr has with whoever the fuck it is ended on December 31st (I’m pretty sure at least) so it’ll be removed for everyone in the (hopefully) near future also happy new year
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where-the-wind-is · 5 months
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The feature isn’t being removed for everyone at the same time. The contract Tumblr has with whoever the fuck it is ended on December 31st (I’m pretty sure at least) so it’ll be removed for everyone in the (hopefully) near future also happy new year
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where-the-wind-is · 8 months
Every now and then I get sad that the Arcana fandom is dead because I never really got to do much with my dilf fan apprentice 😔
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where-the-wind-is · 9 months
hey y’all don’t forget to migrate your mojang account if you haven’t cause if you don’t Microsoft is gonna revoke ownership of your Minecraft copy for literally no fucking reason except to try to trap you into buying it again!
Even if you don’t play anymore, don’t let these fools rob you.
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where-the-wind-is · 3 years
would people be interested in playin some jackbox with me? maybe if i hit 1.3k followers? i’d probably have to set it up on discord but hey i’m always lookin for new discord friends anyway!
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where-the-wind-is · 3 years
A persons fanfic tells you a lot about them, i , a fanfic writer, realize in terror
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where-the-wind-is · 3 years
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I can't stop making these I'm so sorry
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where-the-wind-is · 3 years
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Happy birthday Lucio!!!
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where-the-wind-is · 3 years
The Arcana Main 6 + Courtiers as Christmas Tree Pics I Found Online
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The Devil:
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where-the-wind-is · 3 years
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Oopsie, we made another one…
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where-the-wind-is · 4 years
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M-Mr. Pwesident Obama?
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where-the-wind-is · 4 years
The Dog Dies at the End (oneshot)
Fandom:  The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Rating: General Audiences
Words:1536 Chapters:1/1  Lucio (The Arcana)/Reader
“Oh I’m so worried about her” the count cooed for the umpteenth time that day, combing his non-metal fingers through Mercedes’ unruly white fur.
The dog in question breathed heavily as she lay, sprawled across Lucio’s lap. For weeks and weeks the poor girl had been very ill; never playing, refusing meals, vomiting, it was concerning how off she was. You sit in thought at Lucio’s side on his lavish bed and watch Melchior pace restlessly on the carpet below. Whimpers and growls revealing the other dogs growing concern for his partner.
“Maybe we should have Julian look at her again?” You suggest half-heartedly, fully prepared for him to snap at you. He almost does from the look on his face, but he doesn’t have the energy to follow through. Instead, he just sighs and drops his head, burying his face in the sick dogs’ silky fur.
“No…Jules already said he’s stumped. He’s a person-doctor, not a dog-doctor.” The count laments, voice muffled by Mercedes’ mane.
“Then we should find a dog-doctor! That’s a thing, right?” You continue, now he snaps.
“You think I didn’t try?!” He spits harshly, sitting up abruptly yet careful not to jostle his precious baby. “Specialists are rare and expensive and Nadia said it would be ‘a waste of taxpayer money’” He continues bitterly. Quietly you lean in closer to him and drape an arm across his hunched back, offering what little comfort you can.
You’d had this conversation before in the months Mercedes had been sick, it always ended like this. Sullen and argumentative and ultimately hopeless. Melchior stops pacing and rests his chin on the bed, snuffling Mercedes’s fur with a small whine. You feel your heart breaking for the poor boys watching a family member slip slowly away.
With a hiccup that might’ve been a suppressed sob, Lucio carefully extracts himself from under the beautiful canine.
“I…I have to…not be here” he fumbles his words, making his way to his bedroom door. Melchior follows him curiously but stops in the doorway.
“You’re leaving her alone?” You ask quietly. You aren’t passing judgment, just asking him to say it out loud. He gulps loudly, facing away from you. Metal hand pressed to the wall as if he’d collapse without the support.
“Yes, I can’t…I have busi…*sniff* business and …I can’t watch it…” his shoulders shake but you pretend not to notice, he obviously doesn’t want you to see his crying.
“Ok” is your quiet reply. “You want me to come with you?” You ask wondering if he’d prefer your comfort to any form of solitude. He shakes his head vigorously, casting a nervous glance back at you.
“No no, stay with her…I don’t want h-her to be alONE!” The end of the sentence turns into a squeal as the tears he’d been holding in finally catch in his throat. You watch him stomp quickly away and turn your eyes back on the suffering borzoi. She looks sick and exhausted but not in imminent danger of death. Was Lucio simply assuming the worst? Melchior leaps gracefully to the decadent comforter of the bed and starts grooming Mercedes’ ears.
In time Mercedes’ shallow pants become soft whines. You reach out a hand to comfort her and almost get maimed as Melchior snaps and snarls.
Mercedes’ whining grows more strained and you begin to panic. Why was she in pain? Why was Melchior being so aggressive all of the sudden? You consider getting Lucio but decide he’d just freak out and make the situation worse. Instead, you make sure the dogs are as comfortable as possible and you sit back to observe.
0He wasn’t proud of leaving them, but he couldn’t bear to see his baby girl in that much pain. Lucio sat curled on a plush sofa he’d designated his crying sofa™ and wept for the poor babies. He knew Mercedes didn’t have long, and Melchior would never hold out without his girl. Lucio couldn’t believe he’d lose them so soon, and with another sudden wave of sadness, he remembered that he’d left them alone.  
But that was hours ago.
Now he couldn’t help the pathetic sobs that racked him, and he wasn’t even ashamed anymore. He’d been with those dogs for so long it was like a piece of his soul was dying. This was the end of a huge chapter of fighting for glory and fleeing from his past. All of it with those two beautiful canines by his side.
He kept oscillating between disbelief and complete despair. He’d be so sad and then realize it was actually happening and the grief would drag him deeper. It wasn’t fair! They were only…well he didn’t know how old they were but they weren’t old. They were playful and healthy and they could have easily lived another ten years. Lucio actually couldn’t breathe for a moment from the force of his crying, he didn’t care if he was ruining the suede upholstery.
This was the end, the end. Nothing could fix this, nothing could ever be the same.
He buried his fingers in his hair and pulled as his thoughts seemed to growl at him. The mantra of failure and endings repeating over and over. Refusing to be silent. It was an unexpected voice that pulled him out of the quicksand.
His head snapped up at the audacity of the doctor to interrupt his suffering. Quickly his anger turned to fear as he realized the state Jules had caught him in.
“You uh…” Julian looked away, mildly uncomfortable with the sight of the count crying. Not just crying but outright sobbing in abject heartbreak. “MC wanted me to get you, it seemed urgent”
Lucio tossed the words around in his exhausted mind, taking several minutes to realize their meaning. Finally, he felt his stomach sink at the implication.
She was gone.
Numbly Lucio stood and walked past the doctor, not even offering a nod. His legs carried him without his input through the familiar halls of his wing. Expensive paintings featuring the friends he was about to lose mocking him as he trudged.
Coming to the room he’d left, he stood outside the extravagant door. He needed to open it, but he couldn’t find the strength to lift his arm, so instead, he used the magic one. At least there was a modicum of detachment with the gesture. His heart cracked in two as he heard the squealing cry’s that no doubt came from Melchior. Without letting himself hesitate he pushed the heavy door open.
And his heart stopped.
There on his bed was the single sight that could bring him to his knees, and it did. He didn’t even feel the impact as he hit the ground, kneeling in the doorway. Mercedes laid where he left her, breathing heavily with exertion but obviously sleeping. That, however, was not the sight that knocked the wind out of the count.
The sight was that of you carefully cradling several tiny, whining fur balls in your lap, wrapped in a pillowcase.
“Puppies…” you mutter disbelieving to the man who collapsed in the doorway.
Melchior curled himself around your right side, flush against you so he could reach the puppies you held. Dutifully licking each one and making sure they could cry.
Suddenly Lucio was light-headed.
All the building stress and sadness from the months Mercedes had been “sick” suddenly left him. The weight releasing him was so euphoric he swore he could’ve floated away. You almost looked like you were glowing as you cleaned each little pup and placed them by their mother to nurse.
“Puppies…” Lucio repeated you softly, it was all his mind would say.
He thought he’d lost his two best friends but instead, he gained four furry little jellybeans. Beautiful coats were already as soft as silk. Big mismatched eyes and even bigger paws. Mercedes woke healthy and happy a few hours after her ordeal was over and Lucio was immediately by her side to cuddle her and shower her with affection.
He had been so scared and so convinced it was the end. In his head, he’d built it up to be the death of everything he loved and the culmination of all his mistakes. Yet in the end, it was only the birth of something beautiful. Literally.
You had taken a liking to a particular puppy, the second one born. His curiosity was only trumped in cuteness by his folded ears. Lucio watched the little fur ball climb clumsily over your shoulders and through your hair, long nose nudging into everything it could reach. You must’ve noticed him looking so you fix him with a stare, carefully untangling the pup from your hair.
“Shouldn’t you go tell Nadia there’s gonna be more dogs running around?” you ask, chuckling as the disoriented, floppy eared boy wobbles away.
“I can’t go anywhere, I’m a father now.” He responds with the utmost seriousness, one puppy in each hand and the third climbing up his chest. Mercedes snorts in a way that could’ve been interpreted as laughter, Melchior follows unnecessarily close behind the floppy-eared puppy as he hobbles across the bedspread.
0End notes:
Nadia wasn’t being a dick by not letting Lucio hire a vet. She knew Mercedes was fine and just wanted to see Lucio suffer a little. As we all do.
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where-the-wind-is · 4 years
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where-the-wind-is · 4 years
The Arcana Royalty AU- Lucio x Reader
(A/N: Since Lucio and Nadia already had/are having their stint at being sovereigns, why don't we flip the script and give you the crown. After all, Your Majesty, you've earned it.)
Tw: mentions of war, blood.
The Captain's a savage. No, there's no two ways about it. He's a beast, a barbarian, have you seen that glint in his eyes when they draw first blood? The grin on his face when he drives his sword and his gauntlet into someone's belly, someone's chest? You'd think these are prey animals he's ripping apart. And he has no sense of honor, the man's a scoundrel, a knave, and who knows where he's from? Have you heard that accent? Not the showy obnoxious one he puts on, but the one he has when he's growling in the battlefield? Nothing good ever comes that deep from the South, they say. Your Generals have nothing good to say about him, but it makes them even more livid that they need him.
At one of those tense, wire-tight strategy meetings, he looks right at you, and you could cut your teeth on the look in those silver eyes- "First rule of fighting, Your Majesty. Don't fight fair."
It works.
He walks into the throne room like it's his Kingdom, and his hands don't loosen around the hilt of his sword until money, and a lot of money changes hands. There's a subtle shift when it does- he's still loud and brash, but he's by your side at the Victory Banquet, and he's sneering and snapping at the diplomats who are trying to slide in something snide. He winks at you when your eyes linger on him- says something that sounds suspiciously like you're not the only sovereign who's wanted a piece of him.
Impudent- so fiendishly, charmingly impudent.
By dawn, you find him in the gardens, drunk off his face and singing an incredibly tone deaf lullaby to a pair of pearl-white puppies. He honest-to-god giggles when they climb all over him, shedding and licking and falling asleep on his bare chest- (heavens know where his shirt went). When you pull him up so he doesn't pass out cold, the Captain clings to you and asks you to kiss him, whines when you say no, he's too drunk, but hiccups something about being warm when he nestles into your chest instead.
You have time enough to kiss him the next day before his company leaves- kiss him and take him to your chambers for a lot more. He's incorrigible, still, and you expected his lips to taste like blood- but it's wine, instead, wine and lipstick and cookies.
Before he leaves, the two puppies perched on his golden arm, he squeezes your hands and tells you with faltering bravado that this isn't the last you've seen of him, ha! And then the smile falls away and he asks you very seriously to promise that if someone threatens your throne, anyone, well, you know where to find him.
He'll even stay by your side a little longer, just to make sure...
What? Well, obviously. There's noone better for the job. You're not gonna trust those stuffed up Generals with your life, are you now, Your Majesty?
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where-the-wind-is · 4 years
The Arcana
Chapter 23
Lucio was only frozen for a moment after the Quaestors departure, he sat staring at the door and blinking away the sleep that still clouded his vision. Then quicker than he'd been as a young man, he dropped to the floor and began looking over his love.
"Birdy where are you hurt, tell me and they're dead" the bird was still trembling as Lucio looked over his arms and torso for any signs of injury or discomfort. Slowly he shook his beaked face.
"M'not hurt" he mumbled, barely audible. Taking a few more minutes to be absolutely sure, Lucio led the frightened medic to sit on the bed again.
"Why were you running from Valdemar? Were they going to hurt you?" Lucio tried to sound calm for birdy's sake, but seeing the man he loved in so much fear made his blood boil. He only needed one excuse to take his anger out on the shifty bastard with the horns. Birdy didn't answer for a long time. He fiddled with his fingers, ungloved for the first time, and seemed to calm down slightly.
Curling an arm around his love, Lucio told him to take his time.
In the meantime the count began to notice different things. It wasn't just the gloves that were different. Birdy wasn't dressed normally at all. His smock and slacks had been traded for a casual tunic, his arms were bare and Lucio could see the small soft hairs sticking up from his goosebumps. With one deep breath the bird looked up from his hands and faced Lucio.
"Some...something's happened…" his voice was high and strained, as if he'd break down at any moment. "Something's happened and I won't do anything until I know what you want" his tone broke Lucios heart but still it was resolute.
"Whatever it is we can handle it" Lucio kept his words level even through his inner panic, bird needed him. The boy's face tilted slightly and he seemed to relax, good.
"You've changed so much since I met you, or maybe it's just now that I know this side of you…" the bird sighed almost wistfully. Lucio almost didn't hear the next words they were spoken so quietly. "I want you to live so badly…"
"I will live" Lucio almost rolled his eyes at the notion that he might not survive the plague. "You can count on that"
"Lucio we found a way we might cure you."
The words hit him a second too late. Like an iron thrown down a staircase they bounced and woke up everything in his head. Repeating and repeating until it was all he could focus on.
A cure, a cure, a cure.
"That's wonderful" he was just about in tears as he wrapped his arms around his bird at the good news, but Birdy didn't seem so excited."
"Lucio…" he tried to excuse, Lucio could only pull back slightly in his excitement. Still it was enough for bird to look him in the eye.
"What I'm going to say...I gotta say it all at once or I'll never get it all out." He warned, but Lucio didn't have room in his head for any words other than those already spoken. He nodded but his mind remained fixed on the idea of a cure, they had a cure.
"They… the Quaestor…" he stumbled for just a moment before continuing. "Quaestor Valdimar performed a physical on me at 5:35 yesterday evening, they deduced that I had contracted the red plague." Bird spoke in a practiced cadence, like a doctor would to a patient.
Everything in Lucios mind went silent.
"My case is unique because I've only been repeatedly exposed to one source of the plague, you, meaning there's only one strain I could have." He continued but Lucio was hardly listening. He'd gotten his angel sick, it was like a cruel joke. "Due to the unique strain in my system, examining me is the closest we'd be able to come to finding a cure for your specific illness." He finished and practically fell back at the pressure. Lucio looked at his bird for a long time and found one thing he didn't understand.
"'examining you'? That's all?"
"Yes" bird breathed, seemingly too tired to be scared anymore. "On the vivisection table."
Lucio let the words hang in the air. Normally he'd hate letting ominous sentences hang in silence, but he had nothing to say. Yesterday everything was fine, better than fine, now the person he loved more than anything faced a terrible fate. There was nothing he could do.
He held Birdy close to him and felt the tears slip past his eyes, no sobs or sniffles. Just silent, disbelieving tears that stained his birds tunic. But the boy wasn't done, he had one more piece to share.
"Love…" he said softly, cradling the counts head against him as if it was Lucio who needed comfort. "I didn't come here just to give you bad news." He said slowly.
Lucio closed his eyes but didn't comment, what was the point?
"In a way this could be very good news, it depends on what you decide." Pulling away Birdy cupped Lucios face and made the count look at him.
"This could be your cure, my love, your chance to live." What was Birdy saying? " If you want...I mean" his words failed him once more before he could collect himself. Breathing deep and putting a bit of a smile in his words. "If you want me to go back to the facility and get vivisected...just say the word and I will"
You could hear a pin drop at the statement.
No surely the boy wasn't serious, surely he wouldn't go so far…
And he left the choice up to Lucio?
The count couldn't see his bird's face but he knew the medic long enough to know what he was thinking. He was sad but excited by the prospect of saving Lucio. He was a madman.
"Are you nuts?" Lucio was dumbstruck that he was even considering it, but the boy just shook his head serenely.
"Always have been for you, beloved, and just think about it." He cupped Lucios cheek as he spoke, rubbing calming circles into the flushed skin. "I'm going to die anyway, the fever almost got me on the way here, but this way I could still be useful. I could still save you"
"But…" Lucio's voice broke for the hundredth time and he found himself again wishing him and Birdy could have met at any other point in his life. "But it'll hurt, cutting you open will hurt won't it?" He thought back to the boy he saw on the vivisection table all those months ago. He couldn't bring himself to imagine his bird like that.
"Yeah...I bet it will" Birdy sighs "but I'd do it for you in a heartbeat. Faster than that…"
Lucio put his head down in birdy's lap to try and make the world stop spinning. He couldn't tell Birdy to...he couldn't accept this offer. He needed his bird, he needed him.
But Birdy was dying. Lucio could feel it in the burning heat of the fever on his skin. He could hear it in the awful rattling noise bird made when he breathed. Would it be crueler to let Birdy die slowly? Just to keep him around a little longer?
Lucio wanted to live, there was no denying that. He wanted to live so badly he sacrificed countless lives down in that facility. Would it really be better to save one and keep killing hundreds? Would it really be better to make Birdy die in vain? Bird had made it crystal clear…
The choice was up to him
"You should do it"
"You shouldn't do it"
[The choice is up to you]
0 notes
where-the-wind-is · 4 years
A Little Birdy Told Me
The Arcana
Chapter 22
You're in denial at first.
Your eyes are probably red from lack of sleep, or poor diet. As the days go by your head isn't foggier than normal and your breathing doesn't become difficult. You continue as normal, hiding your eyes behind your mask and avoiding the public showers.
But one cannot hide things from Quaestor Valdimar.
You don't know if it was a roommate that turned you in or just the Quaestor's uncanny ability to make life miserable, but you're called for a surprise physical a few days after your disturbing discovery.
Now you sit in their chambers, a room no one tends to leave, and you watch them arrange their equipment. Your mask sits on the floor leaving your bloodshot eyes clearly visible. They turn abruptly, tugging their mask over their mouth and looking you up and down. Their eyes only fix on your obvious ones for a moment before they continue their assessment. Coldly they turn your head from side to side, their fingers like ice on your skin.
"You've been a very amusing specimen, no. 137" they say lightly, you don't answer. "Spending all your time with the count. Helping him walk, helping him recover...he even went so far as to threaten me for you." They step away and write a few notes down.
"Ah ah" they silence you immediately. "Good samples don't speak, open" they hold a wooden tongue depressor.
Swallowing your fear you do as you're told, they are far from gentle with the depressor as they examine your throat.
"No sign of swelling...just as I suspected" their eyes light up at seemingly finding nothing. You feel unsafe under the naked stare. "You might be my most important patient yet"
0You need to find Lucio.
You've been put in one of the patient cages for now but you won't be there for long. You have to get out before the Quaestor has prepared everything. You have to find Lucio. You found something out during that physical, something you're not ready to face, not without him.
Even though the fever is beginning to set in you know you can't rush, acting too soon could cost you everything. You wait, crouched in the too small metal cage. You wait for an hour, then another, you count the hours by how far the torches have burned down.
You count thirteen hours before you move.
Your joints scream from being forced into an uncomfortable position for so long, but you move anyway. Carefully you work open your coat to reveal the blade you stashed inside. Taking the beautiful dagger you thank Lucio once again for the gift before jamming it into the lock. Taking a small moment to grieve the dagger you pull with all your weight. The metal groans like a beast in pain before it finally snaps. Breaking the blade clean off in the process.
You only flinch for a moment at the loss before you collect yourself, standing and sprinting for the lift. About halfway there you collapse to the floor. Your limbs won't hold you and your vision is spinning.
No this is not the time for the fever to get the best of you. Gripping the wall you drag yourself to your feet and keep moving. You weave through tables and night shift workers, desperately trying to look inconspicuous. The lift is in sight when you're stopped by a sound.
Your limbs freeze in place, air leaving your lungs like an open airlock. The others in the facility don't even question the sound of the bell, they drop their work and begin the March to bed.
Slowly you turn, facing the Quaestor on the other side of the facility. They hold the bell and the look in their eye is idly victorious. Like a bat who caught a moth on the first try. Again they strike the bell.
The overly familiar sound steals your thoughts from your head and makes you tremble. All you can think is it's time to work, it's time to work, it's time to work.
No, move you fool they're coming!
Valdemar walks slowly in your direction as you remain frozen, desperately trying to break the conditioned response to obey. You take a step towards the lift.
Your whole body tremors violently and you feel sickness building in your stomach, still you take another step.
Clang clang clang!
Valdemar is walking faster now, upset at losing the grip they have on you. Everyone else in the facility has stopped walking. Either to watch or grip their heads in fear. Your steps come easier as you march to the lift.
Valdemar is running by the time you reach it, but they're a hair too late. You hear the echoing clang of the bell as you ride the lift up. It grows louder in your mind and bounces inside your skull like a bird beating its wings against the bars of a cage. You take the spare mask in the lift and fasten it to your face. The last thing you want to do is get anyone else sick. You couldn't help the lack of gloves and smock, you'd just have to be careful.
Reaching the top you pry the door open and sprint up the stairs. Ignoring how your legs beg you to rest, ignoring how your lungs scream in protest. Your only thought is getting to Lucio before Valdemar catches you. You have to talk to him one more time.
You break into the library in record speed, whipping past a confused servant dusting. You almost break the intricately crafted door Nadia made, you don't feel sorry.
Valdemar is close behind, you haven't looked back but you can feel their anger at your escape. After what they were preparing to do you were sure they were furious. You don't stop running when moisture accumulates in your mask. You don't stop when darkness begins clouding your vision from not getting enough air. You fly up the stairs three at a time and the dogs chase you like it's a game. You almost break the door down as you hastily fling it open.
0The count was in a dead sleep when his room was broken into. He wakes with a start at the sudden weight thrown at him, the unusually bare arms wrapped around him. The trembling, hyperventilating body gripping him for dear life. He doesn't need any time to know who sought his comfort so desperately.
"Birdy! What's wrong? Are you ok?"
The man's hands clasped in his hair, his breathing was too heavy to speak. He trembled from head to toe, but there was a sense of urgency in his actions as he grabbed Lucios face and fought through his own gasping.
"Gasp choke hide gasp me"
Without another thought Lucio scooped the medic up and lowered him to the floor, ushering him under the bed. He'd hardly pulled back when his door was thrown open again.
"I know you're in there" Valdemar showed no signs of the exertion Birdy had, even though they'd gotten here just as fast. "You are needed for my research no. 137"
"He's not in here" Lucio didn't bother to make his voice sound convincing, they both knew he was lying, instead he focused on being commanding. "Get out"
Valdemar looked like they were about to murder before they stop. They look the count up and down for a long moment before their trademark grin spreads across their face once more.
"Well...if he came here to seek your opinion on the matter then I'll see him again regardless." They didn't give Lucio time to process the response before they took their leave.
0 notes