what-n-how · 2 years
What is Cryptocurrency and how does it work?
What is cryptocurrency and how does it work?  In short, cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital asset that is not issued or backed by any bank or government.  All transactions are recorded on a public ledger, known as blockchain.  Cryptocurrencies use peer-to-peer technology to facilitate instant payments.  You can use it to buy goods and services, or even to pay for utility bills.  However, note that some cryptocurrencies may be more attractive than others. Some, such as XRP (formerly known as Ripple), use a consensus-based system that results in each user having one copy of the cryptocurrency.  Others, such as Bitcoin, use a proof-of-work system.  A cryptocurrency is not issued by a central bank or a government. Instead, its creation and value are determined by a computer algorithm.  When you transfer funds using cryptocurrency, you are trusting in a decentralized process to properly record those transactions.  For more, read the article 10 Cryptocurrencies to Buy Now. If you want to learn about Bitcoin and how the network works, you can read our simple explanations of how Bitcoin and blockchain technology work.  You can also read our article on why does Bitcoin cost so much?  But before you dive into that, it’s important to understand how Bitcoin even works.  The Blockchain Technology Explained You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin. If you haven’t, it’s a digital currency that works as a peer-to-peer system, where anyone can use it. Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer network is powered by software.  The network records all transactions with a distributed ledger called the blockchain. A blockchain is similar to a database, but it can’t be changed.  Every computer in the network checks every new transaction to make sure it’s valid. Once a transaction is valid, it’s added to the chain. This ledger ensures a transaction has been agreed upon by everyone in the network.  To get paid in Bitcoin, you can buy them from a Bitcoin seller or you can find a website that will convert them for you. Read more: How to Buy Bitcoin. A lot of forex brokers’ accounts have low leverage, which means that the trades or deposits are highly risky. The forex brokers that offer higher leverage have less risk involved.  The higher the leverage, the more you’ll earn and lose in a trade, but the lower the risk involved. So, if you don’t feel comfortable with your initial deposits, you should opt for higher leverage. This is probably the most important concept to understand with regard to Crypto and the blockchain.  Because all the transactions that take place are logged and permanent, if you’re in business, you need to make sure that you create the right incentives for people to use your network.  It should be in the Open Source and permissionless mode. You shouldn’t demand any kind of financial contributions in order to use it.
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what-n-how · 2 years
How do you do basic sewing?
Anyone can sew! 
Basic sewing is easy and can be done with just a few supplies. 
In this post, we'll show you how to sew a basic seam, how to make a basic hem, and how to fix a common sewing mistake. 
With just a little practice, you'll be able to sew like a pro!
Tools you'll need:
- A sewing machine
The sewing machine is best for sewing, but you can also sew by hand.
- A seam ripper
A seam ripper is a tool that is used to remove stitches. It is very useful for fixing mistakes.
- Scissors
You'll need scissors to cut the fabric.
- A measuring tape or ruler
You'll need a measuring tape or ruler to measure the fabric.
- A piece of fabric
You'll need a piece of fabric to practice sewing on.
- A seam ripper
A seam ripper is a tool that is used to remove stitches. It is very useful for fixing mistakes.
- A measuring tape or ruler
You'll need a measuring tape or ruler to measure the fabric.
- Fabric scissors
You'll need scissors to cut the fabric.
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- A straight pin
A straight pin is used to hold the fabric in place.
- A needle and thread
You'll need a needle and thread to hand sew the fabric.
1. Sew a basic seam
To sew a basic seam, start by threading your machine with thread that matches the color of your fabric. 
Then, set the stitch length to 2.5-3.0 mm. 
Next, place the fabric under the presser foot so that the needle is in the fabric about 1/4" from the edge. 
Slowly sew along the edge of the fabric.
2. Make a basic hem
To make a basic hem, start by folding the fabric up about 1" and pressing it with an iron. 
Then, fold the fabric up again about 1/2" and press it with an iron. 
Next, sew along the edge of the folded fabric.
3. Fix a common sewing mistake
If you make a mistake while sewing, don't worry! 
Just use the best sewing seam ripper online to remove the stitches. 
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Then, re-sew the seam.
First, let's start with a basic seam. 
To sew a seam, you'll need to line up the two pieces of fabric you want to sew together. 
Then, using a straight stitch, sewing slowly and evenly, sew along the edge of the fabric. 
Trim any excess thread, and you're done!
Now let's move on to hems. 
Ahem is simply a way of finishing off the edge of a piece of fabric so that it doesn't fray. 
There are several different ways to hem fabric, but the most common is to simply fold up the edge of the fabric and sew it in place.
To hem the fabric, start by folding up the edge of the fabric about ½ inch. 
Then, using a straight stitch, sew along the edge of the fabric. 
Trim any excess thread, and you're done!
Finally, let's talk about how to fix a common sewing mistake. 
Seams can sometimes come undone, or threads can break. 
If this happens, don't panic! 
Simply grab your seam ripper and carefully remove the stitches that are no longer needed. 
Then, using a needle and thread, resew the seam or mend the broken thread.
Sewing is a great way to show your creative side. 
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what-n-how · 2 years
What are 5 ways to save energy?
In the past, you probably heard about how to save energy by switching off the heating and the lights in your home.
You turned them off only during the evenings and weekends.
Well, this way of working with the light is pretty stupid.  
What you’re doing is switching off the lights, even when you’re not using them.
You won’t notice this because you’ve got the dimmer switch. 
Now, you might think this is enough.
You’ve already switched off the light, so you’re definitely using less energy.
The thing is, you have the dimmer switch.
But what you can do is set the dimmer higher, so that it lights more, but still keeps the light energy to a minimum.
This way, you’re still switching off the lights, but you’re also still using less energy.
And that’s one way to save energy.
But how?
This article is going to tell you 5 ways to save energy.
1. Unplug your appliances
Have you ever noticed that, when you plug in an appliance, there is a little red light that comes on?
Well, the purpose of this little red light is so that, when you’re done using the appliance, you just unplug it.
You don’t have to waste energy turning it on and off.
And when you unplug it, you don’t have to waste energy because the electricity stops.
By unplugging the appliance, you’re also saving energy.
It won’t cost you much either. 
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When you unplug your appliances, it’s like throwing them into deep space.
And that means they’re no longer using energy.
2. Get some fans
The fans in your home can consume a lot of energy.
Even if you’re not using them at home, they’re still using energy.
And what you can do is, simply, get yourself some fans.
There’s a wide variety of fans that can be found at the market.
Depending on what you’re going to use them for, you’re going to have to pay attention to what’s the maximum power consumption.
This way, you can prevent yourself from using too much energy.
Referenced - Whitsunday solar contractor. 
3. Turn off the oven
The oven is another appliance that consumes a lot of energy.
The reason it does is that it’s not like, any other appliances, it can work independently.
You can, for example, leave the oven to cook with the setting on, or you can leave it to cook with the timer.
And when you’re done, you don’t have to turn off the oven.
In that case, you’re definitely wasting energy.
In the past, you probably left it on, so that, when you get home, you just turn it off, right?
Well, you can still do this.
But, what you can do is, just don’t leave it. 
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If you need to use the oven, switch it on, set it to the right temperature, leave it to cook, and when it’s done, just switch it off.
This way, you’re not wasting any energy.
4. Turn off the water heater
The water heater is one of those appliances that you probably don’t want to be wasting any energy.
So, what you can do is, just turn it off.
After a while, you’re going to need to fill it up with water.
And you can see, when you turn it on, you’re actually wasting energy because you need to heat it.
You’ll also need to use some energy in order to heat up the water.
So, you’re definitely wasting energy when you turn it on.
5. Use the air conditioner less
Let’s face it, it’s a pretty hot summer.
And this, obviously, causes you to use more air conditioners.
But, you can do two things about that.
One is, you can just turn it off when it’s no longer needed. 
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what-n-how · 2 years
How To Learn To Be A Boater - Story!
If you are reading this and haven't been on the water since the sixties, well, my friend, I'm here to tell you that you are in for a revelation.
For most of my boating life, I had the usual boating experience of going out on the water, taking a trip, getting all wet, maybe getting into a fistfight, and eventually drowning in the Gulf of Mexico.
Then something happened.
While out boating the other day, I looked over and noticed my boat was going so fast it could cover more water in less time.
And I mean more water! 
That's when it hit me: This was a completely different experience than before.
In the past, I had taken what the sea and the weather dispensed and worked with it.
Now I had something else to work with: Speed.
I was the captain of a real racing vessel.
The first and most important rule of boating is: "Learn to Read the Water."
When you are sailing a real racing sailboat, you are much more limited as to what you can do.
First of all, if you go down, you are not going to be rescued by a "lifeguard" in a red and white "save the dolphin" inflatable vessel. 
I mean, really, did you ever see a lifeguard rescue a dolphin?
If you watch a good video of a dolphin diving, you will see that the dolphin has one or more very large fins in front of it. 
In other words, those are not going to stop the dolphin from going down!
So, if you go down, you will almost certainly go somewhere where there are no lifeguard's vessels, at least not in the vicinity of your boat, which probably will be near the shore.
So, you better know what it means when the radar reports you as "lost," because that means you will be going down!
Here are some other things you should know about being a sailboat racer:
1. Know how to handle your boat.
It is important that you know how to handle the boat during bad weather.
If you are doing this on your own, you need to practice so you can react quickly when you need to.
2. Make a good radar picture. 
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Most radar units have a "zoom" feature so that when you see a vessel that is close to you, you can zoom in.
3. Make certain your radio is working properly.
If your radio is bad and you are in a race and something bad happens, you will have a big problem.
4. Know the area that you sail. 
If you are going to sail offshore and on the Great Lakes, make sure you know the local weather conditions.
If you are going to sail in the Gulf of Mexico, make certain that you know what the weather is like there, or you may find yourself stranded or drowned.
5. Be careful who you sail with.
You want to be in a situation where you can have fun with your sailing buddies, but if someone says something out of line to you, you can tell them to mind their own business, because if you don't, you will have a big problem! 
There are plenty of other things to learn, but this should give you a pretty good introduction to becoming a more experienced boater.
If you would like to learn more about sailing, I suggest that you find a sailing school in your area. 
Check: Yacht delivery east coast Australia! 
Don't go to some faraway place and pay a fortune for a lesson.
I recommend that you find a sailing school in your area, which is likely to be cheaper, more thorough and very informative.
There is a sailing school in West Palm Beach, Florida which has over 100 years of teaching experience and has recently upgraded its facilities.
The best part of it is that they have a website, so you can see pictures of some of the courses they offer.
I suggest that you look at the sailing school site and see if they have a course that interests you.
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what-n-how · 2 years
Building Your Own Home: a Step-by-Step Guide
There are many benefits of building your own home. 
You will save money on energy bills and maintenance, and you can design your house with modern, updated features. 
You will also have the freedom to change the appearance of your home as you see fit. 
There are many different ways to fund a self-build. 
Continue reading our article for today: Building your own home with a step-by-step guide and save thousands of dollars in the process, literally!
The process of building a home varies by region, but it generally involves pouring a foundation and constructing a wooden shell. 
While the process may take longer than a standard build, it's rewarding when it's finished. 
Here are some basic steps in the construction of a house: before you start tearing up the ground, plan and measure your materials. 
Then, order your materials, which should be delivered at the right time and place.
Once you've acquired land, you'll be able to begin construction. 
Once you've poured the foundation and installed underground services, you'll move on to foundations and footings. 
After this, you can begin the construction of the house itself. 
You'll be surprised to see just how much work it takes to construct a home, and how much fun it is!
You'll have a better understanding of all the steps involved. 
You'll be able to design every aspect of your home, from floor plans and room sizes to cabinets and countertops. 
When we build we always make a mess around us, so it is a smart idea to hire some domestic cleaning Sydney.
You'll also learn about the pros and cons of each element. 
Before you begin building your home, consider how much land you want to spend and how much you're willing to spend. 
Once you've chosen the location and layout, the next steps will include laying out the footings and foundations.
First, you'll have to choose your site. 
The location and style of your new home will affect where you build it. 
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Once you've selected the location, you'll need to decide on the floor plan and the foundations. 
Choosing the right foundations will ensure that your house is stable and secure. 
Lastly, you'll need to choose your floor plan and select the right roofing and siding.
Getting a professional guide. 
Whether you want to build your own home or buy a pre-built one, you can always consult a home builder for advice and guidance. 
You will need a contractor or a licensed architect to finish the job. 
Once your home is ready, you can choose the materials that you'd like. 
After you've chosen your site, you can begin the construction phase.
You can build your own home by hiring a professional. 
Depending on the size of your lot and your budget, you can do the work yourself or hire a general contractor. 
However, it's important to find a trustworthy building contractor. 
In North America, building a house yourself requires a lot of effort. 
It's a long and arduous process, but the end result is well worth it.
The first step in building your own home is acquiring land. 
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If you're building on a vacant lot, you can choose a new lot with ease. 
You can also choose to buy a pre-built home and build it yourself if you're in a hurry. 
If you're in a hurry, you can always hire a professional. 
If you're on a budget, you can hire a general contractor to complete a few tasks for you.
If you're a first-time home builder, you'll want to find a local building contractor to help you through the process. 
It's a good idea to seek out a local builder to help you. 
You can also find a self-builder online if you want to save money. 
It's important to know exactly what you're doing and how to properly negotiate with your contractor.
After you've chosen a local contractor, you can find your home's location. 
This will allow you to choose a better location, and you can even claim VAT on the building materials you purchase. 
Regardless of how you plan to finance your project, it's essential that you do your homework. 
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what-n-how · 2 years
The BEGINNER'S Guide to Boxing
The BEGINNER'S Guide to Boxng is a great book to get into shape. 
It will teach you how to protect yourself, build muscles, and burn fat. 
You will also learn to improve your self-defense. 
It will also inspire you to take your boxing skills to a competitive level. 
If you've never heard of boxing, you're in luck. 
You can buy the book right now and start learning!
If you're looking for a good book to get started, the BEGINNER'S Guide to Boxing is perfect for you. 
It will teach you all of the basics of the sport, including the basics and how to start sparring. 
It will also explain how to properly apply the proper technique. 
The beginner's Guide to Boxing is designed to teach you the fundamentals of boxing and give you the confidence to start your training.
The beginner's guide to boxing will teach you the basics of this exciting sport. 
This book is essential for people who have never taken a boxing class. 
The information in this guide will help you learn the fundamentals of boxing and become a stronger, leaner, and healthier person. 
With the help of this guide, you can learn basic boxing techniques at home and prepare for a professional-level สล็อตค่ายไหนแตกง่าย competition.
If you're looking for a great workout, the BEGINNER'S Guide to Boxing will help you build up your stamina and strength and become a more fit person. 
If you're thinking about trying boxing, the best way to get started is by shadow boxing with friends and family. 
You can also practice on a heavy bag in your garage. 
As with any sport, it is crucial to begin somewhere and progress gradually. 
The BEGINNER'S Guide to Getting Started 
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If you've never taken a boxing class before, this is the best time to start. 
The sport will help you improve your health and physique, and it's a great workout. 
As with any sport, boxing will be a challenge, but you can learn the basics and continue to grow as a fighter. 
And remember, the more you practice, the more you'll be able to compete in a competition.
The best way to get started is to find a gym that offers beginner boxing lessons. 
A gym can help you learn the basics, but you can also learn the basics at home. 
Just make sure you do a little research first so you can be as prepared as possible. 
You'll need some basic training before you can start competing, but if you're serious about boxing, you'll need to do it.
One of the most important things to remember when learning boxing is to always remember the basics. 
You need to learn how to stance properly, and how to properly throw your punches. 
Having good form will help you learn the basics of the sport. 
And once you master the basics, you'll be able to move forward and fight confidently. 
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what-n-how · 2 years
Tips on How to Become an Actor with No Experience
For those who have no experience and are eager to break into the industry, seven tips are essential for making the transition from aspiring actor to professional. 
The first step is to focus on developing your social media presence, and build connections in the industry. 
It is important to build contacts in major markets to ensure that your portfolio is full of quality work. 
Next, you must save up money to relocate to a larger city.
Getting connected to people in the entertainment industry is critical if you want to become an actor with no experience. 
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Using social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, is a great way to build your network and get noticed by casting directors. 
Look for audition calls for theaters, and share them online. 
Regardless of your age, you can use these tools to showcase your talent and skill set.
The next step is identifying an acting agent. 
If you don't have any connections, consider focusing your efforts on building a professional network in a smaller town or community. 
In small towns, you can focus your efforts on learning the craft and exploring local opportunities. 
Don't be impulsive about your dream of becoming an actor like escalaseattle Rumer Willis. 
Make sure you enjoy the art and want to dedicate your time and effort to building an impressive acting resume.
Make connections in the entertainment industry. 
You can build these relationships by connecting with people in the entertainment industry through social media sites. 
Promote showcases and showcase your acting skills and technique through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
Find free roles by searching for casting calls and auditions in your area. 
Oftentimes, you can get a role for free if you are willing to work hard. 
The same goes for local casting calls, where you can get an audition for a show.
Creating connections in the entertainment industry is crucial for becoming an actor with no experience.
Join social media and post your resume to showcase your talents. 
Ensure that your social media page and profile are active and updated. 
Create your acting resume and make connections in the industry. 
You'll be surprised at how many opportunities you will find if you use social media. 
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You'll be surprised by the number of people you can make connections in this industry.
In addition to building your resume, you should try to get a job as an actor. 
Be prepared to spend the first few years learning the trade. 
Start branding yourself and marketing yourself as an actor. 
By doing this, you'll be ahead of the competition. 
You will have an advantage over other actors with little or no experience. 
So, these tips will help you become an actor with no experience.
Among the seven tips on how to Become an actor with no experience, building connections in the entertainment industry is the most important. 
Creating your own website and social media accounts is a great way to meet people in the industry. 
Publish your own video on YouTube or Facebook to show your skills and showcase your toolbox. 
Organize showcases are a great way to start your acting career.
Developing connections in the entertainment industry is another important step in becoming an actor with no experience. 
While it is important to build connections with actors in the industry, you must also keep in mind that a lack of experience does not mean that you can't be successful in the industry. 
There are many ways to get into the business, and it is important to find out what you need in order to get started.
One of the most important tips on how to become an actor with no experience is to make connections in the industry. 
It is critical to network with people in the entertainment industry. 
By using social media, you can network with people and showcase your skills and toolbox. 
You should also subscribe to newsfeeds of websites that post casting calls. 
By participating in these online communities, you can increase your chances of landing an acting job. 
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what-n-how · 3 years
How to Sew With Jersey
Sewing with jerseys is a great way to create simple garments that are comfortable, stylish, and easy to wear.
Jersey is a knit fabric that stretches in all directions which makes it ideal for sewing clothes because it fits tightly on the body but allows freedom of movement.
It can be sewn by hand or machine and has no visible seams so you can sew jersey pieces together without having to finish them off.
If you're new to sewing with knits then this tutorial will guide you through a step-by-step process of how to sew a basic t-shirt. Read on!
While there are many ways to design your own clothing patterns, drafting your own pattern from scratch isn't one of them if you
Jersey is a great fabric to sew with, and most people can figure it out after just one or two projects. 
However, some of the patterns that use jerseys are difficult to sew and might require some extra attention even for experienced seamstresses.
This post hopes to simplify jersey sewing by pointing out how to sew with jerseys.
Perhaps you can make these simple changes in your next jersey project!
1. Getting ready to sew
Make sure the fabric is folded the right way and lay flat on your table before you begin.
Perfect folds make perfect seams!
2. Using pins for pattern pieces
Try not to use too many pins; they leave holes in the jersey and it's harder to sew through all of them.
Also, avoid unpinning and repining, as this also rips up the fabric and leaves holes everywhere.  
Use paperclips or clothespins instead! 
You'll be able to adjust without causing any damage.
3. Changing your stitch length when starting a new seam allowance
This will cause puckering as well as broken stitches along your edge because they don't catch properly.
Instead, begin sewing at a distance from the edge that is half of your stitch length.  
4. Sewing over serged edges
This usually causes ripples in the fabric, especially near seams where there are lots of layers.  
Don't do this!  
Either don't use serging or sew very carefully with an edge stitching foot along with any areas with lots of layers. 
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5. Using paper patterns
Double-check with your pattern to see if it's okay to trace directly onto your material instead of using paper first. 
Many jersey fabric Australia are thin enough that you can cut out the pattern twice and place them on top of each other for extra strength while tracing with a sharpie or chalk marker.
If your fabric is thick enough to add another layer, the pattern should come with a foldout tracking sheet. 
Use this instead; it's much easier and you don't risk damaging the material by pinning through paper patterns.
6. Using pins on printed fabrics
Be careful not to puncture or rip any of the designs in printed jersey when using pins!  
Use clothespins or clips for this reason, too.
7. Not matching stripes
If your stripe is running downward, begin sewing at the top of your garment and let the stripe guide where you place subsequent pieces until you reach the bottom hem again.  
For horizontal stripes, start at one side and work toward the other side.  
Then, trim any excess threads and start on the opposite edge to match your stripes.
8. Skipping a seam allowance
When you skip a seam allowance or stitch too close to edges, you risk creating puckers in the seams later on.  
In addition, if your stitching is uneven near edges, this may also cause ripples down the line as well as fraying and splitting!  
Try not to stitch closer than 1/4" from an edge for best results:
9. Leaving loose ends
It's tempting to leave those long thread tails hanging out of your machine because it seems like they'll never run out; but there will be times when you need. 
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