wendyphd · 4 years
This is a great essay. You know I love the Golden Girls-- we watch it every day-- but like this author I skip some episodes and recognize the problematic nature of other ones. We can enjoy something from the past AND recognize, wrestle with, and interrogate how it's problematic at the same time. The blackface on The Golden Girls wasn’t blackface. But the entire series was still mired in racism and rape culture.
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wendyphd · 4 years
Saw this yummy bread on Wendy Simonds' page and was saving it for myself to bake when I accidently shared it to the SWS FB and Twitter feeds. 😂 I deleted it immediately, but maybe SWSers want and need chocolate bread? The idea of baking a loaf of chocolate bread may give you pause, but trust me. I used milk chocolate, but feel free to substitute something fancier.
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wendyphd · 4 years
I need to learn how to make a proper sandwich bread, but in the meantime I keep making this for sandwiches. Fresh, hearty focaccia bread is incredibly simple to make with this no-knead method. It's perfect for sandwiches or dunking into soups and stews.
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wendyphd · 4 years
Check out the Class Trouble guide linked here on coded language. “When professionals glorify grit, they glorify trauma.”
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wendyphd · 4 years
This is a must-read (as is all of Kathleen Blee's work, actually). People are more likely to join hate groups when they feel disconnected from society and upset that they haven't been able to achieve their dreams. They latch onto some sense of belonging in racist groups, bound together by feelings superiority over others. And this time of racial, health/safety, and economic chaos, is ripe for recruitment. "Some prominent white supremacists now point to the birth of Black Lives Matter as a pivotal moment in their radicalization. Lana Lokteff, a white nationalist who runs the popular alt-news platform Red Ice with her husband, told me that period was when she realized “the truth” was “pointing toward there being an attack on white people.” Ms. Lokteff produces videos with titles like “Why They Want to Replace White People” and peddles false narratives about Black-on-white crime." To stop hate, we have to understand it.
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wendyphd · 4 years
"So, what is the both/and answer to the question of how we should educate students in the midst of a global pandemic? Make schools work for the students and families who are most on the margins, who are at greatest risk if school buildings remain closed, who cannot meet their basic needs without them. Give these students full days and full weeks so that their families have a reasonable chance of being able to support them. And the rest of us stay home. Will it require sacrifice? Yes. There will be sacrifices whatever we do. Will many families, including my own, struggle greatly? Yes. This will also be the case whatever we do. But unlike many of the other proposals I’ve seen, at least this response will be both hard and just." Socially Just Schooling in the Time of Covid-19
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wendyphd · 4 years
"Immigrants and refugees help power Maine, America’s oldest and whitest state, by picking blueberries, packing meat and tending to the elderly far from the fancy resorts on Vacationland’s rocky coast. But in a state that has one of the lowest rates of coronavirus infections, a pattern has emerged: Black Mainers — many of them immigrants — have been infected at disproportionate rates, accounting for approximately 23 percent of the cases in a state where they are less than 2 percent of the population." Black people - many of them immigrants - make up less than two percent of Maine's population, but account for almost a quarter of its coronavirus cases.
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wendyphd · 4 years
Another giant from the Civil Rights movement, lost. Rest in power. Minister and civil rights icon C.T. Vivian died Friday, July 17, 2020, at his home in Atlanta. He was 95.
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wendyphd · 4 years
Damn. A legend gone. Rear in power, Sir. Lewis began his nearly 60-year career in public service leading sit-ins at segregated lunch counters in the Jim Crow-era South. He went on to serve in Congress for more than three decades.
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wendyphd · 4 years
This woman better be indestructible. She deserves a nice retirement when Trump is out of the WH. #longliveRBG The Supreme Court justice revealed she on Friday that she had begun a course of chemotherapy on May 19. In a statement, she said she is still able to do her job "full steam."
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wendyphd · 4 years
Back in the 1800s, white politicians encouraged settlers with tuberculosis to seek treatment in the territory, endangering the lives of native New Mexicans.
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wendyphd · 4 years
"It is high time that we internalize a new message: Neither weight loss nor weight gain is inherently good or bad. We are not automatically better, more worthy people if our asses get smaller, our cellulite more subtle or our dress size a lower number. Our refusal to acknowledge that and to stop making evaluative comments on others’ bodies is not just rude or insensitive, it hurts people.” Diet culture is a patriarchal tool—for it forces individuals, notably women, to center their lives around their physical appearance.
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wendyphd · 4 years
I really try not to focus on Trump and his daily expected awfulness. I really want to focus on getting him out. BUT now this administration has officially reached a level of absurdity I never thought was possible. And no, this isn’t the Onion, folks. President Donald Trump blasted regulations, and spoke at length about showers, dishwashers, and light bulbs at a campaign-style event at the White House where he attacked Joe Biden.
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wendyphd · 4 years
Just read through my schools overly-detailed-and-complicated-yet-somehow-incredibly-vague-and-not-reassuring reopening plans, along with a "Pioneer Pledge" we must sign. My only response is to bring out the screaming goat again:
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wendyphd · 4 years
OMFG this is one of my worst nightmares. I think I might've abandoned my car to run back to Jersey. I loathe tunnels but they can't be avoided from this side of the city. Give me a bridge instead any day! A New York motorist recorded water leaking into the Lincoln Tunnel on Tuesday evening, July 14, as he drove toward New Jersey. Anthony Consiglio shared this video on his Instagram story as he drove through the tunnel, which runs under the Hudson River to connect Manhattan with Weehawken, New Jersey....
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wendyphd · 4 years
"“Difficult” allows us to dismiss and avoid -- to further marginalize those who surface identity by labeling them myopic or as promoting identity politics." Framing discussions as such further marginalizes diverse students by labeling them as promoting identity politics when, in fact, all course content reflects identity politics, argues Derisa Grant.
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wendyphd · 4 years
😬😬😬 And I wore my RBG mask this morning! Ginsburg, 87, will remain for a few days, the court said.
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