weekweeksblog-blog · 6 years
Problems on YouTube
There is a new job on the market and it is fastly growing and it is called a YouTube moderator. What they do is watch videos and watch for bad language or inappropriate behavior on YouTube. The problem is that YouTubers feels like they are being unfairly targeted by the moderators. YouTube has hired more moderators recently and YouTubers feel like they are being targeted and they're content is being demonetized in an effort to not pay the YouTubers the amount they would get paid for a video that is taken down. I'm curious to see if YouTube will make their restrictions lighter or continue to be hard on YouTubers despite complaints.
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weekweeksblog-blog · 6 years
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Now as we know GIFs are a staple of the internet across all platforms. Noticing this, Richard Rabbat founded GyfCat in 2015. He named it Gyfcat because he says cats created the internet with all the popular cat gifs. Now why is this company so special? Although it is only a GIF site they manage to garner 130 million users a month! That's incredible seeing as how it is literally only GIFs. It is called Gyftcat but they have many other GIFs they're fastest growing is gaming and recipes. Though GyfCats' GIFs are of higher quality it is the thinking and ideology of Rabbat that inspired this fast growing company. He says GIFs are "an evolution of how people want to communicate an emotion." His site is definitely helping people communicate with exciting content and I suggest you check it out!
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weekweeksblog-blog · 6 years
Trouble in The British Government
So as we all know in the presidential election there was some foul play by another country. This country being Russia. Russia is now being accused of meddling in the Brexit vote. Now what's so cool and so ground breaking to me is that twitter and Facebook are going to help the British government find out exactly what interference was ran and if any fake news or anything was generated by Russians through either of the two platforms. I think it's extremely cool how Facebook and Twitter and trying to help get rid of fake news and such things only in America but worldwide as well.
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weekweeksblog-blog · 6 years
Black Friday Chaos
Now this past Friday was Black Friday and promotion was everywhere! Everywhere I turned on social media there was an add of doorbusters and special deals. Now as it was good to find out about the deals and it did help somewhat, it flooded my timeline. I literally scrolled for my instagram feed and saw promotion on top of promotion it got to a point where I just got off the app. They have to mix in original content much better next time around the promotions end up being a turn off and turn people away from the app for the duration of the period.
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weekweeksblog-blog · 6 years
Nike Wants It All This NBA Season
This year, the NBA kicks starts off with a new twist. Nike is now the official brand of the NBA. With the new Nike era started in the NBA, Nike has been using social media to the best of their abilities. They have launched the "Want It All" campaign which has been a popular hashtag since the season started. Nike is hoping to boost popularity of the New Jersey's by coming for it all. Hoping to inspire and motivate all athletes. It seems to be working great so far.
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weekweeksblog-blog · 7 years
Artists and sponsored links
For this week's blog I would to discuss the recent spike in sponsored instagram posts I've been seeing over the past few days. First off, a sponsored link is a link Someone pays for so that their post will be shown on other people's feeds. Recently I've noticed many recording artists both local and known showing up on my feed that I don't follow with their music playing. Now this is a new tool artists are using to reach people's ears whom they might not reach otherwise. I found this to be cool and interesting because I even caught myself going to some of the artists pages to explore further. This new marketing tactic definitely proves useful in reaching new possible customers.
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weekweeksblog-blog · 7 years
When i first saw this article I was really interested in the title. The idea that likes amount to nothing is just insane to me. People have become famous off of getting likes and shares on numerous social media outlets, and Brands have gone viral using insane challenges and creative online campaigns. So as I read the article it was interesting to me to find out that the social media marketers don’t actually know where the return on investment is coming from at all! They are being pressured to find out where their ROI is coming from especially since social media spending is going to go up about 90% in the next 5 years. Thats 18.5% of the total marketing budget! their biggest challenge is finding that nugget of insight in a huge amount of data and likes are not the nugget.In a study performed by Harvard Business Professors, they concluded that brand attitudes and purchasing are predicted by consumers preexisting fondness for brands and are the same regardless of when or whether a consumer “likes” a brand on social media. Which means likes mean nothing.
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weekweeksblog-blog · 7 years
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Soo this past Saturday, September 16 a pair of Nike Air Max 97's released. These were a special limited edition pair in which Nike paired with the clothing brand Undefeated to create this amazing pair of sneakers. I decided to try to get a pair for myself. They released them only on undefeated.com, and in store at 9 am in Undefeated's store in LA. I woke up to get them, but then I forgot all about the time zone difference which meant I woke up an extra three hours before the release ! They appeared online around 12 in the afternoon and by that time I had simply forgot all about them. I was a little upset I didn't grab a pair of them but they release again next week one last time. Hopefully I can grab a pair! #350highlight
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