webmarket01 · 3 years
7 Time-Saving Tips for Keeping an Accurate Food Journal | Weight Loss | MyFitnessPal
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/7-time-saving-tips-for-keeping-an-accurate-food-journal-weight-loss-myfitnesspal/
7 Time-Saving Tips for Keeping an Accurate Food Journal | Weight Loss | MyFitnessPal
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Keeping a food journal is a tried-and-true weight-loss strategy. By logging everything you eat and drink, you learn more about healthy eating and are better able to create a calorie deficit (slightly less calories in than out) to shed pounds.
Of course, a food journal only works if you stick with it. One of the most common barriers to sticking with a food diary is how time-consuming and tedious it can be. In the beginning, it can feel like a chore, especially if you have to record complex recipes or restaurant meals, guesstimate portion sizes, or find the right brand or type of food from a long list of options.
However, research shows logging meals, drinks and snacks only takes about 15 minutes out of your day once you’ve gotten used to it. “Time-saving is so important when it comes to keeping a food journal because, for many people, if it isn’t convenient, you’re less likely to keep up with it,” says Sandy Younan Brikho, RD.
To make food journaling a truly sustainable habit, speed up the process with these seven time-saving tips:
Planning meals ahead of time — even if only day by day — can simplify food logging by making your intake more predictable (here’s a simple template to get you started). “Track your entire day at one time and only go in and edit items as needed,” suggests Leah Forristall, RD. While this approach might take some getting used to, recording all of your meals and snacks before you eat them could make it easier to stay on track since it’s all laid out for you already.
“One time-saving feature I can’t live without is saving recipes and meals,” says Brikho. If you frequently find yourself logging 10–20 ingredients for a single meal, you can save the recipe in an app like MyFitnessPal once, and you’re set for life. For go-to meals you love to eat, it’s worth the initial time investment.
Portion sizes are another common stumbling block when it comes to food logging. After all, it’s extremely difficult to eyeball the weight of food in grams, ounces, or pounds — and your eyes are often bigger than your stomach, says Aderet Dana Hoch, RD. One fix is to buy a food scale, which can quickly measure the weight of multiple food items. “They even make scales that you can link to your phone and the information will upload for you,” she says.
“After logging certain items so many times, you’ll begin to memorize what a 3 ounce or 1/2-cup portion of something looks like,” says Forristall. Once you get to this point, visual guides (such as the palm of your hand being 3 ounces of chicken breast) can help when you’re short on time. Compared to food scales or measuring cups and spoons, visuals are the least accurate method, but can also be the most sustainable — so opt for the method that suits you best, she suggests.
Another way to make food logging easier on yourself is to log one food for others that have the equivalent amount of calories or macronutrients (the balance of carbs, protein and fat), says Hoch. Originally created by the American Dietetic Association (ADA), the exchange list shares vegetables, fruits, dairy products, lean proteins, starches, fats and more with similar or equivalent calorie counts.
Here are a few examples that could come in handy:
A surprisingly big time zap is having to scroll through a gazillion different listings to find the specific brand and type of protein bar, bread or crackers you eat. The fix: “MyFitnessPal has a feature that allows you to scan food items,” says Forristall. All you have to do is scan the barcode and then make sure the nutrition information matches, she explains. If it’s not in the database, you can add it yourself. After that, you can easily find the new entry in your My Foods list.
“Meal scanning is one of the most popular features on MyFitnessPal Premium that my clients absolutely love,” says Brikho. “You don’t have to enter a bunch of different foods in, worry about it being the right food product or spend time searching for the right one.” Simply hold your phone above your plate for a few seconds, and voilà! The app logs your meal for you.
Although food journaling can be time-consuming at first, with a little planning, practice and the right app, you can streamline the process and stay on track to reach your health goals.
However, “when eating starts to feel like a chore because of your food journal or you’re no longer enjoying food, that’s a sign of journaling fatigue or burnout,” notes Hoch. In this case, it’s perfectly OK to take a break and use other weight-loss strategies like intuitive eating (listening to your natural hunger cues) or the plate method (filling half of your plate with non-starchy veggies and the one quarter each with starches and protein).
Unlock an experience that’s like having a dietitian, trainer and coach — right at your fingertips. Go Premium for expert guidance and exclusive tools that will help you reach your personal health goals.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
CrossFit Workouts and Tips to Aid in Your Weight Loss Journey
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/crossfit-workouts-and-tips-to-aid-in-your-weight-loss-journey/
CrossFit Workouts and Tips to Aid in Your Weight Loss Journey
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These Assault Bike Workouts will help you to drastically improve your engine and mental strength. The assault bike is a brutally effective machine that only seems to get worse the fitter you get.
EMOM For As Long As Possible
Ascending Assault Bike calories
Start with 3 calories. Add 3 calories every minute until failure
Beginning with 3 calories on the Assault Air Bike, rest until 1:00 then add 3 additional calories every minute on the minute until failure to complete designated calories. Complete 3 calories the first minute for round one, then rest until 1:00. Complete 6 calories in one minute for round two, 9 calories for round three, and so on.
Assault Bike Workouts – HIGHWAY TO HELL
For Time
5 mile Assault Air Bike (in 2 minute max intervals)
After each 2-minute interval, if the 5-mile goal is not met, perform:
50 Air Squats
50 Push-Ups
50 AbMat Sit-Ups
The athlete must perform 2-minutes on the air bike. After the 2 minutes are up, if the 5-mile target distance is not yet complete, the athlete must get off of the air bike and perform the air squats, push-ups, and sit-ups. Then, immediately start the next 2-minute air bike interval. Repeat until a cumulative 5-mile distance is completed. Score is the total time it takes to complete the cumulative 5 miles.
Assault Bike Workouts – DEATH RACE
Assault Bike Workouts
5 Rounds for Time
15/10 calorie Assault Bike
10 Burpees
Assault Bike monitor must be reset each round. Someone else may reset your monitor for you. For burpees, athlete must drop to chest-to-ground, hop up, jump, stand tall, and clap overhead.
AMRAP in 20 minutes
Cash In:
100 meter Farmers Carry (85/55 lb)
Then, AMRAP of:
5 Bear Complexes (135/65 lb)
10 Bar Over Burpees
15 calorie Assault Air Bike
Finally, Cash Out:
100 meter Farmer’s Carry (85/55 lb)
1 bear complex consists of: 1 power clean, 1 front squat, 1 push press, 1 back squat, and 1 push press.
5 Rounds for Max Calories
Every 5 minutes, perform:
30 second Max Calorie Bike
With a running clock, perform max calorie Bike for 30 seconds every 5 minutes for five rounds.
Score is the total calories completed before the 25-minute time cap expires.
Assault Bike Workouts – THE CLIMB
9-15-21 Reps for Time
Calorie Assault Airbike
Handstand Push-Ups
With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written. Athlete must accomplish 9 calorie Assault Airbike and 9 Handstand Push-Ups before moving on to 15 reps of each movement and so on.
Score is the time on the clock when the last round of Handstand Push-Ups is completed.
Assault Bike Workouts
For Time
Round 1:
30 calorie Assault Air Bike
24 Lunges
18 Push-Ups
12 Front Squat (185/135 lb)
Round 2:
25 calorie Assault Air Bike
20 Lunges
15 Push-Ups
10 Front Squat (185/135 lb)
Round 3:
20 calorie Assault Air Bike
16 Lunges
12 Push-Ups
8 Front Squat (185/135 lb)
Round 4:
15 calorie Assault Air Bike
12 Lunges
9 Push-Ups
6 Front Squat (185/135 lb)
Round 5:
10 calorie Assault Air Bike
8 Lunges
6 Push-Ups
4 Front Squat (185/135 lb)
Round 6:
5 calorie Assault Air Bike
4 Lunges
3 Push-Ups
2 Front Squat (185/135 lb)
5 Rounds for Time
20/15 calorie Assault Airbike
15 Air Squats
10 Sit-Ups
With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written for 5 rounds.
Score is the time on the clock when the last round of Sit-Ups is completed.
10 Rounds for Time
10 Thrusters (95/65 lb)
10 Bar Over Burpees
10 calorie Assault Air Bike
5 Rounds for Time
10 Push Presses (95/65 lb)
15 calorie Assault Air Bike
10 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (95/65 lb)
15 Sit-Ups
10 Front Squats (95/65 lb)
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
8 Tips to Lose Weight Gained During Menopause - WomenWorking
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/8-tips-to-lose-weight-gained-during-menopause-womenworking/
8 Tips to Lose Weight Gained During Menopause - WomenWorking
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Several factors play a role in weight gain before and during menopause, according to Franziska Spritzier, RD. It can be due to hormone fluctuations, both elevated and low levels of estrogen can lead to increased fat storage. Loss of muscle mass may occur due to age, hormonal changes, and decreased physical activity. Also, inadequate sleep and increased insulin resistance.
According to a 2013 study by Endocrine Reviews, a woman’s fat storage shifts from the hips and thighs to the abdomen during menopause. This can increase the risk of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. That is why it is important to try and lose belly fat during this stage of life, even though it can be challenging, here are eight tips that can help.
Increase Your Physical Activity
Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways for weight loss and overall physical health. It is a great way to build muscle and prevent age-related muscle loss. According to Debora Sullivan, Ph.D., research shows that aerobic exercise can decrease body fat after menopause. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that people should aim for at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity every week and that people should do muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days each week. If you are not already active, you can slowly increase your activity level by going on walks or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Eat a Low-Carb Diet
The carbohydrates you eat digest glucose, which raises insulin, according to Anne Mullens, BSc. To reduce your insulin levels and reverse insulin resistance, you can cut out sugar and high-carb foods from your diet. High-carb foods include rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, and baked goods because they rapidly convert to sugar. Mullens suggests a low-carb diet because it might even increase your metabolism – potentially increasing fat burning – by between 200 and 500 calories per day. An easy step into starting a low-carb diet is by cutting out sugary drinks and added sugar.
Eat Enough Protein
According to Mullens, getting enough protein at every meal will maintain lean muscle mass and helps counteract the muscle loss of aging and the increase of sarcopenic obesity. Having a source of protein in every meal will keep you full and satisfied and increases your metabolic rate. Great sources of protein are eggs, chicken breasts, oats, broccoli, and all types of fish.
Practice Mindful Eating
Being mindful of what you eat can help change your eating behavior and may prevent any more weight gain. According to Sullivan, mindful eating can help a person become aware of internal, rather than external, cues to eat. It can be a helpful approach to binge eating and eating-related to emotional states. Spritzier also suggests mindful eating because it may help reduce stress and improve your relationship with food, so you end up eating less.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Getting enough good quality sleep is important for maintaining a healthy weight and overall good health. Low-quality sleep can lead to weight gain. According to Spritzier, people who sleep too little have higher levels of the “hunger hormone” ghrelin, lower levels of the “fullness hormone” leptin, and are more likely to be overweight. Menopause can cause women to have trouble sleeping due to hot flashes, night sweats, stress, and other physical effects of estrogen deficiency. It is important for you to try and get enough sleep to help reduce menopause-related weight gain.
Manage Your Stress
Stress relief is important during the menopausal transition, according to Spritzier. In a 1996 study of Obesity Research, it suggests that stress leads to elevated cortisol levels, which are associated with increased abdominal fat. A great way to reduce stress and relieve symptoms in women going through menopause is yoga.
Get Help from Your Family and Friends
“Having the support of your family and friends is an integral part of weight loss,” says Sullivan. A way to keep yourself on your exercise journey is having a workout buddy that will motivate you to do it. Another way to keep yourself motivated is by tracking your progress on social media, it can be a way to help with accountability. It will also record how much progress you have done to lose weight and gain a healthy lifestyle.
Keep Up with Your Lifestyle Changes
One of the most important tips in losing weight gained due to menopause is maintaining healthy habits so that they can have a long-term effect on your body. According to Sullivan, including cooking routines and getting regular exercise are more likely to result in long-term effects. Seeing results can take some time, but the best part about keeping a healthy lifestyle is that it will make you feel good inside and out.
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This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
Tips to Help Reach Weight Loss Goals
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/tips-to-help-reach-weight-loss-goals/
Tips to Help Reach Weight Loss Goals
Following a proper diet is very important. Those that are able to eat the right amount of food and get a proper mix of protein, vitamins, and minerals will feel better and will be able to maintain a healthy weight. Unfortunately, the addiction to food is something that is challenging to break, and it can lead to setbacks in any diet. For those that are looking for help when it comes to dieting, using a program like GoEatRightNow can be a great solution. This is an online program that can provide a variety of benefits to anyone that is looking for help when it comes to losing weight.
Need some quick tips for losing weight? Read on!
Focus on the Emotional Side of Eating
While eating is something that is needed to thrive and should never be fully avoided, a lot of people make the mistake of allowing emotions to control food intake. Some examples of emotional eating can include if you are eating due to sadness or excitement or even if you are feeling a strong craving for a particular food that you know is bad for you. It can be tough to avoid the dieting setbacks that come with emotional eating, but recognizing your habits and finding ways to cope with emotions without straying from your diet is important.
Identify Link Between Emotions and Eating
A big part of being successful with your weight loss goals is focusing on what your personal triggers are when it comes to eating too much or having poor food. If you are ever feeling a strong trigger to start eating bad food, stop and think about the emotions that you are feeling. They can include stress, anger, frustration, or any other emotion. Before too long, you will notice that there is a pattern between which emotions cause you to want to eat. This can help you identify these triggers and be aware if you are starting to crave food and want to eat due to your current mental state or if you are actually just hungry.
Daily Journaling and Progress
When you are going to complete any type of weight loss program, a big part of it will be to keep a journal. Having a journal will help you record and remember what you have had, and it can also help you to identify and notice when progress is being made. Your weight loss journal can include much more than just what you ate. Your weight loss journey includes food that you ate, what you drank, which exercises you completed, your emotions during the day, and your weight on a daily basis. Some choose to take measurements of certain parts of their body, as well. As time goes on, following these journals and seeing the progress that is being made will be helpful. This can help to keep you on track and continue to help you feel motivated while you are trying to lose some extra weight.
Tracking Cravings and Stress
While there are situations when you will clearly be able to identify that you are under stress or craving certain foods, it is not always easy to quantify the degree to which you feel these emotions. Being able to identify and measure stress and cravings can help you stay on track with weight loss goals.
Mental Health Exercises
While losing weight and being healthy requires that you complete regular physical exercises, a big part of this process also involves your mental health. There are many mental exercises that can help you to reduce your stress levels and become more mindful each day. This can help aid in your development when it comes to avoiding stress eating, and it could also help you identify and manage triggers that can cause stress for you.
Professional Support
While your weight loss journey may be a personal one you intend to take on your own, it may also be helpful to have professional support by your side. Whether you join a program or consult with a nutritionist or other healthcare professional about your journey, you can get helpful advice and suggestions from trained professionals to help you meet your goals. Involving a professional means they can hold you accountable if you have trouble holding yourself accountable. You may even consider getting community support through a support group where you can interact with people who are going through the same challenges.
Finding a healthy way to lose weight and follow a proper diet is very important. Unfortunately, many people find that following a diet for the long term and keeping weight off is challenging. One reason that you may be eating too much is due to your current emotions and mental state. Once you can identify the link between emotions and eating and avoid consuming too much due to cravings, you’ll be on a better track to hitting your weight loss goals.
The post Tips to Help Reach Weight Loss Goals appeared first on Home Business Magazine.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
Top 6 Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/top-6-weight-loss-tips-for-women-over-40/
Top 6 Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40
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When we women are in our teens and even twenties, losing weight looks like a piece of cake. All that we really do is skipping on the sweet stuff for a while, join some fitness training class, and we are ready to roll. However, as we age, weight loss gets a bit trickier as our metabolic rate drops, and we tend to gain weight instead of losing it.
Weight loss can be especially challenging for women who have hit menopause. Nonetheless, getting old doesn’t indicate that one simply cannot lose weight. Instead of giving up on your dream figure and resigning yourself to get bigger-sized clothes, there are essential weight loss tips that are effective for women over 40. That said, weight loss after 40 is possible – all you need is a proper strategy to implement and get back on track.
Besides indulging in keto for women, check out the below-given list of six weight loss tips that actually work for women over 40. Read on to learn more!
Indulge in Weight Training
In contrast to their male counterparts, women have a lower muscle mass percentage. As we age, our muscle tissues deplete, too, especially after 30. This is where weight training becomes essential. Make sure to indulge in weight-training each day.
The benefits of weight training are two-folded: firstly, you will burn extra calories as you will burn fats. Secondly, you can maintain your current metabolism rate. Understandably, weight loss is connected with our metabolism, and as we age, our metabolic rate keeps dropping.
However, by indulging in weight training, you can effectively maintain your current metabolic rate and prevent it from slowing down any further.
Keep Track of What You Eat
Keeping a journal isn’t only good for our mental health, especially in the face of the ongoing pandemic. However, besides preserving our memories and having an outlet for surplus feelings and emotions, keeping a journal will also allow you to keep track of the calories that you consume daily.
That said, your diary can serve as a cheap yet effective weight-loss tool as you keep track of how your calorie consumption connects with your body count. Various weight-loss research has revealed that the individuals who kept a journal and continuously tracked all calories experienced a 50% greater weight loss compared to those who didn’t keep a journal.
By keeping a journal, you will make conscious choices of what you are putting in your body, leading to a healthier diet.
Boost Your Intake of Omega-3s
You might have heard about the importance of omega-3s intake already, especially in connection with weight loss. Food that is enriched with omega-3 is well-known as a superfood, such as fish, salmon fish, flaxseeds, nuts, and avocados.
It has been analyzed that women who included omega-3s in their daily diet increased their chances of weight-loss dramatically. Not to mention that the intake of omega-3s also led to the feeling of being fuller for an extended period, thus curbing hunger pangs and keeping weight off the bay for a long and consistent period.
By upping on their omega-3s intake, women can battle other health-related issues as well, such as hot flashes. Start consuming salmon and nuts from today and enjoy the long-term effects of life!
Stick to a Routine
Sometimes it is also the smallest things in life that can lead to serious life-changes. An example of this would be the importance of having a schedule and sticking to the schedule, no-matter-what. If you are determined to get rid of the extra pounds, we recommend that you start keeping a regular eating schedule.
Researchers first tested mice by endorsing them with a regular feeding schedule. It was observed that mice fed the same fat-enriched food daily maintained leaner bodies in contrast to mice given the high-fat-foods sporadically.
That said, by sticking to a regular eating schedule, you will see it work wonders for your body and deal with unnecessary hunger pangs that are an essential part of an irregular eating pattern. Did you know that an irregular eating schedule induces cravings for carbs and sugary foods? This kind of craving usually gets worse when women hit menopause. Having a regular eating routine can save you loads of trouble, including gaining extra pounds.  
Get Active Outdoors
The pandemic has forced many of us to get confined tour homes due to social distancing and safety. However, this shouldn’t prevent us from going for walks in the nearby park and staying active. An active lifestyle is better than adopting a sedentary lifestyle which won’t only add to your weight but also cause health-related issues, such as joint problems, depression, and stress.
That said, by staying active, you are all set to burn extra calories and decrease your chances of developing osteoporosis. Additionally, daily walks are good for the mind as it allows you to detox from negative thoughts and maintains a positive outlook on life, especially, during today’s challenging times.
If you cannot step out of your home, you can get resistance bands and get your body moving at home. Other options include joining an online yoga and fitness community and staying active.
Try Intermittent Fasting
Have you heard about intermittent fasting before? This effective weight loss tip refers to an eight-hour window during which you can eat. However, all your food-intake must be delimited to the eight-hour window of intermittent fasting. In the remaining 16-hours, your body will switch to a fasting mode.
Much research has been conducted on intermittent fasting. It has been analyzed that despite the intake of high-fat food during the 8-hour window, participants remained slim in contrast to those who consumed the same amount of calories spread over the day.
That said, intermittent fasting lowers the risks of developing obesity while you will live a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, don’t forget to stay hydrated and keep sipping on water throughout the day. Water is essential for weight loss and improves your skin texture and overall freshness. Women who have hit menopause and have hot flashes, sipping on ice water is a widely recommended solution.
The post Top 6 Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40 appeared first on Sippy Cup Mom.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
Top 6 Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/top-6-weight-loss-tips-for-women-over-40/
Top 6 Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40
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When we women are in our teens and even twenties, losing weight looks like a piece of cake. All that we really do is skipping on the sweet stuff for a while, join some fitness training class, and we are ready to roll. However, as we age, weight loss gets a bit trickier as our metabolic rate drops, and we tend to gain weight instead of losing it.
Weight loss can be especially challenging for women who have hit menopause. Nonetheless, getting old doesn’t indicate that one simply cannot lose weight. Instead of giving up on your dream figure and resigning yourself to get bigger-sized clothes, there are essential weight loss tips that are effective for women over 40. That said, weight loss after 40 is possible – all you need is a proper strategy to implement and get back on track.
Besides indulging in keto for women, check out the below-given list of six weight loss tips that actually work for women over 40. Read on to learn more!
Indulge in Weight Training
In contrast to their male counterparts, women have a lower muscle mass percentage. As we age, our muscle tissues deplete, too, especially after 30. This is where weight training becomes essential. Make sure to indulge in weight-training each day.
The benefits of weight training are two-folded: firstly, you will burn extra calories as you will burn fats. Secondly, you can maintain your current metabolism rate. Understandably, weight loss is connected with our metabolism, and as we age, our metabolic rate keeps dropping.
However, by indulging in weight training, you can effectively maintain your current metabolic rate and prevent it from slowing down any further.
Keep Track of What You Eat
Keeping a journal isn’t only good for our mental health, especially in the face of the ongoing pandemic. However, besides preserving our memories and having an outlet for surplus feelings and emotions, keeping a journal will also allow you to keep track of the calories that you consume daily.
That said, your diary can serve as a cheap yet effective weight-loss tool as you keep track of how your calorie consumption connects with your body count. Various weight-loss research has revealed that the individuals who kept a journal and continuously tracked all calories experienced a 50% greater weight loss compared to those who didn’t keep a journal.
By keeping a journal, you will make conscious choices of what you are putting in your body, leading to a healthier diet.
Boost Your Intake of Omega-3s
You might have heard about the importance of omega-3s intake already, especially in connection with weight loss. Food that is enriched with omega-3 is well-known as a superfood, such as fish, salmon fish, flaxseeds, nuts, and avocados.
It has been analyzed that women who included omega-3s in their daily diet increased their chances of weight-loss dramatically. Not to mention that the intake of omega-3s also led to the feeling of being fuller for an extended period, thus curbing hunger pangs and keeping weight off the bay for a long and consistent period.
By upping on their omega-3s intake, women can battle other health-related issues as well, such as hot flashes. Start consuming salmon and nuts from today and enjoy the long-term effects of life!
Stick to a Routine
Sometimes it is also the smallest things in life that can lead to serious life-changes. An example of this would be the importance of having a schedule and sticking to the schedule, no-matter-what. If you are determined to get rid of the extra pounds, we recommend that you start keeping a regular eating schedule.
Researchers first tested mice by endorsing them with a regular feeding schedule. It was observed that mice fed the same fat-enriched food daily maintained leaner bodies in contrast to mice given the high-fat-foods sporadically.
That said, by sticking to a regular eating schedule, you will see it work wonders for your body and deal with unnecessary hunger pangs that are an essential part of an irregular eating pattern. Did you know that an irregular eating schedule induces cravings for carbs and sugary foods? This kind of craving usually gets worse when women hit menopause. Having a regular eating routine can save you loads of trouble, including gaining extra pounds.  
Get Active Outdoors
The pandemic has forced many of us to get confined tour homes due to social distancing and safety. However, this shouldn’t prevent us from going for walks in the nearby park and staying active. An active lifestyle is better than adopting a sedentary lifestyle which won’t only add to your weight but also cause health-related issues, such as joint problems, depression, and stress.
That said, by staying active, you are all set to burn extra calories and decrease your chances of developing osteoporosis. Additionally, daily walks are good for the mind as it allows you to detox from negative thoughts and maintains a positive outlook on life, especially, during today’s challenging times.
If you cannot step out of your home, you can get resistance bands and get your body moving at home. Other options include joining an online yoga and fitness community and staying active.
Try Intermittent Fasting
Have you heard about intermittent fasting before? This effective weight loss tip refers to an eight-hour window during which you can eat. However, all your food-intake must be delimited to the eight-hour window of intermittent fasting. In the remaining 16-hours, your body will switch to a fasting mode.
Much research has been conducted on intermittent fasting. It has been analyzed that despite the intake of high-fat food during the 8-hour window, participants remained slim in contrast to those who consumed the same amount of calories spread over the day.
That said, intermittent fasting lowers the risks of developing obesity while you will live a healthier lifestyle. Lastly, don’t forget to stay hydrated and keep sipping on water throughout the day. Water is essential for weight loss and improves your skin texture and overall freshness. Women who have hit menopause and have hot flashes, sipping on ice water is a widely recommended solution.
The post Top 6 Weight Loss Tips for Women Over 40 appeared first on Sippy Cup Mom.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
5 Easy-to-Follow Diet Tips for Weight Loss that Work! | The Mom Kind
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/5-easy-to-follow-diet-tips-for-weight-loss-that-work-the-mom-kind/
5 Easy-to-Follow Diet Tips for Weight Loss that Work! | The Mom Kind
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Just one click, or a quick swipe on your smartphone or laptop, will unlock myriad ways to lose weight, diet and healthy eating 101, and lifestyle choices.
All these promises to help you navigate the challenging route of notching your weight loss goals raise hope. But whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 50, determining which tips are evidence-based, and will yield a guaranteed result, is no easy feat. Add to that. There is some misguided weight loss advice that can do more harm than good.
5 Easy-to-Follow Diet Tips for Weight Loss
Losing weight can seem overwhelming. But not when we decide to step in as your quick counsel. Look no further, as to help you lose weight and not your mind, to know what to eat and what to skip, we have curated the best diet facts and tips that work.
Overwhelmed much? We have you covered
We did some extra hard work and decided to keep it simple, so you don’t have to examine every minutia around special diet plans, weight loss programs, or stack up fitness books up your bookshelf.
Get ready to inch closer to your fitness goal and trim the stubborn fat like nobody’s business with these pro tips.
Write down every “bite” of it
Now for some, a systematic review of what they are eating can sound like a buzz-kill. No fat-free green dip? No vegetable sticks with hummus snack? But that’s where we want to tell you. We promise this works!
Food journaling for losing weight and keeping it off is a reliable method that significantly limits your comfort eating, mindless binge eating and aids in adopting healthy eating habits. Think of it as a spin on the famous Kon-Mari method. Just as the KonMari Method encourages tidying up and organizing the living spaces, food journaling, for many, works as a behavioral treatment that helps them declutter, make sense of what they put into their mouth, and re-calibrate their eating habits.
When you pay deliberate attention to your eating behavior consistently, it brings a gradual change in your dietary patterns. We would caveat it by adding that this self-reviewing is a regular habit and not a sporadic log-in. Next time you reach for that second helping of dessert, remember it’s going to go down your food log and will remain there for posterity.
Practice makes it permanent
The underpinning for an effective weight loss plan is a pre-set routine of the meal items for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Remember, too many choices can make it harder to choose, also, out of sight, out of mind. So, when there are limited, albeit healthy, options to choose from, you would inadvertently end up keeping indulgent foods far away from the mind and reach.
Simply put, repeat what you eat. Sounds too bland? A change in meal plans every few weeks works just fine but limits your options.
Pre-set meals are a great tool to build discipline and a rhythm. Wondering what to eat when you are famished? While making the grocery list, choose options that balance flavor and calories. But don’t get seduced by a variety of indulgent culinary delights.
There are some delicious nutritionist-approved healthy food items to pick from. Make smart choices and then stick to those. Egg pancakes, untoasted muesli, greek yogurt with fruits, a veggie smoothie blend, cottage cheese with berries, and veggie omelet are just some of the many go-to-meal options to choose from.
Not much of a pro at cooking? Always running against time, with your jam-packed schedule? No sweat. Get a variety for all specific dietary needs with interesting menu options at your fingertips.
Slurp your green tea
This one entails a motley of health benefits and helps you trim the stubborn fat substantially. Loaded with antioxidants, called catechins, they work magic.
They increase fat burn, cleanse and heal the body. For those who exercise, green tea can boost the fat-burning effects of a workout. Also, it’s an excellent swap for all those empty calorie-laden sweetened beverages.
Make friends with protein
As you stack up more protein in your diet, it will stop you from reaching out for unhealthy food items each time hunger strikes.
It helps you feel more full with less food intake. Protein provides a prolonged satiating effect. With increased protein contents, it becomes easier to maintain weight. Satiation signals the feeling to bring an end to a meal. Leveraging protein-induced satiety can be an effective strategy in body-weight loss and body-weight maintenance after that. So if you are trying to shed the extra weight, don’t starve yourself, instead amp up your protein intake.
Play a visual trick on the brain
We all love the sight of a full plate. It packs in the sense of fulfillment. So let’s do some dietary cutback while tricking your brain into seeing a full plate. Swap a big plate with a smaller one. Large plates usually mean large serving sizes. Downsizing your plate will drastically cut down the calories you consume.
Go ahead and even pick smaller bowls for curries and soups. Eating off an eight or nine-inch plate instead of a 12 inch one and using small bowls will significantly help with portion control. You consume far fewer calories while experiencing a visually full plate’s worth of food.
Easy-to-Follow Diet Tips for Weight Loss
If you thought this was the end of the holy grail for losing weight fast and easy, there’s more. Losing the excess weight and keeping it off for good is now easier than ever if you follow the right advice. Alongside the ones shared above, there are some other equally effective ways.
Keeping a fruit bowl with some healthy, seasonal fruits at a place like a kitchen counter that’s in your line of sight at home works great. Paying all your attention to your meal and not watching something on television or mobile alongside is a great way to cultivate mindful eating. Ensuring you catch up on your sleep and don’t give in to false hunger pangs due to sleep deprivation is a good idea too.
These small but significant changes in diet and lifestyle will help you in weight management and help cut back on all that’s coming in the way of a fabulous body and excellent health.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
15 Weight Loss Tips for Busy Girls
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/15-weight-loss-tips-for-busy-girls/
15 Weight Loss Tips for Busy Girls
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Are you too busy that you don’t even have time to tell people you are busy!? In that case, squeezing out an hour or two out of a tight schedule to slog it out the gym to lose weight might seem next to possible. But know what? Weight loss is not about hitting the gym with a vengeance, it’s majorly about eating the right kind of food and you can absolutely lose without breaking a sweat (but breaking a sweat does help in accelerating the whole process). If you have been dreading the idea of hitting the gym to lose weight when there’s hardly any time to breathe, then you have landed at the right place because we have got diet programs that help you drop excess weight by helping you eat right. Since weight loss can be divided into 80% diet and 20% exercise, it would be a prudent idea to straighten out your diet by following the weight loss programs on the Rati Beauty app. Here are some more tips you can follow additionally to look leaner and get healthier.
1. Start on an Easy-to-Follow Diet Program: You would stop considering losing weight a time-consuming process by following the diet programs on the Rati Beauty. Check out easy-to-follow diets on the app and drop weight successfully by just eating the right kind of food.
2. Practice Water Preloading: If you are too busy, make water your best friend because water is an absolutely calorie-free drink that curbs appetite, boosts metabolism, and burns more calories. There’s also a clever way to eat lesser calories with water – consume 500 ml of plain water half an hour before each meal. Practicing this method will significantly stretch your tummy and as a result, there would be lesser release of the hunger hormone “ghrelin” and you would feel full with less amount of food and fewer calorie intake. It is an effective strategy to tackle overeating. Read in detail how to use “Water Preloading to Boost Weight Loss.”
3. Try 7-Minute HIIT: HIIT workouts are popular to burn fat when compared to cardio exercises such as walking or running on the treadmill. Interestingly, even after you have finished HIIT routine, your body continues to burn calories because of increased oxygen consumption, keeping up the metabolism high all through the day. HIIT also boosts enzymes that are responsible for fat burning and also decrease levels of fat-producing enzymes. HIIT exercises are great for busy women because they burn more fat and calories in less time, and not finding 7 minutes out of 24 hours is not a good excuse at all. Here is a list of 7 Minute Fat Burning HIIT Exercises That you can Do at Home.
4. Keep a Food Journal: It would just take 5 minutes to write down details about your food intake in a journal and it’s a helpful tool for people trying to lose weight. People who keep a food journal often find that jotting down every meal into a notebook helps them eliminate calorie-rich and unhealthy food. A food journal also helps one set a food routine and the frequency of snacking, avoiding weight gain.
5. Sleep Like a Baby: Not having a sound sleep has a spiralling effect when it comes to weight and health – it reduces leptin (satiety hormone) level, increases cortisol production, makes metabolism sluggish, lowers fat-burning enzymes, increases level of the hunger hormone “ghrelin.”Added to this, bad sleep can hamper the gut flora by hampering the physiological stress response, and an imbalanced gut can totally stall the whole weight loss process. In fact, in all seriousness, do nothing but sleep like a baby all through the night to shed extra flab.
6. Practice Hara Hachi Bu: It’s an eating technique that originated from Okinawa region of Japan where people live a long life, are not obese, and rarely suffer from any metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, stroke or cardiovascular issues. “Hara Hachi Bu,” translates to “eat until you are 80% full.” This practice puts a stop to eating once a person reaches 80% satiety. We should stop before feeling the stomach pressure and till the point where we are no longer hungry, rather than full. Here are some ways to eat until 80% full to lose weight. Here’s a detailed post on how to practice to eat until you are 80% full.
7. Fidget those Legs Whenever you can: Studies have revealed that people who fidget their legs through the day can burn significantly more calories than people who are standing still! So, make use of the TV time, and fidget those legs to lose up to 300 calories in a day!
8. Stay Away from Low Fat and Fat-Free Foods: There’s one major mistake people who want to shed weight do – they avoid all forms of fat like a plague. Most food items that are marketed as “low fat” and “fat free” replace fat content with loads of carbs that when not used as energy, get stored as fat in the body, particularly, resulting in belly fat.  hen fat content is ripped from food, it usually makes it bland and tasteless. To appeal to the tastebuds of consumers, companies add stuff like heaps of sugar, refined carbs, salt, emulsifiers, and thickeners which add high amount of calories to the body. Such a tendency defeats the whole purpose where one is actually going “low fat” to lose weight. So choose healthy fats instead of going low fat or fat free.
9. Be Active While you are Busy: Since you are busy, it would be a good idea to stay active while being busy – like taking mini strolls after prolonged periods of sitting, getting up on your feet whenever you can, switching a standing desk while working instead of sitting workstation. Here are some more ways to burn extra calories through the day (10 Things Fit People Do To Stay in Shape).
10. Portion Control: It’s essential to remain in calorie deficit to burn fat and portion controlling food is the bridge to enter such a deficit. If you are not sure how to portion control, here are 10 amazing tips to follow.
11. Swap Meal Plate with a Small Bowl: Eat food from a bowl rather than a plate to control calorie intake. When you use small plates or bowls, you tend to take smaller amount of food and that would prevent you from eating more than you need. There are also studies that have found that your brain gets tricked and feels satisfied when you eat from a bowl than from a plate. You would feel full when you eat from a small bowl with the same quantity of food that you eat from a larger plate. Also, the bowl’s weight in hand will give you the feeling that you are consuming more food. So, dump that plate and pick that bowl.
12. Say no to Added Sugar: This is probably a no-brainer – give up added sugar to lose weight because the empty calories that make their way through added sugar get converted as fat layers and not only prevent weight loss, they lead to rapid weight gain.
13. Find a Reason to Laugh: Often, chronic stress acts as a major roadblock preventing fat burning. Find ways to destress, try yoga, or activities that can take your mind off stress, and find a reason to laugh ore.
14. 21 Tricks to Boost Metabolism: There are different tricks to boost metabolism, which is considered as the engine that torches up calories, and you can find all of those tricks in this post.
15. Amp up on Probiotics: A healthy gut can do wonders for weight loss – from reducing inflammation, to regulating fat-burning hormones and enzymes, to lowering hunger and stress hormones – it does all and that’s why it’s essential to keep the gut happy, and one way is to feed it with probiotics. Check out this list of “10 Best Probiotic Food Items That are Good For Your Gut.”
10 Tools That Would Help Stay on Track When Losing Weight 10 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight in your Sleep
The post 15 Weight Loss Tips for Busy Girls appeared first on Makeupandbeauty.com.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
Simple And Doable Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight In The Soonest Time Possible
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/simple-and-doable-tips-that-will-help-you-lose-weight-in-the-soonest-time-possible/
Simple And Doable Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight In The Soonest Time Possible
With summer right around the corner, a lot of us are starting to think about getting in shape and trying to lose weight before swimsuit season arrives. Going on crash diets will help you lose weight fast, but as soon as the diet stops, the person ends up putting back on the weight twice as fast. So, if you are looking to lose weight in the soonest time possible without all the gimmicks and false promises of a crash diet, then here are 5 simple and doable tips for you to lose weight quickly and healthily. 
1. Eat Fewer Carbs And Increase Protein Intake
You can lose weight very quickly by opting for a low-carb diet even for just a week. Eating fewer carbs reduces water weight and bloating. While it is an effective way to lose weight, make sure that you do not cut out carbs entirely. This will leave you feeling exhausted, as you need carbs as a soon of energy. Instead of eating starchy carbs such as white bread or white rice, opt for wholewheat bread and brown rice as these have more fibre which is good for your bowel movements and will also keep you fuller for longer. 
Replace your carbohydrate intake with an increased intake of protein. This will help boost your metabolism while also keeping your hunger levels at bay. High protein foods include white meats, eggs, fish, nuts, and oats. There are plenty of foods and recipes that you can get creative with so that you can sustain the low carb and high protein diet. 
2. Enter A Calorie Deficit
To lose weight you have to enter a calorie deficit, what this means is that you have to consume fewer calories than you burn in a day. For example, if you burn 2000 calories a day, then you could consume 1800 calories a day. However, if you are wanting to lose weight faster, then you could either burn more calories in a day or consume less. Often the hardest part is starting, and if you feel this way then you should consider using online guides such as https://kariencsn.co.za/ to help get you going. 
The most effective way for fast results is a combination of both, so increasing calories burned and decreasing consumption. For example, aiming to burn 2200 calories while eating 1600 calories a day. Do not enter an unrealistic deficit, as you are likely to fail which tends to result in feeling defeated and binging instead. Make sure you are realistic and can maintain your deficit. 
3. Do Strength Training And Interval Training
Doing a combination of strength training and interval training is a great way to speed up the process of weight loss. Strength training has several benefits including increasing muscle mass, weight loss, increase in strength, and the more muscle you have the more calories your body burns. Even after a strength training session, your body is burning calories as it works hard to repair the micro-tears that occur in the tissue of the muscle. This is called the afterburn effect and is very useful when it comes to weight loss.
 However, you do not want to focus solely on resistance training and instead, you should incorporate interval training into your exercise regime. Research has found that a mere 5 to 10 minutes of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) promotes weight loss five times more than standard cardiovascular exercises. Additionally, it reduces carb stores and boosts your metabolism.
Keep things interesting and do a variety of exercises that work the whole body and keep your brain engaged in the exercises. After all, half the battle is maintaining a mindset that is determined to lose weight. 
This point is nice and simple, all you have to do is increase the amount you walk. The British Health Foundation recommends walking 10,000 steps a day to keep your heart healthy. So, where possible, walk instead of catching the bus or driving! Making little changes can make a huge difference and walking is a great form of cardiovascular exercise. Increasing the amount you walk will burn extra calories outside of the gym.
5. Get Enough Sleep
Sleeping less than seven hours a night has been linked with weight gain and obesity. It might sound strange to some of you that sleep can have such an impact, but how much you sleep plays a prominent role in weight loss/gain. This is down to the fact that inadequate sleep can increase your cravings for higher-calorie foods while decreasing your ability to fight off those cravings. Alongside this, research has demonstrated that when you are sleep-deprived, your body produces more ghrelin and less leptin (your appetite hormones). Consequently, this might lead to you overeating. So, ensure that you are getting enough rest and the recommended amount of sleep as this will help you lose weight and maintain diets and exercise regimes. 
There you have it, five simple and doable tips that will help you lose weight in the soonest time possible. Remember, be kind to yourself and only do what you are comfortable doing, otherwise, you will never be able to maintain it. 
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
101 Breakthrough Tips to Maximize Your Weight Loss Success The Holy Mess
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101 Breakthrough Tips to Maximize Your Weight Loss Success The Holy Mess
Are you looking for tips to maximize your weight loss efforts? Maybe you’ve lost some weight and now you are at a stand-still. Perhaps you’ve tried again and again to drop pounds, only to end up heavier than ever. My new book, 101 Breakthrough Tips to Maximize Your Weight Loss will guide you in losing weight and keeping it off for a lifetime.
(Be sure to scroll to the bottom where I provide a free sample of 10 of my favorite tips for losing weight!)
101 Breakthrough Tips to Maximize Your Weight Loss
Note: This is a digital e-book. No product will be shipped. Download and begin using these weight loss tips immediately. Sorry, this is not available in paperback at this time and we do not have a system to print it for you. This is not intended as medical advice.
When Weight Loss is a Struggle
For most of my life, I was overweight. From the time I was 3 years old, I was heavier than what was healthy for my body.
I’ve been maintaining a 100+ pound weight loss for over 15 years.
I lost weight….lots of times…only to gain it all back and then some.
Finally in 2004, I began losing weight for the final time.
Since then I’ve kept off the weight I lost and changed my whole life, going from total coach potato to triathlete and Tae Kwon Do black belt.
I’ve done it, and you can do it, too.
How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
Weight loss isn’t easy, but it also isn’t complicated. The way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than you burn.
The challenge is how to make that happen in today’s crazy world. If you are like me, you’ve read the books, joined the programs, and eaten the salads with no dressing.
Do you wonder what separates you from people who are successful at losing weight and keeping it off?
I wondered that, too.
Inside 101 Breakthrough Tips to Maximize Your Weight Loss Success, I guide you through the foundational principles of weight loss. You’ll learn the tips for how to apply them in a way that fits into your busy life.
These tips made all the difference for me and they will for you, too.
You’ll learn the best foods to eat because they won’t leave you hungry. Find out the recipes I come back to again and again because they taste so good. (These are recipes my family loves, too, and doesn’t even know are healthy!)
You’ll discover how to incorporate fitness into your life in a way that doesn’t make you feel like crying in the corner in frustration.
Most of all, I share the mindset strategies that made it possible for me to not just lose the weight, but actually keep it off.
What’s Inside
Here’s what’s included in the book:
Note: This is a digital e-book. No product will be shipped. Download and begin using these weight loss tips immediately. Sorry, this is not available in paperback at this time and we do not have a system to print it for you. This is not intended as medical advice.
What You Get
When you order 101 Breakthrough Tips to Maximize Your Weight Loss Success today, here’s what’s included.
10 Helpful Weight Loss Tips Bonus Section!
Here’s a sneak peek at just a few of the weight loss tips inside the book, to give you an idea of what they are like.
Love these tips? Get the book and have them all at your fingertips!
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
Eight Tips for Weight Loss Success - Marathons & Motivation
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/eight-tips-for-weight-loss-success-marathons-motivation/
Eight Tips for Weight Loss Success - Marathons & Motivation
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Losing weight isn’t always easy and if it was everyone would be doing it effortlessly. The truth is that you’ll feel and look better when you can maintain a healthy weight.
Be glad to know there are weight loss tips that will help you drop more pounds if you’re struggling and are looking for new methods and pieces of advice. Review the following suggestions and see what you’re already currently doing and areas you’re falling short. Commit to changing your habits going forward and work hard to stay focused on what’s going to bring you the results you desire.
Set Goals
One weight loss tip to help you drop more pounds is to set goals for what you want to achieve. Otherwise, you risk falling off track or not staying committed to losing weight. Write them down and review these goals daily so you know what you need to be doing each day to ensure you meet them. Make sure they require you to have to work hard and stretch yourself but also that they’re realistic and attainable. Let these goals guide you in making wiser and healthier choices in your life and sticking to a new routine that will allow you to drop more pounds.
Be Mindful of Your Food Intake
It would also help if you focused on monitoring your daily food intake. Consider keeping a food journal or diary so you can see for yourself exactly what you’re eating and aren’t lying to yourself about what you’re putting in your body. If you record it down and can see it you may be able to pinpoint what foods or items are keeping you from losing weight. Cook for yourself at home and bring healthy snacks with you if you’re on the go. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and try to limit your intake of saturated fats, carbohydrates, and sugars.
Consider Your Body & Age
Another factor to take into account is your specific body, age, and even gender. What works for you may not work for someone else. One idea is to calculate bmr so you can begin to monitor how many calories a day you need to lose weight. You may be struggling because you’re not taking actions that will boost your metabolism and doing so is an excellent way to start seeing some movement on the scale. You may decide to cut more calories, add in some weight training, and eat more protein after you figure out your number and what it means for you.
Get Enough Sleep
You may be having a hard time losing weight and keeping it off because you’re not getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep may be causing you to hang onto unwanted pounds and keeping you from having the energy you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You might be tempted to eat unhealthily or skip workouts if you’re overtired. Commit to getting better rest and sleep at night and you’re likely to start seeing some positive results as it relates to your weight loss goals. In combination with the other tips, you’ll find that sleep contributes to you feeling good and looking your best, and allowing your body to release and shed unwanted pounds.
Drink Enough Water
You might also want to consider increasing your daily water intake if you’re having trouble losing weight. You must drink even more of it if you’re working out and breaking a sweat. Water is a great way to feel fuller faster, will provide you with more natural energy, and can help speed up your metabolism. It may also help keep you from drinking other sugary and unhealthy drinks throughout the day. Your skin will be glowing and you’ll feel better overall when you drink a lot of water and stay hydrated.
Stay Active
Drop more pounds by keeping active throughout your days, especially if you have a sedentary desk job. Not only get more daily exercise and your heart rate up but also focus on getting more steps each day. Moving more will help keep your body burning calories and you’ll likely begin to notice that you start to drop more weight over time. Find activities and workouts you enjoy doing and that challenge your muscles and help you to get stronger and trimmer. If you’re doing exercises that are fun and enjoyable then it won’t even feel like work. It’s not only going to help you lose weight but will give your mental health a nice boost as well.
Track & Monitor Your Progress
If you’re going to lose weight then you must track and monitor your progress along the way. Otherwise, you risk not knowing if what you’re currently doing is even working. If you track your results then you can see what is going well and in what areas you may need to modify your approach. You might want to consider stepping on the scale each week to see how your weight is changing and if you’re losing. It’s the best way to be honest with yourself and tell if your habits are helping you get closer to reaching your weight loss goals.
Be Patient & Stay Positive
Most importantly, be patient if you want to lose weight the right way and keep it off long-term. Weight loss is difficult and a transformation isn’t going to happen overnight. It may take you months if not years to get to your goal weight and that’s okay. Remind yourself that you’re in it for the long haul. It may be useful to take pictures of yourself throughout your journey so you can see for yourself the benefits of all your hard work and to keep you motivated. Also, maintain a positive mindset about your weight loss journey. Be proud of yourself for giving it a shot and committing to living a healthier lifestyle. Even if the scale stays the same one week, focus on how much better you feel and pat yourself on the back for every step you take toward reaching your final goal.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
9 Tips That Don’t Work for Weight Loss, Say Dietitians | Eat This Not That
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/9-tips-that-dont-work-for-weight-loss-say-dietitians-eat-this-not-that/
9 Tips That Don’t Work for Weight Loss, Say Dietitians | Eat This Not That
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As a nutritionist, I’ve heard all the tips for weight loss—the good, the bad, and the totally off-the-wall. From the age-old cabbage soup diet to the more recent strategy of eating cotton balls to fill the stomach, there’s no shortage of trendy ways to shed pounds–many of them are not only strange but also potentially harmful.
Even mainstream folk wisdom about how to lose weight can sometimes steer you in the wrong direction. So what do dietitians (the real weight loss experts) have to say about which tips are solid and which make them roll their eyes? I asked several registered dietitians to get their feedback. Here are nine weight loss tips they say to skip, and for more tips on how to lose weight, be sure to check out our list of 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
“Make eating inconvenient.”
In theory, it kind of makes sense that putting obstacles in the way of your eating—like by using chopsticks instead of a fork or eating with your non-dominant hand—could help you eat less. But it’s not exactly a practical solution to the issue of overeating.
“While you might find yourself eating slower, you can still finish a full meal,” says Carrie Gabriel, MS, RD. “It is time-consuming, and if a person is busy, that could be frustrating.”
Besides frustration, eating in awkward ways might just make you look silly. “Think of the mess a person would make if it was a food such as, say, steak or a burger, which need a hand or utensils to cut it into small pieces,” says Gabriel.
“Put on tight clothes before you eat.”
Another lifestyle change that’ll only lead to discomfort? Changing your wardrobe at mealtimes. You may have heard the tip to don tight clothing before you eat in order to stay mindful of each mouthful. But keeping up a constant awareness of your weight at mealtimes creates negative self-talk—which you definitely don’t need when you’re trying to be healthy.
“There’s nothing wrong with being motivated to realistically fit into your own clothing that you recently wore, but it’s more important to dress the body you have and focus on your plate instead of your closet,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com and author of Read It Before You Eat It—Taking You from Label to Table.
In the midst of a busy day, there’s a time and a place for a probiotic-rich fruit and yogurt smoothie or protein shake instead of a sit-down lunch. But opting out of all meals in favor of weight loss shakes is likely to be a mere quick fix.
“While replacing food with a shake can be effective for some, there are important points to consider,” says dietitian and personal trainer Anthony DiMarino, RD, CPT. “Meal replacement shakes are normally very low in calories and fiber and therefore do not keep people satisfied for long periods of time.”
DiMarino adds that many meal replacement shakes tend to be high in sugar, which can spike blood sugar—a major drawback if you’re living with diabetes or pre-diabetes.
Instead, make yourself one of these 100 Best No-Cook Recipes of All Time.
“Eat only one food.”
Remember the grapefruit diet? Or the potato diet? Or any diet that told you to eat just one food? Monotrophic diets—those that advise sticking to a single food or food group—have been around for ages. The idea goes that you can only eat so much of any food before getting so bored you’ll basically stop eating altogether.
It doesn’t sound like a recipe for a healthy relationship to food, says Gabriel. And it sure doesn’t sound like fun!
“This pushes a person into eating disorder territory, in my opinion,” she says.
Meanwhile, if you go too long without a varied diet, you’re more likely to end up in the hospital than in a bikini competition.
“Eating only one type of food for an extended time period will make you deficient in other nutrients your body needs. Eventually, this could result in life-threatening illnesses,” Gabriel says.
“Don’t eat carbs.”
No one can deny the weight loss-boosting effects of cutting back on carbs on a diet like keto or Atkins. But for many people, opting out of carbohydrates completely can become a too-drastic elimination—one that might not even work in the long term.
“The research suggests you will undoubtedly lose weight by cutting out an entire food group,” says DiMarino. “But at what cost? Depriving yourself from carbohydrates (your main energy source) will ultimately reduce your quality of life over time. Low carb diets can cause you to experience hunger, irritability, fatigue, mood swings, constipation, headaches, and brain fog.”
If you’re considering ditching carbs for weight loss, it’s best to talk to your doctor or dietitian before diving in—as well as to be aware of the risks.
“A low-carb diet can put you at risk for kidney stones, osteoporosis, and even gout,” DiMarino says.
“Chew each bite dozens of times.”
This one’s another throwback: Simply chew your food into a liquid pulp and watch the pounds fly off! The art of “Fletcherism” had its heyday in the early 1900s when food faddist Horace Fletcher (the early 20th-century version of an Instagram influencer) advised his adherents to chew every bite until liquefied to boost weight loss.
To this day, you’ll sometimes see this tip circling back around. And, in truth, it’s not a bad idea to chew thoroughly—but it’s no magic bullet for weight loss.
“While chewing your food multiple times before swallowing is ideal and aids in proper digestion, and eating more slowly can make you conscious of becoming fuller more quickly, this can also be time-consuming,” says Gabriel. “Depending on the food and depending on a person’s relationship with food, it can make them obsess over their food and not actually enjoy it.”
For more healthy eating tips, check out our list of 9 Best Healthy Eating Hacks for Weight Loss.
“Cut out fat.”
If there was one prevailing weight loss mantra of the 1980s and ’90s, it was that eating fat made people fat. Non-fat potato chips, salad dressings, and even (ew) ice creams became staples of “healthy” households. Now, however, research has shown that the right kinds of fats are an important part of a healthy diet—even a diet for weight loss!
“Fat is an essential nutrient that not only helps us absorb fat-soluble vitamins and essential nutrients, but it also helps us feel full and satisfied to help prevent overeating,” says Taub-Dix. “The key when trying to reduce your weight or eat healthfully in general (even if your weight is not an issue for you), is to choose the right fats.”
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the kind to enjoy regularly in your diet. Taub-Dix recommends including plenty of nuts, avocado, and oils like avocado oil or olive oil.
“Don’t ever indulge.”
Popular weight loss advice is guilty of plenty of untruths—chief among them the idea that, when trying to reach a healthy weight, you can’t indulge in any of your favorite foods. Make one “mistake” by having a donut or pizza, goes the thinking, and you’ve done irreversible damage.
Dietitians know this is far from true.
“Why should you be denied of your favorite foods just because you’re trying to lose weight?” says Taub-Dix. “If you don’t eat any of those indulgent foods you love, there’s a good chance that you’ll wait until you’re ‘off’ your diet to enjoy them. That’s when those foods usually come back with a vengeance—in unreasonable portion sizes and too often.”
Rather than thinking of your weight loss effort as a short window of restricting the joy out of food, you’ll benefit far more in the long-term by (sometimes) including best-loved menu items.
“A weight loss plan that will be sustained should always include foods you love because, after all, this should be a diet you incorporate into your life, not a diet you change your life for temporarily,” Taub-Dix says.
“Just cut calories.”
When it comes to weight loss, we all know the basic concept of calories in versus calories out. It seems like losing weight should be so simple—yet many dieters find that just eating less somehow doesn’t budge the scale. Turns out, multiple factors are often at work in your body to complicate this equation.
“While the prevailing evidence suggests weight loss can occur as long as there is a calorie deficit, the kinds of calories do matter,” DiMarino says. “Human bodies are complex biological systems that process foods with different micronutrient makeups in completely different ways. Physiologic and hormonal changes occur in response to the foods we eat.”
If you’ve found you’re not making progress by sticking to a calorie target, don’t despair! Fortunately, you can experiment (especially with a dietitian’s guidance) with what types of foods and food combinations you consume. One possibility: work on incorporating higher-fiber, nutrient-dense foods as often as possible.
“Choosing to eat less processed, whole foods improve overall satiety (thus limiting overeating), provides steady energy all day long, and improves body composition over time,” DiMarino says.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
13 Morning, Afternoon and Evening Tips for Weight Loss | Weight Loss | MyFitnessPal
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/13-morning-afternoon-and-evening-tips-for-weight-loss-weight-loss-myfitnesspal/
13 Morning, Afternoon and Evening Tips for Weight Loss | Weight Loss | MyFitnessPal
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The first step to successful weight loss is believing in yourself and understanding how small changes over time yield big results. Improving your habits slowly and steadily increases the likelihood they’re sustainable and prevents yo-yo dieting. Rather than drastically overhauling your lifestyle, these expert-backed weight-loss tips help you make seamless changes that naturally fit into your day-to-day.
The first step to starting your day off on a healthier foot is actually getting out of bed. Regularly hitting the snooze button signals sleep deprivation, which is linked to weight gain. Science shows avoiding the snooze button also leads to a better mood. To break your dependence on an alarm, gradually start going to bed earlier until you wake up before it goes off.
When you’re dehydrated early in the morning, your body might mistake thirst for hunger, leading you to overeat at breakfast. Research shows drinking two 8-ounce glasses of water before meals can help people lose more weight.
Give your body a little nutrition to get things going, recommends Dr. Kathryn Boling of Mercy Medical Center. “If eating a bigger breakfast works for you, then that’s great, as research shows we burn more calories as the day progresses,” she says. Instead of skipping breakfast to ‘save your appetite’ (which can lead to binge eating later on) lean into foods high in protein and fiber like Greek yogurt or eggs with whole-grain toast.
Leaning into sweet treats in the morning could lead to cravings throughout the day, says Boling. “The more sugar you eat, the more you may want to eat,” she adds. “If you’re going to go sweet, make sure it’s naturally sweet and not processed.” This could mean a piece of fruit with a savory breakfast like oatmeal, eggs or make-ahead burritos.
Research shows fat oxidation (burning fat as a fuel source) increased over a 24-hour period when exercise was performed before a morning meal. Starting your day with a workout can also support your metabolism for more efficient muscle building and serve as a pick-me-up to help you feel alert and ready to tackle the day. Another reason to love morning workouts: You’ll get it out of the way and have a sense of accomplishment that keeps you motivated to stick with healthy habits the rest of the day.
Now that more people are working from home, many are having issues with going to the kitchen too often throughout the day, says Boling. “Many of us aren’t moving around as much, and some are eating because it feels good when you’re lonely. If you stick to a lunch schedule — like a meeting — you may be better about mindlessly wandering into the kitchen regularly, which can result in unnecessary calories.” Set time on your calendar to sit down to a proper lunch without distractions.
Regardless of the season, soup is a great pick for a midday meal. Research shows a warm, low-calorie soup can help you eat roughly 20% fewer calories than usual. This could give your weight-loss efforts a noticeable boost over time. The aroma and taste alone are satisfying, plus the volume of soup inside your stomach helps you feel fuller, longer.
If you’re avoiding snacking for weight-loss, you could be making a big mistake. Consuming too few calories can slow your metabolism and increase hunger. Opt for RD-approved snacks with a combination of protein and healthy fats to help you feel satiated, longer, like an apple and string cheese or hummus and veggies. If you’re in a pinch and looking at grab-and-go picks like protein bars, “be sure to read the nutrition labels so you know what you’re putting into your body since some have artificial ingredients and added sugars,” says Brooke Van Paris, nutrition coach and certified trainer. Pro tip: Pre-portion your snacks to avoid overeating.
Weekend afternoons are ideal for meal prep — a strategy that’s proven to aid weight loss. When you have a plan, you’ll be less likely to eat on impulse. “That means less frozen pizza in a pinch,” says Van Paris. “Pre-planning your meals also helps you be more mindful of nutrition and getting in proteins, healthy fats and complex carbs.” Batch cooking veggies, proteins and whole grains is a great place to start so you can easily mix-and-match grain bowls for quick, nutrient-dense meals.
When you sleep, the body, in general, slows down all its functions, including metabolism. “Not allowing the body to digest and absorb all the food you had for dinner can result in the extra calories being stored in the body as fat,” says Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy, a primary care doctor at Doctor Spring. If your schedule requires eating late at night, keep portion sizes small and try to eat a bigger lunch or afternoon snack instead.
Warm up a nice, calming cup of tea before you go to bed, and you could sleep better and lose more weight. “Tea has a calming effect that can help you sleep more soundly, which is essential for weight loss,” says Tripathy, who adds that teas have catechins, a flavonoid that acts as a metabolism booster, helping your body break down fats faster. “Opt for decaffeinated tea at night to avoid messing up your sleep schedule.”
Blue light from your devices, including your cell phone, iPad and computer, can mess with your sleep cycle, especially when you’re using them closer to bed. Wearing blue light glasses an hour before bed can help minimize those harmful blue rays. It’s also a good idea to “put your phone on the yellow light setting and limit your screen time,” says Van Paris. “Even better, reach for a book. This gets your brain even more ready for bed and can help you get to sleep sooner.”
Just like scheduling your meals, picking the ideal time to get into your sheets can help you give your body the time it needs to recover and ultimately lose weight. Not getting enough sleep can put a dent in your weight-loss efforts, as hormone shifts cause a surge in hunger and cravings. Stick to a bedtime routine that allows for 7–8 hours of quality shut-eye.
Make progress every day while you work on mini fitness and nutrition goals, like walking more steps or learning to track macros. Go to “Plans” in the MyFitnessPal app for daily coaching and easy-to-follow tasks to keep you motivated.
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
Best Weight Loss Tips That Lower Your Diabetes Risk | Eat This Not That
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/best-weight-loss-tips-that-lower-your-diabetes-risk-eat-this-not-that/
Best Weight Loss Tips That Lower Your Diabetes Risk | Eat This Not That
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Having diabetes is a lot like being in the middle of the ocean and dying of thirst. You’re surrounded by something your body desperately needs, but ingesting it will kill you. With diabetes, that toxic substance is sugar.
Sugar—derived from the various healthy fruits and vegetables we eat—is what our bodies run on; we can’t function without it. But when you suffer from diabetes, that very same substance can wreak havoc.
Your digestive system turns brunch into glucose—the form of sugar your body uses for energy—and sends it into the bloodstream. Zap! You got energy. But glucose is actually toxic when it lingers in the bloodstream, so when the glucose hits, your pancreas—a large gland located near your stomach—produces insulin, a hormone, and sends that into the bloodstream as well. Insulin is your body’s air traffic controller: It takes command of all your glucose and directs it into your cells, where it can be used for rebuilding muscle, for keeping your heart pumping and your brain thinking, for exercising, or even singing or dancing.
But overeating on a consistent basis—or taking in too many calories too quickly, like when we eat sweets or drink sweetened beverages—turns insulin into the boy who cried wolf. Eventually your body’s insulin receptors—the docking stations where insulin parks glucose—begin to ignore insulin’s instructions. That’s a condition known as insulin resistance. After several years, the pancreas gets fed up with producing all that ineffective insulin and begins to produce less than you need. This is called type 2, or adult-onset, diabetes.
Glucose builds up in the blood, turning toxic and damaging the blood vessels, which is why diabetes can result in blindness, impotence, amputation, and other horrible afflictions. But remember, the body needs that glucose, which is now overflowing from the bloodstream and passing out through the urine. So at the same time too much sugar is killing you, you don’t have enough sugar in your cells to keep your body functioning. You feel fatigue and unusual thirst, and you begin losing weight for no apparent reason. You get sick more often, and injuries are slow to heal because your body is losing its ability to maintain itself.
More than 10% of the American population has diabetes, and more than a third of us have elevated blood sugar levels. Several studies indicate, though, that belly fat is strongly correlated with risk factors such as insulin resistance, which sets the stage for type 2 diabetes. Reducing belly fat via exercise and a healthy diet are two of the best ways to prevent and manage the disease.
To help you out, here are the best weight loss tips that will help lower your diabetes risk. And for more healthy changes, try out any of these 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time.
There’s a reason why omega-3 fatty acids are one of the core nutrients. Considered “essential” because the body does not produce them naturally, omega-3s boast a number of health benefits, including helping to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. A study by the University of Eastern Finland found that men with the highest intake of omega-3 fatty acids had a 33% reduced risk for this type of diabetes, compared to men with the lowest intake. Oily fish like wild salmon, rainbow trout, sardines, and mackerel are among the best sources of omega-3s. The American Heart Association recommends eating two 3 1/2-ounce servings of fatty fish per week.
Circuit train your belly away.
Aerobic exercise is known to prevent type 2 diabetes, and combining a heart-pumping cardio session with muscle-strengthening exercises is even better. A study published in the journal PLOS Medicine found that women who engaged in at least 150 minutes per week (about 20 minutes per day) of aerobic activity and at least 60 minutes per week (three 20-minute sessions) of muscle-strengthening activities reduced their risk of diabetes by 33% compared with inactive women.
Get your Greek on.
A Mediterranean diet may help to guard against obesity and consequently reduce your risk of diabetes by up to 21%, according to research presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 63rd Annual Scientific Session. The researchers’ conclusion comes from the analysis of nineteen original research studies that followed more than 162,000 participants for an average of five and a half years. While there is no set Mediterranean diet, it commonly emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, fish, olive oil, and even a regular glass of red wine.
Hit the trail mix.
A study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that people who consumed the most magnesium from foods and from vitamin supplements were about half as likely to develop diabetes over the next 20 years as people who took in the least magnesium.
Large clinical trials testing the effects of magnesium on diabetes risk are needed to determine whether a causal relationship truly exists, but researchers have found that as magnesium intake rose, levels of several markers of inflammation decreased, as did resistance to the effects of the key blood-sugar-regulating hormone insulin. Higher blood levels of magnesium also were linked to a lower degree of insulin resistance.
So what should you stock up on? Pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate are two of the best food sources of magnesium.
Eat the whole thing.
Simply choose a whole apple instead of a glass of apple juice, and not only will you dodge a ton of added sugar and additives, but you may also lower your risk for diabetes, according to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health. Researchers found that people who ate at least two servings each week of certain whole fruits—particularly blueberries, grapes, and apples—reduced their risk for type 2 diabetes by as much as 23% in comparison to those who ate less than one serving per month.
Conversely, those who consumed one or more servings of fruit juice each day increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 21%. Swapping three glasses of juice a week with three servings of whole fruit was associated with a 7% risk reduction! The high glycemic index of fruit juice—which passes through the digestive system more rapidly than fiber-rich fruit—may explain the results.
Don’t load up on acid.
A study of more than 60,000 women found that an acid-promoting diet, one that includes more animal products and processed foods than fruits and vegetables, causes a number of metabolic problems including a reduction in insulin sensitivity. According to the study, women with an “acid load” in the top quartile had a 56% increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with the bottom quartile. Foods that promote an alkaline body environment—vegetables, fruits, and tea—counter acidity.
Bad news for people who love going back for seconds at the cookout: Researchers at the University of Singapore found that a small increase in red meat (we’re talking half a serving per day) was associated with a 48% elevated risk for type 2 diabetes over the course of four years. The good news is that you can undo some of the damage by reducing your red meat intake. (And for more help getting you lean for life, try out this 14-day flat belly plan.)
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
Plant Based Tips for Healthy Weight Loss
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/plant-based-tips-for-healthy-weight-loss/
Plant Based Tips for Healthy Weight Loss
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Losing weight is the most popular goal for most Americans. We know it is the #1 New Years Resolution. That just goes to show you how difficult it is. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, how much education you have, where you live, what your job is – losing weight can be a battle. 90% of the people who go on a diet to lose weight fail. They gain back the weight and often times even more.
My first piece of advice it to stop dieting. Yes that’s right – stop dieting. Diets don’t work long term. The definition of dieting is “A regimen of eating and drinking sparingly so as to reduce one’s weight by going on a diet.” Who wants to do that? Who can sustain that for long term?
From a size 14/16 to a size 4 and maintaining my weight loss for 6 years!
We have to adopt a lifestyle that we can sustain for the rest of our lives. It is our healthy daily habits that will help us to lose weight and sustain that weight loss.
When you choose to follow a whole food plant based lifestyle that promotes optimal health weight loss is a wonderful side affect.
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Set Yourself Up For Success
One: Clean up your environment. Get rid of processed foods and junk foods – even the vegan junk food in your house. Fill your pantry, fridge and freezer with healthy whole plant foods that are optimal for health and weight loss.
Two: Watch my Calorie Density Video so you understand what to eat and why.
Keep your food choices under 600 calories per pound for optimal health and weight loss. They also happen to be the most nutrient dense foods.
Three: Make your plate at each meal 50/50. Half non starchy vegetables and half starch. Add fruit for sweetness. Get rid of salt, oil and sugar from your food. The bowl of food above is sitting on one pound of chopped salad. Include starch in every meal. Potatoes offer the most satiety on the satiety index as discovered by Dr. Susanna Holt. Eat potatoes! Complex carbohydrates release energy over time, they fill us up without filling us out.
SOS is the international symbol for distress. In our plant based world it stands for salt, oil and sugar. These are highly refined food substances that don’t provide nutritional benefits and in fact can lead to dietary distress.
Automate Your Meals
Eat basically the same thing for breakfast every day. Eat a big salad with starch for one meal a day. Have soup, vegetables and starch for your third meal. This method cuts down on decision fatigue, makes grocery shopping easier and meal prep less time consuming.
Variety encourages over eating. People who have multiple choices at a meal tend to over eat. It is called the buffet affect, too much variety stimulates the appetite and causes over eating. Eat simple, clean and easy meals. You can vary your variety of plant sources from meal to meal to get a well rounded supply of plant based nutrients.
Four: Batch Cook your food. If you have your fridge full of healthy food, you will eat healthy food. Save time by cooking things in batches. Why bake one potato every day when you can bake a weeks worth at once. Batch Prep Salads so you can eat a big beautiful salad every day.
Each individual eats about the same amount of pounds of food day after day. How many pounds varies from person to person. Tom eats more pounds of food each day than I do. So if we reduce the overall calorie density of the foods we eat we can reduce the overall amount of calories with out having to reduce the volume of food we eat. This will automatically lead to weight loss without making you feel deprived or leaving you hungry.
Five: Use some SOS Free Sauces to Make Delightfully Delicious Dishes! Include fresh and dried herbs to make your food taste amazing. Fresh lime and lemon juice, flavored vinegars, salt free seasonings, onions garlic, and peppers add so much flavor. You won’t miss the salt.
Well Your World products are whole food plant based SOS free. They are available to order through our Well Your World affiliate link.
Six: To weigh or not to weigh? This is an individual choice. For some people who let the scale rule their life and their daily mood it would be best to get rid of the scale. For others it can be a helpful tool. I will let you decide what is best for you. If you choose to weigh, Dr. Doug Lisle recommends to weigh 3 days in a row once a month and average the numbers.
Seven: Don’t use food for entertainment. Get your dopamine hits from something other than food. The affect of dopamine from food only lasts about 3 minutes.
Go for walks, take up a craft, do volunteer work, listen to soothing music, dance, do yoga, meditate, walk the dog, talk to a friend, clean house, play with the grandchildren. Find things to keep you busy. We love to hike and walk in nature.
Eat when you have true hunger. Use food to fuel for your body.
Eight: Take a 30 day break from eating in restaurants. It is difficult to get healthy food in restaurants that is SOS free. If you have to eat in a restaurant order a salad, bring your own potato or other starch, beans and some vinegar to make the salad filling and delicious. Suggest to your friends that you do something other than eat out. Meet for a walk instead. Post pandemic take a class together, join a team sport, join a bike club, volunteer and help others.
Nine: PIP It! Take a potato in your purse when you are going to be away from home for a several hours. It travels well, is filling and satisfying. You can always stop at Wendy’s to buy a potato or two if you need to.
Ten: Get some daily movement. This isn’t for weight loss and it’s not a punishment. Exercise is stress reducer, it releases feel good endorphins and it pleases our internal audience. If you exercise first thing in the morning it sets you up for success all day long. It helps you make better choices through out the day.
You don’t have to be perfect – we are focusing on progress. Don’t give up if you slip. Just do the next right thing at the very next meal and don’t let a slip turn into a slide. You can do this. You deserve the very best health and a full and happy life.
Get Healthy ~ Stay Healthy ~ One Meal At A Time
Watch this entire presentation at the beginning of this episode of Nutmeg Notebook Live.
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This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
10 Simple Tips Lose Weight | Natural Solutions Magazine - dedicated to teach people how to live better
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/10-simple-tips-lose-weight-natural-solutions-magazine-dedicated-to-teach-people-how-to-live-better/
10 Simple Tips Lose Weight | Natural Solutions Magazine - dedicated to teach people how to live better
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Do you want to lose weight? The months between November and February have a tendency to be tough on the waistline when compared to the rest of the year. Starting at Thanksgiving and even pushing past Valentine’s Day, holidays and marketing schemes inundate consumers with savory notions that somehow always place high-calorie foods at the forefront of an “ideal” festive scenario. It seems like cruel coincidence that these holidays all take place at the prime of hibernation season. Cold weather is a transparent invitation to stay in, carve out a spot on the sofa, and indulge your senses with smells and tastes you wouldn’t dream of entertaining during bikini weather. It’s no wonder you just might have a noticeable gain around the middle. So with Spring around the corner it is time to lose weight and shed those extra pounds.
Even though wintery temptations are plentiful and most of us do indulge a little more than usual, recent studies show that the weight gain might not be as bad as we once thought. In fact, several studies now show that the average weight gain during the winter months is only one pound.
That’s the good news. The bad news? According to a recent report in The New England Journal of Medicine, most people never lose weight, not even that one pound. Being that the average adult gains one to two pounds per year, most of the credit for that weight gain goes to the cumulative effects of cold-weather eating.
This doesn’t just apply to the middle-aged, though. University of Oklahoma researchers found that we can start accumulating that muffin top early in life—college-age early, in fact. In a study that documented holiday weight gain among students during Thanksgiving break, the average gain for 94 students was about one pound. Students who were a normal weight gained about a half-pound during the period. Students who were overweight—meaning their body mass index (BMI) was 25 or more—gained two pounds.
So what does all this mean? Well, for those who are already overweight, you’re likely to put on more than those in the sub-25-BMI category. So while those of a normal weight range may only gain a pound of winter weight, overweight individuals could gain five pounds during the colder months. That’s why it’s so important to lose weight,  get in shape and stay in shape: then you will be less likely to pack on the pounds come next winter.
Renovating your diet and staying fit should be fun, not a chore. Try integrating some of the following tips this spring and watch your waistline melt away like snow.
/Forget the fads: No fad diet on the market is going to allow you to maintain a normal weight long-term—especially when it seems that each diet’s principles conflict with the others. Although some do introduce helpful nutrition concepts, most just set you up for failure and disappointment. You start a new diet excited and hopeful, but when you either blow it or you complete it successfully, it’s over. Where do you go from there?
Usually up—in your weight. The American Psychological Association found that as many as two-thirds of all dieters eventually gain more weight than they lose. Instead of dieting, make small changes in your everyday food choices that will gradually allow you to change your eating habits and lead to a sustained healthy weight.
/Control your portions: You would be surprised by what you can still eat when you want to lose weight if you only allow yourself to have a little bit. Portion control is all about limiting your intake of calories and being aware of the amount of food and drink you consume—but don’t overdo it. While you don’t want to eat too much, you most certainly don’t want to eat too little either. Try using portion control dishware and eat on smaller eight-inch plates instead of the traditional 12-inch ones—this forces you to eat less. When eating out, split a meal with a friend or only eat half. If you buy food in bulk, divide it up and make individual servings ahead of time so you don’t overconsume. These tips can help you lose weight.
/Keep a food journal: We have all heard of keeping a food log that documents each day’s intake by meal and calorie count, right? Jonny Bowen, PhD, CNS, and nationally known expert on weight loss, nutrition, and health suggests trying something a little different with a “reverse food journal.” For example, every morning you write down exactly what you will eat throughout the day, and then simply stick to that plan. Bowden suggests this is much easier to do once you’ve manifested it by writing it down.
Another play on this concept is journaling what you don’t eat. Go ahead and give yourself some credit for those bad foods you didn’t eat, and give yourself a pat on the back because of the foods you had the power to say no to.
/Stay balanced: Eating a well-balanced diet simply means that you don’t consume too much or too little of a specific nutrient. Eating in colors is always a good idea. Fruits and vegetables are densely packed with vitamins and minerals essential to good health, and this is evidenced in their bright colors. If you can’t find fresh fruits or vegetables during the winter months, try buying them frozen, but make sure there is no added sugar. Whole grains, fish, and lean sources of protein will also benefit a well-balanced diet.
“Stick to higher protein, higher fat, higher vegetables, and cut the pasta, rice, bread, cereals, and potatoes. Don’t drink soda, and don’t eat French fries. For many people these few changes will be enough to reset the dials and knock off some of the damage,” says Bowden.
Part of winter weight gain could stem from an evolutionary adaptation that results in subcutaneous fat to help protect the body from cold, says Bowden. Under all those layers of clothes, you might lose consciousness of your own body—or you might just not move around that much. Spring should serve as a great motivator for exercise. Warm weather and longer days are the perfect backdrop to an outdoor workout regimen.
/Set realistic goals: Do you want to lose ten pounds? Fit into a certain bathing suit or pair of shorts? Run a mile without stopping? Whatever your benchmark is, write it on the mirror, stick it to the fridge, or hang it up on the wall, and work toward that specific end. Having something to incite you to move each day will make it easier to stick to your goals and visualize your progress.
/Mix up your routine: Not only can exercise slim your waistline, it can also prevent or reverse chronic diseases and ultimately allow you to live longer. To get the best results, vary your workout routine between aerobic activities like walking, running, or biking, and strength-training exercises that can be done either in a gym or in your own home. The American Heart Association recommends getting 30 minutes of moderately intense aerobic exercise on most days of the week. Accompanying this with resistance training torches calories, tones your body, and even improves bone density as you age.
/Find a buddy: To integrate a regular workout routine into your lifestyle, it helps to actually enjoy it. Finding a friend to exercise with or even a recreational sports team to be a part of can make getting in shape an enjoyable experience instead of a chore. Working out with a friend can hold you both to a higher standard. Once those competitive juices start flowing, you are likely to push yourself farther and get better results than if you were doing it alone.
The trick to actually losing the weight and keeping it off? Be easy on yourself if you deviate from the plan. Getting fit is a lifestyle change—it’s not all or nothing. Improving the way you eat and increasing your activity levels should be a gradual change, so that you can actually sustain it over time.
/Stress less and sleep more: The easiest, cheapest, and most immediate weight management strategy is to manage your stress and get enough sleep. Stressing only unnecessarily adds on the pounds. Stress and lack of sleep can truly wreak havoc on your hormones, and weight gain and loss is ultimately a hormonally driven event.
“Stress and lack of sleep both raise cortisol levels, which, when elevated, burn up muscle (slowing metabolic rate) and trigger the storage of belly fat,” explains Bowden. “Even worse, high levels of cortisol lead to high levels of insulin, which is the perfect storm for fat storage and diabetes.”
/Make it fun: Keep in mind why you are doing this. For some, losing weight is motivated by the desire to fit in a great pair of jeans, and for others it’s mainly to feel good and improve overall health. Once you start losing inches, your goals may change once again. Think about other life goals and integrate them into your healthy lifestyle in a fun way. This spring or summer, you could hike the Appalachian Trail, attend a surf school, bike through wine country, participate in a walkathon for a meaningful charity, or run a 5K—the list is endless!
/Reward yourself: Reward yourself in a healthy way for hitting your benchmarks. You could do something as simple as placing a sticker or check mark on a goal sheet. You could also treat yourself to a favorite activity like a pedicure, massage, movie, or buy a new outfit. Having something to show for all your hard work can motivate you to push farther!
Cara Lucas
This content was originally published here.
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webmarket01 · 3 years
Healthy Diet Tips For Weight Loss - Weight Loss
New Post has been published on https://weightlosshtiw.com/healthy-diet-tips-for-weight-loss-weight-loss/
Healthy Diet Tips For Weight Loss - Weight Loss
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A few ways to healthy eating routine:
In your everyday diet, mean to eat a blender of nourishments, for example, wheat, maize, rice, and potatoes with vegetables like lentils and beans, a lot of new products.
Pick wholegrain food sources like natural maize, millet, oats, wheat, and earthy colored rice when you can; they are wealthy in significant fiber and can help you feel full for more.
For snacks, pick crude vegetables, unsalted nuts, and new organic products, as opposed to food sources that are high in sugars, fats, or salt.
Eat less salt
An excessive amount of salt can raise the pulse, which is the main danger factor for coronary illness and stroke. Overall, we devour twofold the WHO suggested breaking point of 5 grams (identical to a teaspoon) a day.
Regardless of whether we don’t add additional salt to our food, we ought to know that it is generally placed in prepared food sources or drinks, and regularly in high sums.
A few hints to decrease your salt routine:
When cooking and planning food sources, utilize salt sparingly and decrease the utilization of pungent sauces and toppings (like soy sauce, stock, or fish sauce).
Evade bites that are high in salt, and attempt to pick new sound tidbits over-handled food sources.
When utilizing canned or dried vegetables, nuts, and organic products, pick assortments without added salt and sugars.
Eliminate salt and pungent fixings from the table and attempt to try not to add them without much forethought; our tastebuds can rapidly change and once they do.
Check food with a Low rate of Sodium.
Avoid oily and fried food
We as a whole need some fat in our eating routine, yet eating excessively – particularly some unacceptable sorts – builds the dangers of heftiness, coronary illness, and stroke. Modernly created trans fats are the riskiest for wellbeing. An eating routine high in this sort of fat has been found to raise the danger of coronary illness by almost 30%.
A few hints to lessen fat utilization:
Supplant margarine, fat, and ghee with better oils, for example, soybean, canola (rapeseed), corn, safflower, and sunflower.
Pick white meat like poultry and fish which are by and large lower in fats than red meat, cut back meat of obvious excess, and cutoff the utilization of handled meats.
Have a go at steaming or bubbling as opposed to broiling food when preparing.
Maintain your sugar intake
An excess of sugar isn’t just terrible for our teeth yet builds the danger of unfortunate weight gain and corpulence, which can prompt genuine, ongoing medical conditions.
Likewise, with salt, it’s imperative to observe the measure of “covered up” sugars that can be in prepared food and beverages. For instance, a solitary container of pop can contain up to 10 teaspoons of added sugar!
A few hints to lessen sugar consumption:
Breaking point admission of desserts and sweet beverages, for example, bubbly beverages, organic product juices, and juice beverages, fluid and powder concentrates, enhanced water, energy, and sports drinks, prepared to-drink tea and espresso, and seasoned milk drinks.
Pick sound new snacks as opposed to prepared food sources.
Try not to give sweet food sources to youngsters.
Salt and sugars ought not to be added to correlative food sources provide for youngsters under 2 years old and ought to be restricted past that age.
Alcohol liquor can be harmful
Liquor isn’t a piece of a sound eating regimen, however, in numerous societies, New Year’s festivals are related to weighty liquor utilization. By and large, drinking excessively, or again and again, builds your impending danger of injury, just as causing longer-term impacts like liver harm, malignancy, coronary illness, and dysfunctional behavior.
WHO exhorts that there is no protected degree of liquor utilization; and for some, individuals, even low degrees of liquor use can, in any case, be related to critical wellbeing hazards.
Keep in mind, less liquor utilization is in every case better for wellbeing and it is completely OK not to drink.
You ought not to drink liquor at all in the event that you are: pregnant or breastfeeding; driving, working apparatus, or undertaking different exercises that include related dangers; you have medical conditions that might be aggravated by liquor; you are taking medications that straightforwardly interface with liquor, or you experience issues with controlling your drinking.
In the event that you think you or somebody you love may have issues with liquor or other psychoactive substances, don’t be hesitant to connect for help from your wellbeing laborer or an expert medication and liquor administration.
This content was originally published here.
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