weblena-for-life · 6 hours
Another good storage! Works like this are always great.
The RoosterTeeth site will be deleted May 15th 😔 do yourselves a favor and start archiving EVERYTHING you can now. RageQuit, RvB, X-Ray & Vav, the Minecraft Let's Plays, RWBY, etc. RT is warning us as nicely as they can that there's a p good chance we won't be able to access ANYTHING by next year, including the YouTube channel. Download!
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weblena-for-life · 8 hours
This is exactly it. I dealt with this problem all my life growing up,& also not liking being outside & not liking sports & being pretty much the only kid who liked video games pretty much left me alone mostly,& even now that I'm older it's still impossible cause I can't drive & anyone who I would want to hang out with is either busy all the time with work,married with a family,or in a different state all-together,or a combo of that.
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weblena-for-life · 9 hours
Hey hey, wsg y'all, it's sha-boi sticks. Summer just started for me, and I hope it's lovely for all of you!
Anywho, here's a new oc I made last night. Her name is Sasha Boorswan, and she is Mandy + Chris's little sister.
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weblena-for-life · 1 day
Nightmare fuel at first. Glad it worked out & they were able to have fun with it.
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and this is why baseball is the best sport (see also: these baseball sidequests)
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weblena-for-life · 1 day
This is absolutely amazing & I wish I could be at that restaurant to experience it as a fellow Whovian. Bravo & Allons-y!
Certain Doctor Who Phrases and how Olive Garden Customers React: An Experiment Done by a Server
As a server, I did an experiment tonight, I was saying basically only Doctor Who quotes to my tables, some understood, others did not. These are a few of the phrases and people’s reactions:
[When greeting tables] “Oh hello! I’m The Doctor! I am here to help! Look, they gave me a badge with my name on it in case I forget who I am! Very thoughtful as that does happen.”
Lots of confused faces. Many people laughed. The few who got the reference clapped, laughed, or smiled all big like. One girl who got the reference gave me the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, later I would receive her number.
[When speaking to a baby playfully aka fishing for tips] “Oh hello! I speak baby, you know.” [baby does baby thing] “No, he’s your dad you can’t just call him ‘not mum’”
I’m met with a roar of laughter from the table, and the neighboring table, an extra 10 dollars added to my tip. 
[Offering desserts (to the kids)] “You could have a slice of Triple Chocolate Strada for only $6.99 which I personally think is a bit steep. But then again, it’s your parent’s cash and they’ll only waste it on boring stuff like lamps and vegetables. Yawn!”
I actually sold every table the dessert I offered when I offered it this way. Few got the reference, the ones who understood “Hi I’m The Doctor” were completely losing their shit at this point in the meal, as I’d been dropping references all dinner.
[When an elderly woman literally threatened to slap me for being so strange] "900 years of time and space and I’ve never been slapped by someone’s mother.”
Her family started cracking up and she just chuckled a little. I narrowly avoided a guest complaint for the sake of Doctor Who. I’m proud of that one.
[Messed up an order] “I’m sorry, I’m so… So sorry.”
No reaction from this one, save for the girl who was fangirling over me from the beginning. (Not too surprising though, only table I messed up on, so I only got one chance to use it)
[After Guest hands me their ticket and wishes to pay] “Allons-y”
Two guests understood and stared wide-eyed. One gave me her number (After I had been using Who quotes on her table all night), and requested I pick her up in a TARDIS. Those that didn’t understand stared at me quizzically.
And lastly, that girl who gave me her number FINALLY talked as the family was leaving. Her final words to me were “I don’t want to go.”
She then threw her arms out at her sides and I had to explain to my manager what I was doing. He laughed for a solid minute. Then told like half the staff. Needless to say, I am now quite the oddity at the restaurant. BUT I MADE A HELL OF A LOT OF MONEY.
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weblena-for-life · 1 day
Take care & best wishes bestie. I'm sorry things have been going so bad. We'll always be here for you. Hope things get better. You're the best.
Post Activity Announcement
Hey guys.
So I've been doing pretty bad physically and my main source of healthcare may not cover it.
Because of this and my therapist being fired, i've fallen into a deep depression.
So i'm telling you all this because i may not be very active for an unknown amount of time. I might still occasionally post stuff, but probably not much.
Thanks for being awesome and supportive, i appreciate you guys.
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weblena-for-life · 2 days
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Meet the kiddos you can interact on this blog with!! While every character here is canon to disney comics or shows, these are just my interpretations of them! - Gummy
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weblena-for-life · 2 days
Thank you so much for the reblog! Here's your daily Mario gif:
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omg i got a personalized gif 😭😭😭😭😭 this made my day tysm
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weblena-for-life · 4 days
This was so much fun to read & Replica Leo is the best. He's so goofy & serious at the same time & I love him.
TMNT AU BATTLE PART 1 HERE FIRST (file was getting too big so starting a Part 2)
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First off I want to thank everyone who participated in the vote for The TMNT AU Competition! It was so fun to be a part of this event and I’m so honored to be able to go home with Empyrean Weeping’s @cupcakeslushie as the champions! It has been an absolute blast getting to interact and draw with so many of you! Also thank you @dianagj-art @intotheelliwoods and @tizeline for being such amazing finalists!
We might do a few more updates to wrap this up then it’s back to work on Replica for me haha.
Also note: One is fine, he’s just in an arm lock, which is painful in the moment but should leave no lasting damage. Replica Leo however is in immense pain after doing an emergency disconnect from his prosthetic. All those raw nerve endings in his arm are probably screaming at him right now. Luckily he knows how to handle pain… though he’s obviously a little more short with One now haha.
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weblena-for-life · 4 days
I didn't even know this was possible & it just gets funnier the longer it goes.
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Your daily Mario gif.
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weblena-for-life · 4 days
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Small comic to test the waters- I want to make pmd comics but I’m not confident enough in storytelling and comic composition yet wahhh-
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weblena-for-life · 4 days
Love it. Totodile chilling with his siblings from the volcano.
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I wanted to make a backstory for the time I found this in pokemon Violet XD
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weblena-for-life · 4 days
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peach scrib I did when I first saw her in the figure skate wear!
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weblena-for-life · 5 days
So much awesome stuff! Can't wait to see it! Pauline is amazing as always & I love her.
Wip Wednesday, Come Get Your Food 🔔
Mario Character designs for Super Mario Universe. First up, Mayor Pauline
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The Line of Fire fancomic (this page is going to be rough O-O)
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New Sonic Movie animatic
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And I'm working on some new prints for my shop
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weblena-for-life · 5 days
Knuckles has always been one of my absolute favorite characters & this is the best analysis I've ever seen about Movie!Knux & how he's his own person yet still similar to the other Knuckles. I also really like your headcanon about how each Sonic Media,games comics & cartoons are their own separate universe. It actually makes do much more sense like that,like when one references another with a cute easter egg but that's all.
Understanding SCU Knuckles
Okay, one of the big things I keep seeing a lot of people bring up is the fact that movie!Knux talks about being a warrior all the time, and how different he is from other characterizations of Knuckles, specifically the games and comics. He doesn't seem to care about guarding the Master Emerald, and always seems ready to jump into things fist-first.
So I thought I'd do a deep dive into his psyche to see what truly makes him tick.
Buckle up, this'll get long.
Before I start, I wanna just put it out there that I headcanon the SCU is a separate universe from any other Sonic media. I actually take ALL Sonic media as separate universes--Boom is separate from Prime, which is separate from the SCU, which is separate from the games, which is more connected to but still separate from the comics. They're all different, which means the interpretation of the characters will be different too, to varying degrees.
The Knuckles of the SCU isn't like any other version. He wasn't born and raised all alone on Angel Island. He wasn't always the last of his kind. He wasn't essentially raised with the knowledge of what the Master Emerald truly is, and understood his role as its protector and guardian. He wasn't completely removed from what happened to all the other echidna, all those many years ago. He doesn't have the benefit of hindsight, to recognize that the warrior ways of the echidna were what ultimately led to their own demise.
Movie!Knux knew his tribe. He was raised by them. They were still in the middle of a war with the owls, so yes, they would still be warriors. That was what he strived for, too, because he's been raised on the stories of his people, with likely a heavy slant toward the "we did nothing wrong!" angle of what happened all those years ago. (And honestly, we don't have a completely unbiased story on what truly happened back then, so who knows what the actual truth is. But, anyway.)
He lost his tribe to that very same war. All of them. As a very small child. One who was then thrust into a dangerous galaxy, whether willingly or unwillingly, to figure out how to survive and try to complete the quest of his people. That was the only thing driving him, the only thing keeping him going. That quest.
So yes, being a warrior was, and is, a very important aspect of how he sees himself. That was his people's legacy--how they worked to retrieve the ME and regain the honor that had been stolen from them all those generations ago. Seeing this mindset through the eyes of a small child, he would accept that as being the way he should carry himself as well.
Movie!Knuckles has been living in survival mode for most of his life. He felt a tremendous amount of pressure to find the Master Emerald and complete the quest of his lost tribe. He was all that was left, it all fell to him, and failure meant his entire race died for nothing.
Fighting is what kept him alive. He didn't have the luxury of staying out of conflict, like game!Knux. He didn't have the advantage of being on a nearly inaccessible floating island, surrounded by harmless chao and flickies and other critters as he grew up. Movie!Knux was hunted and forced to fight in arenas for the entertainment of others. He fought, or he died. It was that simple.
And, it could be, over time the idea of what an echidna warrior was became warped in his head. He only had his memories of a young boy of about 6-ish to guide him as to what an echidna warrior stood for. Being out in the galaxy and having to fight for survival may have gotten the ideal of "being a warrior and fighting for a cause" confused with "everything requires a fight to solve".
He calls himself a warrior because he wants to keep his people's legacy alive. He wants to make his ancestors--his father--proud of him, by carrying on their tradition and honor.
He lived his life how he thinks they would have wanted, based on his memories as a child who lost everyone he loved.
He fought. He survived. He searched to complete that one quest that had plagued his people for generations. And when he finally, finally got his hands on the Master Emerald, he had this look:
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This is not the look of a brave warrior, proud to have finally finished his quest.
This is not the look of a proud warrior, celebrating his victory after so many years.
This is the look of a boy, who'd lost everything he held dear, because of the pursuit of this little rock.
This is the look of a boy who thinks "Is that all? Is this truly what cost his entire tribe, his entire clan, his entire race, their lives? Was this rock truly worth the sacrifice made in its name for all those years?"
Maybe part of him hates the Master Emerald. Hates that the single focus his people had with it is what left him all alone. It was well hidden on Earth, tucked beneath the waves of a secret temple. The very second it was found, someone he trusted used it to cause great destruction and harm.
He had caused great destruction and harm in his own pursuit of it. However noble he believed his own goals were, he had behaved in ways he may be ashamed of now, all because of the belief that the Master Emerald belonged back in echidna hands, by any means necessary.
And now look.
The sacred temple, destroyed. Green Hills, partially destroyed. Sonic and his guardians, very nearly killed.
All because of this rock.
All because of him.
No one would have ever found the ME if he hadn't come looking for it. He nearly brought the same fate as his people unto the heads of who knows how many others.
All for this little rock.
Remember that the legend indicated that the Master Emerald was created from the chaos emeralds. The ME shattered, releasing the chaos emeralds that allowed Sonic to go Super. When Sonic released the chaos emeralds at the end of the fight, he scattered them throughout the world, and severed their connection to the ME in the process.
It's very possible no one really considers the Master Emerald to have any power itself. It was simply the container that held the smaller emeralds with all the power, and once they were released, the ME itself was simply a pile of crystal shards. Knuckles reformed the ME, but at this point, there's no reason to believe it holds any power at all.
When Knuckles fixes the ME, he doesn't say that the emerald itself is a threat to the safety of the universe. He doesn't say they needed to band together to prevent others from using the emerald's power to cause harm. He says they needed to use their power to keep the universe safe. This is a very vague statement, and does not indicate to me that he's looking at this as a "This emerald is a danger, we must keep it out of evil hands at all costs."
At no point in the series did Knuckles make any mention of the Master Emerald as a source of great power. (At least I don't think he did.) He simply said he had sworn his life to protect it. It's possible he looks at it as simply a totem of his people, a reminder of their fall. A sacred relic that is tied so firmly to his people's history, he feels responsible for keeping it safe and well-guarded. His people all died going after this thing, so he will honor their deaths by keeping it near.
So it's not surprising movie!Knuckles isn't all about guarding the ME and never letting it out of his sight. It's a dead rock, one that holds no power at all. An heirloom that carries his tribe's history, and that's all.
The series picks up very shortly after the second movie, so Knuckles is still leaning really hard into his warrior status. It's all he knows, it's what will keep his people alive in his own heart. Just because he's not constantly on the run anymore doesn't mean he can simply stop doing what's essentially ingrained in him at this point.
He's spent his whole life on the move. Training, fighting, questing. He's a work dog who can't adjust to life as an indoor companion pooch. He needs something to do.
He's a warrior, and a warrior doesn't just relax. So he's not gonna just sit around and make his entire life revolve around the Master Emerald.
Keep in mind that we haven't seen the entire story of the SCU yet. Just because he's still leaning into the warrior thing now doesn't mean he always will. It doesn't mean he won't have some epiphany or vision or just a change of heart after some time in the Wachowski's care, and realize that being a warrior maaaybe isn't the best path for him at this point. That maybe that part of his life is done, and although he'll still need to fight when necessary, he is free to pursue other interests now. That he doesn't have to live his life according to what his people would want or deem appropriate.
I don't believe he's actually grieved for his loss yet. Not fully. I think a part of him always felt like an open wound because the ME was still out there, still tainting the memory of his people. And now that he has it, and is on a planet that allows him to feel safe, he'll be able to work through those emotions. Work through that grief and maybe discover who he is, apart from his people and their legacy.
The fundamental aspects of what makes Knuckles who he is is still within movie!Knux. In the series he told Wade that he had been betrayed over and over and over again, which indicates that even though he was in a rough and dangerous galaxy, he tried to trust others. He tried to make friends. But each time he did, they betrayed him. But that didn't stop him from trying again.
We saw glimpses of a different Knuckles in the series. One who opened up to others. One who cared about others. One who acted like the boy he was, instead of the hardened warrior he thought of himself as.
Movie!Knuckles needs time to figure out who he is now that his quest is over. Change doesn't happen overnight, and given his backstory, it makes sense for him to still hold onto that warrior title with both fists. He's an echidna, the last echidna, and he doesn't want to turn his back on what he remembers his people to have been.
I'm eager to see how he'll behave in the 3rd movie.
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weblena-for-life · 5 days
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weblena-for-life · 5 days
Awwww,that's so sweet! And both of you are absolutely adorable!
For both Webby & Lena,how long have you two been dating? I'm sure it's been lots of fun for you. And Lena,does Vi have her eye on anyone special or is she still buried in the books,hah hah.
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