weavewitch · 5 years
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Wha’s tha’ ya b’sayins?  Right then...work fer th’ needins t’does! ...to be continued...
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weavewitch · 5 years
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“Aislynn, look what I found!!” “Is that…..a…” “YES, a baby chompacabra! Isn’t it just adorable? And only a little bit dangerous!” “Uhm, Mhyrr did you make sure it doesn’t still have a momma chompa that will be looking for it?” “O..h…..”
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weavewitch · 5 years
WildStar OST
Since it isn’t for sale anywhere anymore and isn’t even on Spotify:
Volume 1
Volume 2
MP3 format because that’s what I bought. Additionally, some songs aren’t on the soundtracks but can be listened to (but not downloaded) on Jeff Kurtenacker’s SoundCloud.
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weavewitch · 5 years
I recognize a certain blue muderfloof in a couple of those...
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weavewitch · 6 years
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Fredrick reaches up to lightly tug at Kibwe’s ear, but he doesn’t at the last moment, just a pretend tease. “Y’know, ain’t used t’happy endings. But this? This is proof of ‘em.”
ooc; The wedding of Deji and Mac Wesshire-McGalfrey ( @djwesshire and @djlegz )! Been too teary about the client closing to do much, but this has been the best in-game ceremony I’ve ever attended. They’re such good characters played by amazing people. Mac and his player were some of the first people to welcome me into MMO rp back when I first joined Wildstar four years ago, and I’ll always appreciate this wonderful opportunity to bring my boy around and watch these two lovebirds finally get the happy endings they damn well deserve.
My boy Fredrick grew up an anxious ship’s kid - just him, his mom, and his sister - and he’ll always remember the damn good man who helped him learn how to be brave back since the early days. Cheers to four years in such a wonderful, awesome game.
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weavewitch · 6 years
Where to Find Me
If you migrate from Tumblr, there are a few ways to get a hold of me... Personal: https://twitter.com/kitsunehazard Stream: https://twitter.com/vikingrvixen Haunts: https://twitter.com/24by79 Instagram: Personal: https://www.instagram.com/kitsuneverse/ Stream: https://www.instagram.com/fyrevixen/ Haunts: https://www.instagram.com/24x79/ I’ll still be keeping this here as it’s SFW but may move it at some point in the future as well. If you are wanting Discord, DM me and we’ll talk about that.
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weavewitch · 6 years
When you do this, inevitably, with Kali...I NEED TO SEE! That reminds me...-scoots to Discord-
Im going to turn ever WS Model I can into a J-Pop Idol
This is how I test rigs, by loading Japanese MMD users motion data onto my files. Soon everyone will be doing the PONPONPON and Happy Synthesizer.
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weavewitch · 6 years
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A few of the WSRP Channel group shots that took place before the party to end Wildstar. I think I have a shot from every time folks joined...but not sure! 
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weavewitch · 6 years
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WSRP Channel, group shot.
Reading all these posts about the closing of Wildstar has been bittersweet, thank you for sharing them. I haven’t taken the time to make one up myself because it usually takes me some time to get my thoughts in order. 
I knew Wildstar was dying months before the official announcement; it wasn’t hard to see after having so many friends disappear and constantly having to read “dead gaem” in public channels. I continued to pour my time and money into it anyways because I wanted this game to last, even if it had to limp along for another couple of years.
Wildstar never got the chance that it deserved. It was a game that barely got off the ground even though it had a wonderful amount of potential, and it was taken from us too soon, but that’s just the way it is sometimes. It was another lesson in appreciating the moment, and letting go, ready for it or not. I will always have the memories, the friends, my characters, and their stories.
This may be the end of the source material, but that doesn’t mean it has to be the end of the creativity. As long as there’s people willing to share their love for Wildstar through art, stories, roleplay, and whatever else, there will be a community. There will be a home.
That said, this blog will be around to catch, create (when I get off my butt), and reblog Wildstar related content. It has, and always will be, focused on Wildstar.
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weavewitch · 6 years
My Library Collections Professor Has Made A Terrible Mistake
She doesn’t know it yet, but she will soon. You see, the midterm paper on calls for students to write a collection evaluation for a library of our choosing. Now, I know that when she said that library does not need to be real, she meant that we didn’t need to pick a specific one. But what I heard was… 
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weavewitch · 6 years
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Sadly when the servers went down last night for WildStar we also lost ALL the official site/forum content. If anyone has any of it backed up/downloaded or you know someone who has please get in touch.
We are looking to revive as much as possible for you all
PLEASE RESHARE, PLEASE GET IN TOUCH Let us get it back together. DIscord - Channels setup for this under ‘WildStar Forever- https://discord.gg/kZ3cRVD
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weavewitch · 6 years
All the mad laughter! Love all of these ^.^
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aurin sketches!! some familiar/ive drawn before and some not, but theyre all wonderful ♥ credit in captions!
@weavewitch @remarus @inhalemyplasticdong @ash-mun @fluffyjd @bokatisha @chiinami (sorry tumblr isnt tagging everyone!)
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weavewitch · 6 years
Oh wow, I remember that night! Sooooo much fun, dance competitions...who would ever have thunk the Aurin that Kali became would do such a thing? Ha!  Wait, who are we kidding, of course she would...
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Meeri Wikrenroot
*very old event i procrastinate you know the drill*
  tanwynwindstar weavewitch caleanastertail rigenadriftwooduniverse tiaraniaroiyaru evalynnwillowstorm
Drifter’s Log, Entry 42
This weekend Tanwyn had a very special event, a Tree Naming. For a long time now he has built his home around this tree, and it’s been home to not only him; but all his friends too! I’ll never forget when we all first came to Nexus and he had a convening for Matria’s here…and more Aurin were under this tree than just about any other I’ve ever seen on Nexus. Or the first time I came here, to make friends with some Aurin.
So, I guess it was finally about time he settled down and gave the tree a name! It’s not just about the name though, it’s more than that…It’s about tying yourself to the tree, and to this land. It’s about settling your spiritual roots in with the tree’s, and about joining together in a permanent way. A tree naming is like a binding ritual almost, where by giving the tree a name; you’re pledging your allegiance to it.
It’s all very special, very complicated, and very Aurin. My Mama would’ve loved something like this…
I couldn’t make it to the whole weekend of festivities, but I managed to make it to this part. It’s funny, I hadn’t realized ‘til I got there; but I hadn’t seen Tanwyn and Rigena since he died. As Tanwyn bounded up to me, I got a little nervous…and I can’t quite explain why. But when he gave me a big hug and welcomed me back to his tree; I felt calm and welcomed again. Even though the one who introduced me to these Aurin may be gone, our bond together is something strong and goes beyond all that. We shared more than a friend; we share a culture, and a history together. One that we’re trying to keep alive even when lots of Aurin have stopped.
After I saw Tanwyn, I had lots of old friends and people to say hi to; and new people to meet! Just about all my old friends were there, I was so happy to see them again. Before long though, it was time for the ceremony.
Rigena led the ceremony, like a good little matria! She looks so pretty with her hair down and her goggles off…I don’t know why she doesn’t let it all down more. Anyways between Rigena and Eva, it was a truly beautiful ceremony. You could really feel the spirit of the tree, as we chanted it’s new name; Avan’ch’ōsh, Avan’ch’ōsh! The louder we chanted the more the power grew, until it was all you could feel! This outburst of energy couldn’t be contained by me and the other Espers, and that made for a very pretty finishing to the ceremony.
After that was time for some fun, and of course my brother was behind it! There was a special stage set up for a dance competition. When that was announced, I grabbed Kalita by the hand and ran over to Cal; we had to be in it! Once the music started, me and Kalita really got going. I don’t know whether it was the energy from Avan’ch’ōsh coursing through us, if it was my excitement over being around all my friends again, or if it was the revitalization of something from home (maybe it was a little of everything); but I felt better than I think I’ve ever felt since coming to Nexus. I felt alive, I felt beautiful, I felt spiritual; I felt connected. I felt strong. Suddenly I felt like a conduit for everything and everyone around me. I could feel Avan’ch’ōsh flowing through me, I could feel all the wonderful elated energy from the Aurin around me, I could feel the music flowing from the wisps in my tail to the tips of my ears. I especially felt connected to my old friend Kalita, as we danced there together and delved deeper into our trance…we awakened something within ourselves, both old and new. We danced our traditional dances from home, but infused with all the new energy around us. My Esper abilities were flowing freely, naturally, and beautifully with the music and my dancing..it all converged into one, we all became one. I lost myself in the dance, and when it was done; I felt like I found myself.
It was all so intense and consuming, I forgot it was a competition! When the music stopped I opened my eyes and focused on what was in front of me again…were they closed this whole time? I didn’t think so…but it didn’t seem like I was seeing the same while I was dancing..
Well, I guess that I was right about me and Kalita losing ourselves to the dance; because guess who won! Kalita came first place, and I was in second. So really; together as a team we won! I was so happy when Calean announced us the winners, what a special day!
That wasn’t the last of the festivities though. Before I left, Rigena pulled me and Tia aside for one last special ceremony; the wishing. This was an old Aurin tradition that’s used in many different occasions, but it’s a great one. You write out a wish and tie it to a great and powerful tree. You set out your intention into the Weave, and the power of the tree helps make it so. The stronger the tree and your connection to it, the better the chances of manifesting your wish! Rigena wanted to cast her wish with me and Tia all together; so she pulled us back to a hidden little corner. I was so happy to be chosen with Tia to do a wish with Rigena, what a special moment! I was so happy and elated with the night and to be there with all my friends and family.. I didn’t feel like there was much I could even wish for. As we stood there chattering, I was so happy to be doing something special with Tia and Rigena; that being with them for their special wishing moment became more important than my own. I still made one anyways…a nice, simple wish…I think. The Weave shouldn’t have any trouble making it come true, especially with Avan’ch’ōsh‘s help.
We’ll see I guess..
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weavewitch · 6 years
^ that.
Don t make a character lgbtq Without a reason
Don’t worry I have a reason
I’m gay and I do what I want
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weavewitch · 6 years
send me pics of ya aurin
i wanna do some quick sketches as a final thank you if anyone’s interested ♥
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weavewitch · 6 years
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Wildstar will get a proper goodbye piece from me, but this is all I have the heart for right now.
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weavewitch · 6 years
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Comissions that I’ve had done over the years for Kali. I WILL be asking for more of these from artists out there
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