we-hear · 2 years
Voting Rights: Why Should We Vote?
Social responsibility is a must. We cannot deny the fact that as an individual, we should know that what we do affects not only us but also affects other people. It is not always all about us but of course, think about the common good, too. This is how we should respond in our environment. Being socially responsible affects a lot of people in a good way. You may not notice it for now, but in the long run, when social responsibility meets unity, our fellowmen will receive the benefits and results that are alongside our actions.
The question is, "why should we vote?." A great deal of people is neglecting this responsibility of ours. They think that one vote doesn't have power. As I've said above, when many individuals' responsibility meets unity, it will have a result that will benefit the whole country. If many people think this way, what do you think will happen? The unity of the citizens of a country will make its way to the top, and the more deserving people will help more people. Genuine and worthy public servants can do more if they are the ones that have the power to make a change. These things are only a few of the truths that will prevail when prioritizing our voting's social responsibility becomes first on the line.
Your voice matters. Even you're just a student or a senior citizen, every voice has a significant effect on your country. Why am I preaching that your voice matters? Here's the catch, no vote, no voice. It may be tiring and time-consuming, but researching about the candidates will help you choose to vote the perfect candidate to elect. With the platforms they offer, your eyes will be open to the things that matter to them. If they're the ones that will be selected, they will take action for the things they've said. Sacrificing time to get to know your candidates will benefit you, your community, and the next generations.
A plethora of positions is available for you to vote for. It is not only the president that will be elected. Other functions should be considered. The team that they are building is for the community. Of course, you should know how great leaders they are for you to choose the deserving leaders in their positions. There's a system invented in other countries; it was named "The System of Checks and Balances." This particular system is like a cycle. In a democratic government, there are three parts, namely legislative, extrajudicial, and executive. In this system, all three parts of government should check each other to create a balanced approach. A balanced system will not result in the superiority of the government to the citizens. It is healthy and considered adequate. Regarding this, check if your chosen candidates are eligible and can handle this kind of system without inferiority.
In a final summary, the law doesn't require the citizens to vote. It depends on us if we will vote or not. Then, we should know how important it is. We vote for leaders because they represent us. It is not for them. It is for us.
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Photo Credits: hfcc.edu
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we-hear · 2 years
My Decisions in Life
People must make decisions every day, from the moment they are born until they die, on how to fulfill their life's objectives. Life can be compared to a long, winding road with millions of branching off roads across all directions. The only problem is that life is too short to travel down each road. Furthermore, the essence of time will not allow anyone to go back to a road that was passed. Everyone must choose her own roads through life regardless of what other people might think.
The journey of life is similar to a road. There are long and short roads, smooth and rough roads, and curved and straight roads. As we travel through life, we will encounter many different paths. There are paths that lead to a life of solitary bliss and religious vocation. On the one side, there are paths that lead to fame and wealth. There are paths to happiness and sorrow, as well as roads to triumph and jubilation and roads to loss and disappointment.
Since there are no second chances in life, the best case scenario is to live life wisely, making wise choices and decisions along the way. It's difficult to make choices in life. You have no way of knowing whether your decision is right or wrong. That is why we must think carefully and make wise decisions.
There is so much that I would do differently, change, and tell myself if I could. I wish I could spend more time with my grandfather before he died. I wish I could tell him how much I love him and tell him I appreciate everything he has done for me. Second, I would never spend my 5 years loving the person that I think I will spend my life with. Ending up, I build a man for someone else. Thirdly, leave those toxic people as soon as possible, even though it causes some losses in my life temperately. Sometimes letting toxic people go away from your life helps you grow more. Lastly, If I do pursue my NCII for Cookery and Bread & Pastry, now I may be continuing my skills in cooking or baking, or possibly have my own business at my age. But I will never regret what current university I enrolled in and what course I pursued. I believe in myself and I trust my choice.
I'm happy to face the consequences of my decision, good or bad, now that I've made it. It could lead me to a land of opportunity or a land of problems. The important thing is that I have decided to live my life rather than be a spectator or a passive audience to it. Only time will say whether or not this was the correct decision. But, no matter what happens, I will never regret it. Instead, I will take what I’ve learned and note that I will always have the opportunity to make better choices in the future.
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we-hear · 2 years
The Existence of Human Being
Upon reading numerous theories, assumption, or other information in human beings. I am asking myself, what's the very root why we exist? There are thousands of speculation but neither of them are convincing, in my own kind of perception, our existence is a big quest for me. The existence of a human being are define differently, scientific and religious. That's why it's a big question for me. According to Wilson, "we were created not by a supernatural intelligence but by chance and necessity as one species out of millions of species in Earth's biosphere. Hope and wish for otherwise as we will, there is no evidence of an external grace shining down upon us, no demonstrable destiny or purpose assigned to us, no second life vouchsafe us for the end of the present one." The meaning of our existence is still a puzzle to me but then again, I will scrutinize hundreds of studies that have been published in media or books just for me to know more about our existence.
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we-hear · 2 years
Trajectory of Life
In life, we experienced ups and down. The journey of my life has been a rollercoaster to me, there's fun and terror. Life will not be always nectarously sweet, it's actually mixed with bitterness and dry. Some of my experiences shape me not just an individual in our community, but also a human being in this universe. As I become a full matured human, I realized many things that can alter my characteristics. Life will never been easy, you want money, well then work for it. You want to attain something, well then again work hard for it. My world revolves of busting my self off just to achieve my goals in life. I need to work hard just for me to be successful, that's why I'm not giving up just because I'm tired. I can rest, but I will never give up.
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we-hear · 2 years
Ethereal Imperfections: Accept Your Flaws
I'm staying up late wondering why we're not perfect, as I close my eyes, I thought I will doze off to sleep, guess I'm not. These random questions kept lurking through my mind, such as "Why does all of us has imperfections?" or "Can imperfections be one of the reasons of our downfall?". Perfection for me is subjective, it's just one of the concept that we want to achieve. Being flawed doesn't mean that we're ugly. In fact, imperfections or flaws symbolizes our life. Perfection is set by us, it's like when you're perfect you can be anything. But, actually, in my perception, imperfect or not we are all beautiful. We are all unique and we have different kind of beauty.
For you, what is flaws? In my own perception, flaws is one of our weak side that can trigger our insecurities. Being flawed is never been easy, because in any minute, your emotion will reign and it'll be your downfall. It can also be one of the reason why people's depression kept arising, flaws can be the reason why some people end their life in a depressing manner. But, we shouldn't let our flaws ate our whole system, we are beautiful in a unique way, every person has a beauty that beyond unexplainable, flaws are part of us, that's one of our significant as a human being, let's just stay on the bright side and smile.
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we-hear · 2 years
Voting Rights: Vote Buying
Voting is a sign that we all live in a democratic country where all of us has a freedom to choose the next people that will reign our state remarkably. Buying votes is a method that can persuade voters to vote a certain person that is a running candidate in election. Elected candidates do it for them to win the election and capture the heart of all the citizen around that particular area. Why we shouldn’t normalize vote buying? Because it hinders our freedom to chose what we want to elect, if vote buying will dominate our community then elected candidates with a massive pockets will be chosen than the candidate that we know can handle our community well.
Choose wisely, Secure your vote
In a democratic coutry we should really but our hearts,mind and soul to the leaders we're choosing because they'll be our representative and defines our country, Philippines. We as a Filipino must know what qualifications fits to their applied position, what are their goals, belief, values and programs. Choosing a leader is an enormous responsibility that every voters shouldered. Many politicians sugar coats their words just to attract the heart of the people. Which is very common since they needed to fight for their position and willing to take everything just to let people vote them. For me, that is a red flag. So before voting our representative, make sure to do background checks if they're involved with some corruption issues then or now. Vote buying is normal, you can take the money they gave but vote according to your will, don't feel obliged with the money they gave you.
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we-hear · 2 years
My Experience During the Pandemic
I was overjoyed when the lockdown began. My final year of school had ended early, exams had been cancelled, and the sun was shining brightly. I was happy and optimistic that everything would work out. After all, how hard could staying at home possibly be?
The truth of the situation began to sink in after a while. I began to struggle as the thrill of being at home wore off. I got an anxiety attack. Stress and depression plagued my life. I struggled to fall asleep most nights because of insomnia. It was as if I was stuck, trapped in my house and in my own head. I had no idea how I was going to get through it.
However, I was able to cope with the strain over time. I realized that the pandemic allowed me to devote more time to my hobbies, to the things I loved, which had previously been overshadowed by schoolwork. I started to read e-books, cooking and editing videos again, and felt free for the first time in months. I'd forgotten how enjoyable it was to be creative. I began to spend more time with my family and loved ones. I hadn't known how much I'd been missing them.
Almost a month later, I feel so much better. I appreciate how tough this is for me and for everyone, but it is important to remember that we are not alone. No matter how scared, or trapped, or alone you feel, things can only get better. Take the time to reminisce about the things you enjoy, and keep in mind that this will eventually pass.
For now, all we can do is stay at home, care for ourselves and our loved ones, and hope for a better future. Although, COVID-19 or the pandemic may hold us in our homes, that doesn't mean we can't be closer to our families.
Every curfew time, when the siren will start to alarm, it feels like It's time for The Purge 😅
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we-hear · 2 years
My Covid-19 Vaccination Journey
After giving much thought and reviews from people, I decided to get vaccinated.
I got my first dose on October 1. After the 1st dose, I got a sore arm that night. My whole right arm feels numb. The next day, I was too fatigued to do anything but sleep and rest. Luckily, after that day, the fatigue suddenly went away and I’ve been fine ever since.
And on October 22, I got my second dose. Unlike the first one, there's no side effects as of now, not even a swollen injection site. But I prepared myself for all the possible side effects.
Needless to say, getting the vaccine was totally worth it. You should know by now that this is our world's reality, and that there is hope after Covid19. I beg of you if you get the opportunity to receive the Covid19 vaccine by any means necessary take it.
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And now I can finally say, I'm fully VACCINATED!
#JABWellDone #VaccudNaHigala
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we-hear · 2 years
Avoid Teenage Pregnancy
We live in this society where teenagers gets pregnant in a shockingly young age. That's why it's pretty alarming and we need to take it seriously. Because community's population is massively increasing. Advocate individuals, especially the young ones to avoid teenage pregnancy because it is a hassle and might change our life whether in a good way or in a bad way. However, teenage pregnancy will never been a good idea and it can affect our lives negatively. I'm not saying that being pregnant is bad, all I'm saying is being a teenage mom will be hard. And I just want to advocate young individuals to not normalize being a mom in a young age.
Causes of Teenage Pregnancy
First and foremost, teenage pregnancy shouldn't and will never be regularize, that's why sex education is a must have thing in our country. It change young individual's perspective when it comes to coitus, it input strength in our minds that the consequences of having sexual activity towards certain person is frightening. Why do we need to avoid Teenage Pregnancy? Because it alter the cycle of our lives into a very hard one, having a child in a very young age can be hard. Either way, there are lots of causes of being a teenage pregnant, you just need to be mindful and use your brain always.
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we-hear · 2 years
The Pinnacle of Success
As a human, does being successful can ample our needs? I think the answer is 'yes'. Why? Because we have this strong desired to be successful so that we can live a life that we always dream. In my own kind of point of view, I want to be successful because I can be anything, I can finance my family and I can build a house that I always dream. As of now, my aim is to be successful and provide my family a luxurious life that they deserve. We all have different kind of definition in success, but one thing’s for sure is it’s our ambition as an individual in our state.
We never know the taste of success if we couldn’t experience one. Here are ways of being successful but it’s to you if you’re going to follow it. First and foremost, think a goal that you know to yourself that you can do it. Second, work hard, we need to work hard because there’s no easy way to reach success. Third, believe in yourself, if you’re feeling melancholy all of a sudden, don’t serve that as your downfall. Last, don’t give up. These steps are very common, but the pivotal part in these steps is you need to believe in yourself, you can’t reach success if you don’t believe in yourself.
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Why does success is the very crucial part in our lives? Being in a normal household apprise me that we can be anything if we’re successful. Life can be hard sometimes and that is one of the reason why we desired to be successful. The essence of success is having a pile of cash that’ll fill our hearts with delight. We don’t need to dumb ourselves out, cause we all know that money can bring happiness in our lives, I mean if we don’t have money? Do you think we can still live in this vicious world? Individuals likes us crave for money and that’s the saddest truth we need to know.
Just imagine if you’re under in a money-crisis, do you think you can live long? Everything in this world are exchangeable to money, face it or not, money is the essential one right now. In a world where things are now ameliorate, people are pressured to be successful. That’s why reaching the pinnacle of success is a must these days.
Photo credits: giphy.com
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we-hear · 3 years
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Stress: Expectation vs Reality
What does stress do to your life? Why are some people just going to end their lives because of stress? We all have different kinds of definition when it comes to stress, either bad or worst. I can tell you that stress will never be good in our life especially in our mental health, it’ll triggered our emotions and when you say emotions it can be an outburst or a breakdown. We always has expectations. I mean unrealistic expectations to be specific, we always tend to expect a bigger picture but then our lack of self-improvement is one of the barricades why our desired expectation don’t match.
The reality of stress can be one of the reason of our downfall, but we always have different techniques to dealt with stress. The very most important key to deal with stress is relaxation, you can do anything that relaxes both your soul and your system. After all, stress is just part of our lives and you cannot combat stress if you’re weak, bravery and determination are one of the essence against stress. Furthermore, don’t give up to easily, other than stress, there are much more obstacles that you will going to face in the near future.
Photo credits: haam.org
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we-hear · 3 years
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Why should we get vaccinated?
Covid-19 is a threat in our lives right now. We all know that this type of virus is perilous especially to us the individuals, many of us know that hundreds or millions of people died because of this hazardous virus. In order of us to be contentedly safe, we need to follow the rules that the Government set to us in order for us to be safe and healthy. One of the best way is to get vaccinated. Why do we need to get vaccinated? Covid-19 vaccine help us to keep away those illnesses that can cause Covid-19 or we can call it Corona Virus. Although, vaccines for me is not really a hundred percent effective, but it can serve as a protection in any amount of virus that enters your system.
Corona Virus is dangerous especially to those individuals that haven’t been vaccinated yet, it can enters your system and worsen your illness and might be the cause of your death. That’s why vaccination is important these days, it may have side effects, like short term side effects such as fever but it will end within a short period of time. Long term side effects after vaccination is pretty rare, we just need to be strong and more importantly, don’t panic.
To sum up everything, right now, vaccination is a must because it serve as a shield for us, get vaccinated and always wear your mask when going out.
Photo credits: personneltoday.com
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we-hear · 3 years
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Don't Hesitate. Let's Vaccinate.
This pandemic caused overwhelming changes in our way of living. Making us adapt to these changes urgently in order to survive our day to day life. Every night I always dream of going back to the old days where sweet smiles are seen, tight hugs are shared and mass celebrations are most anticipated.
Will there be a chance of going back to normal? Or will we continue living in this new normal?
Nothing is certain, only the idea that there is already an existing vaccine that may lessen the effect of the virus in our body in case we become infected.
Vaccines are known to carry or mimick the virus or bacteria that is contained in the virus. By equipping our bodies with the vaccine, our bodies are able to detect the symptoms and produce antibodies that will further protect our body and immune system of the diseases which are the effects of the virus. There may be several mild effects after getting the vaccine and we can still possibly get the virus without further protection, but our bodies become more likely protected from the virus and its severe effects.
Vaccination is the only choice we have in this pandemic. It is the only way we can protect ourselves and our family. That is why even with little fear and hesitation, I decided to be vaccinated. I made it not only for my sake but for my family and the entire community.
If I want to put an end in this global crisis, I should begin within myself by getting the shots. As a student and member of the community, it is my duty to help end this pandemic: it may not cause an abrupt solution but even in my small little way I can become an asset and not a liability to my country.
And I do believe that our smiles are never meant to hide behind the masks and face shields, it was meant for the world to see. So if you have the same dream as mine, get vaccinated.
If you are still hesitant, check for facts and use your chance.
Photo credits: ebsco.com
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we-hear · 3 years
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Stay Motivated to Motivate Others
Self-motivation is the force that a person generates to keep himself or herself continuing forward in the face of challenges or issues, or simply to motivate himself when he or she feels unable to move forward in order to attain their goals.
This is something that everyone has, but it is only exploited by those who want to be truly successful in their lives in one way or another.
Above all else, motivation is simply the thing which you should feel in yourself.
Pay close attention to others so that you can alleviate their doubts at the right point.
Motivate others by drawing on your own experiences. If you don't have any prior experience, make up a fictional experience that is realistic.
Assure them that they are not the only one who is going through this and that they are not alone.
Always be assertive and confident when dealing with others.
And, most importantly, use all of the above- mentioned tips to motivate yourself.
When you're feeling down about something you haven't been able to achieve or succeed at, motivate yourself by telling yourself things like, "I'll do it in the next try for sure," "I'll strive harder to achieve it," or "I can do it, nothing can stop me," and so on.
This is self motivation.
If you try to think negatively, such as "I can't do it." or "Let it go, I'll never succeed in anything," you're on the wrong track and will become a pessimist.
So, instead of succumbing to hurdles or difficulties, strive to stay optimistic and push yourself since you are your most powerful asset. However, if you are pessimistic, you are your own worst enemy.
Photo credits: eusa.eu
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we-hear · 3 years
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I Got This!
Cheering yourself up is a great way to give a little bliss of euphoria in our respective lives. There’s nothing wrong in boosting ourselves up, if we can’t uplift ourself then who else can do it, right? I like how I motivate myself, and by encouraging my own self, I can be a remarkable yet magnificent human being. Sometimes, I can’t have a strength to motivate myself or reminding myself that I've got this, I always just like to lay down in my bed and then last thing I know-- I found myself questioning my entire life. Why am I still living? Do I have a purpose in this universe? Am I really worth it? Those questions still linger in my mind whenever I feel blue. Thankfully, I can still cope up and just look at the bright side, because I realize that life is like a rollercoaster—there’s excitements and errors. I can’t let my breakdown to reign and let it pull down my life. I can’t, I will not. Life is full of ups and down, it’s up to us how we manage it. Motivating ourselves is one of the best way for us to endure our problems or challenges in life. People these days are tend to get disappointed when they committed a mistake, but we all know mistake is part of our lives, we just need to utilize that certain mistake for us to alter our behavior as an individual. 'I got this', use that words and I can assure you that you can conquer any problem that you’ve been through.
Photo credits: melyssagriffin.com
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we-hear · 3 years
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Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health
We all have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic and its consequences are felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society. While some try to adapt to working online, homeschooling their children and ordering food via Instacart, others have no choice but to be exposed to the virus while keeping society functioning. Our different social identities and the social groups we belong to determine our inclusion within society and, by extension, our vulnerability to epidemics.
Some quoted that being in pandemic helps a lot in building strong relationship with our family which it does. But, most of the facts provided are lacking of realistic aspects. We may be united as literal united in our homes but according to many studies shows the increasing rate of depression and anxiety in this time. Students are being pressured by academical matter plus the isolation among peers that caused and linked into a person's mental health issues.
This situation was being experienced by each and every student who has been struggling psychologically, mentally, even physically. I know a lot of people can relate into this, but this pandemic gives me full realization on how important does being at the peak of our life where mental health issues are no longer the issues in your life . That no matter how high your educational attainment was or how good you job was or your life status when your mental health craves for attention and time, everything is worthless because nothing is more important than your state of being.
Photo credits: everydayhealth.com
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we-hear · 3 years
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How this pandemic affects our mental health?
Amidst in this pandemic we have a certain mental health issues and we've been dealing it these past few days. In my own kind of experience, I've been dealing stress in terms of both education and household incomes. School works in the middle of this pandemic has been giving me pressure but at the same time anxiety. Because it is hard to deal with school works in our own respective homes, and this new normal situation is very new to us and we’re still adapting this kind of situation which give me apprehension from the fact that it might one of my downfall as a learner.
I think as an individual in this community, fear and distress are creeping my entire system from the fact that this hazardous virus are increasing day by day. In this wildly spread virus, in order for us to improve our mental health we just need to take a deep breath and strengthen ourselves for us to overcome this type of issues. Nevertheless, by taking our mental health seriously we can vanquish this threatening pandemic.
Photo credits: news-medical.net
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