we-been-there · 1 month
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Our first trip out of the province, visiting Montréal, QC! This was back when we were travelling like we're poor...taking the bus and staying at shared dorms at a hostel. Arrived early in the morning, so we headed to Cora's for breakfast. Fun fact, that's there the chain started! We hit all the basic touristy things there: Mont Royal, Old Montreal, Olympic Stadium as well as the food staples, Schwartz's for smoked meat and La Banquise for poutine. Big shlug was not impressed by Schwartz, but he was quite impressed by a marshmallow on his stout beer. Montréal, Québec, Canada October 14–15, 2017
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we-been-there · 1 month
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Our first trip together as a couple! Short one to get started. The first one that started it all.
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada July 8, 2017
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