wasure-san · 1 month
if you were a puella magi, what would your wish be?
Happiness for everybody, free, and no one will go away unsatisfied. I don't know if it can be fulfilled, but I don't remember any restrictions about how unrealistic the wish can be
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wasure-san · 1 month
Okay while i can't write long posts, give me some questions!! Let's get known better(pls)
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wasure-san · 1 month
Okay but subliminals are surprisingly helpful
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wasure-san · 1 month
Sorry for not posting much, i promise, from the beginning of the summer i will be much more active!!
I'm much more active on my side blog( @wasure-side-blog ), so if you want to see not only irl maho posts - welcome here!
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wasure-san · 1 month
Why- where are you all came from ( ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)⁠
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wasure-san · 1 month
Yes!! We're growing
aaa i’m seeing so many new magical girls on tumblr it makes my heart soar!!
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wasure-san · 1 month
Good and useful post i think
how to script a concept ♡
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hello! this is a guide on scripting, specifically for irl magical girls (mainly pretty cures).
without further ado, let's begin ~ ♡
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what is scripting ?
scripting is a way to get your thoughts and desires collected and all together! that's all it really is.
it can help with visualisation, or to help you put together a straightforward magic system.
that's all there really is to it!
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what is a concept ?
a concept is a term for the overall workings of your mg life. for example, puella magi concept: the magic system and lifestyle embodied by magical girls in pmmm. in our case, of course, we will be focusing on pretty cure.
while the overall basis of a pretty cure concept is simple- transforming, using items, and having some form of mascot or familiar- you can go about this however you would like.
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how to create a concept
creating a concept can be as simple as taking some keywords that appeal to you, and running with them. it can also be as complex as worldbuilding, multiple designs and transformations and characters and items, going into detailed lore.
think of it as creating a fanseries, but instead of creating detailed characters, you focus on you and what you would be as a pretty cure.
you don't even need to create something new! you can use pre-existing concepts and teams and items for your concept.
here are some prompt questions to help:
what do i want to embody as a pretty cure?
what colors and motifs and themes resonate with who i want to be? what style of outfit match with the themes i would like to embody?
what keywords do i want to use for items, finishers, locations, et cetera?
what items would i like to use? how would i obtain and use those items? would i have weapons?
what am i fighting for? what is my end goal?
what "monsters", whether metaphorical or literal, am i going to fight in my journey?
can the monsters only appear when i am conveniently out and about, or can they attack randomly- any place at any time?
do i work alone or in a team? are my teammates already-existing friends of mine, or do i want to create rough descriptions of the type of people i want my teammates to be?
do i need or want a familiar or mascot? if so, what qualities and traits should they embody? what is their personality like? do i want one or multiple?
for what reason was i chosen to become a pretty cure by my mascots or other higher power? what did they see in me, that screamed "this is a pretty cure!" to them?
would i want or need non-cure allies (such as human friends who are in on me being a pretty cure)?
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how do i script ?
now that you're all done getting your thoughts together, it's time to script! but how do you do it? there's multiple ways to do this!
you can draw! references for yourself, your teammates, familiars/mascots, items, et cetera. this is a great way to script.
recommended mediums: any that you already use!
you can write. you can do this in any format you like- the best way to do this, in my own opinion, is in an "oc template" format. i will create a blank sample script and post it soon ♡
recommended mediums: any that you already use. you can use a physical notebook or journal, your notes app on your phone or computer, any word processor software (such as word or google docs), a slideshow software (powerpoint or google slides), a diagram software such as lucidchart (helps with tying everything in your concept together), or a website called notion that i particularly enjoy using!
you can use both drawing and writing too, which helps if you want to describe an appearance and show it too!
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as always, feel free to ask me questions in my ask box! i'll be making more posts soon ♡ thank you for reading!
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wasure-san · 1 month
Just realized irl precure exist. Ok girls wait for me wait for me I'm gonna learn everything about precure
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wasure-san · 1 month
You're enough
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wasure-san · 1 month
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wasure-san · 1 month
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wasure-san · 1 month
Even when life is difficult, it worth living
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wasure-san · 1 month
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Picked some flowers. Don't know it's name but i like it
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wasure-san · 1 month
do you have a favorite magical girl "system" ? (like how the powers work and stuff!) if so what is it? :D
Don't know if it can be called "system" but i like the concept of two connected worlds: the first is our reality and the second is it's magical reflection which actually the undercover of the real one. Every your action exists in both worlds but in different ways. That's why, for example, you don't always have to use astral projection to defeat forces of evil. And your powers depend on your personality; only working on yourself can make you more powerful magi
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wasure-san · 1 month
favorite magical girl? least favorite, if you have one?
Favorite: mgrp Nemurin. I love her and i am cursed to love characters who end up like this.
She is absolute failure in her real life but she's kind and she tries to help others even tho it doesn't give her anything. True magical girl
Least favorite: mgrp Ruler. No. Just no. Your bruised ego doesn't give you rights to cheat and be that mean. I can't feel sympathy for her no matter how hard I try
I wanted to choose two from different anime but mgrp somehow managed to take all my feelings and emotions.
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wasure-san · 1 month
I'll be very grateful if you ask some questions so I can answer them tomorrow!
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wasure-san · 1 month
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moon snail 🌕
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