warriorswand · 2 months
annabeth: chiron, there's something we need to tell you. percy and i are dating.
chiron: i’ve known for the last few years, you two are inseparable.
percy: years? we've only been dating for a few weeks!
chiron: then what the hell were you doing before that?!
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warriorswand · 4 months
If Clark is kidnapped, he knows without having to ask that Bruce is going to hunt him down with the help of the entire Justice League. They’ll find him! He’ll be fine!
If Bruce is kidnapped, he’ll just sit there — maybe getting lightly tortured — and dread the arrival of all 17 of his kids, one angry Kryptonian without his emotional support human, Alfred having a RED moment, the Batcow, and all of the active JL members who don’t hate him right now (Hal Jordan will probably still come with, but he will complain the entire time)
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warriorswand · 4 months
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"well, the laser vision IS a plus, because it's cool watching her set stuff on fire from 50 yards away. and i like that she can fly and get things off of high shelves for me. but those aren't the ONLY reasons why i like her!"
(also i hope you enjoy retro batdad, because that's where my brain's at right now. i'm delighted that starfire's design is already so incredibly 60s; she fits right in 🌠)
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warriorswand · 4 months
after patrolling, unwinding in a diner somewhere ...
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throw the man a bone batman geez
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warriorswand · 3 years
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warriorswand · 3 years
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“For the project, researchers recruited more than 600 political scientists around the world to make annual assessments of political parties’ adherence to a number of key small-D democratic values.
Those assessments are combined into the main measure in the chart above, which tracks parties’ overall commitment to democracy. Lührmann points out that the Republican Party score started to edge downward during the Obama administration but fell off a cliff in 2016 with the ascent of Trump.
The Democratic Party, by contrast, hasn’t changed much. This is a prime example of what political scientists call asymmetric polarization — a growing partisan gap driven almost entirely by the actions of the Republican Party.”
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warriorswand · 3 years
I just realized that Han never knew that Luke got his hand chopped off while he was in carbonite and I don’t know which path I want to follow with this information:
1. Han seeing Luke’s injured hand after the sail barge battle and thinking that Luke has been a robot the whole time
2. Luke shaking his hand with a super-firm grip and Han just thinking “Wow this kid has gotten…absurdly strong.”
3. Luke just pulls off his hand one day and throws it at Han.
4. Luke picks up a spacechicken carcass and crushes it with his bare hand and Han is intimidated
5. Han says “It’s good to see you’re all right” and then Luke says “well, actually…” and pulls off his hand and Han falls over the back of his chair
6. Han says “It’s good to see you’re all right” and everyone gasps and Leia says “Too soon!” and Han is confused and they all just rag on him
7. Han needs a battery and Luke just opens up his hand and pulls out a battery and gives it to him and Han just stares
8. Luke reappears after a mission with all the synthflesh off and Han says “I thought it was easy but you LOST YOUR HAND?” and Luke just says “Oh, no, I lost this before Endor” and Han is hurt and betrayed.
9. Luke keeps making hand puns and limb puns and raising his right hand to high-five Han and Han just never gets it
10. Luke excitedly tells Han as they’re waiting to be taken to the Sarlacc because it’s been a whole year that he’s wanted to tell the guy. 
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warriorswand · 3 years
Bodhi: Do you guys ever… wonder about things?
Jyn, Cassian, and K-2, in unison: No.
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warriorswand · 3 years
the force ghost gang did NOT want anakin to turn over to the light side and become a force ghost......not because of the whole “dark lord” phase but bc they didn’t want to deal w him and obi wan reunited
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warriorswand · 3 years
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[ORIGINAL WORDS BY @ewanmcgregorismyhomeboy12]
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warriorswand · 3 years
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All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.
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warriorswand · 3 years
Honestly? Fuck this culture of shaming people for learning about things late and liking them. who gives a shit if you discovered a song from years ago and youre in love with the band? Catch up with series you just discovered and talk about them to your friends, fall in love with movies others have known way before you even heard of them, read books youd heard of long ago but never got interested in until now and become a huge fan!! This idea that people are “fake fans” for not knowing about or being interested in things before and loving them now is garbage and we need to get rid of it. Just let people enjoy things jfc!!
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warriorswand · 3 years
my english prof said today that “literature lets you stare at people” and i loved that….
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warriorswand · 3 years
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Your focus determines your reality.
Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace (May 19, 1999)
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warriorswand · 3 years
One, I completely with your post about Cassian and having a love interest in the series. And two, how cool would it be if the force some how have him “visions” of Jyn throughout the series, like when he sleeps he sometimes just gets these flashes of this women. I know it’s probably not gonna happen but I want Felecitg to be in the series in some manner 😅
Yes!!!!! A fellow like-minded individual, I am here for you!!!!!
Firstly, to your point, I would LOVE the exploration of Cassian and Jyn’s connection somehow, they’ve lived dramatically parallel lives and think it would be incredible to maybe see how many times they ALMOST found each other, almost collided, almost met but didn’t quite because it wasn’t yet as the force willed it to be. I somewhat doubt they go that route but damn if they do I will actually NEVER shut up about it.
I’ve definitely been thinking about what the series will look like and other characters to be included in it. I saw something somewhere saying they introduce Cassian’s sister which I’m actually interested in seeing! I think that would be really compelling and advance his character and flesh out his background far better than a previous love interest would. Having a sister he survives childhood/losing their parents/joining the rebellion with and then the series follows the loss/death of this sister which would only serve to further drive him towards isolation and being fully encompassed by his role as spy/assassin in the 5ish years between when the series will happen and when Rogue One happens!
That familial relationship would also satisfy a lot of the plot lines that, to me, really speak to classic Star Wars themes about struggling between choosing a cause greater than ones self and choosing your loved ones and the force and how it connects people and things without those plot lines having to be romantic love based (which, once again, gets back to traditional Star Wars themes). It would be hard for me to watch a lot of romance heavy plot because it reallly sits in opposition to the priorities I think Cassian would have being a rebel in such a huge war but I’d love if we could see some more of that classic family and the struggles of family in war dynamic Star Wars is so known for (I mean hello great plot/drama in the og trilogy!).
It’d be super cool too if they maybe showed how he comes to find K2 and/or some other droids he has close to him and their interactions because connections/friendships to droids seem much more up Cassian’s alley than those friendships with organic life forms (probably because of spy/trust issue things).
Now back to the point of your ask, YES, I really really am just hoping they don’t take the low hanging fruit of bland romance, I truthfully feel like the whole force-bond thing is Cassian and Jyn to a T, and that she absolutely is the first person he falls in love with and vice versa for her. To me, that fits his character, his arc, and who we know him to be.
Obviously, before anyone yells at me, the mans not a virgin or anything, he’s probably had one night stands (maybe under aliases only)/done some sketchy “sleeping with this person undercover because it solidifies my identity” relations but I really feel like that’s the extent of it! We see so many characters in Star Wars who, due to their lives and the war and dedication to fighting against the Empire, that they don’t end up fostering romantic relationships (Obi Wan, Luke, etc.) and that would make EXCEPTIONAL sense in Cassian (DAVITS DRAVEN PROBS PARTIALLY RAISES HIM I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!). And, further, those “sleeping with someone undercover things” would contribute to him feeling like he isn’t a good man, what with always living as different people and a lot of them probably unsavory individuals so he can network with criminals/imperials alike!
All things considered, I’m still a little nervous about the series but if I don’t like it for whatever reason I’ll just go back to the version of canon I’ve had since Rogue One came out, after all, my ability to choose my canon is VERY developed considering I live in the world where Jyn and Cassian survived Scarif and led long lives loving each other as #spiesinLOVE fighting for the rebellion and we simply don’t know about it because Davits Draven would NEVER expose his operatives to that level of scrutiny ;)
P.S. I love Felicity too, oh how I would just DIE if she showed up lol
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warriorswand · 3 years
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Summer Flights
Thank you everyone for all the nice and kind comments past few weeks! <3
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warriorswand · 3 years
When Margaret Atwood said, "there is something in your throat that wants to get out and you won't let it." and then Franz Kafka wrote, "And what I really intended to say in the end remains unsaid."
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