If you don’t do Demands of the Qun, the Chargers live, but Bull remains loyal to the qun. If you leave him behind, he’ll arrive through a side door to fight you on Viddasala’s orders anyway.  
Consider Krem.  
Consider Krem, who sits in a chair on Bull’s bad side, to be his eyes, so the chief can relax when he’s off-duty. Consider Krem, who trusts Bull with his life, but knows he can get up to some truly hair-brained shenanigans when left on his own, and watches him as often as he watches the room.  
Consider Krem seeing Bull slip out of the tavern, silently, without a word to anyone, with his jaw set and his eye sharp. Consider Krem feeling unease in the pit of his stomach, an unshakable feeling that something is up. Consider Krem following, quietly. 
Bull is good at what he does, but he’s focused on his mission and he’s taught Krem well. Consider the Iron Bull and his shadow passing unseen, both driven by a duty and loyalty of very different kinds. 
The Iron Bull arrives to join the fight, on the wrong side, on the right side, to prove himself a traitor and a loyal soldier. 
Krem knows Iron Bull is a qunari, knows he is Ben Hassrath, but it’s one thing to know a fact and another thing to know. The Iron Bull does not act like a qunari. He sings dirty songs and he drinks and he laughs too loud and he fucks like it’s going out of style. 
Consider Krem, for the first time, seeing Hissrad. 
No hard feelings, bas.
In this version of the story, Iron Bull’s loyalty was never tested. He never had to make a sacrifice, one way or the other. This is the story where Iron Bull could have it both ways, where he could continue his knife-edge dance between Tal Vashoth and Qunari. 
But in being both, he is also neither, and when Krem charges in and places himself between Hissrad and the Inquisitor, there is no certainty for the Iron Bull to lean on. The qunari sees an obstacle to be dealt with, but the tal vashoth sees Krem. 
“What are you doing, Chief?“ 
Do the words come? I am doing my duty. Anaan esaam qun. Or do they stick in his throat, hot and raw, because without certainty, the orders made his head swim and his stomach tie into knots, made the faces of the men and women he’s fought beside flicker like nightmares in his mind. The qun has been so far and so distant for so long. To have it this close again, is it a comfort? Or a cage? Does he know the difference? 
“Get out of the way, Krem.“ 
Krem is loyal to the Iron Bull first and foremost, but in this world, the tal vashoth world, loyalty is not blind obedience. It’s Krem’s job to push back, to question schemes, to be the voice of something like reason. 
“Don’t do this, Chief. This isn’t you.“ 
But it is. But it isn’t. An order was given. One that Hissrad is compelled to obey. One that the Iron Bull is incapable of obeying. 
“You have to go through me first,” Krem says, angry, determined, defiant, unflinching. Consider Krem, loyal beyond death, who found a friend and a purpose and a home with the Iron Bull. Whose last thoughts, in another story, were of certainty and trust. He’ll come. He’ll call. He won’t leave us. Horns pointing up. In every story where he stands between Hissrad and Iron Bull, he is not afraid.   
There is no version of this story where he dies. When the ax falls, it is from numb fingers, and it rings bloodless against the stones at their feet. 
As long as Krem draws breath, Hissrad will always become Iron Bull.
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one of my absolute favourite tiny details is cousland’s nan insisting the warden start the telling of a childhood story, and instead of, i don’t know, “once upon a time”, cousland’s cultural go-to is before our fathers’ fathers came down from the moutains. cousland has chantry tutors but at their nanny’s knee it was alamarri folk tales, not andraste and the wyvern. i think that’s so interesting and it’s one of the jumping-off points for my take that highever let andrastianism colour its culture and traditions more so than change them, in contrast to a centre of pilgrimage and of royalty like denerim, which is more closely interlinked with, and perceived by, andrastians outside ferelden’s borders. cousland to me is always saying some slightly off brand stuff they don’t realise is weird (read: heresy) while alistair and wynne raise eyebrows at each other
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A random thought I had about DA: Dreadwolf at 2am….
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i can SEND DEMONS back to THE FADE with my GLOWY HAND but I can’t SWIM
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source (x)
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lil synthetic troll
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Another day another ‘Mass Effect meets vine’ shitpost
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One of the best parts of the Mass Effect fandom is when an 800 lb. alien experiment came out of the tank that raised him to be the ultimate killing machine and held us up by our throat before speaking his first words in the digitally-deepened voice of Steve Blum - a middle-aged man who, respectfully, sounds like he gargles cigarettes - we all looked at that and collectively said:
“MY SON. MY BABY BOY. It’s hard being a parent but it’s a role I accept DO YOU NEED JUICE BOXES MY LARGE CHILD???”
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Do you ever wanna replay a game but you remember there’s that one fucking level or mission that makes you go “Actually, maybe not”
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dragon age dashboard simulator
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🏙️ thechampginon Follow
literally DNI if you think shipping the champion with their REAL LIFE friends is okay. i can't believe i have to explain this to people. RPF destroys lives.
🧀 tethrasbitch Follow
"RPF is fine." - Varric Tethras
🏕️ meribella Follow
op is mad because i said hawke and seneschal bran fucked btw
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🌿 quirkyorlesian Follow
I want to go to Ferelden.
I will spell couleur as colour and work on a farm. I would spend all night in The Pearl while drinking ale with my mates. I'll have cheese every day that's worth 1 silver. I would go to war and die. I am also more likely to meet bandits, The Hero of Ferelden and The Queen.
I wish I was Fereldan. :(
🐄 cheesegirl Follow
sick and fucking tired of mutuals putting this on the dash. yeah haha funny joke. fereldan stereotypes are so fucking harmful and irritating, you realise cheese is actually one of our major exports? that op is joking about working on a farm, a hard and painful line of work, whole being orlesian nobility? if someone made a post like this about kirkwall i know people would be shitting and crying lmfao
🌾 fereldan-detector Follow
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⚫ magerights-deactivated090331
Need to get dicked down again :-/
🎇 firegirlballs Follow
This was his last post before blowing up the chantry btw. getting dicked down in your honour tonight king 🫡
🐜 faggotkirkwall Follow
what no dick does to a mage
🎉 mageheritageposts Follow
Heritage post.
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🌌 elfroot Follow
She dark on my spawn till i hurlock
🎉 wardencommander Follow
i hurlock on her taint til she enters my deep roads
🌌 elfroot Follow
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🍊 fujoshiandraste Follow
situationship with the girl in my alienage going really bad everyone like it's literally over for me 👍🏻
#can we get another blight soon or something i cant do this anymore
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🌠 makerstits Follow
☄️ mabariboy Follow
What the fuck happened to this poll .
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⚔️ sickoelf Follow
i think i hauve the blight
#thought about the cycles of violence in hard in hightown again #varric tethras when i GET YOU
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Happy N7 Day to everyone except BioWare.
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Day 4 of playing BG3:
I also think Lae'zel is Baulder's Gate's Sexy Sten.
"If I was hostile, you'd be bleeding" Sten
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"Brutal? Blood still flows through his own veins. I was positively gentle!" Lae'zel
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EA, bioware, whoever is making the decisions, I swear to the Maker, stop it.
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oh would you look at that, im suddenly no longer interested in dragon age dreadwolf.
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Congratulations to Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect for being the most datable datable character in video games!
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idk if this has ever been said before but imagine in me3 if instead of kai leng it had been the one left behind on virmire. imagine if cerberus had gone to the ruins and collected their body as a future bargaining chip. except cerberus doesn't restore ash's/kaidan's memories so shep is the one left with the pain and guilt of their past friendship. shep is the one left with the agony of having to put down their old squad mate. of being the reason for their second death
or imagine in me3 with the citadel dlc that instead of shep's clone it had been the one left behind on virmire. of course they wouldn't have been able to go along with the stolen identity plot but just imagine the drama. ash/kaidan coming out of the shadows, memories in tact. "what did you think was gonna happen after you left me to die?" shep trying to save them as they're falling from the normandy because, despite everything, this was their squad mate. shep then having to watch them die all over again
imagine the virmire survivor reexperiencing the guilt of surviving tenfold. feeling as if they somehow stole the other's life. their possible happy ending. "that could've been me" "this could've been them" the other is going through this pain because of them whether the other realises it or not. and after watching the other die a second time, they're left feeling empty. somehow it's their fault
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Preliminary Poll
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Submission reason:
JUSTICE WAS A COMPLETE AND ENGAGING CHRACTER IN DRAGON AGE AWAKENING AND THEN. THEN!!! in dragon age 2 he merged with another character called anders through possession, which would all be cool and fine if it werent for the fact that justice was treeated in da2 as a corrupting force on anders coercing him into terrorism to the point that the new writer for anders and justice in da2 said da2 justice couldve just been a random demon lying about being justice the spirit. which is so argh. at one point if you romance anders, anders talks about how justice 'doesnt approve' of the romance and 'considers it a distraction' despite a MAJOR part of justice's arc in awakening centering around how he wants romance and considers it (and the world around him) a beautiful endeavor. its all things like that. all of it. i love anders a LOT and he got screwed over by the writers too but what they did to justice my friend justice will always be the worst characterization crime in dragon age to me.
did you know that he is forced into the mortal world and cant go home but has friends who help him and dont hate him because of what he is and then later he never gets to talk to anyone ever again without them hating and/or mistrusting him.
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