Admin of this blog is a dork, the character is a BIG DORK
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Jason Grace
Let me be your fortress
When the night winds are driving on
Be the one to light the way
Bring you home
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How was you day?
Really good, but I’m missing my bro @pan-the-pan :(
16 notes · View notes
It hates me :(
How was you day?
Really good, but I’m missing my bro @pan-the-pan :(
16 notes · View notes
Oops, autocorrect corrected boo, I'm sorry
How was you day?
Really good, but I’m missing my bro @pan-the-pan :(
16 notes · View notes
How was you day?
Really good, but I'm missing my bro @pan-the-pan :(
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On 22/12/18 21:03 (local time) a volcanic eruption occurred, followed by a tsunami 24 minutes later. This happend in the Sunda Strait. Surrounding coasts of java and sumatra have been affected.
People who fled the affected areas or have family there are asked NOT TO COME (back) there. Please listen to the advice of local authorities at all times if you are currently in one of the affected areas.
Status as of 13:00 23/12/18
Killed: 62 (according to local authorities no foreigners have been killed so far.)
Injured: 600+
Missing: 20
Status as of 14:23 12/23/18 local time:
Killed: 168 (there is no guarantee that foreigners are not affected anymore)
Injured: 745+
Missing: 30
Once again,
Tagging blogs so this gets spread (not necessarily mutuals, mainly big blogs I know)
@gen-zed-for-non-americans @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @gen-z-culture-is @gen-zee @i-am-a-fish @a-happy-crusteacean @greenneerg123 @spacey-artist
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//hi hi hi please reblog this if you'd be interesting in seeing the marsxpan wedding happening
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so here’s a fun thing:
hit me up with marvel puns and ill rate them out of ten.
the best one gets a customised shitpost based on their pun this Thursday.
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this is what actually happened on sakaar, they didn’t want us to know:
*loki and grandmaster on a date, watching the champion come out to face thor*
*the champion is hulk*
loki, stuffing bread sticks in his purse: i must get off this planet
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mmk i’ve got v few followers but i’m hoping this helps at least one person so here I go.
Apple is coming out with something called ““Apple screentime” which will basically allow your parents to see what apps you use when and set restrictions and shit for when you can use what apps. If you are in a situation where you have apps or social media’s or really anything you don’t/can’t have your parents know about DELETE THAT SHIT before September 1st when this comes out. This works through the ““family sharing” shit on your iCloud account so if you can either leave your “family” or use a different Apple ID  or something. 
If you can’t do that, I personally access Tumblr and discord and YouTube and everything else through my laptop and the Pinterest web browser (yes that’s a thing) so if that’s an option for any of you out there join me. 
This may sound hella dumb to some people but like my parents would LOSE THEIR SHIT and ground me if they knew I had tumblr or really anything and that’s the only thing keeping me alive tbh so just be safe out there kiddos. 
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For every Reblog 1$ will be donated to my autistic brothers fundraiser :)
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99% of people won’t reblog this because they think it’ll make their blog look as shitty as their heart.
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Hi I loved your recent story about the field trip so I was wondering if you could do something where he takes a field trip with his class and Flash makes fun of him and Tony is trying to contain anger and something “accidentally” happens to Flash
Absolutely! I’m so sorry because I’ve been putting this off for too long. I hope you enjoy it!
Prompt: Above
Word Count: 522
Character Count: 2,907 
Warnings: None
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The field trip was absolutely fantastic, and Peter Parker was loving every moment of the tour. Everything was going wonderfully as planned, but unfortunately that plan wasn’t Peter’s. It was Flash’s.
“Hey Penis Parker! You better get all that written down or god forbid, that Decathlon trophy’s gonna be mine again.” Snickers erupted from the crowd and Peter sighed once more.
Flash whispered, encouraging a chant from the group of students. “Penis Parker, Penis Parker, Penis Parker-”
“Now, if we look at this base, it seems to have-” Happy unapologetically cut him off, sick to see such behaviour amongst the teenagers.
Ned sneered at Flash and discreetly stuck out his middle finger once he had turned his back on the two. Ned mouthed a ‘he’s a jerk’ and Peter nodded, agreeing.
• •
“Tony, are you seeing this?” Happy mumbled over the comms, trying to bring it to his notice.
Tony leaned on the railing of the staircase, watching the group laugh and giggle about the silliest of things. He let out a breathy sigh and crossed his arms.
“You bet I am. You know, now would be the perfect time to test my prototype’s weapons. Maybe bring it to the maximum and see the damage done.”
“Tony, no. You’ve got to let the kid handle this! You won’t be there to help him every time, now would you?”
“Yeah, but I am here for him now.”
Happy sighed in defeat, knowing what Stark had in store for him. He hoped that he wouldn’t make it too strong but decided to still keep Friday and the hospital in the loop.
• •
“Say, Penis Parker, what have you got to do with- oh my gosh, Mr. Stark?” Flash faltered, staring at the form of the ultimate philanthropist, genius, playboy and of course, billionaire.
“Flash, right? Yeah, that’s me. So listen, I’ve heard a lot about you and I was wondering if you’d like to have a cup of coffee with me to discuss the prospects of you and me working?” Tony replied, winking at Peter and Ned. They were clueless, needless to say but a disappointed Happy stood in the background.
He saw it all happening.
Right from the moment Tony added the packets to the drink, to that when Flash gulped it all down.
“Uh, Mr. Stark, where’s the washroom? Like the nearest one?” Flash asked uncomfortably, clutching the hem of his shirt. Tony directed him and joined the trio soon after.
“Tony, just why?” Happy muttered, shaking his head.
“He deserved it, did you see the way Pete hid his face behind his backpack? It was awfully miserable, Happy. Besides, he’ll be in there for what? Forty five minutes?” Tony retorted.
“Actually, Friday says he’ll be stuck in there for at least two hours, judging by the amount you added.”
“Well, the more the better!”
Peter looked at the pair, puzzled. “But Mr. Stark, what exactly is it that you did?”
Tony grinned at the kid, put an arm around his shoulder. “Let’s just say that someone had one cup of coffee with two packets of laxatives in it. Mixed well, mind you.”
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Loki: Come on, brother, let’s play a game of hide and seek. I’ll hide.
Thor: *counts to ten* I’m coming!
Loki: *emerges from the closet, covered in glitter from head to toe* TA DAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
Thor: What even is this? I’m supposed to find you, this is insanity, Loki. What have you done?
Loki: I’ve come out of the closet, that’s what I’ve done.
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Hey y'all! So this is from the contest I held earlier this month, and this fanfic is for @spiderson-peter :D I really hope you enjoy this!
Prompt: Umm I love the “Peter goes on a field trip to SI and proves his internship” trope so if u could write one of them in around 1000-1500 words that would be great!!! I don’t mind what happens or how it happens but they are my fav sooo yeah thx a lot!!!!
Word Count: 1,094
Character Count: 6,061
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Peter Parker was on his way to the Stark Industries. It wasn’t his first time, but the jitters wouldn’t die down, no matter how hard he tried. He was packing his backpack, and thoughts of seeing Mr. Stark again ran through his mind in flashes.
There wouldn’t be any reporters this time, he hoped. Happy would probably be delighted to see him back. And maybe, just maybe, he could get Mr. Stark to sign his Iron Man collectible— the one that was in mint condition.
“Peter! Hey, how’s yo- where did you get that collectible from, dude? That’s sick! Are you gonna get him to sign it?” Ned interrupted, watching Peter hastily dump the collectible into his backpack to avoid further interrogation. Ned chuckled at the sight of a flustered Peter, and clapped him on his back approvingly. “I was just kidding, dude. Let’s get going, eh? I guess Mr. Stark’s getting antsy about meeting his favourite Avenger.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Ned.”
The area was enormous. In fact, saying that it was enormous would actually be an understatement. Peter wondered if the place had a Google maps of its own, or at least a tour guide. He ran his sweaty fingers through his brown locks, hoping that he wouldn’t come across as a weird fanboy when Mr. Stark took over.
The students met Happy at the entrance and needless to say, Peter’s face lit up at the sight of a familiar face. Dressed sharply in a suit, Happy greeted the group with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling as soon as he recognised Peter Parker. The kid had to be protected at all costs, and his eyes darted towards the note he held in his hands. Stark better have something good planned, Happy thought.
He showed them around the widespread campus and entertained a myriad of questions from the hopeful individuals. Happy introduced the group to the major infrastructural regions, and while the rest of the students stared in awe at the magnificence of the Stark Industries, he winked at Peter, and cheekily handed him a note.
“Is that for me?” Peter asked, grasping the folded paper firmly between his fingers. Happy nodded assertively, and continued to lead the group towards an array of facilities on the campus.
Hey kid,
Meet me in my office as soon as Happy hands this to you. It will be impossible for me to come down there, but I have to discuss something important with you.
Peter knocked apprehensively on the flawless wooden door, and jumped back in surprise when it opened immediately.
He grinned at the sight of a posh Tony Stark, and replied, his voice suddenly cracking, “Hey Mr. Sta-”
“Kid! It’s so good to see you again, and yes, this is going to be quick because I have to run to meetings after this”, Tony said, and turned around to show him the one thing that he had spent months creating. He drew the velvet curtains, because he’s definitely extra, and revealed the finished prototype.
“Kid, is it fine? Does it fulfill everything you asked for? It’s taken me time, but it’s everything I could have possibly added.”
“Mr. Stark, I love it! It’s so cool, and what’s even more amazing is that you and I have matching suits now!”
Peter ran his fingers over the breathable material, unable to take his eyes away from the updated suit that Mr. Stark had designed. Tony failed to suppress his smile at Peter’s words. “But Mr. Stark? What about your suit? Did you update that too? You know, after everything that happened. I don’t wanna lose you, especially after that stunt in New York and-”
Peter turned around quickly to see Tony on the ground, clutching the edge of the wooden table for dear life. He remembered his words, and gasped. “Mr. Stark, I am so sorry, I didn’t realize I said it. Please, just, take a deep breath. I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark, I swear I didn’t mean it, please just let me make it up to you-”
Tony simply nodded, trying to breathe deeper and at a slower rate. The kid did not realize it, and it’s not his fault. He was just concerned. But nevertheless, he mentioned it. Yeah, but he wanted to take care of you, Tony.
Peter put his arm around Mr. Stark helped him sit up straight, whispering, “I just wanted you to be okay, dad.” Tony looked at the Spiderling with a curious but glassy gaze. Had he really called him dad? Was he hallucinating this?
The phone rang. Tony’s gaze drifted over to the telephone, fully aware of the fact that he was in no condition to answer it. Peter looked at Mr. Stark decisively, and picked up the phone.
“Hello? No, this is Peter. Peter Parker. I’m afraid he’s a bit occupied at the moment. Mr. Stark will be there in some time. You can have the documents sent to his office.”
Peter rang up Happy and told him about what he had accidentally done, all without mentioning ‘New York’. Happy directed him through the procedures and the steps he should take, and Peter complied without cross questioning him.
A smile tugged at the ends of Tony’s lips as he observed the Peter corresponding to something he wasnt trained for previously. It was clear to him that Peter would make a fantastic addition to Stark Industries, and that he truly deserved to be here.
After all that Peter had been through and had put up, he did not only deserve the internship, but also the title of being an Avenger.
Tony gave in and smiled, putting an arm around Peter and hugging him gently. “Thanks ki- son.” A flustered but content Peter grinned from ear to ear, not wanting to let go of this moment.
Tony saw the silhouette of someone behind Peter and reacted immediately by putting his arm in front of the Spiderling in order to protect him. He leaned forward to see who it was and muttered quite softly, “Kid? What are you doing here?”
Peter turned his head around, contorting his face as he looked at her. “MJ?”
MJ crossed her legs to sit more comfortably and chuckled, the tip of her tongue slightly sticking out of her mouth— a sign of intense focus. Her hand movement was fluid as the pencil moved smoothly across the purposeful curves. She looked up and gave the pair a compassionate thumbs up.
“Hey guys. Sorry, I just like drawing people in crisis.”
//I really hope you liked it, and remember to send me prompts in my inbox if you liked this one! :D ❤
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Hello there! As a small gift for all the followers I have gained over the past year, I’ve decided to upload my printables for Study Planners!
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Of course, these are completely free, and you can use them for personal stuffs, and of you do intend on using them, feel free to tag me with an image or so :D It would honestly make my day!
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All of the printables are available on Google Drive and come in four colours: marbled peach, tissue blue, lined purple and pastel yellow.
Link for Pastel Yellow:
Link for Marbled Peach:
Link for Tissue Blue:
Link for Lined Purple:
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Please do not repost these anywhere else without my permission :) Have a great day!
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If demigods had to undergo tests to see if they were truly the kids of the gods who claimed them, these would be the tests.
Aphrodite: if they can draw a perfect wing eyeliner on both the sides, equal in length and if they are sharp.
Poseidon: if they can find Nemo and Dory.
Hades: if they can make the skeletons dance to Immortals.
Zeus: if they can suck out all the electricity from power stations and from all the Pikachus.
Demeter: if they can talk to plants and make them blush a bright green by complimenting them.
Apollo: if they can open a syrup bottle without spilling any of it and if they can shatter the glasses plainly with their voice and not by flinging them. I’m looking at you, Fat Lady.
Dionysus: if they can act drunk without actually getting drunk and rock in sandals and socks.
Iris: if they can puke rainbow.
Hermes: if they offer you stolen toiletries on their first dates.
Ares: if can successfully tame a bull using that old red cloth method and some Red Bull.
Hecate: if they complain about belonging in Hogwarts.
Athena: if they finish reading all the books in the library under a week’s time.
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