wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Here's a tiny recorder I got from a gachapon:
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8 notes · View notes
wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
My one true love in Japan: banana milk 🥰
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Tokyo Trains
I was surprised to learn that the trains in Tokyo are owned by different companies instead of one organisation like in Singapore. This led to different trains of different designs and different qualities and that you had to constantly tap out of one line/station and tap in to the next even though they're right next to each other because it's technically another company's.
Also in Singapore, train stations are kept very minimalistic and clean to minimise chances of terrorism. Like for example there's almost no toilets at train stations and there's no rubbish bins anywhere.
In Japan, there's trash bins, toilets, even shops. It makes me wonder what direction each country is heading in. Maybe Singapore focuses more on defence whereas Japan focuses more on comfort and economic growth? Maybe Singapore is just a more sought after target compared to Japan 🤷
Who knows.
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 10 ♪ 24 November
As much as I had fun in Japan, it felt great to be home again (despite the fact that I have responsibilities once I landed :'))
I didn't expect to be tired from tired from travelling either
I was really happy to be picked up at the airport by my family and boyfriend, I missed them a lot. I hope to go to Japan again in future with family, friends and my boyfriend! They'd love it there uwu
Really grateful to the teachers who planned it and took care of us throughout the trip :)
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
I bought some Tokyo Banana and that famous white chocolate biscuit B)))
Ascension to Alpha Weeb™: 100%
Transformation Complete
WANPUNXUAN is evolving!
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WANPUNXUAN has evolved to Alpha Weeb™!!!
(imagine that gif says WANPUNXUAN)
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 9 ♪ 23 November
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 9 ♪ 23 November
Last day in Japan!! As much as I had enjoyed myself here, I also really missed my friends and family so I was pretty excited to do some final shopping before going home.
Today was free and easy. My group decided to join our teacher last minute on a trip to a fish market, but one friend couldn't finish packing in time so we stayed back LOL
It wasn't so bad, we got more rest so there's that. Afterwards we headed to Shinjuku if I'm not wrong? We bought more stuff haha. Like I went to Daiso and bought some chair socks and other gifts. I also bought Tupperware so that I could deliver the pork burger from Mac's to my boyfriend LOL
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For dinner, we had Genki Sushi and I was surprised at how they served their sushi (just skip to the last 5 seconds):
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Ascension to Alpha Weeb ™: 95%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 8 ♪ 22 November
I was really excited to go, and so was a billion other ppl apparently cos there was such 👏a 👏long 👏 queue 👏 even though it was a cold rainy morning. I swear it was so cold that if you blew, you could see some...fog? I don't know the word for it. Since it was raining I slipped and fell on the stairs 😔😔 fortunately I didn't get injured but my tailbone and butt just hurt the rest of the day :( As we queued in the snaking queue, I passed by a senior who asked me if I was okay haha she's nice. Not to say my friends didn't show concern as well I just didn't expect that senior to cos it didn't feel like we were so close LOL
On the way there I bought 3 cans of soup - clam, corn and I forgot. Surprisingly in Japan, it feels like you're encouraged to eat and drink in the train stations. There's literal vending machines, kiosks and restaurants inside. Here's a photo of my cute friend:
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Photos from Tokyo Comicon!!
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Ascension to Alpha Weeb ™: 89%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 7 ♪ 21 November
Today we visited Tokyo Animation College and it was interesting seeing how other schools prepare their students for the industry. Also apparently an artist I look up to studied there!! What an experience.
Afterwards we headed to Tokyo University of the Arts. I was surprised to learn that their animation course was only 2 years and that they did a lot of experimental Animation. Also each batch is really small, I think there's only 16 or 32 students.
What I like about Tokyo University of the Arts is that each student gets their own cubicle like in a real office. It was pretty spacious and there was even like a small room for them to make their stuff, like how we have Makerspace.
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Then we headed to the Yokohoma Cup Noodle Museum!!! I love cup noodles and learning about the history there was really fun. The information was presented in an enjoyable manner, even in the video we watched which was basically a documentary. I love it! We even got to make our own cup noodles OWO
They had little chibis animated to tell the story, and a game show where bodies with cup noodles as heads answered questions to tell stories.
The founder is pretty inspiring. He never stopped learning, and he just never stopped his love for cup noodles. Like, he invented cup noodles for astronauts when he was age 95! Impressive!
Afterwards at the gift shop my group and I bought cup noodle shaped mugs and cup noodles with special eco friendly packaging. That night we had a cup noodle party (・∀・)
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Ascension to Alpha Weeb ™: 63%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 6 ♪ 20 November
We visited a shrine to live sketch at first thing in the morning and let me tell you, drawing in the cold cold morning is a bad idea. I mean sure you get to draw Japan's culture and I do enjoy life sketching but my hands and legs hurt afterwards :( my teacher was saying how he was fine but his hand was clearly trembling LOL
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We visited Production IG that day!! Again it was great getting industry insights and seeing how it was like in a legit company. Again, couldn't take any photos but I've burned everything to my brain B))
Afterwards, we headed to the GHIBLI MUSEUM AHHH IT WAS AMAZING I wish I had taken more time to appreciate the drawings there :')) we could only take photos of the exterior but that by itself was immensely beautiful. They sold delicious hot dogs as well. YUM
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Before my group headed back to the hotel, we stopped by Kinokunya Bakery and bought melon pan fresh from the oven B) it's sweeter than the one at Senso-ji Temple
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Ascension to Alpha Weeb ™: 64%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 5 ♪ 19 November
We started the day by visiting Senso-ji Temple and I got my fortune again. This time I drew regular fortune, but it said my wish would come true :)
Also i wasn't expecting there to be a market around it haha. It was pretty nice, not too crowded. I bought melon pan, grape ice cream, charms, and keychains :))
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Then we had lunch at a Yoshinoya branch at Asakusa. I was really intrigued by their mayo packaging.
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 5 ♪ 19 November
Started the day by visiting Senso-ji Temple and got my fortune drawn - I received regular fortune this time but it said my wish would come true so there's that :D
Wasn't expecting a market around the temple either! I bought charms, food (melon pan and grape ice cream), and keychains
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After that we headed to Asakusa for lunch and my grp ate at a Yoshinoya branch. I was very intrigued by their mayo packaging
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Then we headed to Polygon Pictures, followed by the Modelling Cafe. We couldn't take any photos, but it was great getting some industry insights :)) was a beautiful day when we went there
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Ascension to Alpha Weeb ™: 50%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Photo taken at Studio Anima B)
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Bruh my friends and I are basically 🚥
Ascension to Alpha Weeb™: 42%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 4 ♪ 18 November
We visited Studio Anima!!! We even met some seniors interning there and apparently they're working on Attack On Titan 🤩🤩🤩
They also gave plenty of advice, like how GPA doesn't matter the most if you're portfolio is amazing and that you should create more works on your niche. For example if you want to be a background artist, put a lot of backgrounds in your portfolio instead of being all over the place. They also advised that we should do personal works so that in Year 2 our teachers will have an easier job finding overseas internship for us. Two of them also spoke Japanese, I asked and apparently one studied Japanese in a school for 3 years while the other learnt from the internet.
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On the way there we also stopped at a scenic garden right outside the company
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I also bought a pork burger from Mac's that day and it was the best Mac's burger I've ever had.
Afterwards my group went to the Pokemon Centre and it was sick.
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Then we headed to a shrine to buy rice candies and ended the day with dinner at a cosy little restaurant near our hotel uwu
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Ascension to Alpha Weeb™: 40%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 3 ♪ 17 November (Part 3)
After visiting Land of the Weebs, we headed to Takeshita Street and it was great! Even though it was crowded, there was much to see and much to buy. Interesting clothing, even more gachapons, delicious and Instagram worthy food, and the owl cafe!! Before our appointment at the Owl Village, my group headed to a nearby park and it was very relaxing. Beautiful greenery and I just loved the quiet ambience.
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At the Owl Village, you could vote for your favourite boi and last month, best boi was an owl named Chai 🥺🥺
Afterwards we pressed F for ma boi Hachiko
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Then we crossed the famous Shibuya Crossing and queued for at least an hour in the cold for a famous bowl of RAMEN and it was WORTH IT 🤩🤩 if I were to eat something from Japan again, my first choice would be that bowl of ramen 😋😋
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Ascension to Alpha Weeb™: 27%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
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More cool stuff I saw at Akihabara!!
Ascension to Alpha Weeb ™: 22%
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wanpunxuantravels · 5 years
Day 3 ♪ 17 November (Part 2)
After ascending the Japanese Eiffel Tower, we headed to my homeland, Akihabara - Land of the Weebs :D it felt great to be surrounded by such Weebery. There were so many figurines, gachapons, and maid cafés. I bought a figurine, blew my money on gachapons, and unfortunately we didn't get to go to the beloved maid cafe 😔
we did get to go to an owl cafe!!! who needs lovely maids to serve you overpriced food and pay attention to you when you can pay to pet fluffy owls who don't love you as you drink some tea 🤪🤪
Im just kidding I had a blast at the owl cafe haha. The employees treated the owls really well and the owls were pretty friendly. There was one baby owl who was really sociable and loved attention. You could only use one finger to pet baby owls, but for that special snowflake you could use your whole hand and just go ham!11!1!!1! He loves it!1!1!1!!11
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Also here's a video I took at akihabara
Ascension to Alpha Weeb™: 17%
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