waltdisneyprodigy · 5 months
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the AA sharks from finding nemo would think Lenny is the coolest guy ever "oh, you not only dont eat fish at all but you dont even like the taste? do you have zero problems controlling your hunting instincts around them? thats sick asf mate, you're so powerful" are you following me here? i am holding you tightly by the shoulders and staring at you with my big sleep deprieved eyes. i will drag you to my "the finding nemo sharks adopt lenny as their little bro" rabbit hole and you are GOING TO like it there
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waltdisneyprodigy · 2 years
I'd love to see a movie that handles autism the same way Turning Red handles puberty.
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waltdisneyprodigy · 2 years
The only thing that would’ve made the movie better is a Celine Dion cameo with the mom squeeing in and out of panda mode.
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waltdisneyprodigy · 2 years
We need to ban millennials from watching movies. This is about Turning Red
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waltdisneyprodigy · 2 years
I would genuinely pay money to watch Grandma Lee thunderdome Abuela Madrigal like-
can you imagine
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
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here's another meme for y'all
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
Grogu: Papa! It’s May 4th! May the Fourth be with you!
Din: Thank you. And may you have some of the 4th too.
*Grogu sighs*
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
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This was literally all I thought about after Ep. 3 lmfaooo
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
Just because John Walker’s best friend and girlfriend are black doesn’t mean he doesn’t have racial prejudice or doesn’t commit micro aggressions.
It’s very evident in the way he acts like Bucky is in charge of Sam and constantly dismisses him. And also the way he disrespected the Dora Milaje touching Ayo without permission, calling their weapons pointy sticks and telling them they don’t have jurisdiction in Latvia as if he, an American, should have any.
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(by @i-dreamed-i-had-a-son from this gif set)
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(by @mcavoys from this gif set)
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(by @stevenrogered from this gif set)
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
Could I request something with maybe a few of the boys comforting and reacting to you grieving the lost of a pet? We had to put down our old boy today and wow grieving hurts
When You Lose a Pet:
Javier: He doesn’t really do things like that. He has seen a lot of death and grieves in his own way. Downing glasses of whiskey. He will pour you a drink and listen to you talk about your beloved pet, nodding as you talk. 
Ezra: Sympathetic to be sure. He remembers what it was like to have a pet, even though his lifestyle doesn’t exactly allow for that now. He will listen to you grieve and offer his own poetic ramblings about loss and how you are better for having them in your life.
Mando: What pet? You mean the kid? Yeah....he’s going to be crying right there with you. Prepare to be crushed by beskar as he holds you against him and lets you cry just as much as you want. 
Frankie: Ohhhhhh this one is going to hurt. Frankie loves animals. I can honestly see him taking you to the local shelter. While you won’t ever be able to replace your lost pet, you can heal and give that love and affection to another animal in need of a family.
Tovar: You don’t have pets, but he ignored the attachment you had for the animals around you because it made you happy. When it dies, he’s not unkind. He will pull you onto his lap, gruffly telling you that it’s nothing to be ashamed of to mourn the beast. 
Agenty Whiskey: Jack is another one that loves animals. He will (kind of morbidly) ask if you want them stuffed. Quickly axing that idea, Jack does the sweetest thing you could probably ever imagine. He makes a little headstone for your pet. Complete with their name. Giving you a place to come visit your beloved pet. 
Max Phillips: Good. Animals hate him anyway. No.....he huffs, because that is what he is thinking, but he would never say that to you. Instead, he pulls you against him and asks you if you want another one. He will put up with the monster as long as it makes you happy and you aren’t upset anymore. He really hates when you are upset. 
Marcus Pike: Another empathetic. He will listen to all of your stories about your pet. Sitting with you and holding you. Murmuring words of comfort and encouraging you to continue when you tell him you are boring him. He knows this is part of the grieving process. 
Oberyn: Pets aren’t unusual, but he will offer you another to replace the them. He will travel the seven kingdoms if he must to get you another. 
Max Lord: He will be right there with you. Your pet was the first one he had ever really had himself. Never being allowed one growing up and being too busy until you came into his life. You will grieve together.
Marcus Moreno: He knows you are devastated. Curled up in the bed while you sob tears at his heart. He lays down with you and wraps his arms around you and just holds you while you let it out. Crying until you are exhausted and heavy eyed, he assures you he has you. He will take care of you while you grieve. 
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
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The Mandalorian // WandaVision AU concept art by Ivanova Anastasia @ all credits to the artist
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
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The idea for this comic kept me up for like...2 hours last night. God this is so dumb.
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
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Incorrect Narcos Quotes
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
The Boys + You Singing in the Shower
This was just a fun little idea I had to dip my toes back into the world of writing for Pedro. If you have any ideas at all, please send me an ask! I would love to start filling requests again! It gives me a lot of inspiration to hear from you guys! A quick heads-up, I haven’t seen WW84 or We Can Be Heroes yet (sad, I know but life gets busy!) so I haven’t included those characters in this headcanon. I’ll get on it as quick as I can though! Love you guys!
Javi wakes up after a long night at work, exhausted and nursing a migraine. When he walks out into the living room to the sound of your high pitched singing which is absolutely piercing to him, he pinches the bridge of his nose as he walks towards the cracked bathroom door. He says your name in exasperation before opening the door, being hit with the full sweetness of your voice as it echoes off the walls of the shower. He can see your silhouette as the bathroom light shines through the curtain, allowing him to enjoy the sight of you dancing. As you shake your hips back and forth he listens to you singing one of his favorite songs which you had only recently learned all the words to because of the fact that it was in Spanish. You were determined to learn it because you enjoyed it so much and you knew it made Javi smile. Right now he was greatly enjoying the fruits of your labor, his headache almost instantly relieving from the joy that you make him feel. Hearing him come into the room, you poke your head out from the curtain with a smile. “What’s up?” He puts back on a fake grumpy look and closed the door behind him. “You better make room for me. You woke me up with that singing. The least you can do is let me join you.” You laugh and move aside. “Deal.” As he strips of his clothes and climbs in with you, you take a dollop of body wash into your hand. Once he’s standing in front of you, you begin rubbing it into his chest in small circles. His eyes watch you in adoration as you begin to sing again, more quietly now. Javi’s hands find both of your hips as they begin rocking back and forth again. Eventually you finish the song, still rubbing in the body wash. As soon as the words cut off his lips find yours gently. You lean into him sweetly as his arms wrap around your waist. He pulls away for a moment, looking into your eyes. “Beautiful, mi amor.” He sighs. Letting out a light chuckle, you kiss him lightly again. “Maybe I should sing in the shower more often.” 
Oberyn would be wandering in the courtyard at the center of his glorious palace, enjoying the morning sunshine and the jolting heat. As he strolled through the empty walkways, he hears a beautiful lilting voice float through the air. He traces it through the open air courtyard until he is standing beneath your open window. Mesmerized by the sound of your singing, he makes his way briskly through the palace halls until he is standing right outside your chamber door which is open just a crack. He can just barely see the bronze tub which you are sitting in, the majority of your body submerged in warm water. Your hands rub over your arms and shoulders down your torso to your legs as you smooth your skin over with the water. He stands another minute, smiling to himself as he closes his eyes and simply listens. You are singing a light hearted Dornish song that he had taught you after you’d heard it at a celebration one night, telling him that you loved the way it sounded. Now that he was hearing it so sweetly and happily sung it made his heart soar. “Beautiful, my dove.” He interrupts, causing you to jump as your singing cuts off abruptly. “Imagine my shock upon hearing an angel’s voice floating through my palace only to find it attached to your heavenly body. I should have know.” His smooth words make you blush and you shift around in the water. Striding over to you, Oberyn gets down on his knees beside the tub. A finger curls lightly through your hair as he traces it smoothly across your cheek. Pulling your face to one side he pulls you in for a deep kiss as he feels your body begin to sing just as beautifully as your voice. He stands back up and puts a hand towards the center of his robe. “Should I let you get back to your bath in peace? Or would you prefer company?” Moving forward slightly in the bath, looking up at him. “Company wouldn’t be so bad.” He laughs. “I was hoping you’d say that.” With that he swiftly undresses and settles himself into the tub before pulling you back against his chest. “Sing to me some more, my flower?” Taking his hand in yours, you smile. “Anything for you, my prince.” With that you begin singing sweetly again until you feel all his tension melt away, the two of you shutting your eyes and laying peacefully in the bath together. 
Max is up early for work as he always is, rushing through the house as he prepares himself for his day. He is so used to you still being asleep when he gets up that he doesn’t even stop to check whether or not you are still in bed. As he studies himself in the mirror, making sure his tie is straight, he notices that the apartment is not quiet like it normally is. There is the sound of a voice, your voice, echoing through every room. Nothing catches Max off guard. It is his job to anticipate everything but the sound of your singing shocks him. He ignores it at first, continuing to get ready for work. He readies his briefcase, finishes getting dressed, and tidies the bed, all the while enjoying the sound of your singing. Before he can leave the apartment he realizes that he is held there, unable to get away without going in to see you. He follows the echo all the way to the bathroom where he pokes his head in the door. A smile paints his face as he closes his eyes and listens. Having learned to keep your senses sharp to keep up with Max, you hear him open the door. You quickly stop singing and peek out of the curtain to look at him. “What are you up to, stalker?” He laughs, stepping inside the door. “I could ask the same thing. You’re never up this early. It’s still dark outside.” You shuffle your feet. “I know. I just couldn’t sleep.” He nods his head towards you. “Your voice is lovely.” Laughing you let the curtain close again. “You heard that did you.” By now Max has set down his briefcase and walked further toward the shower. “If you like it so much you should get in with me and hear it up close.” At this he scoffs. “You know I can’t be late for work.” You put a dollop of shampoo in your hand. “I know. So just don’t go in today.” This really makes him laugh. “Me. Take a day off?” Before he can even figure out what’s happening you poke your head out from the curtain and splash the front of his suit with water. “You’re all wet now. Might as well just take the suit off. And if you’re gonna take it off anyway you might as well join me.” He looks down at his clothing and then back at you. “I cannot believe that you just did that.” You smile at him. “And what are you gonna do about it.” And with those words Max took his first ever day off without a second thought.
The moment he hears your voice upon waking up, Jack makes no false pretenses about hearing and enjoying your singing. He makes a beeline for the bathroom and swings the door wide open, not bothering to try and hide his sudden appearance in the doorway. The sound of the doorknob hitting the wall behind it made you jump as you poke your head out from the curtains. You had been singing a song that Jack had admitted to being a fan of. The more you listened to it the more you fell in love with it because it reminded you of him. Anytime he heard it it made his heart stir and he couldn’t help but pull you close and kiss you deeply. This morning it hadn’t even crossed your mind that you were singing it until you heard him burst into the bathroom, making you fully aware of what you’d been doing by the way he looked at you. His eyes were loving yet hungry as he peered at your slightly confused face poking out from behind the curtain. “Um. Good morning.” You said with a small smile. “Why’d you stop, pumpkin?” This made you look down at your feet as you thought. “Well I didn’t mean to. I didn’t really mean to sing in the first place.” His boots thudded as he walked across the bathroom to stand in front of the shower. “Mhm. I’m sure you didn’t. But you do know what that lovely little singing voice does to me.” You look up at him and try to make yourself seem as innocent as you felt you were. “Do I?” Without saying anything he begins to strip until he is suddenly standing in front of you fully naked. Once he was fully undressed he moves close enough that you can feel his breath on your face. “Why don’t you move over and make room for me.” You didn’t even think to hesitate or question. You simply moved so that he could step into the bathtub in front of you. Seeing him so domineering and confident and lusty this early in the morning made you squirm. “Such a pretty voice baby.” He said before pulling you flush against him. “Why don’t we play a game with that pretty voice?” The sound of that made your stomach clench as you can only find the strength to nod. “Keep on singing that song. You know I like that one since you are my special angel. While you sing I’m just gonna kneel down,” He does so as he says it. “Right in front of your warm little pussy. You just keep singing that song and pay no mind to my tongue exploring you. If you mess the song up you’ve gotta start all over again. I’m not gonna stop until you get through the whole thing. Ready?” You can barely say anything before his tongue is already finding your clit. You could tell it was gonna be a long morning. 
Din had been out for a while and had taken the child with him. You decided that his absence provided the perfect time for you to get clean. You made sure the coast was clear one more time before undressing and stepping into the refresher. The warm water made you purr, soothing any aches and pains you might have previously had. As you stood there letting the stream hit you, you began to let a simple tune slip out of your lips. You had heard it in a small village that you and Din had gone to visit a while back. It had been used as a lullaby. It was quiet and simple but you found it beautiful. It had been stuck in your head ever since. The pretty melody left your lips for several verses, soothing your mind as the water soothed your body. It left you completely relaxed and happy. Little did you know that Din and the child had made their way back onto the Razor Crest once you had begun to shower. Upon hearing you singing, Din found his stomach filled with a warm feeling. Not wanting to risk anything, he carried the child up to the cockpit and left him before making his way back down to where you were standing in the refresher. He stood silently a few feet away from the door that separated the shower space from the rest of the ship. As he listened to you sing he could hear the warmth and relaxation in your voice. Your guard was completely down and you were simply existing in the warmth of the water while you sang. Hearing you like this made something inside him stir. There was a tightening in his stomach which spread to the growing bulge in his trousers. He almost felt ashamed for being turned on by such an innocent act but there was nothing he could do to stop the lust he felt. As you finished up your song, he quietly said your name which caused you to look out the door to where he was standing. “Din? I didn’t know you were back.” He did not acknowledge your statement, his hand reaching into his trousers so that he could pull himself out and begin stroking. “Keep going?” Seeing him in such a state of  need made you squirm as you continued, watching him stroke to nothing more than the sound of your voice. The sight caused you to touch yourself as well until you were both orgasming for one another, your voice faltering as you clenched around your fingers. When you were both finished he murmured quietly. “Thank you, cyar’ika.” With that he was gone and you were left with the blissful memory.
When Frankie got home from work, your voice was the first thing he heard. You were listening to some terrible 80′s song and singing along with all the gumption and joy you could muster. Your voice was cracking as you sing loudly, making Frankie stifle a little laugh. He stretches his arms above his head as he walks through the living room, making his way towards the bathroom. Frankie leans against the door frame as he watches you through the clear doors on the shower. As you continue to sing without any restraint your hips join the music, shaking back and forth in time with the song. Frankie stands there quietly, smiling widely as he enjoys your one-man concert. Once you finish the song, he begins applauding softly which causes you to open the door so you can look at him in mock offense. “What are you doing? How dare you interrupt my private shower time?” He raises his hands in defense. “I didn’t do it on purpose. It just sounded like too much fun in here for me to stay away.” Rolling your eyes in fake frustration, you sigh. “Well I guess I can’t blame you. I am pretty fun.” This makes him laugh as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other. “How much does a ticket cost to get into the concert?” You look around the inside of the shower. “Well space is pretty limited. I guess I could give you a discount though if it meant that much to you.” He puts his hands together and bows. “Thank you. That is so generous of you.” Once he knows he has your permission he begins to undress before stepping into the shower behind you. “Wow, space is limited. I’m just so honored I could see my favorite singer so up close and personal. So what do I owe you?” You put a finger to your lips as you think, trying to think of a fitting payment. “Well, I guess a kiss would suffice.” His hands find your waist and pull you closer. “As you wish.” With that, his lips find yours passionately as he nearly sweeps you off your feet. It feels like hours that you stand there, your lips locked together. Once he lets you go, it takes you a second to catch your breath. “Yeah, I think that will work.” He smiles at you before taking a step back. “So what song is next on the agenda?” Without answering you begin swaying your hips again and start singing another shitty 80′s song that you know Frankie knows. As soon as he picks up on it he starts to sing with you, his hands finding your hips again as he starts moving his as well. The two of you stand there singing together all morning. Ballads and rock songs and cheesy 80′s pop songs. Anything you can think of. Anything to be able to spend more time together like this. A two man band.
Tags: @zeldasayer @talesfromtheguild @lannister-slings-and-arrows @gamingaquarius @gryffindorwriter @nopeforyou @sheerfreesia007 @roxypeanut @ohpedromypedro @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @readsalot73 @the-mechanical-angel @races-erster @maxlordd @pascalisthepunkest @paintballkid711
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
They are the same.
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
Pedro Pascal as Marcus Moreno bts on We Can Be Heroes with YaYa Gosselin
Apparently back to one = yoink. No sugar rush for you kid. Poor girl🤣
Source: Instagram
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waltdisneyprodigy · 3 years
Me: *starts watching Narcos*
My rusty spanish:
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