I plan on setting up a grimoire for my daughter soon. As I do this, I can share what I find on my tumblr. I would love to know what you guys would be interested in and what I can start with! I can post once a week on Saturday or Sunday when I work on my book of shadows.
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Tarot Tips
🃏 Find The Empress in your deck. The card behind her will reveal what you need to do to nurture and care for yourself. 
🃏 When in conflict or competition with someone, look for 5 of Wands. The card behind it will reveal the solution to the problem.
🃏 If you see the same card over and over again in readings, it is a sign and you must pay attention to its message for you.
🃏 For a better understanding of each card, observe it closely and form your own interpretation that follows its themes. It will help you interpret readings better.
🃏 To find out what is making you feel stuck or delayed, look to The Hanged Man. The card underneath him will show what is holding you back. The card in front of him will show you how to overcome it.
🃏 When shuffling your cards, if any card drops out of your grasp, take it as a sign and read the card. 
🃏 You do not need crystals with you to do proper readings, but a good way to cleanse your deck is to place a clear quartz on the top of your deck before each reading. Keep in mind; there’s a variety of ways you can cleanse your deck.
🃏 Often when The High Priestess appears in a reading, she is trying to tell you that you know the answers and that you should listen to your inner voice.
🃏 There is no wrong way to shuffle or cleanse your deck. Do what feels right for you!
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Hello, I would like to ask you what is the difference between a Spirit Guide, Spirit Guardian and a Familiar? Thank you! 🪁
🕊 Spirit Guides, Guardians and Familiars
People have different views on this topic and classify some of these differently, so feel free to create your own belief system. But in the end, Spirit Guides, Guardians and Familiars have the same purpose - work with us, guide us and help us. I personally put Guardians and Spirit Guides into the same category.
✨ Spirit Guides
Just like the name says - they are our guides, who meant to help us in this life. We all have them and reaching out to them shouldn't be very difficult. They are always looking after us.
Spirit Guides can have many different forms. They could be Angels, Ascended Masters, your ancestors (which is also a category for itself) or any other being. They can even present themselves as an animal.
They help us channel answers to any question we have and guide us towards reaching our highest potential. 
✨ Familiars
What usually first comes to mind when you hear the word familiar is an animal. But familiars also include spirits and entities. Familiars traditionally help with performing magick. 
You should have a very special and strong bond with them and they usually choose you, not the other way around. Your pet is most likely not your familiar. 
The difference between Familiars and Spirit Guides is that you need to get Familiars approval to work with them and create a special bond. While Spirit Guides are always with us, you don't need to even invite them into your life, you just need to start communicating with them.
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the scariest, most liberating thing is that it’s all up to you!
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“Remember why you became a polytheist. Perhaps you prayed and Someone unexpected answered. Perhaps a Goddess tapped you on the shoulder and said “you’re mine.” Perhaps you realized that the world is better explained by many Gods of limited power and scope than by one all-powerful God and you decided that following Them was the best way to order your life. It’s hard to be spiritual when your roof is leaking. If your current situation has dampened your enthusiasm for the Gods, Their virtues, and Their work, it’s understandable. And usually, They understand too – They tend to have a longer and wider perspective than we do. But whatever your reason for becoming a polytheist, it was valid then and it’s still valid now.”
— John Beckett “Polytheism in Difficult Times“ (via intaier)
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Goodbye 2020
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Pregnancy and Wicca
I don't recommend doing spells while pregnant. It seems to backfire or fizzle out. I also do not recommend calling on spirits as it can lead to dangerous situations. I was in that situation earlier this year and it made my anxiety and morning sickness worse even though the spirit wanted to protect my daughter.
But I digress.
I have been working on my divination and meditation skills. It helps center myself and see beyond. I like to reach out to my baby's spirit and make her feel loved and know I am ready for her. I do not know what my practice will bring once she is born, but I will look beyond my comfort and reach the Goddess who watches from the moon.
Blessed Be!
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“My solitude doesn’t depend on the presence or absence of people; on the contrary, I hate who steals my solitude without, in exchange, offering me true company.”
— Friedrich Nietzsche
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soft reminder: you’re alive. you survived the worst nights you’ve ever experienced. you picked yourself up when you were at rock bottom. you made it through the worst relapses, loneliness, heartbreak, failure and darkness in your life. when you wanted to disappear you stayed, time and time again. you can make it through anything. you will get through this too.
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Just finished the Yule ritual, and I feel ready for the year. The Horned God was with me as I welcomed him back to be reborn. Now brings the longest night.
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Yule: A Very Merry Sabbat
Yule is celebrated at the winter solstice which can occur between December 20th and the 23rd in the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the longest night of the year bringing about the promise of the returning strength of the sun. This Sabbat is celebrated with much joy as the Sun God, otherwise known as the Oak King, is reborn upon the next morning.
Some of the traditions known to Yule include the battle of the Oak and Holly Kings. The Holly King reigns over the dark half of the year and the Oak King reigns over the light half. During many Yule celebrations one can witness the reenactment of this duel between these two aspects of the God. The Oak King defeats the Holly King within battle taking his rightful place upon the throne until the return of the Holly King at Midsummer.
Another tradition (and my personal favorite) is wassailing. Wassail is a traditional Yule beverage which contains cloves, cinnamon, apples, and oranges. It’s a cider which one can either create with or without alcohol. My top choices for alcohol would be spiked cider, mead, or wine. However, rum and whiskey would be a close second. Below, is one such recipe for Wassail.
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Other traditions include decorating the home with holly and ivy. This was thought to appease the Nature Sprites and create an inviting atmosphere for them to celebrate as well. Within my own tradition, we cast a sprig of holly upon the fire created from the Yule log and make a wish. The Yule log is traditionally made from Ash. It is said that the log must never be bought but should be either harvested from the land of the owner or given as a gift. Before setting it afire, the log is decorated with holly and other greenery, sprinkled with cider, and then dusted with flour or the ash from the previous Yule log.
Modern practitioners of the Craft and Paganism tend to use the Yule log as a base to hold three candles. These candles can be white, gold and silver, red and green, or representative of deities. The base of the log is then decorated with ivy, holly, berries, and other decorations for the season.
Many may recognize these symbols of Yule being represented within the Christian holiday of Christmas. These symbols include decorating a tree for the home as well as using holly, ivy, and mistletoe. Even Santa Claus, reindeer, and gifting presents are linked to Pagan roots. Below are some correspondences associated with Yule for your next ritual!
Symbolism: Yule Tree, Yule Log, Rebirth, Darkness and Light, Wassail, Holly and Oak King
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Fortuna, Gaia, Hel, Holla, Idun, Ishtar, Isis, Maat, Tiamat, Brighid, Diana, Demeter, Freya, Hertha
Gods: Apollo, Attis, Balder, Bragi, Dionysus, The Green Man, Helios, Janus, Lugh, Mabon, Marduk, Mithras, Odin, Ra, Saturn, Surya, Cronos, Horus, Holly King, Horned God, Oak King
Colors: Gold, Green, Red, White, Silver
Herbs: Chamomile, Rosemary, Ivy, Sage, Bay, Bayberry, Frankincense, Juniper, Mistletoe, Moss, Oak, Pine, Cedar, Evergreen, Blessed Thistle, MyrrhIncense: Bayberry, Frankincense, Myrrh
Gems: Alexandrite, Bloodstone, Blue Topaz, Cat’s Eye, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Ruby
Animals: Bear, Boar, Deer, Pig, Squirrel, Tiger, Wolf, Elk, Moose, Raven, Owl, Wren
Foods: Bread, Caraway Cakes, Cookies, Cream, Fruits, Fruit Cake, Nuts, Soups, Squash, Turkey, Poultry, Pork, Beer, Egg Nog, Spiced Cider, Wassail, Wine, Mead, Cinnamon Tea
Decorations: Bells, Candles, Evergreen, Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe, Pine Cones, Snowmen, Reindeer, Snowflakes, Yule Log, Wreaths, Sun
Magickal Intentions: Darkness, Divination, Light, Messages/Omens, Rebirth, Transformation, Purification, Renewal
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Just because they are your soulmate doesn’t mean that you should be together forever.
I want to talk about “soul groups” and the philosophy of yogic karma for this post. It is hypothesized have something called a “soul group”. A “soul group” is thought to be a group of souls that not only wait for each other to be out of their physical bodies, but to reincarnate together so we can be involved with each other once again. (perhaps at slightly different times, but it is so they can play specific rolls in your life) So technically, everyone in the “soul group” will be a “soulmate”. Some of these “soulmates” are therapists, friends, teachers, family members, lovers, etc. The thought of one “soulmate” is probable, but the idea of it is mostly derived from referring to a lover, and our culture mostly values monogamy. If you only apply it to romantic love and you are polyamorous, you may feel like they are all soul mates. A western explanation also implies that you will be with one person forever and no matter what. Psychics and ancient historians have come to the conclusion that soulmates aren’t limited to one person. This idea of having one soulmate could be a way to spiritually manipulate the masses into staying with one person no matter what, because you are “supposed to be together”. Now, they might supposed to be with you, but the reason you would not necessarily be together forever with one of your soul mates is because of karmic ties you have from past lives with one another. For example, you had a soul mate reincarnate to become a teacher in your life, and they strayed far from their spiritual path because of the limitations of the human body and did not fulfill their duties, they may reincarnate as a child of yours to not only neutralize the karmic ties, but to help the soul that was once a teacher overcome human limitations so they can learn from YOU instead. There is a great book called “Many Lives Many Masters” that can explain the concept of multiple soulmates in depth. So, what happens if you have multiple lovers as soulmates? Well, they may be temporary. If one soul is destined to be with you karmically, they may appear as a lover. You are both supposed to learn from each other, and when you have learned what you were supposed to, you just sometimes aren’t meant to be together after that. That’s why exes can feel like soulmates, but it just doesn’t work out. That’s why friends, teachers, and even therapists feel spiritually connected to you. When it comes to someone breaking their karmic ties and straying from their life path, they aren’t going to be spiritually fulfilling to your life path. If the universe is trying to tell you that you are ready to move onto the next best thing, because we are always evolving do it. It is scary, but the unknown is always scary. There are many factors to a soulmate breakup. They may go against the universes signs and their own gut feelings. This can not only stall them, but can corrupt the timeline between the two of you. There are infinite factors on why you might not be together forever. That doesn’t mean they aren’t spiritually significant or meant to be with you for a short period of time. Go with your gut. Never risk your physical and mental health for someone else because you believe you have to stay with them forever. Listen to what the universe wants you to do… there are likely more soulmates to come.
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Does anyone have any ideas on how to celebrate Yule with children? I am coming up with ideas as I am pregnant and am looking forward to celebrate with her next year.
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Some basic things to understand about Witchcraft
I’ve started this blog to talk about - what else - witchcraft. I’ve been practicing for four years now, and have since been learning and navigating my craft. I wouldn’t say I’m a baby witch, but I am certainly less experienced when in comparison to other witches who’ve been practicing much longer than I have. 
Part of the reason I started this blog is because I wanted to educate others whilst also educating myself. I like to learn through conversation and putting ideas and thoughts out there. In this post I’m going to be talking about just a few basics of witchcraft, and what I feel is important to know if you are just getting started and still figuring your craft out. 
And just know that these are simply just my thoughts and opinions, and that I will not be claiming anything here to be fact. Without further ado, here I go.
1. No two witches are exactly alike
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Every witch is different. While you may find some witches who are very similar in their practices and/or beliefs, you need to understand that every witch is unique. There are many, many different ways to practice the craft, and people from all walks of life and religions are witches. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey through the craft is different, and that you should never criticize another witch for their beliefs or the way they practice their craft. (I will probably go over the different kinds of witches in another post).
2. There is no ‘right’ way into becoming a witch
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This sort of ties into the my first point on this list. Like I said, every witch is different, meaning that they all have different ways they have navigated their witchcraft path, and how they became witches all vary. This is something I have seen a lot of debate on. I’ve seen multiple people trying to say that you have to follow a specific series of steps in order to be recognized as a witch. This is something I honestly had a really hard time with when I first got started back when I was sixteen. We need to let people understand that there is no one single way someone can become a witch. Speaking of which…
3. Anybody can be a witch
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Alright, this is something that I really think needs to be said. Something I’ve seen fairly often in the witchcraft community is gatekeeping. ‘Gatekeeping’, as it is used today online, is when you have either one person or a group of people taking it upon themselves to decide who or who doesn’t deserve to be a part of a community. This is something I have unfortunately seen happening among some parts of the witchcraft community, whether it be on tumblr, Facebook, YouTube, etc. 
These are the people who seem to believe that you need to have a specific set of traits or interests in order to be a witch. Such things include; a deep interest in the moon and stars, being very emotional, loving nature, being into astrology, having an affinity for crystals, etc. You want to know what makes you a witch? Practicing witchcraft. That’s it. That’s all you have to do to be a witch. Given this, literally anybody can be a witch. 
4. Study hard and be patient
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I cannot stress this enough! In order to understand anything, you need to study up on it. And with witchcraft, there is a LOT to study about. There are different kinds of witches, magickal practices, pantheons, beliefs, herbs and crystals you can use, spells, and so, so much more. And remember to take your time with studying. There is no rush, and you can’t expect to learn everything there is to know overnight. I’ve been practicing for four years, and I’m still learning more about the craft. There are witches out there who have been practicing for decades, and even they are still learning new things. 
Learning the craft takes a lot of time and patience, so don’t get frustrated when you aren’t picking up on things right away.
5. Be careful!
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This is another thing I cannot stress enough. It can be really exciting when you first get stared on your path, but it’s important to approach with a sense of caution. Don’t just run into things. Especially if you are working with ghosts, spirits, deities, or hexes. There are so many things that can go wrong. Which is why I wouldn’t go trying to work with those particular practices until I’ve done plenty of studying and reading so that I know I’m doing things right. I feel like almost every negative story I’ve heard or seen in the media connected to witchcraft is more often than not the result of someone running head first into something they didn’t quite yet understand. Please, please, PLEASE be careful!
6. Have an altar (or a designated space to practice)
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Okay, this is probably more of a personal idea here, but I still think it’s pretty important. A witches altar is where they do most of their spellwork and often keep their tools. And for religious/pagan witches, it’s where they worship their respective deities. Overall it is a space for you to practice your craft, hone your skills, and meditate. I think it’s important that every witch has an altar, a space for them to meditate and practice their craft. And your altar doesn’t have to be in one stationary place. Some witches have small, portable altars. And other’s who have their own altars at home have different ways to set theirs up. I personally don’t think there is any one right way to set up an altar. (And I may very well find myself making a post on altars in the future).
And there you have it. The basic things that every baby witch should know before starting witchcraft, or when they are just barely figuring out their path. If anyone else has any other ideas, please feel free to reblog and add on. 
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1: Set a fucking routine! Doesn't have to be all fancy with set times and moon cycles and shit. Just like, every week or every day have some time dedicated to your deity(s) . Just woke up? Pray. Got spare time? Offerings babey!
2: Don't be guilty about taking a break!! Most gods/goddess are totally chill with u taking a break for whatever time u need. Its okay, ur trying ur best! They understand!
3: Buy fancy things for them! Make fancy things for them! Got spare money and see something they would really like? Get it! Ur into arts and crafts and thought of something for them? Make it! Like, just little things for them r great
4: ALTARS!! Clean that nasty shit up! Rearrange it! Just keep that space nice and it'll count as a worship thingy
5: Fucking, Don't force your to do stuff on this list yo! Mental issues stop you from doing worship things? Take a break! Physical issues stopping you from doing worship things! Take a break! Breaks r good yo. Treat yoself.
(I'm still a beginner so tell me if any ain't gucci and ill fix)
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