I get that being frozen for 100 years is a tough thing to go through but honestly Aang should have used it for comedy more
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zuko is already a hilarious character but he becomes even funnier if you give him a crush on sokka
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thinking about.........zukka new girl au
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Pardon me as I enter my ATLA phase…
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my father is the worst man alive and i am his favorite daughter
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[Judgement intensifies]
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current twitter trend is saying two characters from different universes that would be besties and i feel very strongly about these two
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can’t believe ppl think zuko is cooler than aang. zuko is not cooler than aang ever, but he was certainly not a cooler twelve year old than aang. zuko was and is one of those kids whos allergic to everything. he radiates the aura of that little boy from stuart little. aang threw an illicit party for a bunch of kids he’d known for less than a day and they all showed up. aang won every single fight against zuko he was ever in, and he never even threw a single punch. aang can fly and talk to spirits. zuko doesn’t even have a full pair of eyebrows. aang has glowing tattoos and a giant monster for a pet. what does zuko have? chronic migraines? please 
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the goth gay + lesbian solidarity bffs are back ☺️
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zukka librarian AU where Zuko is a librarian minding his own business and Sokka is a MENACE to society who checks out like 17 books a week and somehow finishes them all (maybe to see the hot librarian faster who knows??)
so then one day the library does a reading challenge to see who can read the most books in a month where the winner gets a “secret private tour of the library” and of course Sokka wins (bc like I said menace to society) but he’s like, “I want HIM to show me around” and he points to Zuko in his little black turtleneck looking rather terrified, and the other staff members are like, well ya gotta do it I guess…
so Zuko shows him around the library, that’s probably like a gazillion years old (maybe more) with all its nooks and crannies and possible ghost stories and sightings and Sokka is SO into it bc he’s a nerd but also because the way Zuko passionately talks about the library is like.. so hot.
and they finish the tour and Sokka’s like, this can’t be it so he panics and is like DO YOU WANNA JOIN MY BOOK CLUB???
and Zuko is like.. uh yeah sure I love book clubs (and cute stupid guys)
but the thing IS is that Sokka doesn’t actually HAVE a book club so he recruits the gaang to come over to his house to stage a book club and they do it bc they’re good friends (begin the chaos of crash coursing the gaang through like wuthering heights or something) and when they all leave sokka and zuko end up staying behind to talk about books and be nerds and maybe kiss a little
and now they’re book nerd boyfriends. the end. (also zuko is indoctrinated into their friend group. double the end)
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too many posts about Zuko not knowing anything about flirting b/c he’s naive or whatever, not enough posts about Zuko, who spent 3 years on a boat with sailors twice his age being bad at flirting because he just takes it WAY to far on the first shot. 
Sokka: It’s a beautiful day out. Makes me want to go sit in the sun with someone I care about.
Zuko: You use your mouth prettier than a $20 whore. 
Sokka: Can we take this back like twenty steps to before you started talking. 
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A little bit of Korrasami to brighten your day.
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Sokka and Zuko both have high intelligence and low wisdom and the only difference is that Sokka has high Charisma. In this essay I will-
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zukka au where aunt wu looks straight at sokka and instead of telling him that his future is full of pain and anguish caused by his own hand, she tells him that he’s going to marry the fire lord and sokka is like “EXCUSE ME?”
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every relationship sokka was in in atla was so bisexual. everything sokka did in atla was so bisexual. sokka was so bisexual
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zukka university au where sokka has an online shopping problem and zuko works at the campus mail center
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[“Jin Ling!” Jingyi exclaims after he finally manages to calm down. “We need to brainstorm.”
“Brainstorm what?”
“Jokes! Pranks! Anything, but we can never let Jiang-zongzhu live this down.”
“Absolutely,” Zizhen agrees with an air of heavy solemnity. “In the name of Wei-qianbei.”
They can’t be serious. Jin Ling observes them, eyes narrowed. “You know he’ll break your legs.”
Jingyi waves a hand. “We all know that’s just talk. And this is too perfect a chance to let something like potentially broken legs get in our way.”
|| The juniors decide to pull a prank on Jiang Cheng.]
After four months and five abandoned wips, I finally finished a fic for the Untamed!! Shoutout to @wenkexng and her wonderful brain for being the other mastermind behind this :))
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