vr-poetry · 3 years
Memories of escape, seeping back, rewinding time, finding my inner child, the same light that warmed my eyes and face.
The same action and stillness by the window, that brought me to mill road again. Time was not kept, the natural indulgence of time and swirling around in the sunset and duvet was a cheap priviledge.
It had all made sense as it flowed so naturally together, spiritual powers, garden fantasies, pixies, rnb music videos, body glue glitter, tutus, clear gloss, tooth fairies, s club 7, i was seduced by it all.
Running into realities of the hard world, I remember daunting dinner duties, my grandma’s fried chicken, peeling the crispy skin back and wrapping it around a ball of rice. Out of our bubble we were freaks and outcasts even though it felt like normal and home to me.
The same light that warmed my face, told me all of that makes sense. It was the perfect recipe for a strange and exquisite path that should be walked within the lines.
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vr-poetry · 3 years
The confusion, Just spew, Detaching like dried blu tac, Trying to mould somehow, To fill a gap, To hold it together.
I still don’t know, While I’m floating in space, Observing others, Watching how they mend, How they flow, Spin and meander through. 
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vr-poetry · 3 years
An unwavering stare, Trying to focus on the words, But the mind lays bare. A bright nod and a smile, To keep the conversation going for a while, Conversing seems like a thousand miles. Though I really appreciate the time alone, Lockdown has definitely affected my tone, Spending all day everyday on the phone, Anxiety transpiring straight to my bones. The façade you held, Is no longer seen, Slowly broken, torn and dissolved, Stripped bare naked and clean. It’s time you realise to make your best team. 
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vr-poetry · 3 years
Waves of solitude,
Sharp outlines of light and dark,
Mimic the objects that set around me,
Self-criticism prevails but deeper,
Longing for stillness and peace,
I continue searching for clarity.
Confusion swirls,
Like candy floss that breaks apart,
Fragile and almost disappearing,
I am lost.
Micro grits of irritations,
Hidden and revealed at surprise,
Catching the off-guarded,
Sinking into despair or explosions of anger,
I will resolve eventually.
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vr-poetry · 4 years
Scattered showers of soft blossoms, hints of hues of cherry Formulating layers and tiers to 20 feet tall, a grandiose, magnificent stretch that fall off the structures, A waterfall of tiny light cotton balls, reaching all the way down to the shadows of the earth.
Monophonic pitches of sunlight shoot through the showers in large subdued  beams, Radiate a golden glow around the cherry cotton hues, Cascading down through tiers of plum, apricots, rose and lavender,
A golden outline set on all living forms,  Departing from the structures, slowly drifting and floating,
Gravitationally to the core of the mother,  In military and orderly pulses, They reach, feed and contribute to her needs.
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vr-poetry · 4 years
What was that? 
The pulsating beating heart reverberating through oppressive soft basses. Blending into the ripples of continuous replication of street lights, waving, disappearing and reappearing. 
The lights softly glow blue and disappear. Trying to catch up with the other replicating lights. Trees growing, dispersing and dissolving at the same time.
I drove round the bend of the empty A road. Dancing flickers of tiny red lights that look like fire. Or a glowing protest of destruction.
Runners appearing and disappearing, catching them in glances of mid jump.
What was that? What is that?
Double lines, turned into single and dotted lines. dotted lines turned into arrows, into chevrons.
I’m in a never ending tunnel to find that thing that...murdered....
Who was it? 
That thing...that murdered my....
I don’t remember! Why can’t I remember?
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vr-poetry · 7 years
VRPo. #8
Composited pixels shifting and flowing on the surfaces
My body is the same
Your body is not
Transformed and reflected
My skin is metamorphed
Inherently theatrical 
Virtuality simulates and stimulates
We are still unclear 
Uncertain of our technological futures
Our paranoia
Upgrading >>>>>>>>>
Evolving >>>>>>>>>>>
Downgrading <<<<<<<<
Primal <<<<<<<<<<<<
We are unfolding moments of creativity 
In grey ambiguous areas
The process lys
Fixated on temporal and ephemeral conditions
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vr-poetry · 7 years
VRPo. #7
sliding ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         drift ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
               circulate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                          trickle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                dribble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         drizzle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  spill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         urge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
              babble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                     ripple ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                            stream ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                       swirl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                surge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          sweep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gush ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       cascade ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                 pour ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                         roll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                               rush ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                         whirl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                    well ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
              spout ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     squirt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
spew ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
       jet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         leak ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                seep ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                       ooze ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
          percolate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      drip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
drop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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vr-poetry · 7 years
VRPo. #6
Dance with me
swirling, blurring rhythmically
symphonic spaces that never repeats
but continues to develop
We could reject 
fluctuating a relationship that runs in and between
and architecture.
It is instant. What I make you feel with my corporeal communication 
Is an ephemeral state that only survives in your memory
I allow you for a rhythm and a poetic language
super-charged energies
of poetic thinking
Take it with you 
to a habitat of imagination
that is
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vr-poetry · 7 years
Liminal States Part 3 - Virtual
Composited pixels shifting and flowing on the surfaces, Flowing, sliding, left, right, up and over,
My body is the same,
Your body is not, Transformed and reflected,
Metamorph my skin onto yours.
Inherently theatrical virtuality is, skepticisms and disbelief seeps in. 
Position Yourself Clear. 
You should remember that what you see is not an actual transformation of the body, but a pixelated composition of its recorded or computer-generate image. Watch it dissolve, morph, glitch, move, dance. 
What relationship do we have here?
Virtual bodies are new visual representations of the body, but do not alter the physical composition of their flesh and bones. It appears the bodies are transformed or reflected, but no actual metamorphosis takes place within the actual body. The virtual is inherently theatrical and there is an enormous amount of suspension of disbelief going on in relation to it. 
position yourself clear.
There is no disembodiment, images are still images, virtual worlds are still clunky and the web is still primarily a lot of web pages rather than those who do not easily separate their minds from their bodies.
Body in contemporary theory is infact a Cartesian reconceptualisation of flesh and bone into a conceptual mental ontology: as abstracted, malleable and even useless matter. 
The mind and body
Flowing fluid between Internal and external
“Liminoid” moments where creativity and ambiguity unfold in art.
Liminal process: the temporal and spatial fixation of liminal conditions. 
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vr-poetry · 7 years
Liminal States Part 2 - Gas
Hush, +++++++++++++++++++++ Black out, --------------------------- Light and Free  +++++++++++++++++++++
Smooth and delving +++++++++++++++++++++ Dissipating ---------------------------
Release --------------------------- Somehow we can reform and condense +++++++++++++++++++++
To liquid morphs +++++++++++++++++++++ Freeze to soilds +++++++++++++++++++++ Hush it’s dark  --------------------------- Be gentle and silent. ---------------------------
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vr-poetry · 7 years
Liminal States Part 1 - Liquid
A form of change that is closest to the human body: 
Swishes, drops, flows, manoeuvres,
Stretches, freezes, rotates,
It is a form that is most embodied,  Depending on the state of the body
The body is the interconnection to all things 
sliding, drift, circulate, trickle, dribble, drizzle, spill, urge, babble, ripple, stream, swirl, surge, sweep, gush, cascade, pour, roll, rush, whirl, well, spout, squirt, spew, jet, leak, seep, ooze, percolate, drip, drop. 
“Liquid Architecture is architecture that breathes, pulses and leaps as one form and lands as another. It is an architecture without doors and hallways, where the next room is always where I need it to be and what I need it to be.” - Marcos Novak 1991 Liquid architecture makes liquid spaces There is no dimension. Or there many unknown dimensions.  Constructions of objects in space conform to properties of music. A rhythm and poetic language that attempts to describe the indescribable. 
[Virtual Space as habitat of the imagination, a habitat for the imagination.]
“I use the term liquid to mean animistic, animated, metamorphic, as well as crossing categorical boundaries, applying the cognitively super-charged operations of poetic thinking.” - Marcos Novak
An architecture that fluctuates and shifts, 
The work of liquid architecture is a continuum, smoothly and rhythmically evolving in both space and time. 
The symphony in space, that never repeats and continues to develop. An architecture that extends our bodies, shelters our fragile self, a forever morphing shelter. 
Liquid architecture dematerialises and dances, rejects space, form and light.
Fluctuating relations between abstract elements. An architecture that tends to music. 
Ephemeral arts that only survives in our memory. 
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vr-poetry · 7 years
“Perhaps the most vivid change is coming in the art that is closest to the human body: dance. If dance is the art that is most embodied, dependent intimately on the state of the body... and each art form is heading for its opposite, then the future of dance must be found in disembodiment.”
-Marcos Novak 
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vr-poetry · 7 years
VRPo. #5
Let’s drown for a while
Devalue forms, 
Generate symphonies in space
Dissolving Identity, Be water my friend.
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vr-poetry · 7 years
VRPo. #4
((  ))) ===
((  ))
The castings of energy apply differently to each location
Pure and pearl
To the grades of warm oranges peeping from the edges
A luminescence that is untouchable
Unattainable ===
Basking in its quiet glory
It touches upon the physical world
The nature, 
The man made,
We talk about an imagined future,
But can’t you see?
The cycles of life and death cannot be broken
Pop stars that sing about fame,
The train that passes and travel into the capital,
Nature preserved live and breathe underneath the sky of the unknown,
A blanket of infinity,
The projection and dimensions of never ending space
But you appear floating to remind us
Our vulnerability
Our unbreakable cycles
Your magic that we will never quite understand
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vr-poetry · 7 years
It is not the 'I' that loves the 'you'; rather it is the 'it' the love itself that emerges in between two human beings, forming and transforming both, by creating a single unit that cannot be separated without tragedy, that is a kind of death.
Breaking Boundaries, 2015, Agnes Horvath, Bjorn Thomassen and Harald Wydra
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vr-poetry · 7 years
Everything seems brighter, even slightly illusory. Reality afterwards seems hidden underneath a thin film of appearance. Your perceptions seem to float over a darker, unknowable truth. The world vibrates with the finest of tensions as if something big were imminent, as if you were about to break through the film of illusion.
Michael Heim, 2000, p.52
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