voltie-witch · 4 months
Man, where do I start. It's been a little over a decade now and he's never missed a beat. He can be a little intense in his messaging for me, but clear and concise. For me he's never far. He may be the busiest god but he somehow manages to make time for a lot. I have a lot to learn from him still and he's such a wonderful diety that I'm glad is in my life in some measure. I sometimes carry a travel altar for him for long distances and say a small prayer to him for my commute.
He can be a lot of fun, and he gives me the impression that he's one of those gods that's closest to/more amenable to people. I keep an altar to him, on a wall shelf facing the main door.
Sometimes, when I'm in a financial bind, I find sudden funds I've hidden away or forgot about. Or, if I'm out and about, and someone asks me for directions, I am honoring him by helping them out. Or I'll lose something and i take it as him 'borrowing' it because i always find it in a place i swore i checked (like my glasses recently). It's a daily thing for me! He's an active presence in my life and his signs aren't hard to find or figure out. I love him, he's great.
people who worship or work with hermes!! tell me about what he's like :)
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voltie-witch · 1 year
so has anyone done one of those Barbie memes of Dionysos yet or
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voltie-witch · 1 year
i just think it's neat that odysseus gets put in a position where he has to kill his child to avoid going to war and he can't do it and then agamemnon gets put in a position where he has to kill his child to go to war and he does it
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voltie-witch · 1 year
dionysus big naturals
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voltie-witch · 1 year
Agree. I have never found having an altar as a pagan to be a "problem", this is why I stay the hell off of "witchtok" and tiktok at large. I get what he's saying and my gods are in every aspect of my life but having an alter isn't 'problematic'. A cursory read about ancient religions will give you specific information about how the gods were kept in households, in different cultures..
Specifically in hellenic practice they are called "household" gods. Whether or not you want to keep an altar is up to you and the kind of relationship that you have with your deities.
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voltie-witch · 1 year
New Age is a poisoned chalice.
MASSIVE CW for racism and genocide up ahead. So, New Age ultimately goes back to Theosophy, which was primarily founded by Helena Blavatsky. Here's a paragraph Blavatsky wrote herself in her own book The Secret Doctrine: Mankind is obviously divided into God-informed men and lower human creatures. The intellectual difference between the Âryan and other civilized nations and such savages as the South Sea Islanders, is inexplicable on any other grounds. No amount of culture, no generations of training amid civilization, could raise such human specimens as the Bushmen, the Veddhas of Ceylon, and some African tribes, to the same intellectual level as the Âryans, the Semites, and the Turanians so-called. The “Sacred Spark” is missing in them, and it is they who are the only inferior races on the Globe, now happily— owing to the wise adjustment of Nature which ever works in that direction—fast dying out. Verily mankind is “of one blood,” but not of the same essence . We are the hot-house, artificially quickened plants in Nature, having in us a spark, which in them is latent. This is the kind of sentiment the New Age movement came out of, and it's not any better today - New Agers are still simping for genocide, whether they're looking forward to people dying from climate change or eagerly awaiting the day Trump and his loyalists enact a second Holocaust. You don't have to dig very far at all to find videos and blogs expressing these very sentiments. New Agers, by the way, are the people pushing things like: -Soulmates and twin flames -The Law of Attraction/Law of Assumption/Manifestation -"Low vibrational frequency" vs. "high vibrational frequency" -Karmic debt -DNA upgrades/DNA activation/light code activation -Ascension to 5D -The existence of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu -Ancient aliens -Starseeds So yeah, watch out for this stuff (it's unfortunately all too common on witchblr and WitchTok), and be aware that though it might look harmless on the surface, it's all rotten underneath.
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voltie-witch · 2 years
Zeus is literally the coolest. While making my coffee this morning I got a sudden urge to make a cup for him too, which I interpreted as his request. The second that registered I felt his presence really strongly, and it sort of just kept popping up throughout the day.
Well. Turns out we had a tornado come through our town today. We had severe thunderstorms and rain too. It wasn’t expected at all and now I’m just sitting here quietly in awe at the coincidence.
Everyone is safe and nothing bad happened, and I just want everyone to know that Zeus is amazing and he is just the absolute best and I love him so much and am so happy that he’s with us ❤️❤️ I mean. I know a lot has been said already about how fatherly he feels but I really just can’t emphasise it enough.
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voltie-witch · 2 years
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voltie-witch · 2 years
The legacies people leave behind in you.
My handwriting is the same style as the teacher’s who I had when I was nine. I’m now twenty one and he’s been dead eight years but my i’s still curve the same way as his.
I watched the last season of a TV show recently but I started it with my friend in high school. We haven’t spoken in four years.
I make lentil soup through the recipe my gran gave me.
I curl my hair the way my best friend showed me.
I learned to love books because my father loved them first.
How terrifying, how excruciatingly painful to acknowledge this. That I am a jigsaw puzzle of everyone I have briefly known and loved. I carry them on with me even if I don’t know it. How beautiful.
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voltie-witch · 2 years
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Apprentices of the Occult
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 / @butteryplanet
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voltie-witch · 2 years
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voltie-witch · 2 years
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voltie-witch · 2 years
“To be eaten and to be married to the god might not be so different.”
— Till We Have Faces, C.S. Lewis.
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voltie-witch · 2 years
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Void cat but space, with moon for eyes~
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voltie-witch · 2 years
“But I need to feel beautiful and holy things around me, always: music, mystery cults, symbols, myths. I need it, and I refuse to give it up… . That’s my fatal flaw.”
— Hermann Hesse, Demian (via crimsonkismet)
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voltie-witch · 2 years
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man, I wish I had a cool little statue of Hestia for my altar, if only there were a FOUR DOLLAR PLAYMOBIL SET out there somewhere
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voltie-witch · 2 years
[grabs your shirt] listen. listen to me. the practical is holy. the everyday is sacred. the simple act of surviving is divine. do you get it? sanctity begins at home, in the hands that build and the lives we live and the deaths we die and the worms that eat our bodies. if making something by hand is not worthy of veneration then nothing is.
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