void-with-a-keyboard · 31 minutes
solar is actually completely happy and fine and is up in the afterlife with his sun n moon and they’re all kissing each other
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void-with-a-keyboard · 20 hours
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void-with-a-keyboard · 21 hours
lil silly thing inspired by something @paramountpetrichor said and i just. i had to draw it
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lil silly thing inspired by something @paramountpetrichor said and i just. i had to draw it
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Obviously taboo topics can and should be defended with the logic that just because you’re writing something dark doesn’t mean you condone or are into it, but I sometimes feel like those who are writing or drawing something for horny reasons are lesser or forgotten.
Its actually also fine to write/draw incest or noncon because it turns you on. It doesn’t just have to be for plot reasons, or obviously depicted as a negative thing. You’re allowed to have fetishes and kinks that are fucked up, and express them in the safe space that is fiction.
Fiction always has been and always will be a safe space to explore dark topics, for everyone.
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as per the requests i got on this post :3c
what do i tag this as cause its not explicitly celestialcest but also aint no way im touching the main tags lmao
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hey do you guys remember when like. brother/brother and sister/sister and brother/sister ships werent just normal, they were really common? parent/child ships werent as widespread as sibling ships but you still saw both of them a lot. like you used to see incest ships all the fucking time.
like you couldnt go five minutes on this hellsite without scrolling past wincest or thorki or any number of the dozens of popular hp incest ships. do people not remember the onecest takeover? the onecest dynasty? what about elsanna? what about all the fontcest that came out of the undertale fandom? mha fans loved shipping the entire todoroki family together. what about game of thrones just in general? the hitachiin twincest? literally everyone from osomatsu-san? usuk and all the other incest ships from hetalia? fucking HOMESTUCK?
it used to be that you couldnt throw a rock in ANY fandom without hitting a whole bunch of super popular incest ships. it was everywhere. it was NORMAL. because people didnt care about what anyone else liked in fiction, because everyone knew the difference between fantasy and reality. and its not like incest hasnt been one of the most popular porn categories all over the world for years.
now though, with the huge resurgence of evangelical puritanism in western fandom and the massive influx of alt-right christofascist antishippers, nothing is allowed to just be fiction any more. braindead little conservative assholes and bigots will scream and shit themselves over people shipping the elric brothers because fandom isnt allowed to be fun any more. antis will see someone talking about sebaciel and start spewing their disgusting rhetoric at everyone and being TERFS and wannabe cops until nobody wants to participate in fandom any more.
fandoms are dying and its antis fault
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yeah i saw! u jus gotta verify an all that then u can talk :3
also im the co creator of the server lol/lh
JOIN THE DISCORD NYOWWWWWWWWWW👺👺👹👹🤬👹👹👹👹🤬🤬👺👹😈👹👺👹🤬👹👹👹👹👹👹🤬🤬💦💦👹👹😭😫
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oh ur able to message from side blogs u can dm me for help if u need to
JOIN THE DISCORD NYOWWWWWWWWWW👺👺👹👹🤬👹👹👹👹🤬🤬👺👹😈👹👺👹🤬👹👹👹👹👹👹🤬🤬💦💦👹👹😭😫
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my celestialcest psionic warriors, please, hear me out:
New Moon x Old Moon. toxic selfcest yaoi. please someone get me gjagwgq
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just bc of that im going more in detail for how to make it angsty/j
had a whole conversation with some friends about it and how probably nobody would even be able to help bc they arent really aware that jack is like- ya know- sentient. so theyll just go "oh u must really like solar!" but that isnt it. and he knows that it isnt just admiration but he doesnt know how to put it into words and he doesnt even know wut attraction is so hes just entirely hopeless
thought of a small scenario where solar just keeps getting annoyed and frustrated with jack bc he "isnt doing his job" and just keeps going back to him and eventually solar snaps and asks why jack is so obsessed with him? y does he follow him around so much? does he just not care about his job? does he need to be reprogrammed?
jack just stumbles and cant even properly explain wuts wrong bc he cant put it into words- so he just isnt able to say anything and eventually solar just waves him off and tells him to go watch lunar bc thats wut hes meant to do
solar/jack is literally just if solar gave a shit about his child send post
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solar/jack is literally just if solar gave a shit about his child send post
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honestly i love being a proshipper. it's like breaking chains tying your limbs. you feel more free. you understand you shouldn't care for what other people ship, just ship and let ship. if you don't feel comfortable with the warnings the fanfiction show: you don't read. if someome has a ship deemed 'problematic' you DON'T HARASS. basically this image.
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if you're an anti, i'm really sorry for you.
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guys. guys listen.
if you wanna write and/or post a fanfic but are worried that no one will like it.
do not be worried. at all.
because even if no one else is interested, YOU are. you enjoy this idea. you're passionate about this concept. you should write for YOU, not for potential critics.
and even besides that, i guarantee you that there's at least 1 other person out there who would also enjoy your fic. it's essentially statistically impossible for you to be the only person on the planet who thinks the way you do, and enjoys the themes and ideas and characters and settings that you do.
write it. post it. take pride in the fact that you created something that you value. your fic exists, and that in of itself is amazing.
antis dni, this isn't about you or the graphic threats of harm you send to real people whom you dislike. get a real hobby.
proship/comship/profiction/etc. safe!
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curse u fandoms and shame and being scared to admit u ship something bc u dont want ppl to judge u or criticize and try to find a way to make it wrong then shun u for ever thinking of it
im gonna eat a fucking wall
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Hey I’m really sorry if this is weird and you can delete it if it is but I had a dream last night that you were like going through a divorce??? Like in real life??? (Idk if you’re even married in real life???) So all your cat drawings stopped being cute and fun and you started only posting like pics of sad little cats going “NO MORE LOVE!!” and “BROKEN-ASS MARRIAGE!!”
dreams to reality
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I like to imagine its that one-sided swag too tbh. Moon hates Ruin with every atom in his body and will constantly tell Ruin how lowly he thinks of him and Ruin is just like
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"[Audibly batting eyelashes] Oh, you old flirt, do say more <3"
I ALSO THINKAJAOAHDIF I think they've kissed several times but only because Moon forgets personal space is a thing and Ruin is unfortunately quite bold HEHAHAH
So while I don't think they'd ever be an actual couple (not now at least LOL), I do 100% believe Ruin is down bad and every threat Moon hurdles his way only makes him blush and giggle like a schoolgirl LMAO
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